6,807 research outputs found

    Stability Analysis of a Rigid Body with Attached Geometrically Nonlinear Rod by the Energy-Momentum Method

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    This paper applies the energy-momentum method to the problem of nonlinear stability of relative equilibria of a rigid body with attached flexible appendage in a uniformly rotating state. The appendage is modeled as a geometrically exact rod which allows for finite bending, shearing and twist in three dimensions. Application of the energy-momentum method to this example depends crucially on a special choice of variables in terms of which the second variation block diagonalizes into blocks associated with rigid body modes and internal vibration modes respectively. The analysis yields a nonlinear stability result which states that relative equilibria are nonlinearly stable provided that; (i) the angular velocity is bounded above by the square root of the minimum eigenvalue of an associated linear operator and, (ii) the whole assemblage is rotating about the minimum axis of inertia

    Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence

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    Maps of magnetic field topologies of rapidly rotating stars obtained over the last decade or so have provided unique insight into the operation of stellar dynamos. However, for solar-type stars many of the targets imaged to date have been lower-mass zero-age main sequence stars. We present magnetic maps and differential rotation measurements of two-higher mass pre-main sequence stars HD 106506 (~10 Myrs) and HD 141943 (~15 Myrs). These stars should evolve into mid/late F-stars with predicted high differential rotation and little magnetic activity. We investigate what effect the extended convection zones of these pre-main sequence stars has on their differential rotation and magnetic topologies. ©2009 American Institute of Physic

    Frictional Collisions Off Sharp Objects

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    This work develops robust contact algorithms capable of dealing with multibody nonsmooth contact geometries for which neither normals nor gap functions can be defined. Such situations arise in the early stage of fragmentation when a number of angular fragments undergo complex collision sequences before eventually scattering. Such situations precludes the application of most contact algorithms proposed to date

    Physical Dissipation and the Method of Controlled Lagrangians

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    We describe the effect of physical dissipation on stability of equilibria which have been stabilized, in the absence of damping, using the method of controlled Lagrangians. This method applies to a class of underactuated mechanical systems including “balance” systems such as the pendulum on a cart. Since the method involves modifying a system’s kinetic energy metric through feedback, the effect of dissipation is obscured. In particular, it is not generally true that damping makes a feedback-stabilized equilibrium asymptotically stable. Damping in the unactuated directions does tend to enhance stability, however damping in the controlled directions must be “reversed” through feedback. In this paper, we suggest a choice of feedback dissipation to locally exponentially stabilize a class of controlled Lagrangian systems

    Dissipation and Controlled Euler-Poincaré Systems

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    The method of controlled Lagrangians is a technique for stabilizing underactuated mechanical systems which involves modifying a system’s energy and dynamic structure through feedback. These modifications can obscure the effect of physical dissipation in the closed-loop. For example, generic damping can destabilize an equilibrium which is closed-loop stable for a conservative system model. In this paper, we consider the effect of damping on Euler-PoincarĂ© (special reduced Lagrangian) systems which have been stabilized about an equilibrium using the method of controlled Lagrangians. We describe a choice of feed-back dissipation which asymptotically stabilizes a sub-class of controlled Euler-PoincarĂ© systems subject to physical damping. As an example, we consider intermediate axis rotation of a damped rigid body with a single internal rotor

    A block diagonalization theorem in the energy-momentum method

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    We prove a geometric generalization of a block diagonalization theorem first found by the authors for rotating elastic rods. The result here is given in the general context of simple mechanical systems with a symmetry group acting by isometries on a configuration manifold. The result provides a choice of variables for linearized dynamics at a relative equilibrium which block diagonalizes the second variation of an augmented energy these variables effectively separate the rotational and internal vibrational modes. The second variation of the effective Hamiltonian is block diagonal. separating the modes completely. while the symplectic form has an off diagonal term which represents the dynamic interaction between these modes. Otherwise, the symplectic form is in a type of normal form. The result sets the stage for the development of useful criteria for bifurcation as well as the stability criteria found here. In addition, the techniques should apply to other systems as well, such as rotating fluid masses

    Discrete Routh Reduction

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    This paper develops the theory of abelian Routh reduction for discrete mechanical systems and applies it to the variational integration of mechanical systems with abelian symmetry. The reduction of variational Runge-Kutta discretizations is considered, as well as the extent to which symmetry reduction and discretization commute. These reduced methods allow the direct simulation of dynamical features such as relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits that can be obscured or difficult to identify in the unreduced dynamics. The methods are demonstrated for the dynamics of an Earth orbiting satellite with a non-spherical J2J_2 correction, as well as the double spherical pendulum. The J2J_2 problem is interesting because in the unreduced picture, geometric phases inherent in the model and those due to numerical discretization can be hard to distinguish, but this issue does not appear in the reduced algorithm, where one can directly observe interesting dynamical structures in the reduced phase space (the cotangent bundle of shape space), in which the geometric phases have been removed. The main feature of the double spherical pendulum example is that it has a nontrivial magnetic term in its reduced symplectic form. Our method is still efficient as it can directly handle the essential non-canonical nature of the symplectic structure. In contrast, a traditional symplectic method for canonical systems could require repeated coordinate changes if one is evoking Darboux' theorem to transform the symplectic structure into canonical form, thereby incurring additional computational cost. Our method allows one to design reduced symplectic integrators in a natural way, despite the noncanonical nature of the symplectic structure.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, numerous minor improvements, references added, fixed typo

    Differential rotation of Kepler-71 via transit photometry mapping of faculae and starspots

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    Knowledge of dynamo evolution in solar-type stars is limited by the difficulty of using active region monitoring to measure stellar differential rotation, a key probe of stellar dynamo physics. This paper addresses the problem by presenting the first ever measurement of stellar differential rotation for a main-sequence solar-type star using starspots and faculae to provide complementary information. Our analysis uses modelling of light curves of multiple exoplanet transits for the young solar-type star Kepler-71, utilizing archival data from the Kepler mission. We estimate the physical characteristics of starspots and faculae on Kepler-71 from the characteristic amplitude variations they produce in the transit light curves and measure differential rotation from derived longitudes. Despite the higher contrast of faculae than those in the Sun, the bright features on Kepler-71 have similar properties such as increasing contrast towards the limb and larger sizes than sunspots. Adopting a solar-type differential rotation profile (faster rotation at the equator than the poles), the results from both starspot and facula analysis indicate a rotational shear less than about 0.005 rad d-1, or a relative differential rotation less than 2 per cent, and hence almost rigid rotation. This rotational shear contrasts with the strong rotational shear of zero-age main-sequence stars and the modest but significant shear of the modern-day Sun. Various explanations for the likely rigid rotation are considered

    Derivation of reduced two-dimensional fluid models via Dirac's theory of constrained Hamiltonian systems

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    We present a Hamiltonian derivation of a class of reduced plasma two-dimensional fluid models, an example being the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation. These models are obtained from the same parent Hamiltonian model, which consists of the ion momentum equation coupled to the continuity equation, by imposing dynamical constraints. It is shown that the Poisson bracket associated with these reduced models is the Dirac bracket obtained from the Poisson bracket of the parent model

    Model reduction for analysis of cascading failures in power systems

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    In this paper, we apply a principal-orthogonal decomposition based method to the model reduction of a hybrid, nonlinear model of a power network. The results demonstrate that the sequence of fault events can be evaluated and predicted without necessarily simulating the whole system
