6,587 research outputs found

    Relative equilibria for the generalized rigid body

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    This paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the (n-dimensional) generalized free rigid body to be in a state of relative equilibrium. The conditions generalize those for the case of the three-dimensional free rigid body, namely that the body is in relative equilibrium if and only if its angular velocity and angular momentum align, that is, if the body rotates about one of its principal axes. For the n-dimensional rigid body in the Manakov formulation, these conditions have a similar interpretation. We use this result to state and prove a generalized Saari’s Conjecture (usually stated for the N-body problem) for the special case of the generalized rigid body

    Discrete Routh Reduction

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    This paper develops the theory of abelian Routh reduction for discrete mechanical systems and applies it to the variational integration of mechanical systems with abelian symmetry. The reduction of variational Runge-Kutta discretizations is considered, as well as the extent to which symmetry reduction and discretization commute. These reduced methods allow the direct simulation of dynamical features such as relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits that can be obscured or difficult to identify in the unreduced dynamics. The methods are demonstrated for the dynamics of an Earth orbiting satellite with a non-spherical J2J_2 correction, as well as the double spherical pendulum. The J2J_2 problem is interesting because in the unreduced picture, geometric phases inherent in the model and those due to numerical discretization can be hard to distinguish, but this issue does not appear in the reduced algorithm, where one can directly observe interesting dynamical structures in the reduced phase space (the cotangent bundle of shape space), in which the geometric phases have been removed. The main feature of the double spherical pendulum example is that it has a nontrivial magnetic term in its reduced symplectic form. Our method is still efficient as it can directly handle the essential non-canonical nature of the symplectic structure. In contrast, a traditional symplectic method for canonical systems could require repeated coordinate changes if one is evoking Darboux' theorem to transform the symplectic structure into canonical form, thereby incurring additional computational cost. Our method allows one to design reduced symplectic integrators in a natural way, despite the noncanonical nature of the symplectic structure.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, numerous minor improvements, references added, fixed typo

    Kinetic energy functional for Fermi vapors in spherical harmonic confinement

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    Two equations are constructed which reflect, for fermions moving independently in a spherical harmonic potential, a differential virial theorem and a relation between the turning points of kinetic energy and particle densities. These equations are used to derive a differential equation for the particle density and a non-local kinetic energy functional.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Transport and stirring induced by vortex formation

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the transport and stirring of fluid that occurs owing to the formation and growth of a laminar vortex ring. Experimental data was collected upstream and downstream of the exit plane of a piston-cylinder apparatus by particle-image velocimetry. This data was used to compute Lagrangian coherent structures to demonstrate how fluid is advected during the transient process of vortex ring formation. Similar computations were performed from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data, which showed qualitative agreement with the experimental results, although the CFD data provides better resolution in the boundary layer of the cylinder. A parametric study is performed to demonstrate how varying the piston-stroke length-to-diameter ratio affects fluid entrainment during formation. Additionally, we study how regions of fluid are stirred together during vortex formation to help establish a quantitative understanding of the role of vortical flows in mixing. We show that identification of the flow geometry during vortex formation can aid in the determination of efficient stirring. We compare this framework with a traditional stirring metric and show that the framework presented in this paper is better suited for understanding stirring/mixing in transient flow problems. A movie is available with the online version of the paper

    Low energy proton bidirectional anisotropies and their relation to transient interplanetary magnetic structures: ISEE-3 observations

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    It is known that the interplanetary medium in the period approaching solar maximum is characterized by an enhancement in the occurrence of transient solar wind streams and shocks and that such systems are often associated with looplike magnetic structures or clouds. There is observational evidence that bidirectional, field aligned flows of low energy particles could be a signature of such looplike structures, although detailed models for the magnetic field configuration and injection mechanisms do not exist at the current time. Preliminary results of a survey of low energy proton bidirectional anisotropies measured on ISEE-3 in the interplanetary medium between August 1978 and May 1982, together with magnetic field data from the same spacecraft are presented

    Variational Principles for Lagrangian Averaged Fluid Dynamics

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    The Lagrangian average (LA) of the ideal fluid equations preserves their transport structure. This transport structure is responsible for the Kelvin circulation theorem of the LA flow and, hence, for its convection of potential vorticity and its conservation of helicity. Lagrangian averaging also preserves the Euler-Poincar\'e (EP) variational framework that implies the LA fluid equations. This is expressed in the Lagrangian-averaged Euler-Poincar\'e (LAEP) theorem proven here and illustrated for the Lagrangian average Euler (LAE) equations.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Cometary Astrometry

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    Modern techniques for making cometary astrometric observations, reducing these observations, using accurate reference star catalogs, and computing precise orbits and ephemerides are discussed in detail and recommendations and suggestions are given in each area

    An update on informed consent and the effect on the clinical practice of those working with people with a learning disability

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    In people with learning disability who have capacity under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 health professionals need to ensure that, when they are giving consent to treatment with medication, the consent is truly ‘informed’. The judgment of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] and the Accessible Information Standard (NHS England 2016) seek to clarify this position which affects learning disability nurses as well as other healthcare professionals. This article examines how the law affects the way information is provided to service users. For people without capacity ‘Best Interests’ will continue to be applied

    Modelling Basal Area of Perennial Grasses in Australian Semi-Arid Wooded Grasslands

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    In many semi-arid pastoral systems, landscape processes easily become dysfunctional. Shifts to less functional states may be irreversible, and have long-term consequences for pastoral profitability and social viability of rural communities. Typically, shifts to lower functional states involve a decline in perennial grasses (Hodgkinson, 1994). Here we develop a conceptual basis for modelling the basal area of perennial grasses in a semi-arid grassland and validate the model using data from a 10-year grazing study