309 research outputs found

    Southern hemisphere sensitivity to ENSO patterns and intensities: impacts over subtropical South America

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    El Niño flavors influence Subtropical South American (SSA) rainfall through the generation of one or two quasi-stationary Rossby waves. However, it is not yet clear whether the induced wave trains depend on the El Niño pattern and/or its intensity. To investigate this, we performed different sensitivity experiments using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) which was forced considering separately the Canonical and the El Niño Modoki patterns with sea surface temperature (SST) maximum anomalies of 1 and 3 ◦C. Experiments with 3 ◦C show that the Canonical El Niño induces two Rossby wave trains, a large one emanating from the western subtropical Pacific and a shorter one initiated over the central-eastern subtropical South Pacific. Only the shorter wave plays a role in generating negative outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) anomalies over SSA. On the other hand, 3 ◦C El Niño Modoki experiments show the generation of a large Rossby wave train that emanates from the subtropical western south Pacific and reaches South America (SA), promoting the development of negative OLR anomalies over SSA. Experiments with 1 ◦C show no impacts on OLR anomalies over SSA associated with El Niño Modoki. However, for the Canonical El Niño case there is a statistically significant reduction of the OLR anomalies over SSA related to the intensification of the upper level jet stream over the region. Finally, our model results suggest that SSA is more sensitive to the Canonical El Niño, although this result may be model dependent

    Escritoire: A Multi-touch Desk with e-Pen Input for Capture, Management and Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Documents

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19390-8_53A large quantity of documents used every day are still handwritten. However, it is interesting to transform each of these documents into its digital version for managing, archiving and sharing. Here we present Escritoire, a multi-touch desk that allows the user to capture, transcribe and work with handwritten documents. The desktop is continuously monitored using two cameras. Whenever the user makes a specific hand gesture over a paper, Escritoire proceeds to take an image. Then, the capture is automatically preprocesses, obtaining as a result an improved representation. Finally, the text image is transcribed using automatic techniques and finally the transcription is displayed on Escritoire.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MEC under FPU scholarship (AP2010-0575), STraDA research project (TIN2012-37475-C02-01) and MITTRAL research project (TIN2009-14633-C03-01); the EU’s 7th Framework Programme under tranScriptorium grant agreement (FP7/2007-2013/600707).Martín-Albo Simón, D.; Romero Gómez, V.; Vidal Ruiz, E. (2015). Escritoire: A Multi-touch Desk with e-Pen Input for Capture, Management and Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Documents. En Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Springer. 471-478. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19390-8_53S471478Andrew, A.: Another efficient algorithm for convex hulls in two dimensions. Inf. Process. Lett. 9(5), 216–219 (1979)Bosch, V., Toselli, A.H., Vidal, E.: Statistical text line analysis in handwritten documents. In: Proceedings of ICFHR (2012)Eisenstein, J., Puerta, A.: Adaptation in automated user-interface design. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (2000)Jelinek, F.: Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition. MIT Press, Cambridge (1998)Kalman, R.E.: A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems. Trans. ASME-J. Basic Eng. 82(Series D), 35–45 (1960)Keysers, D., Shafait, F., Breuel, T.M.: Document image zone classification - a simple high-performance approach. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory (2007)Kozielski, M., Forster, J., Ney, H.: Moment-based image normalization for handwritten text recognition. In: Proceedings of ICFHR (2012)Lampert, C.H., Braun, T., Ulges, A., Keysers, D., Breuel, T.M.: Oblivious document capture and real-time retrieval. In: International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition (2005)Liang, J., Doermann, D., Li, H.: Camera based analysis of text and documents a survey. Int. J. Doc. Anal. Recogn. 7(2–3), 84–104 (2005)Liwicki, M., Rostanin, O., El-Neklawy, S.M., Dengel, A.: Touch & write: a multi-touch table with pen-input. In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (2010)Marti, U.V., Bunke, H.: Text line segmentation and word recognition in a system for general writer independent handwriting recognition. In: Proceedings of ICDAR (2001)Martín-Albo, D., Romero, V., Toselli, A.H., Vidal, E.: Multimodal computer-assisted transcription of text images at character-level interaction. Int. J. Pattern Recogn. Artif. Intell. 26(5), 19 (2012)Martín-Albo, D., Romero, V., Vidal, E.: Interactive off-line handwritten text transcription using on-line handwritten text as feedback. In: Proceedings of ICDAR (2013)Mitra, S., Acharya, T.: Gesture recognition: a survey. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. B Cybern. 37(3), 311–324 (2007)Terry, M., Mynatt, E.D.: Recognizing creative needs in user interface design. In: Proceedings of C&C (2002)Toselli, A.H., Juan, A., Keysers, D., González, J., Salvador, I., Ney, H., Vidal, E., Casacuberta, F.: Integrated handwriting recognition and interpretation using finite-state models. Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell. 18(4), 519–539 (2004)Toselli, A.H., Romero, V., Pastor, M., Vidal, E.: Multimodal interactive transcription of text images. Pattern Recognit. 43(5), 1814–1825 (2010)Toselli, A.H., Romero, V., Vidal, E.: Computer assisted transcription of text images and multimodal interaction. In: Popescu-Belis, A., Stiefelhagen, R. (eds.) MLMI 2008. LNCS, vol. 5237, pp. 296–308. Springer, Heidelberg (2008)Wachs, J.P., Kolsch, M., Stern, H., Edan, Y.: Vision-based hand-gesture applications. Commun. ACM. 54(2), 60–71 (2011)Wobbrock, J.O., Morris, M.R., Wilson, A.D.: User-defined gestures for surface computing. In: Proceedings of CHI (2009

    Interdecadal variability of Southeastern South America rainfall and moisture sources during the austral summertime

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies over the tropical oceans are able to generate extratropical atmospheric circulation anomalies that can induce rainfall variability and changes in the sources of moisture. The work reported here evaluates the interdecadal changes in the moisture sources for southeastern South America (SESA) during austral summer, and it is divided into two complementary parts. In the first part the authors construct a climate network to detect synchronization periods among the tropical oceans and the precipitation over SESA. Afterward, taking into account these results, the authors select two periods with different degrees of synchronization to compare the spatial distribution of the SESA moisture sources. Results show that during the last century there were three synchronization periods among the tropical oceans and the precipitation over SESA (during the 1930s, 1970s, and 1990s) and suggest that the main moisture sources of SESA are the recycling over the region, the central-eastern shore of Brazil together with the surrounding Atlantic Ocean, and the southwestern South Atlantic surrounding the SESA domain. Comparison of SESA moisture sources for the 1980s (a period of nonsignificant synchronization) and the 1990s (a synchronized period) shows that the principal differences are in the intensity of the recycling and in the strength of the central-eastern shore of Brazil. Moreover, the authors find that a region centered at (20°S, 300°E) is a moisture source for SESA only during the 1990s. These differences can be associated with the development of a low-level anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomaly circulation over central-eastern Brazil that favors the transport of moisture from central Brazil (central-eastern shore of Brazil) toward SESA in the 1990s (1980s

    Analysis of the Behavior of an Indoor Position System Based on Fingerprints and IEEE 802.15.4

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    This paper presents an analysis of the behaviour of an indoor position system based on fingerprints and IEEE 802.15.4 that has been adapted to be tested in a competition, called EvAAL (Evaluating AAL Systems through Competitive Benchmarking), hold both in Madrid (tests) and Eindhoven (results). The objectives of this analysis are to determine the best algorithm that should have been applied in order to obtain the best results in the competition to use them in other environments. Among the different combinations that can be applied, i.e., the way the signature database is filled in and the algorithm uses to determine the closest location point, the best results are obtained using a global signature database where each signature entry is calculated by the medium of samples signatures database and the closest location is determined by a centroid algorithm with the parameter c set to 1.3. In this way, the error made improves the one obtained in the EvAAL, which is reduced by 100 centimetres.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Indoor Position System based on BitCloud Stack for Ambient Living and Smart Buildings

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    Nowadays there is a research on ambient living and smart building applications to make people life more confortable. This kind of applications, in general, requires the position where a person is in a building to act according it and to any physical parameters that are measured from the person, to determine, for instance, if the air condition has to be switched on or off, the room temperature has to be put up or down or the music has to be changed from classical to pop, or vice versa. This paper presents an indoor position solution based on BitCloud Stack, a full-featured, second generation embedded software stack from Atmel.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    Upgrading of Traditional Electric Meter Into Wireless Electric Meter Using ZigBee Technology

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    Since the electric generating, distributing and marketing has been possible; the Electric Meter was introduced and developed along the years, but never like this time. The digital technology, the wireless communication, and the computer systems have dramatically changed the Electric meter generation from Traditional Meter to Automatic Meter and now to Smart Meter. Their differences lie in how to collect and process information, and the amount of information they can provide. Even so the traditional meter reading has been long used, and it is still one of the most common ways for meter reading. This method, however, has their disadvantages which are the result of human basis reading method that uses. If the reading problem is solved by adding a simple circuit, which makes it automatic it will be still useful method of reading. In this paper it is described a prototype for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system that uses a Traditional meter, ZigBee modules, and Mesh network. As result the system gives, full capability of automatic meter even some features of smart meter too. This experiment has an important result for developing country like Ethiopia, which almost 99% its meters are the Traditional meter

    A standard-based Body Sensor Network system proposal

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    Body Area Networks are a solution to remote monitoring in order to acquire vital signals of patients. Actual sensors provide its own interface which makes more difficult to integrate them in a system. Using standardized protocols and interfaces increases the usability and the integration of different sensors, to achieve this goal the IEEE 1451 standard has been defined. This paper presents a proposal of a telemedicine system, with an open implementation of the IEEE 1451 standard, to be used in several different situations.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    A specific N-terminal extension of the 8 kDa domain is required for DNA end-bridging by human Polµ and Polλ

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    Human DNA polymerases mu (Polµ) and lambda (Polλ) are X family members involved in the repair of double-strand breaks in DNA during non-homologous end joining. Crucial abilities of these enzymes include bridging of the two 3′ single-stranded overhangs and trans-polymerization using one 3′ end as primer and the other as template, to minimize sequence loss. In this context, we have studied the importance of a previously uncharacterised sequence (‘brooch’), located at the N-terminal boundary of the Polß-like polymerase core, and formed by Tyr141, Ala142, Cys143, Gln144 and Arg145 in Polµ, and by Trp239, Val240, Cys241, Ala242 and Gln243 in Polλ. The brooch is potentially implicated in the maintenance of a closed conformation throughout the catalytic cycle, and our studies indicate that it could be a target of Cdk phosphorylation in Polµ. The brooch is irrelevant for 1 nt gap filling, but of specific importance during end joining: single mutations in the conserved residues reduced the formation of two ended synapses and strongly diminished the ability of Polµ and polymerase lambda to perform non-homologous end joining reactions in vitro