379 research outputs found

    Comparing Machine Learning Strategies for SoH Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a Feature-Based Approach

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    Lithium-ion batteries play a vital role in many systems and applications, making them the most commonly used battery energy storage systems. Optimizing their usage requires accurate state-of-health (SoH) estimation, which provides insight into the performance level of the battery and improves the precision of other diagnostic measures, such as state of charge. In this paper, the classical machine learning (ML) strategies of multiple linear and polynomial regression, support vector regression (SVR), and random forest are compared for the task of battery SoH estimation. These ML strategies were selected because they represent a good compromise between light computational effort, applicability, and accuracy of results. The best results were produced using SVR, followed closely by multiple linear regression. This paper also discusses the feature selection process based on the partial charging time between different voltage intervals and shows the linear dependence of these features with capacity reduction. The feature selection, parameter tuning, and performance evaluation of all models were completed using a dataset from the Prognostics Center of Excellence at NASA, considering three batteries in the dataset

    State of Health Estimation Procedure for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Partial Discharge Data and Support Vector Regression

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    Battery aging is a complex phenomenon, and precise state of health (SoH) monitoring is essential for effective battery management. This paper presents a data-driven method for SoH estimation based on support vector regression (SVR), utilizing features built from both full and partial discharge capacity curves, as well as battery temperature data. It provides an in-depth discussion of the novel features constructed from different voltage intervals. Moreover, three combinations of features were analyzed, demonstrating how their efficacy changes across different voltage ranges. Successful results were obtained using the full discharge capacity curves, built from the full interval of 2 to 3.4 V and achieving a mean R2 value of 0.962 for the test set, thus showcasing the adequacy of the selected SVR strategy. Finally, the features constructed from the full voltage range were compared with ones built from 10 small voltage ranges. Similar success was observed, evidenced by a mean R2 value ranging between 0.939 and 0.973 across different voltage ranges. This indicates the practical applicability of the developed models in real-world scenarios. The tuning and evaluation of the proposed models were carried outusing a substantial dataset created by Toyota, consisting of 124 lithium iron phosphate batteries

    Growing Pleurotus ostreatus (ex. Fr) Kummer Using Gamma Radiation in Southern Ghana and its Associated Pests

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    Pests have been implicated in causing severe damage to food crops including mushrooms, thereby increasing the incidence of postharvest loss. This study investigated the various pests involved in the cultivation of gamma radiation aided cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus. Pests were isolated and identified by the procedure described by the Entomological Society of Canada. Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus was achieved by pre-treating composted sawdust substrates and spawn preparation with a gamma radiation dose of 15 kGy from a Cobalt 60 source (SLL 515, Hungary) at a dose rate of 1.7 kGyh-1 in air. A total of five pests were recorded while cropping, namely; Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly), Blatta germanica (cockroach), Archachatina marginata (giant snail), and Doratogonus meridionalis (millipede) and Cryptophlebia leucotreta (False codling moth). The predominant pest was Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) (97%). Results recorded over four flush periods were 378g, 0.63, and 63% for Total yield, biological yield, Biological Efficiency (%), respectively. The average stipe length and pileus diameter were recorded and showed no statistical differences (p>0.05) observed in the different weeks. Other growth parameters (mushroom size, total number of primordia, total number of fruitbodies etc.) recorded showed some significant differences (p<0.05). Pests identified contributed to yield reduction and product quality

    Hematological and Genetic Markers in the Rational Approach to Patients With HCV Sustained Virological Response With or Without Persisting Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis

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    Background and Aims: Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) usually lead to improvement/remission of cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV), although symptoms may persist/recur after a sustained virological response (SVR). We evaluated hematological and genetic markers in patients with HCV-SVR vasculitis with and without persisting/recurring symptoms to early predict the CV outcome. Approach and Results: Ninety-eight patients with HCV-CV were prospectively enrolled after a DAA-induced SVR: Group A: 52 with complete clinical response; Group B: 46 with symptom maintenance/recurrence. Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis, t(14;18) translocation, and abnormal free light chains Îş/λ ratios were detected by flow cytometry or nested-PCR or nephelometry in 4% Group A versus 17% Group B (P = 0.04) patients, 17% Group A versus 40% Group B patients (P = 0.02), and 17% Group A versus 47% Group B (P = 0.003) patients, respectively. At least 1 out of 3 clonality markers was altered/positive in 29% of Group A versus 70% of Group B patients (P < 0.0001). When available, pretherapy samples were also tested for t(14;18) translocation (detected in 12/37 [32%] Group A and 21/38 [55%] Group B) and Îş/λ ratios (abnormal in 5/35 [14%] Group A and 20/38 [53%] Group B) (P = 0.0006), whereas at least one clonality marker was detected/altered in 16/37 (43%) Group A and 30/38 (79%) Group B (P = 0.002). CV-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms were tested by real-time PCR. Among them, notch4 rs2071286 T minor allele and TT genotype showed a higher frequency in Group B versus Group A (46% vs. 29%, P = 0.01, and 17% vs. 2%, P = 0.006, respectively). Conclusions: Hematological or genetic analyses could be used to foresee the CV clinical response after DAA therapy and could be valuable to assess a rational flowchart to manage CV during follow-up

    B-cell activating factor (BAFF), BAFF promoter and BAFF receptor allelic variants in hepatitis C virus related Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

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    Cryoglobulinemic Vasculitis (CV) is an autoimmune/lymphoproliferative disorder associated with HCV infection that in 5%–10% of cases evolves into a B cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL). B-cell activating factor (BAFF) is a key regulator in B-cell development and survival. Particular genetic variants are responsible for BAFF signaling impairment in autoimmune and neoplastic diseases. We evaluated BAFF and BAFF-receptor (BAFF-R) polymorphisms in order to determine if they predispose to HCV-related CV and NHL. The analysis was performed on 416 HCV-chronically infected patients: 136 HCV without signs/symptoms of lymphoproliferations/autoimmunity (HCV), 166 HCV with CV (HCV-CV) and 114 HCV with NHL (HCV-NHL). Rs9514828 SNP on BAFF promoter, rs61756766 on BAFF-R and rs12428930 on the BAFF gene were evaluated by Real-Time PCR. Concerning rs9514828, the frequency of C/T genotype was significantly higher in HCV-CV than in HCV. The difference in the distribution of the T/T mutant genotype in HCV-CV compared to HCV was significant as well as the distribution of C/T and T/T genotype in HCV-NHL versus HCV. T minor allele was more frequent in HCV-NHL and HCV-CV than in HCV. The distribution of C/T + T/T (for the dominant model of penetrance C/T + T/T vs. C/C) was significantly higher in HCV-CV and HCV-NHL than in HCV. Genotyping of rs61756766 on BAFF-R coding gene, revealed C/T heterozygosis at a frequency of 11% in HCV-NHL versus 3% in HCV. The T minor allele frequency was higher in HCV-NHL than in HCV. No differences emerged by genotyping rs12428930 SNP on BAFF coding gene. Our results reinforce the hypothesis that BAFF/BAFF-R genetic pattern has a role in the pathogenesis of HCV-related lymphoproliferations. BAFF/BAFF-R variants could identify a risk haplotype for HCV related CV and NHL and a BAFF/BAFF-R genetic profile assessment could potentially contribute to tailoring anti-BAFF therapy by identifying patients with BAFF alterations in which the treatment could be more beneficial

    Enterotoxin genes, enterotoxin production, and methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from milk and dairy products in Central Italy

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    AbstractA total of 227 Staphylococcus aureus colonies, isolated from 54 samples of raw milk and dairy products of bovine, ovine, caprine and bubaline origin were tested for the presence of genes coding for staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs/SEls) and for methicillin resistance. Ninety-three colonies, from 31 of the 54 samples (57.4%) and from 18 (69.2%) of the 26 farms of origin tested positive for SEs/SEls genes. Most isolates harboured more than one toxin gene and 15 different toxinotypes were recorded. The most frequent were “sec” gene alone (28.6%), “sea, sed, ser, selj” (20%), “seg, sei” and “seh” (8.6%). The 77 colonies harbouring “classical enterotoxins” genes (sea-sed) were further tested for enterotoxin production, which was assessed for 59.2% of the colonies. Three methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates were detected in three different ovine milk/dairy product samples (1.3%). All isolates belonged to spa type t127, sequence type 1, clonal complex 1, SCCmec type IVa

    A connection between stress and development in the multicelular prokaryote Streptomyces coelicolor

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    Morphological changes leading to aerial mycelium formation and sporulation in the mycelial bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor rely on establishing distinct patterns of gene expression in separate regions of the colony. sH was identified previously as one of three paralogous sigma factors associated with stress responses in S. coelicolor. Here, we show that sigH and the upstream gene prsH (encoding a putative antisigma factor of sH) form an operon transcribed from two developmentally regulated promoters, sigHp1 and sigHp2. While sigHp1 activity is confined to the early phase of growth, transcription of sigHp2 is dramatically induced at the time of aerial hyphae formation. Localization of sigHp2 activity using a transcriptional fusion to the green fluorescent protein reporter gene (sigHp2–egfp) showed that sigHp2 transcription is spatially restricted to sporulating aerial hyphae in wild-type S. coelicolor. However, analysis of mutants unable to form aerial hyphae (bld mutants) showed that sigHp2 transcription and sH protein levels are dramatically upregulated in a bldD mutant, and that the sigHp2–egfp fusion was expressed ectopically in the substrate mycelium in the bldD background. Finally, a protein possessing sigHp2 promoter-binding activity was purified to homogeneity from crude mycelial extracts of S. coelicolor and shown to be BldD. The BldD binding site in the sigHp2 promoter was defined by DNase I footprinting. These data show that expression of sH is subject to temporal and spatial regulation during colony development, that this tissue-specific regulation is mediated directly by the developmental transcription factor BldD and suggest that stress and developmental programmes may be intimately connected in Streptomyces morphogenesis

    Discovering study-specific gene regulatory networks

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Microarrays are commonly used in biology because of their ability to simultaneously measure thousands of genes under different conditions. Due to their structure, typically containing a high amount of variables but far fewer samples, scalable network analysis techniques are often employed. In particular, consensus approaches have been recently used that combine multiple microarray studies in order to find networks that are more robust. The purpose of this paper, however, is to combine multiple microarray studies to automatically identify subnetworks that are distinctive to specific experimental conditions rather than common to them all. To better understand key regulatory mechanisms and how they change under different conditions, we derive unique networks from multiple independent networks built using glasso which goes beyond standard correlations. This involves calculating cluster prediction accuracies to detect the most predictive genes for a specific set of conditions. We differentiate between accuracies calculated using cross-validation within a selected cluster of studies (the intra prediction accuracy) and those calculated on a set of independent studies belonging to different study clusters (inter prediction accuracy). Finally, we compare our method's results to related state-of-the art techniques. We explore how the proposed pipeline performs on both synthetic data and real data (wheat and Fusarium). Our results show that subnetworks can be identified reliably that are specific to subsets of studies and that these networks reflect key mechanisms that are fundamental to the experimental conditions in each of those subsets

    Differential expression of collectins in human placenta and role in inflammation during spontaneous Labor.

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    © 2014 Yadav et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Collectins, collagen-containing Ca2+ dependent C-type lectins and a class of secretory proteins including SP-A, SP-D and MBL, are integral to immunomodulation and innate immune defense. In the present study, we aimed to investigate their placental transcript synthesis, labor associated differential expression and localization at feto-maternal interface, and their functional implication in spontaneous labor. The study involved using feto-maternal interface (placental/decidual tissues) from two groups of healthy pregnant women at term (≥37 weeks of gestation), undergoing either elective C-section with no labor ('NLc' group, n = 5), or normal vaginal delivery with spontaneous labor ('SLv' group, n = 5). The immune function of SP-D, on term placental explants, was analyzed for cytokine profile using multiplexed cytokine array. SP-A, SP-D and MBL transcripts were observed in the term placenta. The 'SLv' group showed significant up-regulation of SP-D (p = 0.001), and down-regulation of SP-A (p = 0.005), transcripts and protein compared to the 'NLc' group. Significant increase in 43 kDa and 50 kDa SP-D forms in placental and decidual tissues was associated with the spontaneous labor (p<0.05). In addition, the MMP-9-cleaved form of SP-D (25 kDa) was significantly higher in the placentae of 'SLv' group compared to the 'NLc' group (p = 0.002). Labor associated cytokines IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α and MCP-1 showed significant increase (p<0.05) in a dose dependent manner in the placental explants treated with nSP-D and rhSP-D. In conclusion, the study emphasizes that SP-A and SP-D proteins associate with the spontaneous labor and SP-D plausibly contributes to the pro-inflammatory immune milieu of feto-maternal tissues.Funding provided by BT/PR15227/BRB/10/906/2011) Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India http://dbtindia.nic.in/index.asp (TM) and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)/Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), Government of India, www.icmr.nic.in (AKY)
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