67 research outputs found

    Using natural viewing behavior to screen for and reconstruct visual field defects

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    There is a need for simple and effective ways to screen for visual field defects (VFD). Watching a movie is a simple task most humans are familiar with. Therefore we assessed whether it is possible to detect and reconstruct visual field defects based on free viewing eye movements, recorded while watching movie clips. Participants watched 90 movie clips of one minute, with and without simulated visual field defects (sVFD), while their eye movements were tracked. We simulated homonymous hemianopia (HH) (left and right sided) and glaucoma (small nasal arc, large nasal arc, and tunnel vision). We generated fixation density maps of the visual field and trained a linear support vector machine to predict the viewing conditions of each trial of each participant based on these maps. To reconstruct the visual field defect, we computed "viewing priority" maps and maps of differences in fixation density of the visual field of each participant. We were able to classify the simulated visual field condition with more than 85% accuracy. In simulated HH, the viewing priority distribution over the visual field indicated the location of the sVFD in the simulated HH condition. In simulated glaucoma the difference in fixation density to the control condition indicated the location of the sVFD. It is feasible to use natural viewing behavior to screen for and reconstruct (simulated) visual field defects. Movie clip viewing in combination with eye tracking may thus provide an alternative to or supplement standard automated perimetry, in particular in patients who cannot perform the latter technique

    Linking cortical visual processing to viewing behavior using fMRI

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    One characteristic of natural visual behavior in humans is the frequent shifting of eye position. It has been argued that the characteristics of these eye movements can be used to distinguish between distinct modes of visual processing (Unema et al., 2005). These viewing modes would be distinguishable on the basis of the eye-movement parameters fixation duration and saccade amplitude and have been hypothesized to reflect the differential involvement of dorsal and ventral systems in saccade planning and information processing. According to this hypothesis, on the one hand, while in a “pre-attentive” or ambient mode, primarily scanning eye movements are made; in this mode fixation are relatively brief and saccades tends to be relatively large. On the other hand, in “attentive” focal mode, fixations last longer and saccades are relatively small, and result in viewing behavior which could be described as detailed inspection. Thus far, no neuroscientific basis exists to support the idea that such distinct viewing modes are indeed linked to processing in distinct cortical regions. Here, we used fixation-based event-related (FIBER) fMRI in combination with independent component analysis (ICA) to investigate the neural correlates of these viewing modes. While we find robust eye-movement-related activations, our results do not support the theory that the above mentioned viewing modes modulate dorsal and ventral processing. Instead, further analyses revealed that eye-movement characteristics such as saccade amplitude and fixation duration did differentially modulate activity in three clusters in early, ventromedial and ventrolateral visual cortex. In summary, we conclude that evaluating viewing behavior is crucial for unraveling cortical processing in natural vision

    Lower dorsal striatum activation in association with neuroticism during the acceptance of unfair offers

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    Unfair treatment may evoke more negative emotions in individuals scoring higher on neuroticism, thereby possibly impacting their decision-making in these situations. To investigate the neural basis of social decision-making in these individuals, we examined interpersonal reactions to unfairness in the Ultimatum Game (UG). We measured brain activation with fMRI in 120 participants selected based on their neuroticism score, while they made decisions to accept or reject proposals that were either fair or unfair. The anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex were more activated during the processing of unfair offers, consistent with prior UG studies. Furthermore, we found more activation in parietal and temporal regions for the two most common decisions (fair accept and unfair reject), involving areas related to perceptual decision-making. Conversely, during the decision to accept unfair offers, individuals recruited more frontal regions previously associated with decision-making and the implementation of reappraisal in the UG. High compared to low neurotic individuals did not show differential activation patterns during the proposal of unfair offers; however, they did show lower activation in the right dorsal striatum (putamen) during the acceptance of unfair offers. This brain region has been involved in the formation of stimulus-action-reward associations and motivation/arousal. In conclusion, the findings suggest that both high and low neurotic individuals recruit brain regions signaling social norm violations in response to unfair offers. However, when it comes to decision-making, it seems that neural circuitry related to reward and motivation is altered in individuals scoring higher on neuroticism, when accepting an unfair offer

    Functional network topology associated with apathy in Alzheimer's disease

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    Background: Apathy, a common neuropsychiatric (NPS) in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), is associated with structural and metabolic brain changes. However, functional connectivity changes across the brain in association with apathy remain unclear. In this study, graph theoretical measures of integration and segregation from resting state functional connectivity in MCI and AD patients with low depression scores, and healthy controls. Methods: In MCI and AD patients with low depression scores, graph theoretical measures of integration and segregation were derived from resting state functional connectivity in patients, which were compared between those with apathy (NPS_A, n = 21) to those without NPS (NPS_None, n = 28) and those with NPS other than apathy (NPS_NA, n = 38). Additionally, the same measures were compared between AD patients and healthy controls (amyloid uptake below threshold levels). Results: Altered whole brain global efficiency and reduced local efficiency were found in NPS_A compared to NPS_None and NPS_NA. In similar contrasts, apathy was associated with increased participation coefficient in the frontoparietal and cingulo-opercular template-based networks. A study-specific network definition also showed similar results. In comparison, AD patients showed higher modularity compared to controls at the whole brain level and higher participation coefficient in the ventral attention network. Limitations: The severity and dimensions of apathy were not assessed. Conclusions: Loss of segregation in the frontoparietal and cingulo-opercular network, which are involved in the control of goal-directed behavior, was associated with apathy in MCI/AD. The results also suggest that network-level changes in AD patients may underlie specific NPS

    Working Memory Alterations After a Romantic Relationship Breakup

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    Experiencing stress can have a disadvantageous effect on mental well-being. Additional to the relation between suffering from chronic stress and depression, both stress (acute and chronic) and depression are associated with cognitive alterations, including working memory. The breakup of a relationship is considered to be a stressful event that can lead to symptoms of depression in otherwise healthy people. Additional to elevated depression scores, stress-related cognitive alterations may occur in this population as well. Therefore, in the present fMRI study we investigated whether experiencing a relationship breakup is associated with working memory alterations and whether this is related to depressive symptom severity. A three workload version of the n-back task (0-back, 1-back, 2-back) was used to measure working memory in subjects who experienced a breakup in the preceding 6 months ("heartbreak group", n = 70) and subjects in a romantic relationship ("relationship group", n = 46). Behavioral task performance was compared between the two groups. Functional MRI scans were analyzed using General Linear Model (GLM) activation analyses. Workload conditions were contrasted to each other and to baseline and group differences were assessed. To investigate whether brain networks are associated with depressive symptom severity within the heartbreak group specifically, a post hoc feature-based Independent Component Analysis was performed on the 2-back > 0-back contrast images to identify brain regions that covaried across subjects. Behaviorally, the heartbreak group performed similar at high workload (i.e., 2-back) and better at moderate workload (i.e., 1-back) than the relationship group. GLM analysis revealed an interaction between group and 2-back > 0-back, 2-back > 1-back and 2-back > baseline; the heartbreak group showed less precuneus activation compared to the relationship group. Furthermore, within the heartbreak group, we found a negative association between depressive symptom severity and a brain network representing mostly the precuneus, anterior cingulate gyrus and supplementary motor cortex. Our findings suggest that the effect of a breakup is accompanied by workload-dependent working memory alterations. Therefore, we propose that this population can potentially be used to investigate the interplay between stress, cognitive functioning and depression

    Fatigue following mild traumatic brain injury relates to visual processing and effort perception in the context of motor performance

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    Introduction: Following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), a substantial number of patients experience disabling fatigue for months after the initial injury. To date, the underlying mechanisms of fatigue remain unclear. Recently, it was shown that mTBI patients with persistent fatigue do not demonstrate increased performance fatigability (i.e., objective performance decline) during a sustained motor task. However, it is not known whether the neural activation required to sustain this performance is altered after mTBI. Methods: Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI data were acquired from 19 mTBI patients (>3 months post-injury) and 19 control participants during two motor tasks. Force was recorded from the index finger abductors of both hands during submaximal contractions and a 2-minute maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with the right hand. Voluntary muscle activation (i.e., CNS drive) was indexed during the sustained MVC using peripheral nerve stimulation. Fatigue was quantified using the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS). Questionnaire, task, and BOLD data were compared across groups, and linear regression was used to evaluate the relationship between BOLD-activity and fatigue in the mTBI group. Results: The mTBI patients reported significantly higher levels of fatigue (FSS: 5.3 vs. 2.6, p < 0.001). Both mTBI- and control groups demonstrated significant performance fatigability during the sustained MVC, but no significant differences in task performance or BOLD-activity were observed between groups. However, mTBI patients reporting higher FSS scores showed increased BOLD-activity in the bilateral visual cortices (mainly extrastriate) and the left midcingulate gyrus. Furthermore, across all participants mean voluntary muscle activation during the sustained MVC correlated with long lasting post-contraction BOLD-activation in the right insula and midcingulate cortex. Conclusion: The fMRI findings suggest that self-reported fatigue in mTBI may relate to visual processing and effort perception. Long lasting activation associated with high levels of CNS drive might be related to changes in cortical homeostasis in the context of high effort

    Reduced spatiotemporal brain dynamics are associated with increased depressive symptoms after a relationship breakup

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    Depressive symptoms following a stressful life event, such as a relationship breakup, are common, and constitute a potent risk factor for the onset of a major depressive episode. Resting-state neuroimaging studies have increasingly identified abnormal whole-brain communication in patients with depression, but it is currently unclear whether depressive symptoms in individuals without a clinical diagnosis have reliable neural underpinnings. We investigated to what extent the severity of depressive symptoms in a non-clinical sample was associated with imbalances in the complex dynamics of the brain during rest. To this end, a novel intrinsic ignition approach was applied to resting-state neuroimaging data from sixty-nine participants with varying degrees of depressive symptoms following a relationship breakup. Ignition-based measures of integration, hierarchy, and metastability were calculated for each participant, revealing a negative correlation between these measures and depressive ratings. We found that the severity of depressive symptoms was associated with deficits in the brain’s capacity to globally integrate and process information over time. Furthermore, we found that increased depressive symptoms were associated with reduced spatial diversity (i.e., hierarchy) and reduced temporal variability (i.e., metastability) in the functional organization of the brain. These findings suggest the merit of investigating constrained dynamical complexity as it is sensitive to the level of depressive symptoms even in a non-clinical sample.This work was funded by a donation of Mr. Hazewinkel to Prof. dr. Gert J. ter Horst and the Research School of Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. The funder had no role in study design, the collection, analysis and, interpretation of data, the decision to publish, or the writing of the manuscript

    Increased Ipsilateral M1 Activation after Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Facilitates Motor Performance

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    Incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) may result in muscle weakness and difficulties with force gradation. Although these impairments arise from the injury and subsequent changes at spinal levels, changes have also been demonstrated in the brain. Blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) imaging was used to investigate these changes in brain activation in the context of unimanual contractions with the first dorsal interosseous muscle. BOLD- and force data were obtained in 19 individuals with SCI (AISA Impairment Scale [AIS] C/D, level C4-C8) and 24 able-bodied controls during maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs). To assess force modulation, participants performed 12 submaximal contractions with each hand (at 10, 30, 50, and 70% MVC) by matching their force level to a visual target. MVCs were weaker in the SCI group (both hands p < 0.001), but BOLD activation did not differ between SCI and control groups. For the submaximal contractions, force (as %MVC) was similar across groups. However, SCI participants showed increased activity of the ipsilateral motor cortex and contralateral cerebellum across all contractions, with no differential effect of force level. Activity of ipsilateral M1 was best explained by force of the target hand (vs. the non-target hand). In conclusion, the data suggest that after incomplete cervical SCI, individuals remain capable of producing maximal supraspinal drive and are able to modulate this drive adequately. Activity of the ipsilateral motor network appears to be task related, although it remains uncertain how this activity contributes to task performance and whether this effect could potentially be harnessed to improve motor functioning

    Depressive symptom trajectory following romantic relationship breakup and effects of rumination, neuroticism and cognitive control

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    Studying individuals who recently experienced a romantic reltionship breakup allows us to investigate mood disturbances in otherwise healthy individuals. In our study, we aimed to identify distinct depressive symptom trajectories following breakup and investigate whether these trajectories relate to personality traits and cognitive control. Subjects (n = 87) filled out questionnaires (RRS-NL-EXT trait rumination and NEO-FFI neuroticism) and performed cognitive tasks (trail making test, Stroop task) during a period of 30 weeks. To identify distinct depressive symptom trajectories ('trajectory groups'), we performed K-means clustering on the consecutive (assessed every 2 weeks) Major Depression Inventory scores. This resulted in four trajectory groups; 'resilience', 'fast recovery', 'slow recovery' and 'chronic distress'. The 'slow recovery group' and the 'chronic distress group' were found to have higher neuroticism and trait rumination levels compared to the 'resilience group', and the 'chronic distress group' also had higher neuroticism levels than the 'fast recovery group'. Moreover, the 'chronic distress group' showed worse overall trail making test performance than the 'resilience group'. Taken together, our findings show that distinct patterns of depressive symptom severity can be observed following breakup and that personality traits and cognitive flexibility seem to play a role in these depressive symptom patterns

    Trait self-reflectiveness relates to time-varying dynamics of resting state functional connectivity and underlying structural connectomes:Role of the default mode network

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    BACKGROUND: Cognitive insight is defined as the ability to reflect upon oneself (i.e. self-reflectiveness), and to not be overly confident of one's own (incorrect) beliefs (i.e. self-certainty). These abilities are impaired in several disorders, while they are essential for the evaluation and regulation of one's behavior. We hypothesized that cognitive insight is a dynamic process, and therefore examined how it relates to temporal dynamics of resting state functional connectivity (FC) and underlying structural network characteristics in 58 healthy individuals. METHODS: Cognitive insight was measured with the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale. FC characteristics were calculated after obtaining four FC states with leading eigenvector dynamics analysis. Gray matter (GM) and DTI connectomes were based on GM similarity and probabilistic tractography. Structural graph characteristics, such as path length, clustering coefficient, and small-world coefficient, were calculated with the Brain Connectivity Toolbox. FC and structural graph characteristics were correlated with cognitive insight. RESULTS: Individuals with lower cognitive insight switched more and spent less time in a globally synchronized state. Additionally, individuals with lower self-reflectiveness spent more time in, had a higher probability of, and had a higher chance of switching to a state entailing default mode network (DMN) areas. With lower self-reflectiveness, DTI-connectomes were segregated less (i.e. lower global clustering coefficient) with lower embeddedness of the left angular gyrus specifically (i.e. lower local clustering coefficient). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest less stable functional and structural networks in individuals with poorer cognitive insight, specifically self-reflectiveness. An overly present DMN appears to play a key role in poorer self-reflectiveness