1,510 research outputs found

    Implementing a Practice Doctorate Program at a Distance through an Urban-Rural Partnership

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    The purposes of this poster presentation are to 1) describe the implementation of a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program by providing access to rigorous distance education to students living in rural Pennsylvania; 2) discuss building a critical mass of doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse experts in both urban and rural communities; and 3) share formative and summative evaluation information. Through funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, Division of Nursing, the Jefferson School of Nursing (JSN) expanded its DNP program currently offered at the urban Philadelphia campus to the rural campus in Danville. Using the methodologies of live web-casting and live video over the Internet, distance students are afforded the opportunity to participate in a live classroom setting rather than experience the static distance methodology of reading through lectures themselves. For example, during the applied biostatistics course, the faculty teaches onsite in Philadelphia projecting the SPSS and the database on screen so that students on both campuses can simultaneously view, hear, and interact with the discussion. There is a doctorally prepared faculty member onsite in Danville as a resource for the students. These newer technologies make possible real-time faculty-student dialogue, student-to-student dialogue, and enhance socialization. Furthermore, the use of advanced technologies allows distance students to discuss with peers and faculty alike, in real time, the problems, successes, and questions which arise during class and clinical practica, thereby enhancing critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills. This unique urban-rural partnership, made possible through advanced technologies, addresses increasing demands for educating greater numbers of doctorally prepared advanced practice nurses to work in north and central rural Pennsylvania, thus promoting access to health care in rural underserved communities. Other than in academia, there are no doctorally prepared advanced practice nurses employed in practice in the area


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    The methods for understanding rock instability mechanisms and for evaluating potential destructive scenarios are of great importance in risk assessment analysis dedicated to the establishment of appropriate prevention and mitigation actions. When the portion of the unstable rock mass is very large, effective actions to counteract the risks are complex and expensive. In these conditions, an optimal risk management cannot ignore procedures able to faster and accurately acquire i) geometrical data for modeling the geometry of the rock walls and implementing reliable forecasting models and ii) monitoring data able to describe the magnitude and the direction of deformation processes. These data contributes to the prediction of the behavior of a landslide if the measurements are acquired frequently and reliable numerical models can be implemented. Innovative geomatic techniques, based on GPS, Terrestrial Laser Scanning Surveying (TLS), automated total station and satellite and ground SAR Interferometry, have been recently applied to define the geometry and monitoring the displacements of unstable slopes. Among these, TLS is mainly adopted to generate detailed 3D models useful to reconstruct rock wall geometry by contributing to the estimation of geo-mechanical parameters, that is orientation, persistence and apparent spacing of rock discontinuities. Two examples of applications of TLS technique to the analysis of a large front in a quarry and of a rock shoulder of a dam are presented

    π-Conjugated Macrocycles Bearing Angle-Strained Alkynes

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    Angle‐strained alkyne‐containing π‐conjugated macrocycles are attractive compounds both in functional materials chemistry and biochemistry. Their interesting reactivity as well as photophysical and supramolecular properties have been revealed in the past three decades. This review highlights the recent advances in angle‐strained alkyne‐containing π‐conjugated macrocycles, especially their synthetic methods, the bond angles of alkynes (∠sp at C≡C−C), and their functions. The theoretical and experimental research on cyclo[n]carbons and para‐cyclophynes consisting of ethynylenes and para‐phenylenes are mainly summarized. Related macrocycles bearing other linkers, such as ortho‐phenylenes, meta‐phenylenes, heteroaromatics, biphenyls, extended aromatics, are also overviewed. Bond angles of strained alkynes in π‐conjugated macrocycles, which are generable, detectable, and isolable, are summarized at the end of this review

    Telemedicine as a Medical Examination Tool During the Covid-19 Emergency: The Experience of the Onco-Haematology Center of Tor Vergata Hospital in Rome

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    Background: Our study analysed the outpatient activity of the onco-hematology Complex Operative Unit (UOC) of Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) center, where, as a result of the sudden and unexpected emergency, healthcare services were provided through telemedicine procedures that can be considered very close to Telehealth. Aim of the study: our retrospective study aimed to assess the widespread use of telemedicine in terms of feasibility and safety related to adverse events, a crucial experience which will make it possible to predict any effective use of such a method in patients with hematological disorders even after the end of the Covid-19 emergency. Materials and methods: At the Day Hospital clinic, from 8 March to 31 May 2020, an outpatient group received 3828 medical teleconsultations and 11,484 additional contacts following the first examination; each patient examined through the telematic method required an average of three supplementary contacts via e-mail or telephone. Results: The follow-up lasted 145 days, and all the events that occurred were monitored. In total, we recorded 16 clinical adverse events, 5 of which classified as major events, and 11 as minor events. Conclusion: The 3828 telematic clinical examinations and the 11,484 additional contacts following the first examination carried out by the onco-haematology UOC of Tor Vergata Hospital, proved how telemedicine, albeit in its basic form, was a key tool in facing the sanitary emergency caused by the sudden spread of Covid-19. An experience that can be considered reliable enough to be replicated in possible post-Covid-19 emergencies. From a medical forensic point of view, the main issues to consider are informed consent, personal data management and professional responsibility profiles

    Medical Liability: Review of a Whole Year of Judgments of the Civil Court of Rome

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    Background: Complaints about medical malpractice have increased over time in Italy, as well as other countries around the world. This scenario, perceived by some as a "malpractice crisis", is a subject of debate in health law and medical law. The costs arising from medical liability lawsuits weigh not only on individual professionals but also on the budgets of healthcare facilities, many of which in Italy are supported by public funds. A full understanding of the phenomenon of medical malpractice appears necessary in order to manage this spreading issue and possibly to reduce the health liability costs. Methods: The retrospective review concerned all the judgments drawn up by the Judges of the Civil Court of Rome, XIII Chamber (competent and specialized section for professional liability trials) published between January 2018 and February 2019. Results: The analysis of data concerning the involved parties showed that in 84.6% of the judgments taken into account, one or more health facilities were sued, while in 58.2% of cases, one or more health workers were present among the defendants. When healthcare providers are the only ones to be summoned, it is dentists and aesthetic doctors/plastic surgeons who undergo most of the claims. In the overall period analyzed, the amount paid was 23,489,254.08 EUR with an average of 163,119.82 EUR. Conclusion: The evidence provided by the reported data is a useful tool to understand medical malpractice in Italy, especially with regard to the occurrence of the phenomenon at a legal level, an aspect still hardly mentioned by existing literature

    Controllo climatico sull'accumulo di sedimenti di margine Olocenici e Pleistocenici del Mar Tirreno Orientale

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    Dati di paleovariazioni secolari (PSV) del campo geomagnetico sono stati ottenuti negli ultimi 25.000 anni da diverse carote recuperate nel Golfo di Salerno (Mar Tirreno orientale). Le curve composte di PSV, sono comparate con le “ PSV Master Curves” britanniche e francesi. La comparazione fornisce uno strumento cronologico per determinare un trend di accrescimento del tasso di sedimentazione nell’ Olocene superiore e di variazione ad intervalli di circa 1000 anni nell’ Olocene medio della piattaforma. Inoltre durante i due principali episodi caldi del Mediterraneo a circa 3.3 e tra 6-9 ka sia la piattaforma che la scarpata superiore registrano un aumento con successiva diminuzione del tasso di sedimentazione, mentre ulteriori diminuzioni si registrano, in scarpata superiore, durante l’ ultimo picco Glaciale (LGM) e l’interstadio Bþlling-Allerþd, suggerendo cosi un’ influenza climatica sui processi di accumulo dei sedimenti del margine del Golfo di Salerno

    The Use of Surveillance Cameras for the Rapid Mapping of Lava Flows: An Application to Mount Etna Volcano

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    In order to improve the observation capability in one of the most active volcanic areas in the world, Mt. Etna, we developed a processing method to use the surveillance cameras for a quasi real-time mapping of syn-eruptive processes. Following an evaluation of the current performance of the Etna permanent ground NEtwork of Thermal and Visible Sensors (Etna_NETVIS), its possible implementation and optimization was investigated to determine the locations of additional observation sites to be rapidly set up during emergencies. A tool was then devised to process time series of ground-acquired images and extract a coherent multi-temporal dataset of georeferenced map. The processed datasets can be used to extract 2D features such as evolution maps of active lava flows. The tool was validated on ad-hoc test fields and then adopted to map the evolution of two recent lava flows. The achievable accuracy (about three times the original pixel size) and the short processing time makes the tool suitable for rapidly assessing lava flow evolutions, especially in the case of recurrent eruptions, such as those of the 2011–2015 Etna activity. The tool can be used both in standard monitoring activities and during emergency phases (eventually improving the present network with additional mobile stations) when it is mandatory to carry out a quasi-real-time mapping to support civil protection actions. The developed tool could be integrated in the control room of the Osservatorio Etneo, thus enabling the Etna_NETVIS for mapping purposes and not only for video surveillance.Published1925V. Sorveglianza vulcanica ed emergenzeJCR Journalope


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    This study, focused on the Archaeological Park of Centocelle, was carried out to test the functionality of different geomatic products for the identification and monitoring of complex archaeological evidences in urban areas. The method proposes a better knowledge of the archaeological context as a tool to favour a better protection, allowing the establishment of limits to urban enlargement in areas of respect. The test area is chosen because of the combined presence of hypogeal evidences related to Roman and pre-Roman exploitation of local litotypes and for the dense presence of archaeological vestiges at its surface, related to the inhabitation function of the zone in a period contemporaneous to the beginning of the quarrying activities. The methods used are the digital photogrammetry, 3D modelling, remote sensing interpretation and digital cartography. The protocol is then customized for the peculiarities of the area under study, considering both the underground structures and the ones at the surface. Archaeological features are identified by processing optical and SAR dataset to enhance the contrast of archaeological features from the background. Historical and recent DSM have been then compared to evaluate the evolutions of local topography. Concerning the study of the subterranean quarrying system in the area, a 3D model of one gallery was produced, with the aim to understand the type of ancient exploitation. A DTM of the toolmarks was then produced to understand the technological skills used for the exploitation of the local tuff and used as an indirect proof for chronological interpretation. A final trial of PSInSAR was addressed to test the method for monitoring the hypogeal levels. Several field prospections were executed, in order to first set the method properly and then validate the results

    Navigating distance learning technologies using team teaching

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    In 2004, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) adopted the position to move the current level of preparation necessary for advanced practice nurse (APN) roles from the master\u27s degree to the doctoral level. AACN also called for educating APNs and other nurses seeking top leadership and clinical roles in Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Programs. In September 2007, the Jefferson School of Nursing welcomed its first cohort of 18 DNP students. Students represented a wide variety of practice specialties including acute care, primary care, healthcare administration, population health, education and industry. Twenty students comprise the second cohort entering in September 2008. Nationwide, Jefferson is one of 79 schools of nursing offering a DNP degree
