52 research outputs found

    Quantum dynamics and spectroscopy of ab initio liquid water: the interplay of nuclear and electronic quantum effects

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    Understanding the reactivity and spectroscopy of aqueous solutions at the atomistic level is crucial for the elucidation and design of chemical processes. However, the simulation of these systems requires addressing the formidable challenges of treating the quantum nature of both the electrons and nuclei. Exploiting our recently developed methods that provide acceleration by up to two orders of magnitude, we combine path integral simulations with on-the-fly evaluation of the electronic structure at the hybrid density functional theory level to capture the interplay between nuclear quantum effects and the electronic surface. Here we show that this combination provides accurate structure and dynamics, including the full infra-red and Raman spectra of liquid water. This allows us to demonstrate and explain the failings of lower-level density functionals for dynamics and vibrational spectroscopy when the nuclei are treated quantum mechanically. These insights thus provide a foundation for the reliable investigation of spectroscopy and reactivity in aqueous environments

    Reducing the cost of neural network potential generation for reactive molecular systems

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    Although machine-learning potentials have recently had substantial impact on molecular simulations, the construction of a robust training set can still become a limiting factor, especially due to the requirement of a reference ab initio simulation that covers all the relevant geometries of the system. Recognizing that this can be prohibitive for certain systems, we develop the method of transition tube sampling that mitigates the computational cost of training set and model generation. In this approach, we generate classical or quantum thermal geometries around a transition path describing a conformational change or a chemical reaction using only a sparse set of local normal mode expansions along this path and select from these geometries by an active learning protocol. This yields a training set with geometries that characterize the whole transition without the need for a costly reference trajectory. The performance of the method is evaluated on different molecular systems with the complexity of the potential energy landscape increasing from a single minimum to a double proton-transfer reaction with high barriers. Our results show that the method leads to training sets that give rise to models applicable in classical and path integral simulations alike that are on par with those based directly on ab initio calculations while providing the computational speed-up we have come to expect from machine-learning potentials

    From gas phase via microhydration to bulk water simulations

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    The salt bridge formation and stability in the terminated lysine-glutamate dipeptide is investigated in water clusters of increasing size up to the limit of bulk water. Proton transfer dynamics between the acidic and basic side chains is described by DFT-based Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics simulations. While the desolvated peptide prefers to be in its neutral state, already the addition of a single water molecule can trigger proton transfer from the glutamate side chain to the lysine side chain, leading to a zwitterionic salt bridge state. Upon adding more water molecules we find that stabilization of the zwitterionic state critically depends on the number of hydrogen bonds between side chain termini, the water molecules, and the peptidic backbone. Employing classical molecular dynamics simulations for larger clusters, we observed that the salt bridge is weakened upon additional hydration. Consequently, long-lived solvent shared ion pairs are observed for about 30 water molecules while solvent separated ion pairs are found when at least 40 or more water molecules hydrate the dipeptide. These results have implications for the formation and stability of salt bridges at partially dehydrated surfaces of aqueous proteins

    Tracking Aqueous Proton Transfer by Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy and ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

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    Proton transfer in water is ubiquitous and a critical elementary event that, via proton hopping between water molecules, enables protons to diffuse much faster than other ions. The problem of the anomalous nature of proton transport in water was first identified by Grotthuss over 200 years ago. In spite of a vast amount of modern research effort, there are still many unanswered questions about proton transport in water. An experimental determination of the proton hopping time has remained elusive due to its ultrafast nature and the lack of direct experimental observables. Here, we use two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to extract the chemical exchange rates between hydronium and water in acid solutions using a vibrational probe, methyl thiocyanate. Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations demonstrate that the chemical exchange is dominated by proton hopping. The observed experimental and simulated acid concentration dependence then allow us to extrapolate the measured single step proton hopping time to the dilute limit, which, within error, gives the same value as inferred from measurements of the proton mobility and NMR line width analysis. In addition to obtaining the proton hopping time in the dilute limit from direct measurements and AIMD simulations, the results indicate that proton hopping in dilute acid solutions is induced by the concerted multi-water molecule hydrogen bond rearrangement that occurs in pure water. This proposition on the dynamics that drive proton hopping is confirmed by a combination of experimental results from the literature

    The Interplay of Structure and Dynamics in the Raman Spectrum of Liquid Water over the Full Frequency and Temperature Range

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    While many vibrational Raman spectroscopy studies of liquid water have investigated the temperature dependence of the high-frequency O-H stretching region, few have analyzed the changes in the Raman spectrum as a function of temperature over the entire spectral range. Here, we obtain the Raman spectra of water from its melting to boiling point, both experimentally and from simulations using an ab initio-trained machine learning potential. We use these to assign the Raman bands and show that the entire spectrum can be well described as a combination of two temperature-independent spectra. We then assess which spectral regions exhibit strong dependence on the local tetrahedral order in the liquid. Further, this work demonstrates that changes in this structural parameter can be used to elucidate the temperature dependence of the Raman spectrum of liquid water and provides a guide to the Raman features that signal water ordering in more complex aqueous systems
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