123 research outputs found

    Per la pittura a Pistoia al principio del Trecento : sul Maestro del 1310 e la sua bottega

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    This essay proposes a new identity for the so-called Master of 1310, the leader painter active in Pistoia in the first half of the fourteenth century. In a previous article published in this journal, the identification of Lazzerino Castelli with the artist who painted the Stories of the Passion in San Giovanni Fuorcivitas has been reconsidered. Starting from a review of the documentary evidences regarding Lazzerino, it may be possible to link the historical figure of this painter with the Master of 1310. The documents mentioning Lazzerino as the head of an important family-based workshop seem to provide a reasonably firm basis for proposing such identification: the Master of 1310, indeed, exerted a lasting influence on different painters of Pistoia, who were probably involved in his workshop. In particular, the master’s teaching was crucial for two anonymous artists, conventionally called Master of 1336 and Master of Popiglio. These painters are here identified, in a conjectural way, with two of the four Lazzerino’s sons cited in the written sources, Tommaso and Iacopo.Seguendo la traccia aperta dal contributo, pubblicato su questa stessa rivista, dedicato al problema dell’autore delle Storie della Passione di San Giovanni Fuorcivitas a Pistoia, il saggio discute una nuova proposta relativa all’identità anagrafica del principale pittore pistoiese della prima metà del Trecento, il cosiddetto Maestro del 1310: riconsiderata l’idea di riconoscere in Lazzerino Castelli il responsabile del ciclo passionistico, si suggerisce ora, in via indiziaria, di associare proprio al Maestro del 1310 il profilo storico di questo artista, che – lo s’intende dalla documentazione – fu alla testa di un’importante ‘officina’ artistica familiare. Proprio una simile posizione di influente capobottega si attaglierebbe alla perfezione al Maestro del 1310, il quale – come qui si tenta di dimostrare – esercitò un ascendente fortissimo sulla scena pittorica cittadina, con un riverbero fino agli anni estremi del XIV secolo, specialmente sulle personalità anonime convenzionalmente designate con i nomi critici di Maestro del 1336 e Maestro di Popiglio (per i quali viene indicato un possibile riconoscimento anagrafico in due dei quattro figli di Lazzerino rammentati dalle fonti, Tommaso e Iacopo)

    Novità per Giovanni di Lorenzo: una Sacra famiglia da rintracciare e una nota sull'attività tarda del pittore

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    The essay presents an unpublished painting, representing the Holy Family with the young Saint John and Saint Catherine of Siena, which is here referred to the sienese master Giovanni di Lorenzo, at the end of his career (around 1545-50). The new attribution allows to reconstruct the artist’s late activity, and to confirm the authorship of the Venus laying with two Cupids of Chigi Saracini Collection.Il saggio ruota attorno alla pubblicazione di un’inedita Sacra Famiglia con san Giovannino e santa Caterina da Siena, di ubicazione ignota, riferibile alla mano del senese Giovanni di Lorenzo e databile ai secondi anni Quaranta del Cinquecento. L’aggiunta del nuovo dipinto permette di ricostruire la tarda attività del pittore, a cui deve essere ricondotta anche la Venere distesa con due amorini di collezione Chigi Saracini

    Per la pittura a Pistoia al principio del Trecento: una precisazione sull'autore delle Storie della Passione di San Giovanni Fuorcivitas

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    This paper focuses on the cycle of the Stories of the Passion located in the presbytery of the church of San Giovanni Fuorcivitas at Pistoia. The essay aims to discuss the authorship of the frescoes starting from a new analysis and interpretation of the stylistic aspects displayed. Since the frescoes appear to be reminiscent of Cimabue’s manner before the cycle of Assisi, it is necessary to suppose that their author received his artistic training during the ninth decade of the Duecento. This urges us to reject the idea – repeatedly proposed by scholars – that he could be identified with Lazzerino Castelli, i.e. the mysterious painter who put his ‘signature’ on the intrados of one of the apsidal windows. In fact, as documentary evidence shows, this artist, sometimes called Lazzaro, worked until the 1340s. It seems quite implausible that a cimabuesque painter such as the author of the Stories of the Passion was still active at these late dates. Moreover, a careful reading of the inscription – in which an «opus fenestarum» is mentioned – leads us to believe that Lazzerino’s ‘signature’ should not be referred to the pictorial cycle but to the making of the stained-glass windows, installed after the ‘Gothic’ enlargement of the church.Al centro di questo contributo è il ciclo pittorico prototrecentesco, rappresentante le Storie della Passione, che si dispiega lungo la parete presbiteriale della chiesa pistoiese di San Giovanni Fuorcivitas; in particolare, il saggio è incardinato attorno alla dibattuta questione della paternità degli affreschi, riconsiderata a partire da una nuova lettura della cultura figurativa da essi espressa. Il rapporto stretto che lega i murali agli antichi precedenti del Cimabue pre-assisiate spinge ad anticipare la formazione del loro autore verso il nono decennio del Duecento, rendendo così poco praticabile l’idea – a più riprese ventilata dagli studi – che questi possa essere identificato con quel Lazzerino Castelli che appose la propria sottoscrizione nello sguancio di una delle monofore absidali; infatti, da un’analisi della documentazione primaria si ricava che tale artefice, talvolta denominato Lazzaro, fu in piena attività fino almeno agli inoltrati anni quaranta del Trecento, a cronologie che mal si addicono a un pittore di educazione cimabuesca, aggiornatosi solo secondariamente sul verbo rinnovato di Giotto. Del resto, una più accorta lettura dell’iscrizione in cui compare la ‘firma’ – ove si fa menzione di un «opus fenestarum» – induce a credere che l’attestato di autografia vada riferito non al ciclo pittorico ma all’elaborazione progettuale (e forse alla finitura cromatica) delle vetrate delle finestre realizzate in occasione dell’ampliamento ‘gotico’ della chiesa

    Virtual three-dimensional model of the subsoil of the church of St. Maria Maddalena d'Alga in Palermo, using high-resolution GPR surveys

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    The church of Santa Maria Maddalena d'Alga is located in the historic center of Palermo and belongs to the monumental complex of the military district of San Giacomo, in the ancient western fortified area of the city. Today the area hosts a vast military complex, seat of the Command of the Carabinieri Legion of Sicily. The church is elevated with respect to the current floor. During some maintenance works of the church, for the installation of air conditioners, some georadar surveys were carried out to verify the presence of crypts or tombs under the pavement. The investigations made it possible to reconstruct a 3D georadar model and to identify some anomalies under the pavement. Some of these correspond to rooms that have been opened during maintenance work

    Effects of Mannan Oligosaccharide and Inulin on Sharpsnout Seabream (Diplodus Puntazzo) in the Context of Partial Fish Meal Substitution by Soybean Meal

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    One hundred forty-four sharpsnout seabream of about 100 g initial body weight were randomly stocked in 12 experiment tanks (180 L). Testing conditions included 12 fish per tank, with triplicate tanks for treatment. The experimental period lasted 150 days. Average water temperature was 21.9±1.6°C, salinity was 30.0‰ and pH ranged from 7 to 8, throughout the experiment. A control diet (FM) was made from fish meal. One similar diet (SBM) was made with approximately 40% of the protein supplied by soybean meal. The remaining two diets (SBM-MOS and SBM-INU) were formulated adding 8 g of mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) and inulin (INU) per kg of the SBM diet, respectively. The results showed that mean final weight (average values 234.4 g), specific growth rate (average values 0.585), feed conversion rate (average values 2.05) and protein efficiency ratio (average values 1.01) were unaffected by MOS or INU supplementation to SBM diet. Body proximate composition was affected by MOS and INU supplementation. Fish fed SBM-MOS and SBM-INU diets showed the highest moisture level and the lowest lipid content. Also the total polyunsaturated fatty of the lipids was reduced by MOS and INU in comparison to SBM diet alone

    Anisakis spp. Larvae in Deboned, in-Oil Fillets Made of Anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus) and Sardines (Sardina pilchardus) Sold in EU Retailers

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    Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus are considered the principal target species for commercial fishing in Europe and are widely consumed as semipreserved products. Although they are considered shelf-stable products, if treatment is not correctly applied, their consumption may represent a public health risk in regard to anisakiasis and allergic reactions. Little is known about the prevalence of Anisakis spp. in ripened products. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of Anisakis spp. larvae in deboned, in-oil anchovy and sardine fillets marketed in the EU to assess the influence of processing techniques on the prevalence of larvae. Ninety semipreserved anchovy and sardine products deriving from the Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic Ocean were collected from different EU retailers and examined using chloropeptic digestion to evaluate the presence of larvae and identify them. Thirty nonviable Anisakid larvae—A. pegreffii (30%) and A. simplex (70%)—were found. The frequency of larvae was higher in anchovies (28.8%). The low frequency of parasites found proved that processing technologies can influence the presence of larvae in final products, but it is important that visual inspection is performed only by trained people. The sources of raw materials should be considered in the production flow chart

    Levels and congeners distribution of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in buffaloes adipose tissues sampled in vivo and milk

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    The levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and DL-PCBs were analyzed both in milk and adipose tissues sampled "in vivo" from lactating, drying off and heifer buffaloes from a Campania farm which had been impounded by the competent authority owing to the high dioxin levels found in bulk milk. The chemical determination was carried out by HRGC-HRMS using US EPA Method 1613b. The range of WHO-TEQ values for the PCDDs/PCDFs in adipose tissues was 1.79 to 68.64 pg g−1 fat and in milk was 8.33 to 13.95 pg g−1 fat. The contamination profile for dioxins and furans was given by 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD; 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF; 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD and 2,3,7,8-TCDD. The levels of DL-PCBs in adipose tissue varied from 1.38 to 20.13 pg g−1 fat while ranged from 8.33 to 13.95 pg g−1 fat in milk. The pattern of DL-PCBs in both matrices was dominated by congeners PCB 126 and PCB 169

    Deltamethrin Residues in Milk and Cheese of Lactating Goats (Capra hircus)

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    peer-reviewedThe distribution of pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin (DLM) in goat milk and cheese (caciotta) following pour-on administration at the sheep dosage (DLMS-10 mL/60 kg body weight) and double dosage (DLMD-20 mL/60 kg body weight) was studied. DLM concentrations were measured in milk collected from study animals (No.14) before treatment and at 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 30, 36, 48, 56, until 168 h (7 days) post treatment and in caciotta cheese at 12 and 24 h post treatment. At both dosages, the maximum level of DLM residues in goat milk and cheese was below the maximum residue limit (MRL) of 20 μg kg−1 established for bovine milk (EU No 37/2010) at all time points. However, in terms of public health, higher DLM residues in cheese show that further specific studies should be performed on double dosage efficacy and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties of ectoparasites in lactating goats
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