1,546 research outputs found

    Social overview of smartphone use by teenagers

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    Information and Communication Technologies have led to a new way of life and, in particular, of socialization. The objective of this study is to analyse the image social media disseminate of news taken from digital newspapers, based on the opportunities and drawbacks attributed to smartphone use by teenagers. An essentially qualitative methodology was used, on a sample of 1704 news items published in digital newspapers. The results and conclusions show that smartphone use by teenagers improves development of their digital competence, presents new academic opportunities (through gamification or mobile learning) and provides them with digital tools for school and leisure. The widespread drawbacks reflect the effects of the device on the deterioration of health (dependence, stress, psychosocial problems) and emotions, thereby succinctly affecting academic performance. A noticeable increase of positive news about smartphones was published in the major newspapers in December, while that on its negative effects, in September.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. FPU16/0085

    Las app educativas para la orientación educativa con el alumnado de la ESO

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    Las aplicaciones digitales (App) tienen un gran peso dentro de la actual transformación tecnológica. Las instituciones educativas no han permanecido al margen de ello, y cada vez son más las que optan por incluirlas en su trabajo diario. Teniendo presente el interés que suscita la revolución tecnológica en la sociedad, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para descubrir las posibilidades que presentan las App educativas en el campo de la Orientación Educativa con el alumnado de la ESO. La investigación se encuadra en el enfoque cualitativo, y se ha realizado un estudio etnográfico-virtual. Como resultados cabe resaltar la satisfacción que manifiestan las personas destinatarias a través del uso de las aplicaciones

    La gamificación en el entorno socioeducativo

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    Con el advenimiento de la sociedad del conocimiento se han originado nuevos desafíos para el sistema educativo, los cuales deben ser resueltos mediante estrategias específicas, uno de los más relevantes es la capacitación del alumnado respecto al uso de los nuevos recursos digitales que han surgido. El objetivo de esta investigación es revelar las fortalezas de la gamificación respecto al alumnado adolescente y definir qué estrategias socioeducativas pueden desarrollarse a partir de la misma. Se ha utilizado una metodología cualitativa realizando una revisión bibliográfica focalizada en la literatura académica de los últimos tres años en torno a la gamificación en educación y, en particular, centrándose en su aplicación sobre población adolescente. Las conclusiones ponen de manifiesto las fortalezas de la gamificación; los estudios, han enfatizado en torno a un conjunto de beneficios que la gamificación aporta al proceso educativo

    Teachers’ perceptions and position regarding the problem of bullying and its socio-educational prevention

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    The problems that arise with coexistence between schoolchildren are a challenge when it comes to carrying out the teaching–learning process. In recent years, the presence of bullying has increased in schools. The aim of this study is to identify the perceptions of teachers regarding the problems of coexistence among schoolchildren, more specifically concerning bullying, as well as to identify their position regarding the prevention of bullying. Research was carried out using a mixed approach. A total of 225 education professionals from different schools in Spain took part. From the results and our conclusions, it should be noted that teachers consider themselves to have a high level of knowledge of the essential characteristics of the dynamics of bullying, of the actors involved, and of some preventive measures that can be carried out to avoid this type of behaviour as much as possible. On the other hand, a large number of teachers downplay the importance of the problem of coexistence in their fields, and/or are not able to identify it, which makes it impossible to act. Some schools hardly carry out any prevention work, which makes it difficult to eradicate bullying

    Nova colònia de gavina corsa ("Larus audouinii" Payr.) a l'estat espanyol

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    In this article a new colony of Adouin's Gull on the Catalan coast (NE Spain) is described. This is the only known colony in the continent and in a sandy beach. The breeding site, founded in 1981, is located in a flat zone almost without vegetation. The nests are placed mainly over small dunes, covered by a mosaic of psammophi- Ilus communities of dune and back of the dune. This vegetation belongs to the Ammophiletum Mediterraneum and Crucianelletum maritimum communities, with some scattered shrubs of Arthrocnemum fruticosum in the lower places. The colony is composed by at least 36 pairs and is placed in one of the ends of a Herring Gull colony. The mean sizes of 6 eggs are: 63.56x44.53 mm, and the mean sizes of 4 nests are: outer diameter: 25.50 cm; inner diameter: 15.25 cm. This site is also an important place for the post-nuptial moult of the Audouin's Gull. In that same place we have verified the breeding of 200 couples in May 1982, which means a considerable increase as well as a consolidation of the colony

    Resum de les activitats del Grup Català d'Anellament (1975-1977)

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    The present communication gives information about the initiation of the organised bird-ringing in Catalonia, which began with the union of two groups which, together with some independent ringers, constituted the actual «Grup Catala d'Anellament». There is a commentary on the most important ringing campaigns performed during the years 1975-1977: those of migrant passerines, wintering and mountain birds, white storks, colonial birds (gulls, terns, waders, herons) and bee-eaters mainly. There is, too, a quantitative and qualitative systematic list of all the ringed birds from 1975 to 1977, being on the whole 12.167; and also a short commentary about the controls, our recuperations and those of other ringers of whole Europe. Of special interest is the publicitary campaign organised to inform about our ringing activities, and thus obtain a greater number of recuperations

    Mathematical modelling of kidney disease stages in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus II

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    [EN] The direct costs associated with diabetes mellitus represent 8% of total healthcare expenditure in Spain, amounting to around 6 billion euros per year [1]. The overall prevalence of diabetes in people over 18 years of age (adjusted for age and sex) is estimated at 13.8% in 2010 [2], with type 2 (T2DM) being the most common type of diabetes, accounting for 85-95% of all diabetes cases in high-income countries [3]. T2DM is associated with multiple diseases such as chronic kidney disease [4], retinopathy, pyelonephritis, heart attack or stroke [5]. It is estimated that 35% of patients with T2DM develop diabetic kidney disease [6]. Treatment of end-stage renal disease requires expensive treatments such as haemodialysis and kidney transplantation. The objective of this study is to evaluate in patients with T2DM the degree of renal damage and the risk of suffering complications according to their socio-demographic, clinical and morbidity characteristics and to obtain the weight of the variables that have most influence.Escobar Carrera, X.; González-De Julián, S.; Barrachina Martínez, I. (2021). Mathematical modelling of kidney disease stages in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus II. Universitat Politècnica de València. 96-100. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1905669610

    Resum de les activitats del Grup Català d'Anellament (1978-1979)

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    This summary is a continuation of the first publication of the «Grup Catala d'Anellament», which appears in this Bulletin too, and refers to years 1978-1979. The variations that have taken place in the ringing campaings of the last years are briefly commented. A list of our most interesting recoveries, controls and selfcontrols, posteriors to the precedent summary is included, as well as a list of species in systematic order, together with the total ringed birds of each one, and the total of the period 1975-1979 which is of 21.986 birds

    Possibilities and controversies of the App in the communication and guidance of secondary education

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    Las App han adquirido un gran protagonismo y las instituciones educativas no pueden permanecer al margen. A su vez las pantallas táctiles, como el smartphone y la tableta, son cada vez más habituales en el entorno familiar, social, escolar y laboral. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es descubrir los beneficios y controversias que presentan las App para facilitar la comunicación y la orientación educativa al alumnado de educación secundaria. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativo y se aborda desde un enfoque e-tnográfico-narrativo participando a través de foros de discusión: el profesorado, el alumnado y las familias. Como resultados y conclusiones hay que resaltar las posibilidades de las App para cuestiones organizativas, el desarrollo de la comunicación e interacción del profesorado con la familia (para las convocatorias, registro de reuniones o comunicación sobre el rendimiento académico); así como para la búsqueda y depósito de contenidos. Las principales problemáticas se vinculan con los aspectos técnicos.Apps have acquired a great prominence and educational institutions cannot ignore it. At the same time, touch screens, such as smartphones and tablets, are increasingly present in the family, social, scholar and work environment. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to discover the benefits and controversies presented by the Apps to facilitate communication and educational guidance among secondary school students. This research is framed within the qualitative methodology, and it is tackled from an e-tnographic and narrative approach, in which have participated through discussion forums: teachers, students and families. As results and conclusions, we must highlight the possibilities of the Apps, in order to develop organizational issues, establish communication between teachers and family (for the call and registration of meetings or communication about the academic performance), as well as for the search and deposit of contents. The main problems are related to technical aspects

    Avaluació d'infermeria. Instruments per a l'atenció integral?

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    Màster en Administració i Gestió en Cures d'Infermeria, Escola Universitarias Santa Madrona, Universitat de Barcelona. Any: 1992 Director: Luz Mayordomo ChecaEl model assistencial definit per la normativa reguladora del Sistema Nacional de Salut de l'Estat Espanyol, implica que s'ha de prestar a l'usuari una atenció individualitzada integral, integrada i de qualitat, mitjançant métodes de treball en equip i amb l'oportuna connexió entre nivells assistencials. Pel que fa a l'apartat de connexió entre nivells, veiem que actualment s'han desenvolupat diverses fòrmules per assolir-ho, unes d'elles d'aspecte científico-tecniques, dirigides a lograr l'estandarització de procesos assistencials, intercanvis de coneixements entre els professionals de l'àmbit hospitalari i d'atenció primària, i unificar criteris d'actuació, etc,... però que en l'aspecte de l'atenció individual de cadascun dels usuaris, la informació que circula actualment és sols referida a l'activitat mèdica, restant pendent un punt tan important per a la prestació d'una atenció integral, com són les atencions d'infermeria. El problema que se'ns plantejava era trobar un instrument..