598 research outputs found


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    Galileu i la creació

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    Galileu i la creaci&oacute

    El sentiment de la natura en la pintura valenciana

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    Feeling Nature in Valencian PaintingContrary to what is commonly asserted, the Valencian landscape has only been partially and very superfi cially painted. Painters like Sorolla or Pinazo, often cited as the great Valencian landscape painters, dealt with Valencia’s geography very rarely, with greater focus on customs than on the valueof the landscape. With few exceptions, an in-depth, serious and pictoric investigation of diverse Valencian natural scenery has yet to be carried out


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    L'hort de Darwin:Coloms, orquídies, plantes carnívores,prímules, enfiladisses, i cucs de terra

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    Darwin’s Harvest: Pigeons, Orchids, Carnivorous Plants, Primroses, Creepers and Earthworms.Charles Darwin has been, without doubt, one of the most transcendental scientists of all times. Nevertheless, some researchers have objected that his work is based more on the collection of data taken from other sources than fruit of his own research. This criticism is not at all true –even thoughits dissemination has been widespread–, and the work he carried out at Down House was one of the important foundations on which his train of evolutionary thought grew. His work encompassed barnacles to earthworms, going on to laborious studies of pigeons and orchids, which all contributedto creating his extensive scientifi c corpus


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    Mirella Levi D'Ancona

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