84 research outputs found

    Il cantiere architettonico di etĂ  protobizantina. Prassi, organizzazione e committenza attraverso lo studio dei marchi dei marmorai sugli elementi di arredo architettonico e liturgico in marmo proconnesio. Proposta di suddivisione tipologica

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    none1noIl contributo presenta i risultati preliminari di una ricerca sul cantiere architettonico e i marchi dei marmorari in etĂ  protobizantina. Per la comprensione e l'analisi del fenomeno viene proposta una suddivisione tipologica dei marchi, finalizzata all'individuazione del significato e della funzione delle sigle in relazione al ciclo di produzione del marmo e alla vita dei cantieri.noneG. MarsiliG. Marsil

    The archaeology of early-byzantine architectural yard. Work-organization, patrons and society through masons’ marks on marble

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    La ricerca riguarda lo studio del cantiere edilizio protobizantino, con particolare riferimento al ciclo della lavorazione del marmo. Quest’ultimo viene analizzato sotto il profilo amministrativo, tecnico, sociale ed artigianale. L’elemento guida della ricerca sono i marchi dei marmorari, sigle apposte da funzionari e maestranze durante il processo produttivo. Dapprima, fonti letterarie ed epigrafiche, tra cui le sigle di cava e officina su marmo, vengono esaminate per ricostruire il sistema alto-imperiale di amministrazione delle cave e di gestione dei flussi marmorei, nonchĂ© l’iter tecnico-artigianale adottato per la produzione dei manufatti. Il confronto con i dati disponibili per la tarda antichitĂ , con particolare riferimento alle cave di Proconneso, evidenzia una sostanziale continuitĂ  della prassi burocratico-amministrativa, mentre alcuni cambiamenti si riscontrano nell’ambito produttivo-artigianale. Il funzionamento degli atelier marmorari viene approfondito attraverso lo studio dei marchi dei marmorari. Si tratta di caratteri greci singoli, multipli o monogrammi. Una ricognizione sistematica delle sigle dalla pars Orientalis dell’impero, reperite in bibliografia o da ricognizioni autoptiche, ha portato alla raccolta di circa 2360 attestazioni. Per esse si propone una classificazione tipologica tra sigle di cava, stoccaggio, officina. Tra le sigle di cava si annoverano sigle di controllo, destinazione/committenza, assemblaggio/posizionamento. Una particolare attenzione Ăš riservata alle sigle di officina, riferibili ad un nome proprio di persona, ovvero al Ï€ÏÏ‰Ï„ÎżÎŒÎ±ÎÏƒÏ„Ï‰Ï, il capo-bottega che supervisionava il lavoro dei propri artigiani e fungeva da garante del prodotto consegnato alla committenza. Attraverso lo studio comparato delle sigle reperite a Costantinopoli e in altri contesti si mette in luce la prassi operativa adottata dagli atelier nei processi di manifattura, affrontando anche il problema delle maestranze itineranti. Infine, sono analizzate fonti scritte di varia natura per poter collocare il fenomeno del marmo in un contesto socio-economico piĂč ampio, con particolare riferimento alle figure professionali ed artigianali coinvolte nei cantieri e al problema della committenza.The research deals with the study of the architectural yard in early byzantine period, with a particular focus on the marble manufacturing cycle. This one is analyzed under an administrative, social and artisanal point of view. Masons’ marks on marble items are the guiding element of the research. First, epigraphic and literary sources are analysed in order to reconstruct the system of quarry-administration and marble supply during the Principate, as well as the handcrafted procedure adopted in the production. The comparison with the available data for late antiquity, particularly referring to the quarries of Marmara Island, shows an effective continuity in the administrative and bureaucratic practice, but a remarkable transformation in the production system. The functioning of marble workshops is deepened through the study of masons’ marks. This term point out inscriptions composed of single or multiple Greek characters, carved by officials and workers during the productive process. About 2360 epigraphic evidences are collected in a database, which includes both published and unpublished witnesses from personal surveys. A typological classification of early byzantine marks is proposed, including quarry, stock, workshop marks. Among quarry marks, control, destination/committed, assembly/placement marks are counted. A particular attention is reserved to the class of workshop marks: they can be referred to proper names, that identify the Ï€ÏÏ‰Ï„ÎżÎŒÎ±ÎÏƒÏ„Ï‰Ï, the head chief who supervised his own craftsmen’s work and check the products intended to the patrons. The operational process adopted in the manufacture is investigated through comparative analyses of marks, with a particular focus on the topic of itinerant workshops. In conclusion, several types of written sources are examined, in order to place the phenomenon of stone-working in a wider socio-economic context. The main attention is devoted to the subject of bureaucratic and artisanal figures involved in the architectural yards and to the problem of the committee

    Peeking into the Femtosecond Hot-Carrier Dynamics Reveals Unexpected Mechanisms in Plasmonic Photocatalysis

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    Plasmonic-driven photocatalysis may lead to reaction selectivity that cannot be otherwise achieved. A fundamental role is played by hot carriers, i.e., electrons and holes generated upon plasmonic decay within the metal nanostructure interacting with molecular species. Understanding the elusive microscopic mechanism behind such selectivity is a key step in the rational design of hot-carrier reactions. To accomplish that, we present state-of-the-art multiscale simulations, going beyond density functional theory, of hot-carrier injections for the rate-determining step of a photocatalytic reaction. We focus on carbon dioxide reduction, for which it was experimentally shown that the presence of a rhodium nanocube under illumination leads to the selective production of methane against carbon monoxide. We show that selectivity is due to a (predominantly) direct hole injection from rhodium to the reaction intermediate CHO. Unexpectedly, such an injection does not promote the selective reaction path by favoring proper bond breaking but rather by promoting bonding of the proper molecular fragment to the surface

    ERP signs of categorical and supra-categorical processing of visual information

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate to what extent shared and distinct brain mechanisms are possibly subserving the processing of visual supra-categorical and categorical knowledge as observed with event-related potentials of the brain. Access time to these knowledge types was also investigated. Picture pairs of animals, objects, and mixed types were presented. Participants were asked to decide whether each pair contained pictures belonging to the same category (either animals or man-made objects) or to different categories by pressing one of two buttons. Response accuracy and reaction times (RTs) were also recorded. Results: Both ERPs and RTs were grand-averaged separately for the same-different supra-categories and the animal-object categories. Behavioral performance was faster for more endomorphic pairs, i. e., animals vs. objects and same vs. different category pairs. For ERPs, a modulation of the earliest C1 and subsequent P1 responses to the same vs. different supra-category pairs, but not to the animal vs. object category pairs, was found. This finding supports the view that early afferent processing in the striate cortex can be boosted as a by-product of attention allocated to the processing of shapes and basic features that are mismatched, but not to their semantic quintessence, during same-different supra-categorical judgment. Most importantly, the fact that this processing accrual occurred independent of a traditional experimental condition requiring selective attention to a stimulus source out of the various sources addressed makes it conceivable that this processing accrual may arise from the attentional demand deriving from the alternate focusing of visual attention within and across stimulus categorical pairs' basic structural features. Additional posterior ERP reflections of the brain more prominently processing animal category and same-category pairs were observed at the N1 and N2 levels, respectively, as well as at a late positive complex level, overall most likely related to different stages of analysis of the greater endomorphy of these shape groups. Conversely, an enhanced fronto-central and fronto-lateral N2 as well as a centro-parietal N400 to man-made objects and different-category pairs were found, possibly indexing processing of these entities' lower endomorphy and isomorphy at the basic features and semantic levels, respectively. Conclusion: Overall, the present ERP results revealed shared and distinct mechanisms of access to supra-categorical and categorical knowledge in the same way in which shared and distinct neural representations underlie the processing of diverse semantic categories. Additionally, they outlined the serial nature of categorical and supra-categorical representations, indicating the sequential steps of access to these separate knowledge types. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Modulation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Replication by Interferon Regulatory Factors

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    Transcription of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 is controlled by the cooperation of virally encoded and host regulatory proteins. The Tat protein is essential for viral replication, however, expression of Tat after virus entry requires HIV-1 promoter activation. A sequence in the 5â€Č HIV-1 LTR, containing a binding site for transcription factors of the interferon regulatory factors (IRF) family has been suggested to be critical for HIV-1 transcription and replication. Here we show that IRF-1 activates HIV-1 LTR transcription in a dose-dependent fashion and in the absence of Tat. This has biological significance since IRF-1 is produced early upon virus entry, both in cell lines and in primary CD4+ T cells, and before expression of Tat. IRF-1 also cooperates with Tat in amplifying virus gene transcription and replication. This cooperation depends upon a physical interaction that is blocked by overexpression of IRF-8, the natural repressor of IRF-1, and, in turn is released by overexpression of IRF-1. These data suggest a key role of IRF-1 in the early phase of viral replication and/or during viral reactivation from latency, when viral transactivators are absent or present at very low levels, and suggest that the interplay between IRF-1 and IRF-8 may play a key role in virus latency

    Lack of evidence of Chikungunya virus infection among blood donors during the Chikungunya outbreak in Lazio Region, Italy, 2017

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    Background: The latest European Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) outbreak occurred in Italy in 2017, in the municipalities of Anzio and Rome (Lazio Region), with a secondary outbreak in the Calabrian Region. Most CHIKV infections are symptomatic but about 15% of people who acquire the infection may be asymptomatic. A retrospective study was conducted with the aim of assessing the prevalence of recent/ongoing CHIKV infections on the blood donor population in the Lazio Region, during the 2017 outbreak (including in the period before it was detected). Methods: The study was conducted on 4595 plasma samples from donors who donated in 14 different Blood Establishments in the Lazio Region, in the period June-November 2017. A total of 389 of these samples were collected in provinces not affected by the outbreak and were used as negative controls. All samples were tested for IgM detection by the use of an ELISA test, and positive samples were tested for confirmation through the use of a PRNT. Molecular tests were performed on sera that were found to be IgM-positive or borderline. Results: A total of 41 (0.89%) blood donors tested positive for IgM. None of these positive IgM ELISA results was confirmed either by PRNT or by molecular tests. Conclusions: Our study has shown no evidence of recent/ongoing CHIKV infection in blood donors of the affected area

    Rationale and protocol of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to test the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of dimethyl fumarate in Friedreich Ataxia (DMF-FA-201)

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    IntroductionFriedreich Ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that causes gait and limb ataxia, dysarthria, and impaired vibratory sense, with cardiomyopathy being the predominant cause of death. There is no approved therapy, which results in the use of symptomatic treatments and the chronic support of physiotherapy. Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is a fumaric acid ester used for the treatment of psoriasis and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It induces Nrf2 in vitro and in vivo, and it increases frataxin in FRDA patient lymphoblasts, in mouse models, and in MS treated patients.MethodsThe aim of our study is to investigate if DMF can increase the expression of the FXN gene and frataxin protein and ameliorate in-vivo detectable measures of mitochondrial dysfunction in FRDA. The study is composed of a screening visit and two sequential 12-week phases: a core phase and an extension phase. During the first phase (core), patients will be randomly assigned to either the DMF or a placebo group in a 1:1 ratio. During the first week, patients will receive a total daily dose of 240 mg of DMF or placebo; from the second week of treatment, the dose will be increased to two 120 mg tablets BID for a total daily dose of 480 mg. During the second phase (extension), all patients will be treated with DMF. EudraCT number 2021-006274-23.EndpointsThe primary endpoint will be a change in FXN gene expression level after 12 weeks of treatment. Secondary endpoints will be frataxin protein level, cardiopulmonary exercise test outputs, echocardiographic measures, Nrf2 pathway and mitochondrial biogenesis gene expression, safety, clinical scales, and quality of life scales.ConclusionsThis is the first study aimed at exploring the ability of DMF, an already available treatment for MS and psoriasis, to correct the biological deficits of FRDA and potentially improve mitochondrial respiration in-vivo

    Secondary Autochthonous Outbreak of Chikungunya, Southern Italy, 2017

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    In 2017, a chikungunya outbreak in central Italy later evolved into a secondary cluster in southern Italy, providing evidence of disease emergence in new areas. Officials have taken action to raise awareness among clinicians and the general population, increase timely case detection, reduce mosquito breeding sites, and promote mosquito bite prevention

    Diagnosis of Imported Dengue and Zika Virus Infections in Italy from November 2015 to November 2022: Laboratory Surveillance Data from a National Reference Laboratory

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    Dengue (DENV) and Zika (ZIKV) viruses are mosquito-borne human pathogens. In Italy, the presence of the competent vector Aedes albopictus increases the risk of autochthonous transmission, and a national plan for arboviruses prevention, surveillance, and response (PNA 2020–2025) is in place. The results of laboratory diagnosis of both viruses by the National Reference Laboratory for arboviruses (NRLA) from November 2015 to November 2022 are presented. Samples from 655 suspected cases were tested by both molecular and serological assays. Virus and antibody kinetics, cross-reactivity, and diagnostic performance of IgM ELISA systems were analysed. Of 524 cases tested for DENV, 146 were classified as confirmed, 7 as probable, while 371 were excluded. Of 619 cases tested for ZIKV, 44 were classified as confirmed, while 492 were excluded. All cases were imported. Overall, 75.3% (110/146) of DENV and 50% (22/44) of ZIKV cases were confirmed through direct virus detection methods. High percentages of cross reactivity were observed between the two viruses. The median lag time from symptoms onset to sample collection was 7 days for both DENV molecular (range 0–20) and NS1 ELISA (range 0–48) tests, with high percentages of positivity also after 7 days (39% and 67%, respectively). For ZIKV, the median lag time was 5 days (range 0–22), with 16% positivity after 7 days. Diagnostic performance was assessed with negative predictive values ranging from 92% to 95% for the anti-DENV systems, and of 97% for the ZIKV one. Lower positive predictive values were seen in the tested population (DENV: 55% to 91%, ZIKV: 50%). DENV and ZIKV diagnosis by molecular test is the gold standard, but sample collection time is a limitation. Serological tests, including Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test, are thus necessary. Co-circulation and cross-reactivity between the two viruses increase diagnostic difficulty. Continuous evaluation of diagnostic strategies is essential to improve laboratory testing
