11 research outputs found

    Selección de nuevas variedades de vid resistentes a enfermedades fúngicas, generadas mediante cruzamientos con Monastrell

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    La viticultura y la vinicultura han sido tradicionales desde la antigüedad en Murcia (España), siendo la vid un cultivo de gran importancia económica en esta zona. Sin embargo, las enfermedades causadas por hongos afectan gravemente al rendimiento, el coste y la calidad de la producción de la vid. Estas enfermedades se controlan en la actualidad mediante tratamientos con fungicidas, repetidos durante cada temporada de cultivo. La obtención de nuevas variedades resistentes de alta calidad reduce tanto el coste de producción de la vid como el riesgo ambiental. Basándonos únicamente en los datos de evaluación fenotípica, es poco factible conseguir la acumulación de genes de resistencia en una nueva línea mejorada. El uso de marcadores moleculares proporciona una nueva herramienta para los mejoradores y puede ayudar a superar este problema. En este trabajo, se presentan las actividades de investigación en el IMIDA orientadas a establecer una selección asistida por marcadores (MAS) para la resistencia a las enfermedades por hongos en la vid, mediante cruzamientos de 'Monastrell', una variedad de vinificación muy bien adaptada a las condiciones secas del clima mediterráneo, con plantas resistentes a enfermedades fúngicas.Los autores desean agradecer el apoyo financiero del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional y de la Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Región de Murcia. Este trabajo está financiado por el proyecto PO07‐37 cofinanciado al 80% por fondos FEDER

    Influence of rootstock on volatile compounds of <em>Vitis vinifera</em> L. cultivar Italia. Preliminary results

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    This note presents the study of levels of total volatile compounds and monoterpene levels of Italia grapes grafted onto eight rootstocks as well as yield, soluble solids, berry weight and cluster weight, in order to determine if there is any difference in the aromatic composition of the berries. This study has been performed during one year in an Italian vineyard in Murcia (Spain)

    Recovery of wine volatile compounds during the vinification

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    During the fermentation of grape sugars there is a formation of CO2, which escapes along with other volatile compounds being formed during the fermentation. To determine these lost main compounds, we placed an experimental system in a winery, which consisted in a cold trap connected to the exit of the fermentation tanks

    Effects of cluster thinning on anthocyanin extractability and chromatic parameters of Syrah and Tempranillo grapes and wines

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    Aims: The effects of cluster thinning on yield and extractability parameters of Syrah and Tempranillo grapes, as well as the chromatic characteristics of the wines obtained in three consecutive seasons. Methods and results: Grapes of Vitis vinifera L. var. Tempranillo and Syrah were harvested from a commercial vineyard in Jumilla. Two treatments were evaluated: (a) cluster thinned, where in every shoot all the clusters, except the basal one, were removed just before veraison; (b) unthinned control. Yield, physicochemical and extractability parameters were studied in the grapes. Vinifications were made from these grapes, and chromatic parameters were studied at the end of alcoholic fermentation. Results showed that cluster-thinned vines performed better than control vines during the three consecutive years of the experiment, although the best results were obtained in the driest year (2005). The Syrah variety always provided better results than the Tempranillo variety. The cluster-thinning treatment also influenced the chromatic characteristics of the wines obtained. Conclusions: The results showed that thinning successfully reduced yield and produced an earlier harvest in the two varieties studied. The grape quality improved and, in general, wines made from cluster-thinned vines of both Syrah and Tempranillo had significantly better chromatic characteristics than control wines. Significance and impact of the study: This study demonstrate that the practice of cluster-thinning may be recommended depending on several factors, as the varieties and the climatic conditions play also a role in the extractability parameters of grapes, and therefore its use cannot be generalized

    Study of different biogenic amines in wines from two protected designations of origin (PDOs) in Murcia (Spain) multivariate classification

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    Aims: Biogenic amines were determined in 109 wines from two wine-producing areas (Jumilla and Bullas PDOs) situated in the Murcia region (SE Spain). Methods and Results: Biogenic amines (histamine, ethylamine, tyramine, phenylethylamine, putrescine, tryptamine and cadaverine) were analysed by RP-HPLC with o-phthaldialdehyde precolumn derivatization and fluorescence detection. Histamine and putrescine were the most prevalent amines in Jumilla wines (49 and 48%, respectively), whereas tryptamine and putrescine were the most prevalent ones in Bullas wines (19 and 38%, respectively). Multivariate analyses were used to attempt a preliminary classification of wines according to production area. Conclusion: In general, wines from Jumilla PDO had a higher biogenic amine content than wines from Bullas PDO; however, all of them were safe from the health point of view. Significance and impact of the study: This study demonstrates that the Jumilla and Bullas wines studied are safe to drink and that geographical classification based on biogenic amine profiles is not possible with the analysed samples

    Effects of moderate irrigation on vegetative growth and productive parameters of Monastrell vines grown in semiarid conditions

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    Este estudio compara el crecimiento vegetativo y los parámetros productivos de vides Monastrell en secano y otras con dos tratamiento de riego. Para evaluar el efecto del riego en la planta, se midieron los potenciales hídricos al alba y al mediodía y los parámetros de intercambio gaseoso. Los potenciales hídricos fueron significativamente menores en plantas en secano, alcanzando valores que indican un fuerte estrés hídrico. La conductancia estomática decreció al avanzar la estación, especialmente en viñas en secano. El cierre estomático se tradujo en una fotosíntesis neta menor, lo que afectó al desarrollo vegetativo y al rendimiento. Las viñas en secano desarrollaron una masa foliar muy pequeña y un peso de poda muy bajo. Los resultados demuestran que la mejora del estado hídrico de las plantas condujo a producciones mayores y a un correcto balance entre el desarrollo vegetativo y productivo

    Effect of moderate irrigation on grape composition during ripening

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    The effect of moderate irrigation on berry composition during the ripening of Monastrell grapes and the quality of wines produced from these grapes in a very dry area of southeastern Spain have been studied. The results showed that irrigated grapes reached higher weights but this did not impair sugar accumulation. Titratable acidity and pH were only slightly affected by irrigation, titratable acidity was higher in only one year in the most irrigated grapes at the end of ripening, mainly due to a higher malic acid content. Anthocyanin content in must was slightly lower in irrigated grapes. The results of the sensory analysis of the wines showed that wines made from non irrigated grapes usually obtained the highest scores for quality and intensity of color and aroma although differences were small.Se ha estudiado, durante dos años, el efecto del riego moderado en la vid (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Monastrell, en zonas con un alto déficit hídrico, sobre la evolución de la composición fisico-química de las uvas durante su maduración y la calidad de los vinos obtenidos y los resultados se han comparado con uvas de vides no regadas. Las uvas de vides con un riego moderado alcanzaron pesos de baya más altos, pero el riego no produjo ningún retraso en la acumulación de azúcares en la baya. La acidez total y el pH se vieron poco afectados por el riego. La concentración de antocianos en el mosto fue ligeramente menor en las uvas de vides regadas y consecuentemente, el color de los vinos obtenidos se vio afectado por el riego. Los vinos del tratamiento en secano obtuvieron los resultados mejores en el análisis sensorial, aunque las diferencias fueron pequeñas

    Effect of deficit irrigation on anthocyanin content of Monastrell grapes and wines

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    The results showed that moderately irrigated vines produced berries with a higher anthocyanin content (expressed as mg/100 berries) than non-irrigated vines. These findings suggest that moderate levels of water doses may actually improve the physiological status of vines grown in very dry areas, resulting in higher yields and higher quality grapes. The higher yields were mainly related to larger berry size which led to a lower anthocyanin content when expressed as mg/kg, due to a dilution effect. This fact is also responsible for the lower anthocyanin content of the wines elaborated with grapes from irrigated vines although irrigation per se did not decrease the concentration of anthocyanins in grapes

    Changes in stream power and morphological adjustments at the event-scale and high spatial resolution along an ephemeral gravel-bed channel

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    Sediment budgets and morphological channel adjustments are closely related to changes in stream power. In ephemeral channels, whose geomorphic response depends on the magnitude and frequency of hydrological events isolated in time, such relationships are often difficult to establish. This study sought to quantitatively relate morphological adjustments to stream power along different reference channel reaches for the period 2018–2020 in the Azohía Rambla, a Mediterranean gravel-bed ephemeral stream in southeastern Spain. Very high resolution digital terrain models (VHR DTM) (at 1 to 2.5 cm pixel size), combined with ortophotographs and 3D point clouds, generated via SfM photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) for pre- and post-event stages, together with ground-based surveys were used to estimate the spatial variability of morphological sediment budgets and to assess channel bed mobility and changes in net sediment flux during the study period in two spatial scenarios: reference channel reaches (RCRs) and pilot bed survey areas (PBSAs). The hydraulic variables (flow velocity, Froude number, shear stress, mean stream power and energy gradient, among other) were estimated using a 1D hydrodynamic model calibrated with field information. The high resolution maps allowed a spatially-explicit analysis of stream power and transport efficiency in accordance with the areas of erosion and deposition in each RCR. The incision and bed armoring processes showed different trends according to the stream power (ω), cumulative excess energy (εc), and relative bed stability (RBS). The greatest morphological adjustments at the event scale coincided with ω values above 300 W m−2, εc higher than 3 MJ, and RBS below 0.5. The relationships between the mean stream power gradient at peak flood discharges and the changes in bed elevation verified the bed aggradation (an average surface raising of 0.17 to 0.22 m for δω/δs of −6.2 to −14.5 W m−2 m−1) during the major flood and bed scour (average surface lowering of 0.16 to 0.19 m for δω/δs of 5.8to 10.6 W m−2 m−1) in the moderated events at the bankfull and sub-bankfull stages. Furthermore, this study contributes new relevant data to the scarce existing literature on the relationships between stream power and morphosedimentary adjustments in a fluvial system highly sensitive and resilient to climate change, as is the case of ephemeral gravel-bed channels.This work has been financed by ERDF/Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - State Research Agency (AEI)/Project CGL2017-84625-C2-1-R (CCAMICEM); State Program for Research, Development and Innovation focused on the Challenges of Society, and by the University of Alicante (Project GRE18-15)