621 research outputs found

    Input cost, capacity utilization and substitution in the short run

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    This article studies the behavior of input cost shares in an environment where labor is costly to adjust, materials can be adjusted at no cost and capital is fixed. A model relating cost shares with relative prices and adjustment costs is proposed, allowing joint estimation of the elasticity of substitution and the adjustment cost function, which is an unknown function of the utilization capacity. Based on a panel of more than 700 manufacturing firms, we find evidence of strong input share variations according to the degree of capacity utilization. The estimated shapes of adjustment costs curves of labor are in agreement with our theoretical model, and we obtain sensible elasticities of substitution estimates. Based on such estimates, we find evidence of a negative (positive) bias in downturns (recoveries) in conventional productivity growth measures

    Entry, exit and productivity growth: Spanish manufacturing during the eighties

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    ©The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comThis paper analyses the role played by both competitive pressure (increasing imports) and the restructuring of industries through entry and exit in productivity growth of Spanish manufacturing during the eighties, the key period of its accession to the EEC economy. A GMM panel estimation of the determinants of corrected Solow residual for 75 manufacturing during 1979–1990, shows that these forces accounted for 80% of productivity growth, playing an important role the displacement of inefficient firms by competitive entry.Publicad

    Innovaciones organizativas y productividad: el caso del outsourcing internacional

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    La evolución reciente del comercio internacional se ha caracterizado, entre otros factores, por un creciente aprovisionamiento de inputs intermedios en los mercados internacionales. En este artículo se analizan estas decisiones empresariales a través de la comparación de las características de tamaño, productividad, edad, intensidad de capital, composición de la mano de obra, esfuerzo innovador, costes, participación de capital extranjero, entre las empresas que hacen outsourcing internacional y las que no lo hacen. Para organizar el análisis empírico se toma como referencia el modelo de Antràs y Helpman (2004) que predice que las empresas con mayor productividad se autoseleccionan al tomar la decisión de realizar outsourcing internacional. El artículo ofrece evidencia empírica que confirma esta predicción a partir de una muestra de empresas industriales españolas de la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales

    An approach to visual cortex operation: optical neuron model

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    Several works have been published in the last years concerning the modelling and implementation of the visual cortex operation. Most of them present simple neurons with just two different responses, namely inhibitory and excitatory. Some of the different types of visual cortex cells are simulated in these configurations

    Analysis of large-scale digital optical neural networks by Feynman diagrams

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    A new method to study large scale neural networks is presented in this paper. The basis is the use of Feynman- like diagrams. These diagrams allow the analysis of collective and cooperative phenomena with a similar methodology to the employed in the Many Body Problem. The proposed method is applied to a very simple structure composed by an string of neurons with interaction among them. It is shown that a new behavior appears at the end of the row. This behavior is different to the initial dynamics of a single cell. When a feedback is present, as in the case of the hippocampus, this situation becomes more complex with a whole set of new frequencies, different from the proper frequencies of the individual neurons. Application to an optical neural network is reported

    Logic cells as basic structures to add/drop WDM information signals

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    Nowadays, in order to take advantage of fiber optic bandwidth, any optical communications system tends to be WDM. The way to extract a channel, characterized by a wavelength, from the optical fiber is to filter the specific wavelength. This gives the systems a low degree of freedom due to the fact of the static character of most of the employed devices. In this paper we will present a different way to extract channels from an optical fiber with WDM transmission. The employed method is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cells (OPLC) previously published by us, for other applications as a chaotic generator or as basic element for optical computing. In this paper we will describe the configuration of the OPLC to be employed as a dropping device. It acts as a filter because it will extract the data carried by a concrete wavelength. It does depend, internally, on the wavelength. We will show how the intensity of the signal is able to select the chosen information from the line. It will be also demonstrated that a new idea of redundant information it is the way of selecting the concrete wavelength. As a matter of fact this idea is apparently the only way to use the OPLC as a dropping device. Moreover, based on these concepts, a similar way to route signals to different routes is reported. The basis is the use of photonic switching configurations, namely Batcher or Bayan structures, where the unit switching cells are the above indicated OPLCs

    Algunas consideraciones sobre la formación de titulados en tecnologías emergentes

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    Uno de los problemas más cruciales que se presenta en cualquier país cuando se pretende realizar una planificación más o menos ajustada a los objetivos que se desean alcanzar, es el de adecuar el número de profesionales en una determinada tecnología a las necesidades reales que en cada momento puedan presentarse. Este hecho, que ha llegado a tener repercusiones de carácter casi histórico en épocas pasadas, cuando se registraron saltos bruscos de un tipo de sociedad a otra, se está produciendo hoy de manera casi continua en la mayor parte de los países, tanto desarrollados como en vías de desarrollo como se verá en el presente artículo, las crisis de exceso de un tipo de profesionales en unas áreas y las de escasez de otras, está siendo un hecho habitual tanto en empresas, sean del tamaño que sean, como en entornos académicos e incluso en países y el bloques socioeconómicos como un todo

    Digital chaos analysis in optical logic structures

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    Digital chaotic behavior in an optically processing element is analyzed. It was obtained as the result of processing two fixed trains of bits. The process is performed with an optically programmable logic gate. Possible outputs, for some specific conditions of the circuit, are given. Digital chaotic behavior is obtained, by using a feedback configuration. Different ways to analyze a digital chaotic signal are presented

    Digital chaos synchronization in optical networks

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    A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and as a consequence its output is digital, its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from its properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation

    Some aspects of amacrine neuron simulation for motion detection

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    As it is known, there are five types of neurons in the mammalian retinal layer allowing the detection of several important characteristics of the visual image impinging onto the visual system, namely, photoreceptors, horizontal cells, amacrine, bipolar and ganglion cells. And it is a well known fact too, that the amacrine neuron architecture allows a first detection for objects motion, being the most important retinal cell to this function. We have already studied and simulated the Dowling retina model and we have verified that many complex processes in visual detection is performed with the basis of the amacrine cell synaptic connections. This work will show how this structure may be employed for motion detectio