213 research outputs found

    Grafismo rupestre postpaleolítico en la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos) : Salón del Coro, Galería del Silo, Galería Baja, Galería de las Estatuas y Cueva del Silo

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    La primera fase de reaiización de trabajos de prospección, estudio y análisis del arte rupestre del Complejo Kárstico Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo de la Sierra de Atapuerca, centrados en la totalidad del recorrido subterráneo, a excepción de la conocida Galería del Sílex, aporta nuevos documentos de arte postpaleolítico. Junto a ellos y ala revisión de evidencias publicadas a principios del siglo pasado, se ofrece una nueva visión de la distribución del arte rupestre y se valora el hecho gráfico en relación con otro tipo de evidencias arqueológicas.The firstphase of performing of prospection, study and analysis of the rock art of the Complejo Kárstico de Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo of Sierra de Atapuerca, centered in the totality of the subterranean space, excepting the known Galería del Sílex, próvido new documents ofpostpalaeolithic art. Along with them and with the revisión of evidences published in the beginning of the twentieth century, it is showed a new visión of the distribution of the rock art and it is valued the graphic evidence in relation with other type of archaeological evidences

    Stationary severe thunderstorms over Malaga on 19 February 2017

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    Póster presentado en: "Workshop on Using ECMWF’s Forecasts (UEF2017)", que se celebró en Reading, Reino Unido, del 12 al 16 de junio de 2017.During the dawn of 19 February 2017, a set of intense thunderstorms occurred over south Spain. Malaga city was especially affected by these thunderstorms. Precipitation, that started at about 01:30 UTC (02:30 local time) and lasted around 8 hours, peaked just after 02:00 UTC. The horizontal distribution of precipitation was quite variable, showing some maxima over the center and eastern Malaga city. This case study, that discusses the highly localized and stationary thunderstorms previously described, is tackled from both scales, synoptic and mesoscale, adding some issues at microscale. To carry out this task, deterministic outputs and convective diagnostic products of the ECMWF model, and remote sensing (radar, lightning and both basic and NWCSAF satellite products) and observation data products are used

    Tumor de células granulares de localización atípica

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    El Tumor de células granulares es una neoplasia infrecuente, generalmente benigna, que suele afectar cara y cuello. Aparece entre la segunda y la sexta década, más frecuentemente en la raza negra y en mujeres. El 25% de los casos presenta lesiones múltiples. El único tratamiento es quirúrgico. Un varón de 17 años presentó una lesión nodular única epitroclear en el codo derecho. Se realizó una escisión amplia y el resultado anatomopatológico fue un tumor de células granulares. Tras un seguimiento de seis meses no hay evidencia de recidiva. La patogénesis debe ser claramente establecida, aunque la literatura sostiene la hipótesis de que tiene su origen en las células de Schwann. Los autores subrayan la peculiaridad de la localización epitroclear y discuten la clasificación, fisiopatología y el tratamiento del tumor con una revisión de la literatura. (MÉD.UIS. 2011;24(3):283-6).Palabras clave: Cáncer. Tumor de células granulares. Inmunohistoquímica.Granular cell tumor in unusual location.Granular cell tumor is an infrequent neoplasm, benign in most of the cases, that usually affects head and neck. It develops between the second and sixth decades of life, more frequently among women and black people. 25% of the cases occur as multiple lesions. The only treatment is surgery. A 17- year old male presented a nodular, single and firm epithroclear lesion in his right elbow. A wide surgical excision was performed and the final pathologic diagnosis was granular cell tumor. During follow-up of six months there is no evidence of tumour recurrence. The pathogenesis of the tumor has still to be clearly established, although literature sustains the hypothesis that it has origin in the Schwann´s cells. The authors underscore the peculiarity of the epithroclear localization and discuss the classification, pathophysiology and the treatment of Abrikossoff´s tumor through a review of the literature. (MÉD.UIS. 2011;24(3):283-6).Key words: Cancer. Granular cell tumor. Inmunohistochemistry

    Precipitaciones intensas en las zonas del este y del sureste peninsulares (Dic-2016 y Mar-2017)

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    En el área mediterránea se dan a menudo episodios de precipitaciones intensas. Hemos elegido dos episodios de este tipo en el este y sureste de la Península para estudiarlos en detalle en este capítulo, uno en torno al 18 de diciembre de 2016 (examinado desde otros puntos de vista en el capítulo 50 en la página 827 de este volumen) y el otro centrado en el 13 de marzo de 2017. En ambos se registraron precipitaciones muy fuertes, incluso torrenciales. Analizamos el comportamiento de los sistemas de predicción del Centro Europeo de Predicción a Medio Plazo (ECMWF, cap. 19 en la página 315), tanto el modelo de alta resolución ECHRES (sec. 19.2 en la página 317) como el sistema de predicción por conjuntos ECENS (sec. 19.3 en la página 319)

    Estudio a largo plazo (más de 10 años de evolución), de las complicaciones de las artroplastias trapecio-metacarpianas de tipo ARPE

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    Producción CientíficaResumen: Objetivo: La artrosis trapecio-metacarpiana es una patología incapacitante, que produce dolor, disminución de la fuerza, pérdida de destreza en la pinza y limitación de la movilidad del pulgar. Cuando fracasa el tratamiento médico se pueden realizar diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas. Las prótesis totales de la articulación representan una de ellas. Desde mayo de 1999 hasta abril de 2004 se realizaron, de forma consecutiva, un total de 116 prótesis totales de la articulación trapecio-metacarpiana en 103 pacientes que padecían artrosis, utilizando la prótesis no cementada y no constreñida tipo ARPE® (Biomet Spain Orthopaedics SL, Valencia). Se presentan en este estudio los resultados de la revisión clínica, funcional y radiológica de los pacientes revisados durante 10 años de evolución. Material y Método: Los análisis de supervivencia fueron realizados mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier. De los 103 pacientes, 6 fueron excluidos y 97 pacientes, con 109 prótesis acabaron el estudio. Resultados: En la revisión de los 10 años de evolución, 102 (93,6%) eran prótesis funcionales y 7 (6,4%) prótesis eran consideradas prótesis fallidas (3 retiradas por aflojamiento, 3 luxaciones y 1 subluxación y dolor). La probabilidad de supervivencia de Kaplan–Meier fue de 94.1% [CI95% (90.4%,98.8%)]. Radiográficamente, 88 (86,3%) de las prótesis consideradas funcionales no mostraron evidencia de alteraciones del implante y 14 (13,7%) mostraron cambios radiográficos que eran compatibles con la funcionalidad del implante. Se presenta en detalle el estudio de las complicaciones que han existido, con las posibles soluciones en las cirugías de revisión. Conclusión: La prótesis total de ARPE® ofrece una alternativa de tratamiento segura y fiable en pacientes con artrosis trapecio-metacarpiana grado III y algunos de grado IV con buen capital óseo, sobre todo, en el trapecio. La mayoría de las complicaciones aparecen por defectos de indicación o por defectos de la técnica quirúrgica y se pueden resolver con recambio protésico o con trapecectomía dependiendo de las circunstancias del implante y del paciente

    Arte rupestre de estilo paleolítico del Portalón de Cueva Mayor de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Ibeas de Juarros, Burgos): ¿cronología paleolítica o contemporánea?

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    The doubts shown in different papers on the chronology of the motif painted in the Portalón of Cueva Mayor have caused its revision. A form of analysis is proposed wherein) by we pay attention to bibliographic, contextual and graphical questions. The results of the work question the assignment to the Paleolithic of the design; on the contrary we propose that the motif was painted at the beginning of the last century.Las dudas manifiestas en las diversas referencias bibliográficas en tomo a la cronología del motivo pintado existente en el Portalón de Cueva Mayor llevaron a la revisión del mismo. Se planteó un protocolo de análisis donde se atendiera a cuestiones historiográficas, contextúales y gráficas. Los resultados del trabajo cuestionan la asignación a momentos paleolíticos de la grafía, planteando, de manera contraria, que la ejecución fue llevada a cabo a inicios del presente siglo

    Artificial Magnetic Bacteria: Living Magnets at Room Temperature

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Martín Marcos, M.A.; et al. Artificial Magnetic Bacteria: Living Magnets at Room Temperature. Advanced Functional Materials, 24(23): 3489-3493 (2014), which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201303754 . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."Biogenic magnetite is a fascinating example of how nature can generate functional magnetic nanostructures. Inspired by the magnetic bacteria, an attempt is made to mimic their magnetic properties, rather than their structures, to create living magnets at room temperature. The non-magnetic probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus fermentum and Bifidobacteria breve are used as bioplatforms to densely arrange superparamagnetic nanoparticles on their external surfaces, thus obtaining the artificial magnetic bacteria. Magnetic probiotic bacteria can be produced by using superparamagnetic maghemite nanoparticles assembled at their surfaces. They present a collective ferromagnetic phase at room temperature. The blocking temperature of these maghemite nanoparticles increases more than 100 K when assembled at the artificial magnetic bacteria.This work was funded by Biosearch S. A. (POSTBIO project-Agency for Innovation and Development of Andalucia IDEA) and by MINECO and FEDER (project CTQ2012–32236)

    Extended Floating Car Data System - Experimental Study-

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    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), , 06/06/2011-10/06/2011, Baden-Baden, AlemaniaThis paper presents the results of a set of extensive experiments carried out in daytime and nighttime conditions in real traffic using an enhanced or extended Floating Car Data system (xFCD) that includes a stereo vision sensor for detecting the local traffic ahead. The detection component implies the use of previously monocular approaches developed by our group in combination with new stereo vision algorithms that add robustness to the detection and increase the accuracy of the measurements corresponding to relative distance and speed. Besides the stereo pair of cameras, the vehicle is equipped with a low-cost GPS and an electronic device for CAN Bus interfacing. The xFCD system has been tested in a 198-minutes sequence recorded in real traffic scenarios with different weather and illumination conditions, which represents the main contribution of this paper. The results are promising and demonstrate that the system is ready for being used as a source of traffic state information

    Effects of red mud addition in the microstructure, durability and mechanical performance of cement mortars

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    Recently, there has been a great effort to incorporate industrial waste into cement-based materials to reach a more sustainable cement industry. In this regard, the Bayer process of obtaining alumina from bauxite generates huge amounts of waste called red mud. Few research articles have pointed out the possibility that red mud has pozzolanic activity. In view of that, the objective of this research is to analyse the short-term effects in the pore structure, mechanical performance and durability of mortars which incorporate up to 20% of red mud as a clinker replacement. As a reference, ordinary Portland cement and fly ash Portland cement mortars were also studied. The microstructure was characterised through mercury intrusion porosimetry and non-destructive impedance spectroscopy, which has not previously been used for studying the pore network evolution of red mud cement-based materials. The possible pozzolanic activity of red mud has been checked using differential scanning calorimetry. The non-steady state chloride migration coefficient and the mechanical properties were studied too. According to the results obtained, the addition of red mud entailed a greater microstructure refinement of the mortar, did not worsen the resistance against chloride ingress and reduced the compressive strength compared to control binders.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. BIA2016-80982-

    A comparison of perturbed initial conditions and multiphysics ensembles in a severe weather episode in Spain

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    Ensembles of numerical model forecasts are of interest to operational early warning forecasters as the spread of the ensemble provides an indication of the uncertainty of the alerts, and the mean value is deemed to outperform the forecasts of the individual models. This paper explores two ensembles on a severe weather episode in Spain, aiming to ascertain the relative usefulness of each one. One ensemble uses sensible choices of physical parameterizations (precipitation microphysics, land surface physics, and cumulus physics) while the other follows a perturbed initial conditions approach. The results show that, depending on the parameterizations, large differences can be expected in terms of storm location, spatial structure of the precipitation field, and rain intensity. It is also found that the spread of the perturbed initial conditions ensemble is smaller than the dispersion due to physical parameterizations. This confirms that in severe weather situations operational forecasts should address moist physics deficiencies to realize the full benefits of the ensemble approach, in addition to optimizing initial conditions. The results also provide insights into differences in simulations arising from ensembles of weather models using several combinations of different physical parameterizations.Funding from projects PPII10- 0162-5543 (JCCM), CGL2010-20787-C02-01, CGL2010- 20787-C02-02 (MiCInn), Cenit project Prometeo (CDTI), and UNCM08-1E-086 (MiCInn) is gratefully acknowledged