89 research outputs found

    Estudi comparatiu de combinacions de dosis fixes enfront a dosis lliures en el control de la tensió arterial, factors que determinen el seu ús i impacte assistencial sanitari

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    Es tracta d'un estudi de cohorts prospectiu històric que pretén comparar l'ús de combinacions de dosis lliures enfront a les combinacions de dosis fixes en el control de la tensió arterial pel que fa a eficàcia i assoliment dels objectius terapèutics per al tractament d'aquesta patologia tan prevalent a les societats desenvolupades, així com comparar l'impacte econòmico-sanitari que comporten una i altra pel que fa a número de visites mèdiques, d'infermeria i número d'analítiques que es requereixen en cada estratègia. L'estudi també pretén analitzar els factors que determinen l'ús d'unes o altres en el tractament de la hipertensió arterial

    Utilitat del holter de 72 hores a la pràctica clínica habitual

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    Objectiu: Estudiar les diferències d'augmentar el temps de registre de 24 a 72 hores en holters Material i mètodes: Estudi de cohorts retrospectiu. S'analitzen les dades de 56 pacients consecutius de març del 2009 fins al desembre del 2011. Resultats i Conclusions: Allargar el temps de registre fins les 72 hores augmenta el nombre de diagnòstics en un 17,8%. En la sospita de fibril·lació auricular allargar el temps de registre resulta útil en un 42,9% dels estudis; en el mareig en un 20% i en la síncope en un 14,3%. Els nous diagnòstics detectats són potencialment greu

    Cryoballoon Ablation for Persistent and Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: Procedural Differences and Results from the Spanish Registry (RECABA)

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    Introduction: Cryoballoon ablation (CBA) has become a standard treatment for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PaAF) but limited data is available for outcomes in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (PeAF). Methods: We analyzed the first 944 patients included in the Spanish Prospective Multi-center Observation Post-market Registry to compare characteristics and outcomes of patients undergoing CBA for PeAF versus PaAF. Results: A total of 944 patients (57.8 ± 10.4 years; 70.1% male) with AF (27.9% persistent) were prospectively included from 25 centers. PeAF patients were more likely to have structural heart disease (67.7 vs. 11.4%; p < 0.001) and left atrium dilation (72.6 vs. 43.3%; p < 0.001). CBA of PeAF was less likely to be performed under general anesthesia (10.7 vs. 22.2%; p < 0.001), with an arterial line (32.2 vs. 44.6%; p < 0.001) and assisted transeptal puncture (11.9 vs. 17.9%; p = 0.025). During an application, PeAF patients had a longer time to −30 ◦C (35.91 ± 14.20 vs. 34.93 ± 12.87 s; p = 0.021) and a colder balloon nadir temperature during vein isolation (−35.04 ± 9.58 vs. −33.61 ± 10.32 ◦C; p = 0.004), but received fewer bonus freeze applications (30.7 vs. 41.1%; p < 0.001). There were no differences in acute pulmonary vein isolation and procedure-related complications. Overall, 76.7% of patients were free from AF recurrences at 15-month follow-up (78.9% in PaAF vs. 70.9% in PeAF; p = 0.09). Conclusions: Patients with PeAF have a more diseased substrate, and CBA procedures performed in such patients were more simplified, although longer/colder freeze applications were often applied. The acute efficacy/safety profile of CBA was similar between PaAF and PeAF patients, but long-term results were better in PaAF patients

    An intensive, structured, mobile devices-based healthcare intervention to optimize the lipid-lowering therapy improves lipid control after an acute coronary syndrome

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    AimsDespite the evidence, lipid-lowering treatment (LLT) in secondary prevention remains insufficient, and a low percentage of patients achieve the recommended LDL cholesterol (LDLc) levels by the guidelines. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of an intensive, mobile devices-based healthcare lipid-lowering intervention after hospital discharge in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome (ACS).Methods and resultsAmbiespective register in which a mobile devices-based healthcare intervention including periodic follow-up, serial lipid level controls, and optimization of lipid-lowering therapy, if appropriate, was assessed in terms of serum lipid-level control at 12 weeks after discharge. A total of 497 patients, of which 462 (93%) correctly adhered to the optimization protocol, were included in the analysis. At the end of the optimization period, 327 (70.7%) patients had LDLc levels ≤ 70 mg/dL. 40% of patients in the LDLc ≤ 70 mg/dL group were upgraded to very-high intensity lipid-lowering ability therapy vs. 60.7% in the LDLc &gt; 70 mg/dL group, p &lt; 0.001. Overall, 38.5% of patients had at least a change in their LLT. Side effects were relatively infrequent (10.7%). At 1-year follow-up, LDLc levels were measured by the primary care physician in 342 (68.8%) of the whole cohort of 497 patients. In this group, 71.1% of patients had LDLc levels ≤ 70 mg/dL.ConclusionAn intensive, structured, mobile devices-based healthcare intervention after an ACS is associated with more than 70% of patients reaching the LDLc levels recommended by the clinical guidelines. In patients with LDLc measured at 1-year follow-up, 71.1% had LDLc levels ≤ 70 mg/dL

    An intensive, structured, mobile devices-based healthcare intervention to optimize the lipid-lowering therapy improves lipid control after an acute coronary syndrome

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    Despite the evidence, lipid-lowering treatment (LLT) in secondary prevention remains insufficient, and a low percentage of patients achieve the recommended LDL cholesterol (LDLc) levels by the guidelines. We aimed to evaluate the efficacy of an intensive, mobile devices-based healthcare lipid-lowering intervention after hospital discharge in patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Ambiespective register in which a mobile devices-based healthcare intervention including periodic follow-up, serial lipid level controls, and optimization of lipid-lowering therapy, if appropriate, was assessed in terms of serum lipid-level control at 12 weeks after discharge. A total of 497 patients, of which 462 (93%) correctly adhered to the optimization protocol, were included in the analysis. At the end of the optimization period, 327 (70.7%) patients had LDLc levels ≤ 70 mg/dL. 40% of patients in the LDLc ≤ 70 mg/dL group were upgraded to very-high intensity lipid-lowering ability therapy vs. 60.7% in the LDLc > 70 mg/dL group, p < 0.001. Overall, 38.5% of patients had at least a change in their LLT. Side effects were relatively infrequent (10.7%). At 1-year follow-up, LDLc levels were measured by the primary care physician in 342 (68.8%) of the whole cohort of 497 patients. In this group, 71.1% of patients had LDLc levels ≤ 70 mg/dL. An intensive, structured, mobile devices-based healthcare intervention after an ACS is associated with more than 70% of patients reaching the LDLc levels recommended by the clinical guidelines. In patients with LDLc measured at 1-year follow-up, 71.1% had LDLc levels ≤ 70 mg/dL

    STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR): the Standardized Treatment and Outcome Platform for Stereotactic Therapy Of Re-entrant tachycardia by a Multidisciplinary consortium (STOPSTORM.eu) and review of current patterns of STAR practice in Europe

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    The EU Horizon 2020 Framework-funded Standardized Treatment and Outcome Platform for Stereotactic Therapy Of Re-entrant tachycardia by a Multidisciplinary (STOPSTORM) consortium has been established as a large research network for investigating STereotactic Arrhythmia Radioablation (STAR) for ventricular tachycardia (VT). The aim is to provide a pooled treatment database to evaluate patterns of practice and outcomes of STAR and finally to harmonize STAR within Europe. The consortium comprises 31 clinical and research institutions. The project is divided into nine work packages (WPs): (i) observational cohort; (ii) standardization and harmonization of target delineation; (iii) harmonized prospective cohort; (iv) quality assurance (QA); (v) analysis and evaluation; (vi, ix) ethics and regulations; and (vii, viii) project coordination and dissemination. To provide a review of current clinical STAR practice in Europe, a comprehensive questionnaire was performed at project start. The STOPSTORM Institutions' experience in VT catheter ablation (83% ≥ 20 ann.) and stereotactic body radiotherapy (59% > 200 ann.) was adequate, and 84 STAR treatments were performed until project launch, while 8/22 centres already recruited VT patients in national clinical trials. The majority currently base their target definition on mapping during VT (96%) and/or pace mapping (75%), reduced voltage areas (63%), or late ventricular potentials (75%) during sinus rhythm. The majority currently apply a single-fraction dose of 25 Gy while planning techniques and dose prescription methods vary greatly. The current clinical STAR practice in the STOPSTORM consortium highlights potential areas of optimization and harmonization for substrate mapping, target delineation, motion management, dosimetry, and QA, which will be addressed in the various WPs

    Historia natural del bloqueo bifascicular : factores que influyen en la evolución a bloqueo auriculoventricular avanzado y en la mortalidad /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLos pacientes con bloqueo bifascicular y síncope tienen un riesgo mayor de recurrencia sincopal por progresión a bloqueo AV avanzado, si bien en estos casos el rendimiento del EEF no suele pasar del 50% en las series más optimistas, quedando la otra mitad con un diagnostico incierto. Además, las exploraciones como la basculación o el test de adenosina en estos pacientes no han sido bien estudiadas. Por otro lado, la implantación de un Holter insertable o la implantación directa de un marcapasos puede incrementar los costos sin un beneficio demasiado evidente principalmente en los pacientes con un primer síncope, sin estar exento de una morbilidad asociada. Asimismo, la literatura orienta a un mayor riesgo de mortalidad global y especialmente muerte súbita en este grupo de pacientes, aunque los datos son contradictorios en los distintos estudios epidemiológicos. Los parámetros clínicos como la presencia de cardiopatía estructural, la disfunción ventricular o incluso la clase funcional avanzada de la NYHA pueden ser útiles unido a los parámetros del EEF como es la inducción de arritmias ventriculares. Finalmente, el pronóstico de los pacientes con un EEF negativo no esta bien documentado en la literatura. Por todo ello los objetivos fundamentales de este trabajo son: 1) Definir la exactitud diagnóstica de las variables clínicas en la evolución a bloqueo AV avanzado. 2) Definir la precisión diagnóstica del EEF en la decisión de implantar un marcapasos. 3) Definir la exactitud diagnóstica del test de basculación y del test de adenosina en estos pacientes. 4) Determinar los predictores de mortalidad global, cardiaca y arrítmica
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