32 research outputs found

    Clinical justification of dental radiology in adult patients : a review of the literature

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    Although the radiological doses used by dentists are low individually, patients are often exposured to many repeat dental radiographic examinations. The ?routine? use of dental radiography, such as screening of all patients using dental panoramic radiography (DPRs) or a random decision to take a dental radiograph, will inevitable lead to unnecessary patient exposure. The use of Radiographic Referral Criteria has now become a legal requirement for all practitioners following the adoption of European Legislation. All exposures to x-rays should be clinically justified and each exposure should be expected to give the patient a positive net benefit. Recently the European Commission has published guidelines (1) on radiation protection in dental radiology. Guidelines have previously been available in a number of European countries (2,3) and also within the United States (4,5). At the present time, no specific guidelines have been published within Spain. The aim of this review article is to provide the Spanish dentist with guidance as to the appropriateness of different radiographic techniques for a variety of clinical conditions and also the frequency with which they should be taken. It is hoped that this document will act as a useful work tool in daily dental practice

    Properties of polyetheretheretherketone (PEEK) implant abutments : a systematic review

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    The main objective of the present systematic review is to know the mechanical and functional properties of PEEK (polyetheretheretherketone) abutment and to find out if it is a potential substitute for titanium abutments. An electronic search was conduct

    Influence of operator?s professional experience in the postoperative course after surgical extrac-tion of the impacted lower third molar : a pilot study

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    Third molars are present in 96.6% of humans, although they do not always erupt completely. Between 9.5% and 73% of them remain impacted. Surgical removal of impacted third molars is the most common practice in oral and maxillofacial surgery. This procedure results in traumatism and, consequently, the postoperative phase will involve symptomatology. It is uncommon to find studies that directly relate postoperative symptomatology and the operator?s experience. The aim of this study was to determine the differences regarding postoperative symp-tomatology in patients undergoing the bilateral extraction of lower impacted third molars and according to the operator?s experience. A prospective cohort double-blind study was conducted in 50 healthy patients (100 molar extractions) to whom both lower third molars were removed by two dentists with different degree of professional experience. The extractions were randomly assigned with a split?mouth design. If an operator extracted the lower third molar on one side, the other operator extracted the contralateral one. The variables studied after four days of postoperative period were Pain (EVA scale), Inflammation and Trismus, in addition to intraoperative time and local anesthesia administered. Statistically significant differences were detected in the time of intervention and in trismus, since the most experienced operator always needed less time and caused higher degree of trismus. However, this does not entail more inflammation or pain in patients, so there are no relevant differences between operators with more or less experience (p>0.05). The postoperative period is more favorable for the most experienced operator, although the results do not vary in a relevant manner between them

    Attitude towards oral biopsy among general dentists in Murcia

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    Objective: The present study explores the attitude of general dentists towards oral biopsy as a diagnostic method in application to oral lesions. Material and methods: A questionnaire was administered by mail to 520 general dentists in the Autonomous Community of Murcia (Spain), addressing a number of items: sociodemographic parameters, years of professional experience, the diagnosis of mucosal lesions, the performance of oral biopsies, and their histopathological evaluation. Results: The global response rate was 32.7% (55.9% for males and 43.5% for females), with a global mean age of 35.9 years. Of note is the fact that the group with least professional experience did not include oral biopsy as diagnostic procedure, with statistically significant differences versus the other groups of experience (p=0.048) Conclusion: The assimilation of oral biopsy as a diagnostic procedure is seen to increase with the number of years of professional experience

    Effects of Fluoride and Calcium Phosphate-Based Varnishes in Children at High Risk of Tooth Decay: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the application of two varnishes—MI Varnish (5% sodium fluoride with CPP-ACP) and Clinpro White Varnish (5% sodium fluoride with fTCP)—applied every three months in children with high caries risk for 12 months on plaque indexes, salivary pH, salivary lactic acid and chemical elements concentrations. Methods: We included 58 children aged 4–12 years, assigned to control (placebo), Clinpro and MI groups. Baseline and three-month saliva samples were taken. We assessed changes in pH, lactic acid concentrations and chemical elements in saliva. Results: At 12 months, all groups showed a nonsignificant increase in pH levels and a reduction in lactic acid, which was greatest in the placebo group. There was a significant reduction in 24Mg (p = <0.001), 31P (p = 0.033) and 66Zn (p = 0.005) levels in the placebo group (p ≤ 0.05), but not in the other elements studied: 23Na, 27Al, 39K, 44Ca, 52Cr, 55Mn, 57Fe, 59Co, 63Cu, 75As, 111Cd, 137Ba, 208Pb and 19F. Conclusions: Neither pH, lactic acid concentrations or most salivary chemical elements were useful in defining patients at high risk of caries or in monitoring the effect of MI Varnish and Clinpro White Varnish after three-month application for 12 months. However, the appearance of new cavities was stopped, and the hygiene index improved, probably due to hygienic and dietary measures and the use of fluoridated toothpaste. Trial registration: ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN13681286

    Realización de un plan de acción tutorial en odontología en la Universidad de Murcia. Póster

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    [SPA]El objetivo General fue realizar un Plan Acción Tutorial sobre los modelos de tutorías integrales y procedimientos de acogida e integración del estudiante en la clínica odontológica universitaria del Hospital Morales Meseguer. Se desarrollo plan acción tutorial dentro convocatoria para el desarrollo de experiencias de innovación educativa en el contexto de la convergencia europea para el curso 2008- 2009. La puesta en marcha del plan de acción tutorial ha requerido de las siguientes fases: 1.Sistema de Recogida de información 2.Sistema coordinación del grupo de profesores tutores y seguimiento 3. Asignación de alumnos por tutor 4.Desarrollo de las sesiones individual y grupal. Se estableció un grupo de tutores (alumnos y profesores) que trabajaron conjuntamente, asignándoseles y estableciéndose un plan de trabajo global y flexible para todo el curso. La tasa de participación fue 64%. De forma general, podemos afirmar que la experiencia ha sido positiva tanto para el coordinador, profesorado y alumnado. [ENG]The purpose of this project was to develop an Tutorial Action Plan in the university of Murcia in dentistry Hospital Morales Meseguer. Tutorial action plan was developed within call for the development of innovative educational experiences in the context of European convergence for 2008- 2009. The implementation of action plan has required the tutorial following phases: 1.Information 2.Coordination and monitoring tutors 3. Assignment of students per tutor 4. Develop of sessions with groups of students. A group of tutors worked together, assigning and establishing a work plan for the entire course. The participation rate was 64% .The results from this project by general we can say that the experience has been positive.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    La concentración de fluoruro en las aguas consumidas en la Región de Murcia no es suficiente para prevenir la caries dental

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    Introduction: Dental caries remains the most frequent chronic disease in childhood and is considered a public health problem. Fluoride has proven effectiveness in the prevention of caries and drinking water is the main source of fluoride intake. The objective of this study was to determine fluoride concentrations in tap water from 10 areas and in 10 bottled waters sold in the Region of Murcia.Materials and Methods: The concentration of fluoride in water was determined using a fluoride ion-selective electrode with a direct technique previously calibrated with standard fluoride concentrations prepared with TISAB II.Results: In tap water, fluoride concentrations from 0.09 to 0.18 mgF/L (ppm) were detected; in bottled waters the concentration of fluoride varied from 0.04 to 0.50 ppm.Conclusion: Fluoride is present in the water consumed in the Region of Murcia but in concentrations that do not prevent dental caries. Fluoride supplements should be prescribed in children at high risk of caries, and for this, all external sources of fluoride intake, including water, must be accounted for.Introducción: La caries sigue siendo la enfermedad crónica más frecuente en el niño y es considerada un problema de salud pública. El flúor es la principal medida protectora contra la caries dental y el agua de consumo es la principal fuente de ingesta de flúor.Objetivo: El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue calcular la concentración de ión fluoruro en el agua de abastecimiento de 10 zonas y en 10 aguas embotelladas comercializadas en la Región de Murcia.Material y Métodos: La concentración de fluoruro en las aguas se determinó con un electrodo ion–selectivo para flúor previamente calibrado con patrones de fluoruro preparados con TISAB II.Resultados: En el agua de abastecimiento, se detectaron concentraciones de fluoruro entre 0.09 y0.18 mgF/L (ppm) en las aguas embotelladas la concentración de fluoruro varió desde 0.04 a 0.50 ppm.Conclusiones: El fluoruro está presente en aguas consumidas en la Región de Murcia pero enconcentraciones que no alcanzan niveles preventivos para la caries dental. Es necesario prescribir suplementos de flúor en niños con alto riesgo de caries y para ello se deben contabilizar todas las fuentes externas de flúor, incluido el agua

    Tres semanas de docencia virtual en la Universidad de Murcia (I): Experiencias en Medicina y Odontología

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    Presentamos un resumen de las actividades que algunos de los profesores de la Facultad de Medicina de Murcia han llevado a cabo durante las 3 semanas previas a las vacaciones de primavera. Durante este tiempo, debido a la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19, la docencia presencial tuvo que ser sustituída por actividades en línea o virtuales, a causa de la implantación del estado de alarma en España que motivó el cierre completo de las Universidades desde el 13 de marzo de 2020. Las experiencias son de Traumatología, Matemáticas, Medicina Legal, Medicina del Sistema Cardiovascular, Periodoncia y Odontología Preventiva y Comunitaria

    Spanish Dentists’ Awareness, Knowledge, and Practice Regarding COVID-19: A Multiple Regression Analysis

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    The authors thank the Spanish Society of Epidemiology and Oral Public Health (SESPO) for expert supervision of the questionnaire; the Spanish General Council of Dentists (GCD) and the Spanish societies of dental hygienists for their rapid dissemination of the survey to their members.Introduction: During the first months of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Spain had the highest mortality rate and the second-highest infection rate in the world. Objective: To analyze the occupational situation of dentists, hygienists, and dental auxiliary staff during the peak of the pandemic, after the state of alarm was declared in Spain, and when the state of alarm was declared. In addition, a possible relationship between the geographical distribution of infected people and the availability of individual protection systems was investigated. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire was answered by 6470 dentists and dental staff via WhatsApp and social media. Results: A total of 1 in 4 dental professionals ceased working completely. Of those that kept working, 25.28% of dentists and 19.61% of hygienist-auxiliary were equipped with filtering face piece (FFP) 2 masks (P < .05), and 61.8% complied with the official protection recommendations set by the General Council of Dentists of Spain. Nearly 59.4% of respondents had symptoms, but only 1.5% of dentists were tested, with 14% of dentists in isolation at the time of response. Overall, it is suggested that 10% of dental professionals may have been in direct contact with the coronavirus. Conclusions: Direct contact of Spanish dental health professionals with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease 2 (SARS CoV-2) has been high during the most active phase of the pandemic. Dental professionals did not have personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to care for patients, a situation that justified the reduction in scheduled dental care and only emergencies being treated. The Spanish geographical regions with the highest number of contagions had the least amount of individual protective resources (FFP2 and FFP3masks)