461 research outputs found

    FAIRMODE Spatial representativeness feasibility study

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    Within Fairmode, it is planned to organize an intercomparison exercise of methods for the assessment of the spatial representativeness of monitoring sites. It is expected that the outcomes of the proposed intercomparison exercise will substantially support future efforts towards a harmonized methodological framework to facilitate the reporting of spatial representativeness by the Member States. This report presents a feasibility study including a Bibliographical review of the studies done for experts published in scientific journals or technical reports , a tentative definition of the concept of spatial representativeness after reviewing the papers and reports found in the bibliographical review , the development of a questionnaire to get technical information of the methodologies used to estimate the area of representativeness of air quality monitoring stations by the main expert groups in Europe, an analysis of the survey results and a discussion about the feasibility of an intercomparison exercise for methodologies estimating the spatial representativeness of monitoring stations.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat

    Escuchar con los ojos: el subtitulado para sordos de la música en el cine de terror

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    This study aims to analyse and describe the tags used to subtitle the music of a catalog of horror films available on the video-on-demand platform RTVE Play. The interest of this object of study lies in the particular use of music in this film genre. This is a quantitative study with a descriptive and exploratory scope. The results show that, although there is a tendency to subtitle the music indicating the sensation it produces, there is no homogeneity in the solutions. In addition, we observed that the second most used option in the subtitling of the analysed films is to indicate the presence of music without indicating type, sensation, or piece, which is far from the guidelines indicated in the Spanish norm UNE 153010. Moreover, we observe that in three of the 17 films analysed, no label was included for subtitling music.Este estudio pretende analizar y describir las etiquetas empleadas para subtitular la música de un catálogo de películas de terror presentes en la plataforma RTVE Play. El interés de este objeto de estudio radica en el uso particular que se hace de la música en este género cinematográfico. Se trata de una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo con alcance descriptivo y exploratorio. Los resultados muestran que, si bien hay una tendencia a subtitular la música indicando la sensación que esta produce, no existe una homogeneidad en las soluciones. Además, observamos que la segunda opción más empleada en el subtitulado de las películas analizadas es indicar la presencia de música sin indicar tipo, sensación o pieza, lo cual se aleja de las pautas indicadas en la norma UNE 153010. Más aún, observamos que en tres de los 17 filmes analizados no se ha incluido ninguna etiqueta para subtitular la música

    La traducción audiovisual desde el francés en España: aproximación a la industria y la profesión

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    This article explores and describes the current state of the French-speaking audiovisual industry in Spain, as well as the socio-professional profile and the main characteristics of the audiovisual translation profession with French as source language: volume of assignments, most demanded modalities, main clients, distribution channels, etc.  To this end, we have carried out, on the one hand, a review of reports provided by national and international institutions on the French-speaking audiovisual industry, and on the other, we have used a questionnaire answered by 69 translators specialising in French as a source language. Among other things, the results show that the volume of imports of French-language products - with French cinema as the main exponent is quite low. Thus, these assignments are relatively rare and appear to be unevenly distributed among professionals. Moreover, the omnipresence of English in the audiovisual field is evident, as a high percentage of professionals specialising in French also offer services in English.Este artículo explora y describe el estado actual de la industria audiovisual francófona en España, así como el perfil socioprofesional y las principales características de la profesión del traductor audiovisual con francés como lengua origen: volumen de encargos, modalidades más demandadas, principales clientes, canales de distribución, etc.  Para ello, hemos realizado, por un lado, una revisión de informes proporcionados por instituciones nacionales e internacionales sobre la industria audiovisual francófona, y por otro, hemos empleado un cuestionario al que respondieron 69 traductores especialistas en francés como lengua origen. Entre otros, los resultados muestran un volumen de importación de productos francófonos —con el cine galo como máximo exponente— bastante reducido. Así, estos encargos son relativamente escasos y parecen distribuirse de modo desigual entre los profesionales. Asimismo, la omnipresencia del inglés en lo audiovisual es evidente, pues un elevado porcentaje de los profesionales especializados en francés también ofrece servicios en inglés

    English as a Pivot Language in Audiovisual Translation: Industry and Profession in Spain

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    Audiovisual translation has undergone a revolution in the last decade, with an increase in the number of non-English speaking productions. This has increasingly turned English into a pivot language. This article presents a mixed study aiming to profile translators who work with English as a pivot language. It describes the characteristics of assignments in language combinations involving English as a pivot language. In addition, translators’ experiences and opinions on this practice are collected. Data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire and personal interviews with professionals who have dealt with assignments of this nature. The results show that this practice has increased in the last five years due to the expansion of video on demand. Even so, this type of assignment accounts for less than 10% of the workload of the translators surveyed. Moreover, this practice is used with both common and exotic languages in the Spanish AVT market. Translators recognise that this is not a deontologically ideal practice, but it enables the reception of products that would otherwise be unavailable in Spain

    Biblioteca digital complutense de guías de práctica clínica en fisioterapia musculoesquelética

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    Creación de una Biblioteca Digital Complutense de Guías de Práctica Clínica que permita a estudiantes y profesores en Ciencias de la Salud, a profesionales fisioterapeutas y a pacientes interesados un acceso sencillo y sistematizado a las recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia disponible en el tratamiento del dolor musculoesquelético

    Decoding Gene Expression Signatures Underlying Vegetative to Inflorescence Meristem Transition in the Common Bean

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    The tropical common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an obligatory short-day plant that requires relaxation of the photoperiod to induce flowering. Similar to other crops, photoperiod-induced floral initiation depends on the differentiation and maintenance of meristems. In this study, the global changes in transcript expression profiles were analyzed in two meristematic tissues corresponding to the vegetative and inflorescence meristems of two genotypes with different sensitivities to photoperiods. A total of 3396 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, and 1271 and 1533 were found to be up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively, whereas 592 genes showed discordant expression patterns between both genotypes. Arabidopsis homologues of DEGs were identified, and most of them were not previously involved in Arabidopsis floral transition, suggesting an evolutionary divergence of the transcriptional regulatory networks of the flowering process of both species. However, some genes belonging to the photoperiod and flower development pathways with evolutionarily conserved transcriptional profiles have been found. In addition, the flower meristem identity genes APETALA1 and LEAFY, as well as CONSTANS-LIKE 5, were identified as markers to distinguish between the vegetative and reproductive stages. Our data also indicated that the down-regulation of the photoperiodic genes seems to be directly associated with promoting floral transition under inductive short-day lengths. These findings provide valuable insight into the molecular factors that underlie meristematic development and contribute to understanding the photoperiod adaptation in the common bean.MCIN/AEI PDI2020-114115RB-100MAPAERDF A way of making Europe European Commission European Union NextGenera-tionEU/PRT

    Valor en riesgo de una cartera de renta variable

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    En este artículo se presenta un método para medir el valor en riesgo o VaR de una cartera de renta variable utilizando la técnica de Riskmetrics y dentro del ámbito conceptual del CAPM. Se desarrollan algunos ejemplos que muestran la relativa facilidad de aplicación de la metodología propuesta.In this paper, we present a method for measuring the value-at-risk or VaR of an equity porfolio by using the Riskmetrics technics and within the conceptual framework of CAPM. Some examples are given about the relative ease of application of the proposed methodology

    Functional characterization of the tomato HAIRPLUS gene reveals the implication of the epigenome in the control of glandular trichome formation

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    This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grants AGL2017-88702-C2-1-R and AGL2017-88702-C2-2-R). Funding was also received from the BRESOV (Breeding for resilient, efficient, and sustainable organic vegetable production) project. BRESOV was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 774244. We would also like to thank research facilities provided by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional Agroalimentario (CeiA3). PhD fellowships were funded by the FPU (R.F., R.Le.) Programmes of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and the LASPAU (J.L.Q.).Trichomes are specialised epidermal cells developed in the aerial surface of almost every terrestrial plant. These structures form physical barriers, which combined with their capability of synthesis of complex molecules, prevent plagues from spreading and confer trichomes a key role in the defence against herbivores. In this work, the tomato gene HAIRPLUS (HAP) that controls glandular trichome density in tomato plants was characterised. HAP belongs to a group of proteins involved in histone tail modifications although some also bind methylated DNA. HAP loss of function promotes epigenomic modifications in the tomato genome reflected in numerous differentially methylated cytosines and causes transcriptomic changes in hap mutant plants. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that HAP links epigenome remodelling withmulticellular glandular trichome development and reveal that HAP is a valuable genomic tool for pest resistance in tomato breeding.Spanish Government AGL2017-88702-C2-1-R AGL2017-88702-C2-2-REuropean Commission 774244FPU Programmes of the Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovacionLASPAUBRESOV (Breeding for resilient, efficient, and sustainable organic vegetable production) projec

    Resolución de algunos problemas estocásticos mediante discretización

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    The aim of this work, is to show a new aproximate resolution technique for stochastic problems and among them, those related to stochastic differential equations. The application of the proposed method to several cases has allowed to emphasize its possibilities in relation to other classical methods such as Taylor and Monte Carlo methods.El propósito del presente trabajo es exponer una nueva técnica de resolución aproximada de problemas estocásticos y, dentro de ellos, los relacionados especialmente con las ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas. La aplicación del método propuesto a varios casos ha permitido destacar las posibilidades del mismo en relación con métodos clásicos tales como los de Taylor y Monte Carlo

    Changes in Lipoinflammation Markers in People with Obesity after a Concurrent Training Program: A Comparison between Men and Women

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    Obesity is related to low-grade systemic inflammation. This state of inflammation is characterized by the alteration in adipokine regulation, which may lead to a situation of cardiometabolic risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a concurrent training program on markers of lipoinflammation in adult people with obesity, comparing the response to the training between men and women. A quasi-experimental, quantitative, and longitudinal study with a pre-post intervention was conducted. An 8-week concurrent training program was carried out, in which 26 individuals with obesity participated (mean ± SD; age = 46.38 ± 4.66) (BMI = 36.05 ± 4.99) (12 men and 14 women). Before and after the intervention period, blood samples were taken by percutaneous puncture. The blood levels of adiponectin and leptin were evaluated. Significant differences were obtained in the adiponectin-leptin ratio (A/L ratio) of the entire sample (p = 0.009, ES = 0.53), which indicates a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular diseases and lipoinflammation. There were no significant differences in the improvements observed after the training in A/L ratio between women (A/L change = +63.5%) and men (A/L change= +59.2%). It can be concluded that the combination of aerobic exercise and resistance training induced an improvement in markers of lipoinflammation and cardiometabolic risk in the individuals with obesity evaluated in this study