474 research outputs found

    Symmetry Breaking in C. elegans: Another Gift from the Sperm

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    Polarization of the C. elegans embryo depends on the sperm-contributed centrosome, which cues a retraction of the actomyosin cortex to the opposite end of the embryo by an unknown mechanism. New evidence reveals that the sperm donates a second polarizing cue that may locally relax the actomyosin cortex near the point of sperm entry

    Simultaneous modelling of gas and stellar metallicity in galaxies: strong early outflow vs variable IMF

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    The origin and cosmic evolution of the gas metallicity and stellar metallicity vs galaxy mass relations are a matter of hot debate. Usually, these relations are studied separately, and there is no comprehensive model that can explain both simultaneously. As the stellar metallicity carries information about the early epochs of chemical enrichment in galaxies, while gas metallicity reflects more recent evolutionary processes, the simultaneous study of both will set the stringent constraints to galaxy formation and evolution across cosmic time. Here we show a unified model aiming at reproducing both relations simultaneously. As input data we use integrated spectra from SDSS, with carefully derived stellar and gas metallicities

    Operational Overview for UAS Integration in the NAS Project Flight Test Series 3

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System Project has conducted a series of flight tests intended to support the reduction of barriers that prevent unmanned aircraft from flying without the required waivers from the Federal Aviation Administration. The 2015 Flight Test Series 3, supported two separate test configurations. The first configuration investigated the timing of Detect and Avoid alerting thresholds using a radar equipped unmanned vehicle and multiple live intruders flown at varying encounter geometries. The second configuration included a surrogate unmanned vehicle (flown from a ground control station, with a safety pilot on board) flying a mission in a virtual air traffic control airspace sector using research pilot displays and Detect and Avoid advisories to maintain separation from live and virtual aircraft. The test was conducted over an eight-week span within the R-2508 Special Use Airspace. Over 200 encounters were flown for the first configuration, and although the second configuration was cancelled after three data collection flights, Flight Test 3 proved to be invaluable for the purposes of planning, managing, and execution of this type of integrated flight test

    1864-08-22 Captain Daniel Marston reports that Colonel Tilden and Lt. Davis escaped and have returned to the regiment

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    1863-09-26 Captain Daniel Marston recommends John M. Keen for promotion

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    1863-06-07 Captain Daniel Marston writes Governor Coburn about concerns with Maxfield\u27s drinking and unsuitability for promotion over Coston

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    1864-08-21 Captain Daniel Marston reports that all the officers of the regiment have been taken prisoner

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    1864-10-20 Captain Daniel Marston recommends Orderly Sergeant Charles Naylor Adams for promotion

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    1864-11-04 Captain Marston requests promotion to Major

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    1862-12-24 Captain Daniel Marston recommends Lieutenant Austin for promotion to Captain

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