1,844 research outputs found

    How to establish and maintain dietary habits focusing on good health over time?

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido ver el grado de correspondencia de los hábitos alimentarios de un grupo de estudiantes de Enfermería con los conocimientos adquiridos de nutrición y dietética. Método: Se utilizó un cuestionario semicuantitativo de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos, on line y autocumplimentable, que llegó a los estudiantes por mail con una carta de presentación, explicando los motivos de la encuesta alimentaria y garantizando el anonimato. El análisis del cuestionario fue realizado comparando los datos obtenidos con las raciones diarias recomendadas para la población española. Se utilizó el programa SPSS 12.0 para Windows (2003). Resultados: El consumo semanal de alimentos era inferior a lo recomendado excepto en el caso de los embutidos y snakcs, que se ingieren regularmente. Lo mismo ocurre con los alimentos de consumo diario, cuya ingestión era inferior a las recomendaciones nutricionales. Discusión y conclusiones: Los hábitos alimentarios de los jóvenes estudiados pueden considerarse aceptables, en un contexto en el que la dieta mediterránea ha sido ligeramente modificada para adaptarse a los nuevos estilos de vida. Si bien, se detectan errores como tomar semanalmente productos de consumo ocasional; fallos que no deberían producirse ya que el estudio se realiza sobre una muestra de individuos con conocimientos en nutrición. Esto sugiere que la adquisición de conocimientos no determina la adopción de ciertos hábitos saludables, y por ello la educación nutricional y en general de la salud, tendría que centrarse en otros métodos que no incluyan como única técnica el aporte de informaciónObjective: The objective of this project has been to analyze the degree of correspondence between the eating habits of nursing students and the knowledge of nutrition and dietetics. Methods: A semicuantitative, on-line and self-completion survey of food frequency consumption was sentto the students by email with a presentation letter, explaining the reasons of the food survey and guaranteeing the anonymity. The analysis of the survey was performed comparing these data with the daily recommended food portions for the Spanish population. For this purpose, the program SPSS 12.0 for Windows (2003) was used. Results: The weekly intake of food was lower than the recommended servings, except for the snacks and cold meat which are eaten more frequently. In the same manner, the consume of daily intake food was lower than the nutritional recommendations. Discussion and conclusion: In a context where the Mediterranean diet has been slightly modified to adapt to new lifestyles, eating habits of young students could be considered acceptable. Despite the fact that the study was carried out with a sample consisting of people with nutritional knowledge, diet mistakes were detected like the weekly consume of products of occasional intake. This suggests that the acquisition of nutritional knowledge does not determine the adoption of certain healthy habits, therefore nutritional education and health related education in general should concentrate in different methods that don't include the intake of information as the only theor

    High angular resolution near-infrared integral field observations of young star cluster complexes in NGC1365

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    This paper presents and examines new near-infrared integral field observations of the three so-called 'embedded star clusters' located in the nuclear region of NGC1365. Adaptive-optics- corrected K-band data cubes were obtained with the ESO/VLT instrument SINFONI. The continuum in the K-band and emission lines such as HeI, Bracket-gamma, and several H2 lines were mapped at an achieved angular resolution of 0.2arcsec over a field of 3x3arcsec^2 around each source. We find that the continuum emission of the sources is spatially resolved. This means that they are indeed cluster complexes confined to regions of about 50pc extension. We performed robust measurements of the equivalent width of the CO absorption band at 2.3micro and of Bracket-gamma. For the main mid-infrared bright sources, the data only allow us to determine an upper limit to the equivalent width of the CO bands. Under the assumption of an instantaneously formed standard initial mass function Starburst99 model, the new measurements are found to be incompatible with previously published mid-infrared line ratios. We show that an upper mass limit of 25 to 30 solar masses, lower than the typically assumed 100solar masses, allows one to simply remove this inconsistency. For such a model, the measurements are consistent with ages in the range of 5.5Myr to 6.5Myr, implying masses in the range from 3 to 10 x 10^6 solar masses. We detect extended gas emission both in HII and H2. We argue that the central cluster complexes are the sources of excitation for the whole nebulae, through ionisation and shock heating. We detect a blue wing on the Bracket-gamma emission profile, suggesting the existence of gas outflows centred on the cluster complexes. We do not find any evidence for the presence of a lower mass cluster population, which would fill up a 'traditional' power law cluster mass function.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Physicochemical characterization and antimicrobial activity against Erwinia amylovora, Erwinia vitivora, and Diplodia seriata of a light purple Hibiscus syriacus L. Cultivar

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    Phytochemicals are essential raw materials for the production of formulations that can be helpful in crop protection. In particular, Hibiscus spp., which are often used in traditional medicine, are rich in potential bioactive molecules. This study presents an analysis of the thermal, vibrational, and phytochemical characteristics of a light purple variety of Hibiscus syriacus, using thermal gravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy techniques. Further, with a view to its valorization, the antimicrobial activity of its extracts has been investigated in vitro against Erwinia amylovora (the phytopathogen responsible for fire blight in apples, pears, and some other members of the family Rosaceae), Erwinia vitivora (the causal agent of the “maladie d’Oléron” in grapevines), and Diplodia seriata (responsible for “Bot canker”). Higher heating values and thermal features showed similarities with kenaf biomass. The main compounds identified in the hydro-methanolic extracts were: in flowers, 1-heptacosanol, heptacosane, 1-tetracosanol, hexadecenoic acid, 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid; and in leaves, the coumarin derivative 4,4,6,8-tetramethyl-2-chromanone, vitamin E, phytol, and sitosterol. MIC values of 500 and 375 μg·mL−1 were obtained against E. amylovora for flower and leaf extracts, respectively, upon conjugation with chitosan oligomers (to improve solubility and bioavailability). In the case of E. vitivora, MIC values of 250 and 500 μg·mL−1, respectively, were registered. Regarding the antifungal activity, EC90 values of 975.8 and 603.5 μg·mL−1, respectively, were found. These findings suggest that H. syriacus (cv. ‘Mathilde’) may be a promising source of antimicrobials for agriculture

    Species Distribution Models at Regional Scale: Cymodocea nodosa Seagrasses

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    Despite their ecological and socio-economic importance, seagrasses are often overlooked in comparison with terrestrial ecosystems. In the Canarian archipelago (Spain), Cymodocea nodosa is the best-established species, sustaining the most important marine ecosystem and providing ecosystem services (ES) of great relevance. Nevertheless, we lack accurate and standardized information regarding the distribution of this species and its ES supply. As a first step, the use of species distribution models is proposed. Various machine learning algorithms and ensemble model techniques were considered along with freely available remote sensing data to assess Cymodocea nodosa’s potential distribution. In a second step, we used InVEST software to estimate the ES provision by this phanerogam on a regional scale, providing spatially explicit monetary assessments and a habitat degradation characterization due to human impacts. The distribution models presented great predictive capabilities and statistical significance, while the ES estimations were in concordance with previous studies. The proposed methodology is presented as a useful tool for environmental management of important communities sensitive to human activities, such as C. nodosa meadows.En prensa0,64

    Supraspinal modulation of neuronal synchronization by nociceptive stimulation induces an enduring reorganization of dorsal horn neuronal connectivity

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    Despite a profusion of information on the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the central sensitization produced by intense nociceptive stimulation, the changes in the patterns of functional connectivity between spinal neurones associated with the development of secondary hyperalgesia and allodynia remain largely unknown. Here we show that the state of central sensitization produced by the intradermal injection of capsaicin is associated with structured transformations in neuronal synchronization that lead to an enduring reorganization of the functional connectivity within a segmentally distributed ensemble of dorsal horn neurones. These changes are transiently reversed by the systemic administration of small doses of lidocaine, a clinically effective procedure to treat neuropathic pain. Lidocaine also reduces the capsaicin-induced facilitation of the spinal responses evoked by weak mechanical stimulation of the skin in the region of secondary but not primary hyperalgesia. The effects of both intradermic capsaicin and systemic lidocaine on the segmental correlation and coherence between ongoing cord dorsum potentials and on the responses evoked by tactile stimulation in the region of secondary hyperalgesia are greatly attenuated in spinalized preparations, showing that supraspinal influences are involved in the reorganization of the nociceptive-induced structured patterns of dorsal horn neuronal connectivity. We conclude that the structured reorganization of the functional connectivity between the dorsal horn neurones induced by capsaicin nociceptive stimulation results from cooperative interactions between supraspinal and spinal networks, a process that may have a relevant role in the shaping of the spinal state in the pathogenesis of chronic pain and analgesia.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Interdecadal variability of Southeastern South America rainfall and moisture sources during the austral summertime

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the tropical oceans are able to generate extratropical atmospheric circulation anomalies that can induce rainfall variability and changes in the sources of moisture. The work reported here evaluates the interdecadal changes in the moisture sources for southeastern South America (SESA) during austral summer, and it is divided into two complementary parts. In the first part the authors construct a climate network to detect synchronization periods among the tropical oceans and the precipitation over SESA. Afterward, taking into account these results, the authors select two periods with different degrees of synchronization to compare the spatial distribution of the SESA moisture sources. Results show that during the last century there were three synchronization periods among the tropical oceans and the precipitation over SESA (during the 1930s, 1970s, and 1990s) and suggest that the main moisture sources of SESA are the recycling over the region, the central-eastern shore of Brazil together with the surrounding Atlantic Ocean, and the southwestern South Atlantic surrounding the SESA domain. Comparison of SESA moisture sources for the 1980s (a period of nonsignificant synchronization) and the 1990s (a synchronized period) shows that the principal differences are in the intensity of the recycling and in the strength of the central-eastern shore of Brazil. Moreover, the authors find that a region centered at (20°S, 300°E) is a moisture source for SESA only during the 1990s. These differences can be associated with the development of a low-level anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomaly circulation over central-eastern Brazil that favors the transport of moisture from central Brazil (central-eastern shore of Brazil) toward SESA in the 1990s (1980s