48 research outputs found

    Combined immunohistochemistry of β-catenin, cytokeratin 7, and cytokeratin 20 is useful in discriminating primary lung adenocarcinomas from metastatic colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: It is important to discriminate between primary and secondary lung cancer. However, often, the discriminating diagnosis of primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma and lung metastasis of colorectal cancer based on morphological and pathological findings is difficult. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of immunohistochemistry of β-catenin, cytokeratin (CK) 7, and CK20 for the discriminating diagnosis of lung cancer. METHODS: We performed immunohistochemistry of β-catenin, CK7, and CK20 in 19 lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples, 10 corresponding primary colorectal cancer samples and 11 primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples and compared the levels of accuracy of the discriminating diagnosis by using antibodies against these antigens. RESULTS: Positive staining of β-catenin was observed in all the lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples as well as in the primary colorectal cancer samples but in none of the primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples. Positive staining of CK7 was observed in 90.9% of the primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples and in 5.3% of the lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples, but in none of the primary colorectal cancer samples. Positive staining of CK20 was observed in all the primary colorectal cancer samples and in 84.2% of the lung metastasis of colorectal cancer samples, but in none of the primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma samples. CONCLUSION: Combined immunohistochemistry of β-catenin, CK7, and CK20 is useful for making a discriminating diagnosis between lung metastasis of colorectal cancer and primary lung acinar adenocarcinoma. This method will enable accurate diagnosis of a lung tumor and will be useful for selecting appropriate therapeutic strategies, including chemotherapeutic agents and operation methods

    Regulation of the let-7a-3 Promoter by NF-κB

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    Changes in microRNA expression have been linked to a wide array of pathological states. However, little is known about the regulation of microRNA expression. The let-7 microRNA is a tumor suppressor that inhibits cellular proliferation and promotes differentiation, and is frequently lost in tumors. We investigated the transcriptional regulation of two let-7 family members, let-7a-3 and let-7b, which form a microRNA cluster and are located 864 bp apart on chromosome 22q13.31. Previous reports present conflicting data on the role of the NF-κB transcription factor in regulating let-7. We cloned three fragments upstream of the let-7a-3/let-7b miRNA genomic region into a plasmid containing a luciferase reporter gene. Ectopic expression of subunits of NF-κB (p50 or p65/RelA) significantly increased luciferase activity in HeLa, 293, 293T and 3T3 cells, indicating that the let-7a-3/let-7b promoter is highly responsive to NF-κB. Mutation of a putative NF-κB binding site at bp −833 reduced basal promoter activity and decreased promoter activity in the presence of p50 or p65 overexpression. Mutation of a second putative binding site, at bp −947 also decreased promoter activity basally and in response to p65 induction, indicating that both sites contribute to NF-κB responsiveness. While the levels of the endogenous primary let-7a and let-7b transcript were induced in response to NF-κB overexpression in 293T cells, the levels of fully processed, mature let-7a and let-7b miRNAs did not increase. Instead, levels of Lin-28B, a protein that blocks let-7 maturation, were induced by NF-κB. Increased Lin-28B levels could contribute to the lack of an increase in mature let-7a and let-7b. Our results suggest that the final biological outcome of NF-κB activation on let-7 expression may vary depending upon the cellular context. We discuss our results in the context of NF-κB activity in repressing self-renewal and promoting differentiation

    MicroRNA profiling of rhesus macaque embryonic stem cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in embryonic stem cell (ESC) self-renewal and pluripotency. Numerous studies have revealed human and mouse ESC miRNA profiles. As a model for human-related study, the rhesus macaque is ideal for delineating the regulatory mechanisms of miRNAs in ESCs. However, studies on rhesus macaque (r)ESCs are lacking due to limited rESC availability and a need for systematic analyses of fundamental rESC characteristics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We established three rESC lines and profiled microRNA using Solexa sequencing resulting in 304 known and 66 novel miRNAs. MiRNA profiles were highly conserved between rESC lines and predicted target genes were significantly enriched in differentiation pathways. Further analysis of the miRNA-target network indicated that gene expression regulated by miRNAs was negatively correlated to their evolutionary rate in rESCs. Moreover, a cross-species comparison revealed an overall conservation of miRNA expression patterns between human, mouse and rhesus macaque ESCs. However, we identified three miRNA clusters (miR-467, the miRNA cluster in the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 region and C19MC) that showed clear interspecies differences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>rESCs share a unique miRNA set that may play critical roles in self-renewal and pluripotency. MiRNA expression patterns are generally conserved between species. However, species and/or lineage specific miRNA regulation changed during evolution.</p

    Conserved Expression Patterns Predict microRNA Targets

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    microRNAs (miRNAs) are major regulators of gene expression and thereby modulate many biological processes. Computational methods have been instrumental in understanding how miRNAs bind to mRNAs to induce their repression but have proven inaccurate. Here we describe a novel method that combines expression data from human and mouse to discover conserved patterns of expression between orthologous miRNAs and mRNA genes. This method allowed us to predict thousands of putative miRNA targets. Using the luciferase reporter assay, we confirmed 4 out of 6 of our predictions. In addition, this method predicted many miRNAs that act as expression enhancers. We show that many miRNA enhancer effects are mediated through the repression of negative transcriptional regulators and that this effect could be as common as the widely reported repression activity of miRNAs. Our findings suggest that the indirect enhancement of gene expression by miRNAs could be an important component of miRNA regulation that has been widely neglected to date

    Genome-wide identification of Ago2 binding sites from mouse embryonic stem cells with and without mature microRNAs

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 19–22-nucleotide noncoding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate mRNA targets. We have identified endogenous miRNA binding sites in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), by performing photo-cross-linking immunoprecipitation using antibodies to Argonaute (Ago2) followed by deep sequencing of RNAs (CLIP-seq). We also performed CLIP-seq in Dicer[superscript −/−] mESCs that lack mature miRNAs, allowing us to define whether the association of Ago2 with the identified sites was miRNA dependent. A significantly enriched motif, GCACUU, was identified only in wild-type mESCs in 3′ untranslated and coding regions. This motif matches the seed of a miRNA family that constitutes ~68% of the mESC miRNA population. Unexpectedly, a G-rich motif was enriched in sequences cross-linked to Ago2 in both the presence and absence of miRNAs. Expression analysis and reporter assays confirmed that the seed-related motif confers miRNA-directed regulation on host mRNAs and that the G-rich motif can modulate this regulation.Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of AmericaUnited States. Public Health Service (Grant R01-GM34277)United States. Public Health Service (Grant R01-CA133404)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Grant P01-CA42063)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) Cancer Center Support (Grant P30-CA14051

    Management of peripheral facial nerve palsy

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    Peripheral facial nerve palsy (FNP) may (secondary FNP) or may not have a detectable cause (Bell’s palsy). Three quarters of peripheral FNP are primary and one quarter secondary. The most prevalent causes of secondary FNP are systemic viral infections, trauma, surgery, diabetes, local infections, tumor, immunological disorders, or drugs. The diagnosis of FNP relies upon the presence of typical symptoms and signs, blood chemical investigations, cerebro-spinal-fluid-investigations, X-ray of the scull and mastoid, cerebral MRI, or nerve conduction studies. Bell’s palsy may be diagnosed after exclusion of all secondary causes, but causes of secondary FNP and Bell’s palsy may coexist. Treatment of secondary FNP is based on the therapy of the underlying disorder. Treatment of Bell’s palsy is controversial due to the lack of large, randomized, controlled, prospective studies. There are indications that steroids or antiviral agents are beneficial but also studies, which show no beneficial effect. Additional measures include eye protection, physiotherapy, acupuncture, botulinum toxin, or possibly surgery. Prognosis of Bell’s palsy is fair with complete recovery in about 80% of the cases, 15% experience some kind of permanent nerve damage and 5% remain with severe sequelae

    Breast tumour angiogenesis

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    The central importance of tumour neovascularization has been emphasized by clinical trials using antiangiogenic therapy in breast cancer. This review gives a background to breast tumour neovascularization in in situ and invasive breast cancer, outlines the mechanisms by which this is achieved and discusses the influence of the microenvironment, focusing on hypoxia. The regulation of angiogenesis and the antivascular agents that are used in an antiangiogenic dosing schedule, both novel and conventional, are also summarized

    Identification of Novel Targets of CSL-Dependent Notch Signaling in Hematopoiesis

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    Somatic activating mutations in the Notch1 receptor result in the overexpression of activated Notch1, which can be tumorigenic. The goal of this study is to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the phenotypic changes caused by the overexpression of ligand independent Notch 1 by using a tetracycline inducible promoter in an in vitro embryonic stem (ES) cells/OP9 stromal cells coculture system, recapitulating normal hematopoiesis. First, an in silico analysis of the promoters of Notch regulated genes (previously determined by microarray analysis) revealed that the motifs recognized by regulatory proteins known to mediate hematopoiesis were overrepresented. Notch 1 does not bind DNA but instead binds the CSL transcription factor to regulate gene expression. The in silico analysis also showed that there were putative CSL binding sites observed in the promoters of 28 out of 148 genes. A custom ChIP-chip array was used to assess the occupancy of CSL in the promoter regions of the Notch1 regulated genes in vivo and showed that 61 genes were bound by activated Notch responsive CSL. Then, comprehensive mapping of the CSL binding sites genome-wide using ChIP-seq analysis revealed that over 10,000 genes were bound within 10 kb of the TSS (transcription start site). The majority of the targets discovered by ChIP-seq belong to pathways that have been shown by others to crosstalk with Notch signaling. Finally, 83 miRNAs were significantly differentially expressed by greater than 1.5-fold during the course of in vitro hematopoiesis. Thirty one miRNA were up-regulated and fifty two were down-regulated. Overexpression of Notch1 altered this pattern of expression of microRNA: six miRNAs were up-regulated and four were down regulated as a result of activated Notch1 overexpression during the course of hematopoiesis. Time course analysis of hematopoietic development revealed that cells with Notch 1 overexpression mimic miRNA expression of cells in a less mature stage, which is consistent with our previous biological characterization

    Fatores associados ao uso de serviço de atenção pré-hospitalar por vítimas de acidentes de trânsito Factors associated with pre-hospital care in victims of traffic accidents

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    Em um estudo de corte transversal foram avaliadas as características das vítimas de acidentes de trânsito ocorridos em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, com o objetivo de conhecer as características dos acidentes e das vítimas que usaram o serviço de atendimento pré-hospitalar, e investigar se o uso deste serviço está associado a um menor tempo até o atendimento hospitalar. Participaram do estudo todas as 1.564 vítimas de acidente de trânsito atendidas nos três maiores hospitais públicos de referência para emergência na cidade entre 10 de novembro e 14 de dezembro de 2003. As associações foram investigadas utilizando-se razões de prevalência obtidas por regressão de Poisson. Os resultados mostraram que 49,7% das vítimas usaram o serviço de atendimento pré-hospitalar, sendo a utilização menor entre ocupantes de bicicleta e pedestres. A gravidade (AIS = 2 e AIS <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 3), idade (30-39 anos, 40-49, <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 50 anos), relato de uso de álcool e tempo de admissão hospitalar < 60 minutos estiveram associados ao transporte pelo serviço de atendimento pré-hospitalar. O uso do serviço de atendimento pré-hospitalar foi maior entre vítimas mais graves e esteve associado a um tempo menor de chegada até o hospital, características consideradas essenciais para um serviço de atenção pré-hospitalar.<br>This was a cross-sectional study of all victims of traffic accidents in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, admitted to the three largest public hospitals in the city from November 10 to December 14, 2003, to identify characteristics associated with the use of pre-hospital emergency treatment and investigate whether the time between the accident and hospital admission was shorter among these victims. The association between pre-hospital treatment and target variables was assessed by prevalence ratios obtained from Poisson regression. Among 1,564 victims, 778 (49.7%) were transported in vehicles with pre-hospital treatment. Pre-hospital treatment was less common for bicyclists and pedestrians. The prevalence ratio was higher among victims with more severe injuries (AIS = 2 and AIS <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 3), older victims (30-39 years, 40-49 years, <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 50 years), those who reported alcohol use, and when the time between accident and hospital admission was less than 60 minutes. According to the results, pre-hospital treatment is more frequent among severely injured victims and helps reduce the time between the accident and hospital admission