95 research outputs found

    Review of the repercussions of ankle sprains on postural balance

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    L’esquinç lateral de turmell és una de les lesions més comunes de l’esport i pot afectar diferents components del control postural. Aquesta revisió bibliogràfica analitza els estudis que avaluen el control postural de persones que han patit esquinços i persones amb turmells sans a partir de tests d’equilibri estàtic, dinàmic i dinamicofuncional, utilitzant metodologies quantitatives. Els turmells lesionats presenten majors rangs de desplaçament del centre de pressions i majors temps de latència de la musculatura. També presenten més temps d’estabilització en l’eix anteroposterior i menor abast de les posicions extremes que pot adoptar el centre de pressions. Això no obstant, alguns treballs utilitzen mètodes poc objectius en la selecció de subjectes amb esquinç de turmell i altres utilitzen tests i variables poc sensibles per estudiar les seqüeles de dèficit de control postural després d’un esquinç.The lateral ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries in sports and can affect different components of postural control. This literature review analyses the studies that evaluate the postural control through static balance tests, dynamic balance tests and dynamic balance functional tests in subjects who have suffered an ankle sprain and healthy subjects using quantitative methods. Injured ankles lead to a greater total path of the centre of pressure and an increased muscle latency time. Furthermore, the antero-posterior time of stabilisation increases and decreases the reach distance that can be taken by the centres of pressure. However, in some of the studies found, less objective methods are used in the selection of the subjects with an ankle sprain, and in others, non-sensitive tests and variables are used to study the consequences of postural control deficits after an ankle sprain

    Humanización en cuidados intensivos. El confort y el bienestar de los pacientes

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción: El ingreso en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos supone la adaptación a una nueva situación en la cual los pacientes se encuentran en un ambiente desconocido que les genera incertidumbre e inseguridad. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal que se busca es identificar aquellos factores que provocan disconfort, así como, las intervenciones y herramientas encaminadas a brindar bienestar. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión narrativa a partir de artículos encontrados en diferentes bases de datos como Pubmed, Cinahl, Scielo y Cuiden, así como, las revistas científicas Enfermería Intensiva y Ética de los Cuidados, complementando la búsqueda con Google Académico. Resultados: Tras el análisis exhaustivo de 36 artículos, se clasificó la información en dos categorías, una que comprende factores que provocaron disconfort en los pacientes y sus familiares durante su ingreso en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, y otra en la que se integran intervenciones para satisfacer las necesidades identificadas. Ambas categorías se analizaron en base a cuatro contextos: social, ambiental, físico y psicoespiritual, englobando así todas las esferas de la persona. Con este análisis, se detectaron carencias en todos los ámbitos, las cuales podrían ser suplidas mediante intervenciones enfermeras convenientes según la situación de cada paciente. Conclusiones: Los profesionales enfermeros deben tener en cuenta los factores que interfieren en el confort del paciente, durante su ingreso en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, para satisfacer sus necesidades mediante protocolos e intervenciones humanizadas.Introduction: Being hospitalized in an intensive care unit requires patients to adapt to a new situation where they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment resulting in uncertainty and insecurity. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify those factors that cause discomfort, as well as, the interventions and tools used to provide wellbeing. Methodology: A review of literature was carried out from articles searched in different databases like Pubmed, Cinahl, Scielo and Cuiden, as well as the scientific journals Enfermería Intensiva and Ética de los Cuidados, supplementing the search with Google Scholar. Results: After an exhaustive review of 36 articles, the information was classified into two categories, one comprising factors that provoke discomfort in patients and their families during their admission to the intensive care unit, and the other comprising interventions intended to satisfy the identified needs. Both categories were analysed taking into account four contexts: social, environmental, physical and psychospiritual, representing all dimensions of human well-being. With this analysis, deficiencies were identified in all areas, which could be remedied through convenient nursing interventions according to each patient’s situation. Conclusions: Nursing professionals must take into account the factors that interfere with the patients’ comfort during their admission to the Intensive Care Unit to satisfy their needs through protocols and humanized interventions

    La estimulación eléctrica neuromuscular del tibial anterior vs superficie viscoelástica en la reeducación de la propiocepción del tobillo. Un estudio piloto

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    Analizar las diferencias en el recorrido del centro de presiones durante la realización de 3 tests de equilibrio estáticos, en que se incluyen dos de las técnicas usadas en los tratamientos de la rehabilitación del esguince de tobillo

    Performance of grape marc and organic residues compost as substrate in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seedlings

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    Composting is an aerobic process used to treat organic residues, which results in a high quality product, able to be adopted as plant substrate or soil amendment. In the present study, the performance of compost on the germination and biomass of Lactuca sativa var Grand rapids seedlings, with and without fertilization, was evaluated. The two types of composts used were prepared from two different raw materials: grape marc and a mixture of grape marc, goat manure, leaves and alfalfa. The experiment was carried out in seedling trays, in a split plot design with two factors (fertilization and substrate) and four repetitions. Sand were used as control and a commercial substrate as traditional treatment. Results indicated that fertilization had not significant effect on germination, but increased seedling biomass. Both compost also increased lettuce biomass, with the highest values obtained in mixture compost treatments. Only sand produced the lowest germination values, while no differences were detected among the other substrates. Compost mixture showed the highest seedling biomass, suggesting a higher quality as a plant substrate. It is necessary to perform further analyses and studies with different organic residues in order to determine physico-chemical and biological properties to evaluate the quality of the product obtained.Composting is an aerobic process used to treat organic residues, which results in a high quality product, able to be adopted as plant substrate or soil amendment. In the present study, the performance of compost on the germination and biomass of Lactuca sativa var Grand rapids seedlings, with and without fertilization, was evaluated. The two types of composts used were prepared from two different raw materials: grape marc and a mixture of grape marc, goat manure, leaves and alfalfa. The experiment was carried out in seedling trays, in a split plot design with two factors (fertilization and substrate) and four repetitions. Sand were used as control and a commercial substrate as traditional treatment. Results indicated that fertilization had not significant effect on germination, but increased seedling biomass. Both compost also increased lettuce biomass, with the highest values obtained in mixture compost treatments. Only sand produced the lowest germination values, while no differences were detected among the other substrates. Compost mixture showed the highest seedling biomass, suggesting a higher quality as a plant substrate. It is necessary to perform further analyses and studies with different organic residues in order to determine physico-chemical and biological properties to evaluate the quality of the product obtained

    Diferencias en test de equilibrio estático entre las extremidades con y sin bostezo articular de tobillo

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    Analizar las diferencias intrasujeto entre una extremidad que presentó signo de bostezo articular en el tobillo, fruto de una lesión previa de esguince lateral, frente a una extremidad sin bostezo

    Afecta el sobrepès la petjada plantar i l’equilibri dels nens en edat escolar?

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    Objectius: El propòsit d’aquest estudi ha estat analitzar en escolars de primària les possibles diferències en la capacitat d’equilibri i en la petjada plantar, segons el sexe i el nivell de sobrepès. Mètodes: Es van estudiar 26 escolars (edat = 11,6±0,5 anys), 15 nenes i 11 nens de sisè curs de primària. Es van analitzar les àrees de les seves petjades plantars, les pressions plantars mitjanes i l’equilibri. Es va utilitzar revelador, fixador, paper fotogràfic i una plataforma de forces. Resultats: En el grup de les nenes, en comparar els subgrups amb sobrepès i sense sobrepès, es van observar uns més grans Arch Index (p = 0,06; grandària de l’efecte [ES] = 1) i àrees de petjada en les que tenien sobrepès. En l’àrea batuda en el test del suport monopodal, els subgrups amb sobrepès van obtenir més recorregut, sense significació estadística, però amb grandàries de l’efecte grans (nens amb sobrepès = 225,71 mm2 i sense sobrepès = 163,77 mm2; nenes amb sobrepès = 157,74 mm2 i sense sobrepès = 83,52 mm2; ES = 0,86 i 0,74, respectivament). No es van trobar diferències en el test d’ajust postural entre subjectes amb sobrepès i sense. Conclusions: Les nenes amb sobrepès han mostrat alteracions en la petjada plantar, amb tendència a tenir peus plans. En els tests d’equilibri només es van trobar diferències significatives entre els grups nens i nenes, malgrat que la significació pràctica de les diferències entre els grups amb sobrepès i sense apunten vers un rendiment pitjor en nens i nenes amb sobrepès

    Diferències en test d'equilibri estàtic entre les extremitats amb i sense badall articular de turmell

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    Analitzar les diferències intrasubjecte entre una extremitat que va presentar signe de badall articular al turmell, fruit d'una lesió prèvia d’esquinç lateral, respecte d'una extremitat sense badall

    Does overweight affect the footprint and balance in school-aged children?

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    This study aimed to analyze the differences in the footprint and balance performance in school-aged children, with and without overweight

    ¿Afecta el sobrepeso a la huella plantar y al equilibrio de niños en edad escolar?

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    El propósito de este estudio ha sido analizar en escolares de primaria las posibles diferencias en la capacidad de equilibrio y en la huella plantar según el sexo y el nivel de sobrepeso

    Nanoscale alterations in GABAB receptors and GIRK channel organization on the hippocampus of APP/PS1 mice

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by a reorganization of brain activity determining network hyperexcitability and loss of synaptic plasticity. Precisely, a dysfunction in metabotropic GABA(B) receptor signalling through G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ (GIRK or Kir3) channels on the hippocampus has been postulated. Thus, we determined the impact of amyloid-beta (A beta) pathology in GIRK channel density, subcellular distribution, and its association with GABA(B) receptors in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons from the APP/PS1 mouse model using quantitative SDS-digested freeze-fracture replica labelling (SDS-FRL) and proximity ligation in situ assay (P-LISA). In wild type mice, single SDS-FRL detection revealed a similar dendritic gradient for GIRK1 and GIRK2 in CA1 pyramidal cells, with higher densities in spines, and GIRK3 showed a lower and uniform distribution. Double SDS-FRL showed a co-clustering of GIRK2 and GIRK1 in post- and presynaptic compartments, but not for GIRK2 and GIRK3. Likewise, double GABA(B1) and GIRK2 SDS-FRL detection displayed a high degree of co-clustering in nanodomains (40-50 nm) mostly in spines and axon terminals. In APP/PS1 mice, the density of GIRK2 and GIRK1, but not for GIRK3, was significantly reduced along the neuronal surface of CA1 pyramidal cells and in axon terminals contacting them. Importantly, GABA(B1) and GIRK2 co-clustering was not present in APP/PS1 mice. Similarly, P-LISA experiments revealed a significant reduction in GABA(B1) and GIRK2 interaction on the hippocampus of this animal model. Overall, our results provide compelling evidence showing a significant reduction on the cell surface density of pre- and postsynaptic GIRK1 and GIRK2, but not GIRK3, and a decline in GABA(B) receptors and GIRK2 channels co-clustering in hippocampal pyramidal neurons from APP/PS1 mice, thus suggesting that a disruption in the GABA(B) receptor-GIRK channel membrane assembly causes dysregulation in the GABA(B) signalling via GIRK channels in this AD animal model
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