33 research outputs found

    Orientasi Pasaran dalam Industri Kayu Albizia di Indonesia

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    Capability of world wood market in permeating the products of Indonesian forest product, proven have placed forestry as important sector in national development. Globalization which knock over world have change of producer behavior and consumer. Including industrial marketing of wood in Indonesia. Presence of economic crisis which knock over world have caused all industrial entrepreneur of natural forest wood in Indonesia stay in uncertainly. Existence of Area Autonomy (pursuant to Law of No.2 Year 1999), forest management change from center to sub-province areas, This change is not follow with clear guide. As a result forest management progressively to dissolved. The happening of wild hewing, the increasing of smuggling practice of log, disforesting faster and forest progressively to dissolved. That condition cause of entrepreneur of wood look away from exploiting wood of natural forest up to plant forest wood. Begin to that moment, the plant wood business of Albizia progressively expand. In business of Albizia plant wood have to precisely in chosening Marketing Orientation model. This matter so that may win in competition and may take care of business performance. For that this study chosen model that is Market Orientation. Election of Market Orientation than Albizia wood business aim to recognize surely how far influence of antecedence factors to Market orientation. To recognize surely how far Market Orientation influence to business performance. To recognize surely how far external factors that is market turbulence, market growth, competitif intensity and technology turbulence influence relation between Market Orientation with business performance. This research including of sample study. Number of its population is 182 individual. Number of sample taken 158 individual. This research is including cross sectional study. Study design is descriptive, quantitative, correlational. Its analysis method is regression analysis. The result of this research is shown that there is positive relation and significant between Market Orientation with business performance. If Market Orientation applied hence will happened increase of business performance up to 33.9 percent. There is positive relation and significant between company head with Market Orientation. Company head can increase the value of Market Orientation up to 2.3 percent. There is positive influence but not significant between formalization, departmentalization and centralization of organizational system with Market Orientation. There is negative influence but not significant between interdepartment conflict with Market Orientation. There is positive influence but not significant between interdepartment connected and reward system with Market Orientation. There is positive influence but not significant between market turbulence and market growth with Market Orientation - business performance. There is a positive and significant influence between competitif intensity and technology turbulence with Market Orientation- business performance. Each can increase of Market Orientation value- business performance up to 54.9 percent and 51.9 percent. The application of marketing model of Market Orientation good to executed at industrial business of Albizia wood in Indonesia


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    Lereng gunung Lawu adalah tempat alternatif sebagai tujuan transplantasi C. pubescens dengan sistem tumpangsari karena memiliki kondisi lingkungan yang hampir sepadan dengan dataran tinggi Dieng. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan serta  produktifitas lahan yang digunakan. Metode penelitian menggunakan RAK 5 kali ulangan dengan perlakuan (1) monokultur C. pubescens; (2) Kombinasi C. pubescens dengan Stroberi dan (3) kombinasi C. pubescens dengan Loncang. Parameter pertumbuhan yang diamati adalah berat basah dan berat kering. Parameter pertumbuhan C. pubescens dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan uji Duncan pada taraf 5%. Perhitungan competition ratio (CR) dan land equivalent ratio (LER) dalam sistem tumpangsari maka, dilakukan penanaman ubi jalar dan cabai secara monokultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Pertumbuhan tanaman C. Pubescens yang ditanam secara monokultur dan tumpangsari selama 12 minggu setelah tanam tidak menunjukan adanya beda nyataTumpangsari C. Pubescens dengan Setroberi dan loncang tidak menunjukan kompetisi antar tanaman yang ditunjukan dengan nilai CR yaitu: berat basah a 1,14: b 1,25 dan a 2: b 2 Sedangkan  berat kering a 1,09 : b 1,31 dan a 2,13: b 2,13. Sistem pertanaman tumpangsari lebih efektif dari pada monokultur yang ditunjukan dengan nilai LER > 1 pada berat kering yaitu C. pubescens dengan Setroberi memiliki nilai 3,14 sedangkan kombinasi C. pubescens dengan loncang  memiliki nilai LER 2,89

    Pertumbuhan, Kadar Saponin dan Nitrogen Jaringan Tanaman Daun Sendok (Plantago major L.) pada Pemberian Asam Giberelat (GA3)

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    The aims of this research were to study application effect on growth, saponin content and tissue nitrogen of common plantain (Plantago major L.). P. major was one of plant which has potency as a medicinal plant. The addition of GA3 exogenous to the plant would caused GA3 binding with receptor protein in the plasma membrane region, which caused specific gene activation, so that specific RNA molecule formed, and would triggered one or more enzyme forming which regulate plant growth and influence protein synthesis also plant secondary metabolite production. Data elicited by completely randomized design (CRD) with single factor (GA3 application). The application of GA3 was done once a week for two months, with following concentrations: 0 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm, 75 ppm and 100 ppm, each treatment with five replications. The measurement of leaves width, dry weight, saponin content and nitrogen tissue were done after harvest. Data obtained were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and followed by DMRT 5% confidence level. The result showed that GA3 application giving significant effect to dry weight and saponin content; but was not give significant effect to leaves width and tissue nitrogen content. The highest GA3 concentration for increased leaves width was 50 ppm. The highest dry weight and saponin content was on 75 ppm GA3 application, whereas for the highest tissue nitrogen was on 25 ppm GA3 treatment. Keywords: gibberellic acid, Plantago major, growth, saponin, tissue nitrogen

    Pertumbuhan, Kandungan Nitrogen, Klorofil dan Karotenoid Daun Gynura procumbens [Lour] Merr. pada Tingkat Naungan Berbeda

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    The objectives of this research were to find out the influence and optimal different shading on growth, nitrogen, carotenoid, and chlorophyll content of Gynura procumbens leaf. Research was carried out in the green house of Faculty of Agriculture Sebelas Maret University and Central Laboratory Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, in June until October 2003. Completely randomized design with single factor was used as follow: 0%, 40%, and 70% shading with 10 replications each treatment. Observation including growth parameters (plant height, surface leaf’s area, dry weight) and the contents of nitrogen, chlorophyll, and carotenoid. Data collected were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by DMRT test at 5% confidence level and regression test. The result indicated that 40% shading had proven to increase growth parameters, 70% shading giving significant effect on nitrogen and chlorophyll content, while 0% shading showed to increase carotenoid content. Keywords: shade, growth, nitrogen, chlorophyll, carotenoid

    The physics of single-side fluorination of graphene: DFT and DFT+U studies

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    We present density functional theory (DFT) calculations of the electronic and magnetic properties of fluorine adatoms on a single side of a graphene monolayer. By extrapolating the results, the binding energy of a single fluorine adatom on graphene in the dilute limit is calculated. Our results confirm that the finite-size error in the binding energy scales inversely with the cube of the linear size of the simulation cell. We establish relationships between stability and C–F bond nature, diffusion of fluorine adatoms and total magnetization in different configurations of adatoms. For single-side fluorination, sp 2.33 is the maximum p-content re-hybridization found in the C–F bond. We show that semilocal DFT cannot predict correctly the magnetic properties of fluorinated graphene and a higher level theory, such as DFT+U is needed. The results indicate a tendency of graphene to reduce the imbalance between adsorption on the two sublattices, and therefore total magnetization, through low-energy-barrier pathways on a time scale of ~10 ps at room temperature. The thermodynamically favored arrangements are those with the smallest total magnetization. Indeed, the electronic structure is intimately related to the magnetic properties and changes from semi-metallic to p-type half-metallic or semiconducting features, depending on the adatoms arrangement