1,656 research outputs found

    Burnout : intervención aplicada a un entrenador durante la competición

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    Burnout surge como respuesta inadecuada al estrés generado por variables de índole familiar/social, deportivo y personal. Debido a su influencia en el ámbito deportivo, se ha investigado mucho sobre burnout, pero son escasos los trabajos que realicen un proceso de intervención con entrenadores. Asumiendo el paradigma de los sistemas dinámicos (el comportamiento final de un sistema, es resultado de la relación de interdependencia establecida entre los distintos elementos presentes), presentamos una intervención realizada con un entrenador de balonmano que presentaba síntomas de burnout. La intervención se realizó en el transcurso de la temporada (mientras se disputaba la competición) y tuvo como objetivo reducir la intensidad del burnout en el entrenador. Se aplicó durante 9 semanas y abordó los elementos del contexto deportivo que previamente, por medio de una entrevista semi-estructurada, se identificaron como estresores para el entrenador (estilo negativo de dirección y de interacción, altas demandas competitivas, excesivas demandas de energía y tiempo, monotonía del entrenamiento, sentimientos del deportista de estar apartado, no adaptación de las expectativas originales con los logros finales obtenidos). Utilizando la versión española del Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, se mide la intensidad del burnout en las tres dimensiones: agotamiento físico/emocional (AFE), reducida sensación de logro (RSL) y devaluación de la práctica deportiva (DPD), antes y después de la intervención.Burnout arises as an inadequate response to the stress generated by familiar / social, sports and personal variables. Due to its influence in sports, much research has been done on burnout, but there is no much work done on the benefits of coach intervention. Assuming the paradigm of dynamic systems (the final system's behavior is the result of interdependence established between elements), we present the results of an intervention performed with a handball coach who presented symptoms of burnout. The intervention was performed during the sport season and aimed to reduce the coach's intensity of burnout. It was applied during 9 weeks and addressed those element that previously and through a semi-structured interview, were identified as trainer stressors (negative style of management and interaction, high competitive demands, excessive energy and time demands, monotonous training, feelings of the athlete being separated, original expectations not matching the final achievements). Using the Spanish version of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire, burnout intensity is measured by three dimensions: physical / emotional exhaustion (AFE), reduced sense of accomplishment (RSL) and depreciation of sports practice (DPD), before and after intervention. -Pretest: 3.4 in AFE, 4.0 in RSL and 4.0 in DPD. -Postest: 1.8 in AFE, 2.8 in RSL and 2.4 in DPD. The scores show a decrease in the intensity of burnout suffered by the coach

    Aplicación de técnicas de imagen para la evaluación de la madurez fenólica de semillas de uva

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    Quality of wine depends fundamentally on the condition of the components of grapes at the moment of harvest. In this respect, their seeds directly affect to structure, astringency, stability, and indirectly to colour of wine. In this work, the grape seeds have been evaluated by techniques of image analysis. In all cases, the methodology was developed trying to entail the minimum sample preparation and maximum quickness of the method, and as far as possible, substitute the chemical analysis that usually involves long and tedious processes that hamper monitoring of ripening in a rapid way. The proposed methodology for measuring and evaluating colour and near infrared spectrum has yielded satisfactory results for estimating the ripening of grape seeds, and it has been useful for establishing stages of ripeness from their optical features.La calidad del vino depende en gran medida del estado en que se encuentren los diferentes componentes de la uva en el momento de la recolección y, en este sentido, las semillas afectan directamente a su astringencia, así como a la estructura y estabilidad del color del vino. En el presente trabajo se han evaluado semillas de uva de diferentes variedades aplicando distintas técnicas de análisis de imagen. En todos los casos se han desarrollado metodologías que implican la mínima preparación de muestra y la máxima rapidez del método, con el objeto de poder sustituir, en la medida de la posible, el análisis químico, que suele suponer largos y tediosos procesos que impiden un seguimiento rápido de la maduración. La metodología propuesta para la medición y evaluación del color y el espectro infrarrojo cercano ha dado resultados satisfactorios en la estimación del estado de madurez de las semillas de uva, y ha sido útil para establecer etapas de maduración a partir de sus propiedades ópticas.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2008-05569-C02-02, AGL2011-30254-C02-02 y AGL2014-58486-C2-2-

    A Decision Tree and S-Transform Based Approach for Power Quality Disturbances Classification

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    In this paper, it is presented an automated classification based on S-transform as feature extraction tool and Decision Tree as algorithm classifier. The signals generated according to mathematical models, including complex disturbances, have been used to design and test this approach, where noise is added to the signals from 40dB to 20dB. Finally, several disturbances, simple and complex, have been considered to test the implemented system. Evaluation results verifying the accuracy of the proposed method are presented.IEE

    Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of Pleural Adhesions in Malignant Effusions

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    Background and objectiveWe aimed to examine the frequency of pleural adhesions and to determine their relationship with pleural tumor burden, pleural fluid (PF) biochemistries, PF cytologic yield, and survival in patients with malignant pleural effusion (MPE).MethodsWe performed retrospective analysis of 540 consecutive patients with MPE who underwent medical thoracoscopy. Pleural lesion rating and grade of pleural adhesions based on a thoracoscopic score model were recorded.ResultsSixty percent of patients with MPE were found to have adhesions in the pleural space. The sensitivity of PF cytology was 71% if there were no pleural adhesions, and 20% if the maximum adhesion score was reached (p < 0.01). The extent of pleural adhesions correlated positively with the pleural tumor burden, and inversely with PF pH. The median survival of patients with minimal or no adhesions in the pleural space was 9 months as compared with patients with the highest grade of adhesions, whose median survival was 5 months (p < 0.01).ConclusionMPE are often loculated. The higher the grade of pleural adhesions, the greater the tumor burden exists, and paradoxically the lower the PF cytologic yield. The presence of pleural adhesions in MPE implies a poor prognosis

    Monitoring and preliminary analysis of the natural responses recorded in a poorly accessible streambed spring located at a fluviokarstic gorge in Southern Spain

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    The analysis of natural responses (hydrodynamic, hydrothermal and hydrochemical) of karst springs is a well-established approach to provide insights into the hydrogeological functioning of the aquifers that they drain. However, a suitable monitoring program of these responses are often difficult to launch in poorly accessible streambed springs, due to the mixing between surface water and groundwater, in addition to topographic impediments. This work describes the installation procedure of the measurement equipment and the preliminary hydrogeological dataset collected at the Charco del Moro spring (Southern Spain) during one year. This outlet emerges 5 m below water surface, at the bottom of a partially flooded 20 - 200 m deep and 2 km long gorge, eroded by the Guadiaro River streamflow. It is considered the largest discharge point in the region, draining groundwater from northern nearby carbonate outcrops, although its catchment area is not established yet. Continuous (hourly) monitoring of electrical conductivity, water temperature, turbidity and water level (discharge) reflects a high degree of heterogeneity in the duality of groundwater flow and storage dynamics, which is typical of karst conduit flow systemsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Bandas, alicientes y medios

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    Proteomic and computational characterisation of 11S globulins from grape seed flour by-product and its interaction with malvidin 3-glucoside by molecular docking

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    Grape seed flour by-product (GSBP) is an economic and renewable source of proteins, increasingly being explored due to interesting technological application such as colour protection in rich-anthocyanins beverages. Globulin-like proteins from GSBP were characterised by proteomic and computational studies. MALDI TOF/TOF analysis revealed the presence of two 11S globulins (acid and basic), whose 3D structures have been elucidated for the first time in Vitis vinifera L. grape seeds by using homology models and molecular dynamics. The secondary structure showed 11 α-helices and 25 β-sheets for acid and 12 α-helices and 24 β-sheets for basic 11S globulins. Molecular docking results indicate that both grape seed 11S globulins could establish different types of non-covalent interactions (π-π) with malvidin 3-O-glucoside (wine anthocyanin), which suggest a possible colour protection similar to that occurring in copigmentation phenomenon. These findings provide valuable information of globulin family proteins that could be relevant in food industry applications.España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project AGL2017- 84793-C2 and FPI grant PRE2018-087184)Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020/Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento de la Junta de Andalucía (Project US-1261752

    Desigualdad y acceso a la vivienda digna. La realidad del Pueblo Gitano en la provincia de Zaragoza.

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    Este Trabajo de Final de Grado, tiene por objeto el estudio y análisis de la desigualdad sufrida porparte del Pueblo Gitano en el acceso a la vivienda digna en la provincia de Zaragoza.<br /
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