22 research outputs found

    Inscription of in-fibre photonic devices by an infrared femtosecond laser

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    In this work, a point by point method for the inscription of fibre Bragg gratings using a tightly focused infrared femtosecond laser is implemented for the first time. Fibre Bragg gratings are wavelength-selective, retro-reflectors which have become a key component in optical communications as well as offering great potential as a sensing tool. Standard methods of fabrication are based on UV inscription in fibre with a photosensitive core. Despite the high quality of the gratings, a number of disadvantages are associated with UV inscription, in particular, the requirements of a photosensitive fibre, the low thermal stability and the need to remove the protective coating prior to inscription. By combining the great flexibility offered by the point by point method with the advantages inherent to inscription by an infrared femtosecond laser, the previous disadvantages are overcome. The method here introduced, allows a fast inscription process at a rate of ~1mm/s, gratings of lengths between 1cm and 2cm exhibiting reflections in excess of 99%. Physical dimensions of these gratings differ significantly from those inscribed by other methods, in this case the grating is confined to a fraction of the cross section of the core, leading to strong and controllable birefringence and polarisation dependent loss. Finally, an investigation of the potential for their exploitation towards novel applications is carried out, devices such as directional bend sensors inscribed in single-mode fibre, superimposed but non-overlapping gratings, and single-mode, single-polarisation fibre lasers, were designed, fabricated and characterised based on point by point femtosecond inscription

    Thermal properties of fibre Bragg gratings inscribed point-by-point by infrared femtosecond laser

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    Direct, point-by-point inscription of fibre Bragg gratings by an infrared femtosecond laser has been reported recently. Response of these gratings to annealing at temperatures in the range 500 to 1050°C is studied for the first time. Gratings inscribed by infrared femtosecond lasers were thermally stable at temperatures up to 900°C, representing a significant improvement in comparison with the 'common', UV-inscribed, gratings. Annealing at temperatures up to 700°C increased grating reflectivity. © IEE 2005

    Femtosecond inscription of superimposed, non-overlapping fibre Bragg gratings

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    A method for direct inscription of fibre Bragg gratings laterally separated by inscription in separate segments of the fibre core is demonstrated for the first time

    In-fiber microchannel device filled with a carbon nanotube dispersion for passive mode-lock lasing

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    Fueled by their high third-order nonlinearity and nonlinear saturable absorption, carbon nanotubes (CNT) are expected to become an integral part of next-generation photonic devices such as all-optical switches and passive mode-locked lasers. However, in order to fulfill this expectation it is necessary to identify a suitable platform that allows the efficient use of the optical properties of CNT. In this paper, we propose and implement a novel device consisting of an optofluidic device filled with a dispersion of CNT. By fabricating a microchannel through the core of a conventional fiber and filling it with a homogeneous solution of CNTs on Dimethylformamide (DMF), a compact, all-fiber saturable absorber is realized. The fabrication of the micro-fluidic channel is a two-step process that involves femtosecond laser micro-fabrication and chemical etching of the laser-modified regions. All-fiber high-energy, passive mode-locked lasing is demonstrated with an output power of 13.5 dBm. The key characteristics of the device are compactness and robustness against optical, mechanical and thermal damage

    Las asignaturas de ciencias en las pruebas de acceso a la universidad: perspectiva de género

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe analizan los resultados, desde el enfoque de género, de las pruebas de acceso a la universidad de los bachilleratos de ciencias, en Almería, durante el período 2005-2010. Concretamente, una muestra de 17.797 alumnos (8.531 chicos y 9.326 chicas). Las variables analizadas son: ratio de presentados, porcentaje de aprobados, calificaciones medias, decisión vocacional y distribución de las calificaciones según asignaturas. Los datos procesados analíticamente, permiten establecer comparaciones cualitativas entre ambos grupos, mostrándose las diferencias y contrastando resultados con la tendencia nacional. Se observa que, el porcentaje de aprobados y en las calificaciones medias, son favorables a los varones, aunque muy cerca de sus compañeras. Del estudio comparativo entre asignaturas se evidencian algunas descoordinaciones entre la formulación de la prueba de acceso a la universidad y la preparación para la misma desde el bachillerato. Gracias a este tipo de estudios es posible actuar en la mejora de programas educativos, tanto en igualdad de género como sobre las asignaturas que se alejan de la media del conjunto.ES

    Highly birefringent long period gratings fabricated with femtosecond laser

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    Long Period Gratings (LPG) in standard fiber have been manufactured with a sharply focused near infrared (NIR) femtosecond laser beam. Polarization splitting of the attenuation bands is strongly dependent upon the inscription power

    Bending characteristics of fiber long-period gratings with cladding index modified by femtosecond laser

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    A femtosecond laser has been used to asymmetrically modify the cladding of fiber containing long-period gratings. Following modification, devices in single-mode fiber are shown to be capable of sensing the magnitude and direction of bending in one plane by producing blue and red wavelength shifts depending upon the orientation of the bend. The resulting curvature sensitivities were -1.62 and +3.82 nm·m. Devices have also been produced using an elliptical core fiber to study the effects of the cladding modification on the two polarization eigenstates. A cladding modification applied on the fast axis of the fiber is shown to affect the light in the fast axis much more significantly than the light in the orthogonal state; this behavior may ultimately lead to a sensor capable of detecting the direction of bending in two dimensions for applications in shape sensing. © 2006 IEEE

    A long period grating directional bend sensor incorporating index modification of the cladding

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    Long period gratings written into a standard optical fibre were modified by a femtosecond laser, which produced an asymmetric change to the cladding's refractive index resulting in a directional bend sensor

    Micro-fabrication of advanced photonic devices by means of direct point-by-point femtosecond inscription in silica

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    We present recent results on experimental micro-fabrication and numerical modeling of advanced photonic devices by means of direct writing by femtosecond laser. Transverse inscription geometry was routinely used to inscribe and modify photonic devices based on waveguiding structures. Typically, standard commercially available fibers were used as a template with a pre-fabricated waveguide. Using a direct, point-by-point inscription by infrared femtosecond laser, a range of fiber-based photonic devices was fabricated including Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) and Long Period Gratings (LPG). Waveguides with a core of a couple of microns, periodic structures, and couplers have been also fabricated in planar geometry using the same method

    Photon-pair generation with a 100 nm thick carbon nanotube film

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    Nonlinear optics based on bulk materials is the current technique of choice for quantum-state generation and information processing. Scaling of nonlinear optical quantum devices is of significant interest to enable quantum devices with high performance. However, it is challenging to scale the nonlinear optical devices down to the nanoscale dimension due to relatively small nonlinear optical response of traditional bulk materials. Here, correlated photon pairs are generated in the nanometer scale using a nonlinear optical device for the first time. The approach uses spontaneous four-wave mixing in a carbon nanotube film with extremely large Kerr-nonlinearity (≈100 000 times larger than that of the widely used silica), which is achieved through careful control of the tube diameter during the carbon nanotube growth. Photon pairs with a coincidence to accidental ratio of 18 at the telecom wavelength of 1.5 μm are generated at room temperature in a ≈100 nm thick carbon nanotube film device, i.e., 1000 times thinner than the smallest existing devices. These results are promising for future integrated nonlinear quantum devices (e.g., quantum emission and processing devices)