99 research outputs found

    Genres of Listening

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    Xochitl Marsilli-Vargas explains how psychoanalytic listening practices have expanded beyond the clinical setting to influence everyday social interactions in Buenos Aires

    Young Europeans ́ Forum 2019 “Building Bridges for Social Cohesion”

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    In many European societies, social cohesion is challenged by megatrends, such as globalization, digitalization, growing inequality, and migration. In addition – or in part as a consequence of those megatrends – our living together is confronted with increasing cultural diversity, a greater plurality of values and lifestyles, as well as a rise in populism, polarization and a loss of confidence in democracy. Recognizing that many European countries face these challenges, a number of important questions arise: What holds societies together? What must we do today so that this cohesiveness will remain present in the future? How can we foster social cohesion

    Genres of Listening

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    Xochitl Marsilli-Vargas explains how psychoanalytic listening practices have expanded beyond the clinical setting to influence everyday social interactions in Buenos Aires

    From Smallville to Metropolis: Career transitioning from a small academic library to a large research university

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    Description Any career move can be a stressful endeavor and transitioning from a small to a large academic library is no exception. The addition of responsibilities and challenges can prove to be overwhelming for librarians trying to navigate this process. From writing a resume tailored to the position to finding a mentor, this poster session will uncover the secrets to landing the job at a large university library and how to hit the ground running. Presented by two librarians who have been there, it is our intention to prepare library professionals to make this jump as effortless as possible. Objectives Attendees will have a better understanding of the transition from a small academic to a large research library. We will cover the interview and promotion process, importance of finding mentorships, understanding librarian rank, and discussing the pros and cons of working for a large university

    The Power of Information… Librarians to the Rescue!

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    Librarians enable the availability of resources necessary to participate in the democratic process. This process is possible by creating access to information, and by ensuring accessibility to collections for present and future generations. This poster presents strategies that effectively support preservation and access to information, as well as guidelines to assist librarians in finding funds in order to accomplish these goals

    El método clínico en proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje. Presente y futuro

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    En la actualidad se hace referencia a la crisis del método clínico y sus consecuencias alarmantes en la práctica médica que afecta tanto a los países desarrollados como subdesarrollados, encabezado por Estados Unidos que presenta  los mayores avances científicos - técnicos de la medicina en el mundo, lo cual ejerce una gran influencia sobre los médicos y las instituciones de salud. Los aspectos principales de la crisis del método clínico giran alrededor del deterioro de la relación médico-paciente, el menosprecio del valor del interrogatorio y del examen físico, la sobrevaloración de la función de la tecnología, el desinterés creciente por la medicina general y de atención primaria, la utilización inadecuada de las pruebas de laboratorio sobre bases no científicas, la obstaculización y retraso del diagnóstico certero, el encarecimiento de los servicios de salud y el aprendizaje incorrecto del uso de los medios diagnóstico por los estudiantes