78 research outputs found

    Applicazione della classificazione National Health Service Breast Screening Pathology (NHSBSP) nella comparazione cito-istologica dei tumori mammari della cagna = NHSBSP classification use in the correlation of canine mammary tumour cytology and histopathology

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    Canine mammary tumours (CMT) are the most common neoplasia in bitches. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a fast and inexpensive technique well-tolerated by animals. Few reports have shown how difficult cytological diagnosis of CMT is and how difficult benign or malignant tumours are to classify using FNAC. Cytological diagnosis has often been inconclusive in veterinary pathology. In the diagnosis of human breast cancer, FNAC efficacy is beyond doubt due to its high specificity. In this preliminary study, our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of NHSBSP classification, applied to CMT. Secondly, we wish to test the usefulness of H&H stain in FNAC for CMT diagnosis. 75 FNAC specimens, from 41 dogs with mammary tumours were examined. 72/75 underwent the NHSBSP classification Histological examination of the tumours was performed in each case for comparison purposes. All the CMTs fell under the five categories: C1 (3 cases), C2 (7 cases), C3 (38 cases), C4 (15 cases), C5 (9 cases). As regards H&H staining in our view it was more efficacious than M.G.G. staining in distinguishing morphological cell details. Our results showed that the NHSBSP classification gave a 94.4% correspondence level between cytological and histological findings

    Liposarcoma pleomorfo a localizzazione mammaria in un cane = Canine pleomorphic liposarcoma of mammary gland

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    Liposarcoma is the most common malignant soft tissue tumors in humans, whereas in dog is an uncommon neoplasm of all skin and subcutaneous tumors. Lipocytic tumors have been categorized as atypical lipoma, well differentiated liposarcoma, myxoid liposarcoma and pleomorphic liposarcoma

    The chemical-physical knowledge before the restoration: The case of "The Plague in Lucca", a masterpiece of Lorenzo Viani (1882-1936)

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    Background: "The Plague in Lucca", a masterpiece of the contemporary painter Lorenzo Viani, was studied by multianalytical techniques (Multiband, IR and UV fluorescence imaging, micro-Raman spectroscopy, direct exposure-mass spectrometry, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) in view of its restoration at the Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (GAMC) of Palazzo delle Muse in Viareggio (Lucca, Italy). The analysis allowed to obtain a better understanding of the artistic technique of the painter and to underline critical conservation aspects. Results: At first, non-invasive techniques, such as the Multiband Imaging, Infrared Reflectometry, UV Fluorescence and X-ray Fluorescence, have been applied in order to characterize the conservation state of the painting surface and determining the more representative zones of the painting for the taking of micro-samples to be analysed in the laboratory. The destructive chemical analysis of these micro-samples, performed using mass (DEMS and GC/MS) and infrared spectroscopy (micro-Raman), permitted to reveal the nature of the organic and inorganic materials present in the painting. Conclusions: The use of different physical and chemical diagnostic techniques allowed us to obtain precious information about the palette and the technique used by Lorenzo Viani for the realization of "La Peste a Lucca". Furthermore, this approach permit to characterize paintings, to understand the nature and origin of materials used by the artist and to develop the appropriate restoration procedure

    Management of thyroid Hurthle cell neoplasms: a single centre experience and literature review = Management delle neoplasie a cellule di Hurthle della tiroide: esperienza di un singolo centro e revisione della letteratura

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    Aim. We report our experience on the management of Hurthle cell neoplasms (HCNs) of the thyroid and a review of the literature in order to describe the most relevant clinical, diagnostic, biologic and therapeutic aspects. Materials and Methods. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 15 consecutive patients with HCN. The male/female ratio was 1:4 and the mean age was 53.8 years. Fourteen patients underwent total thyroidectomy and one patient lobectomy. Two patients were lost to follow up. The mean follow up time was 54 months. Results. Eleven Hurthle cell adenomas and 4 carcinomas were found. At the time of initial surgical evaluation 9 patients (60%) were symptomatic, with hyperthyroidism and dysphagia being the most frequent manifestations. Only in 6 (40%) cases the diagnosis was obtained by preoperative fine needle aspiration biopsy. Among patients with Hurthle cell adenoma and carcinoma the mean age was 51 and 62 years respectively and the mean lesion size 1.6 and 3.8 cm respectively. No cases of death or recurrence were registered. Conclusions. Clinical manifestations are similar to those for other differentiated thyroid neoplasms. Patients with Hurthle cell carcinoma presented a mean age and a mean tumor size greater than those with Hurthle cell adenoma. Our data suggest that adenomas have not a malignant potential; nevertheless surgical resection is necessary to obtain a precise evaluation of eventual infiltrative events. Surgical resection is also the treatment of choice for the treatment of carcinomas with total thyroidectomy representing the best surgical option. Obiettivo. Riportiamo in questo articolo la nostra esperienza nel management delle neoplasie a cellule di Hurthle (HCNs) ed una revisione della letteratura allo scopo di sottolineare i più importanti aspetti clinici, diagnostici, biologici e terapeutici. Materiali e metodi. Abbiamo esaminato i dati clinici di 15 pazienti consecutivi con HCN. L’età media dei pazienti era di 53,8 anni e il rapporto maschi/femmine 1:4. Quattordici pazienti sono stati sottoposti a tiroidectomia totale ed uno a lobectomia. Due pazienti sono stati persi al follow up. Il tempo medio di follow up era di 54 mesi. Risultati. Undici pazienti sono stati trovati affetti da adenoma a cellule di Hurthle e 4 da carcinoma. Nove pazienti (60%) erano sintomatici, e solo in 6 (40%) casi la diagnosi è stata ottenuta tramite biopsia con ago aspirato. L’età media dei pazienti affetti da adenoma era 51 anni e di quelli con carcinoma 62. La dimensione media delle lesioni era superiore nei pazienti con carcinoma (3,8 cm verso 1,6 in quelli con adenoma). Non sono stati osservati decessi o recidive. Conclusioni. Abbiamo osservato una differenza di età e di dimensione delle lesioni tra i pazienti affetti da adenoma e quelli affetti da carcinoma. I nostri dati suggeriscono che gli adenomi a cellule di Hurthle non hanno potenziale maligno, tuttavia l’asportazione chirurgica è necessaria per la valutazione di eventuali eventi infiltrativi. Il trattamento chirurgico con tiroidectomia totale o resezioni più ampie ove necessario rappresenta il trattamento di scelta per i carcinomi

    Spontaneous feline mammary intraepithelial lesions as a model for human estrogen receptor- and progesterone receptor-negative breast lesions

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    Background. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women. Intraepithelial lesions (IELs), such as usual ductal hyperplasia (UH), atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are risk factors that predict a woman's chance of developing invasive breast cancer. Therefore, a comparative study that establishes an animal model of pre-invasive lesions is needed for the development of preventative measures and effective treatment for both mammary IELs and tumors. The purpose of this study was to characterize the histologic and molecular features of feline mammary IELs and compare them with those in women. Methods. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens (n = 205) from 203 female cats with clinical mammary disease were retrieved from the archives of the Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory and Veterinary Teaching Hospital (West Lafayette, IN), and the Department of Pathology and Veterinary Clinic, School of Veterinary Medicine (Sassari, Italy). Histologic sections, stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), were evaluated for the presence of IELs in tissue adjacent to excised mammary tumors. Lesions were compared to those of humans. Immunohistochemistry for estrogen receptor (ER-alpha), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2/neu) and Ki-67 was performed in IELs and adjacent tumor tissues. Results. Intraepithelial lesions were found in 57 of 203 (28%) feline mammary specimens and were categorized as UH (27%), ADH (29%), and DCIS (44%). Most IELs with atypia (ADH and DCIS) were associated with mammary cancer (91%), whereas UH was associated with benign lesions in 53% of cases. Feline IELs were remarkably similar to human IELs. No ER or PR immunoreactivity was detected in intermediate-grade or high-grade DCIS or their associated malignant tumors. HER-2 protein overexpression was found in 27% of IELs. Conclusion. The remarkable similarity of feline mammary IELs to those of humans, with the tendency to lose hormone receptor expression in atypical IELs, supports the cat as a possible model to study ER- and PR-negative breast lesions

    Prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus infection in women from North Sardinia, Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been associated with several disorders of the genital tract, skin and oropharynx. The aims of our study were to evaluate the prevalence of HPV infection in women between 15 and 54 years of age in North Sardinia, Italy, to identify the prevalence of High Risk - Human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV) genotypes and to establish a correlation between molecular and cytological results.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>From 2007 to 2009 we consecutively enrolled women aged 15-54 years admitted to public and private outpatient settings. All the participants filled in a questionnaire about the socio-cultural state, sexual activity and awareness about HPV. 323 cervical specimens were tested for HPV-DNA and HPV genotypes with INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping CE Amp kit. Samples showing positivity to some HPV genotypes were re-tested using "in house" quantitative Real-Time PCR assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall HPV-DNA positivity was detected in 35.9% of the women. The prevalence of HR-HPV infection among HPV positive samples was 93.1% with a specific prevalence of HPV 16, 51, 31, 53 and 18 of 54.3%, 37.9%, 10.3%, 6.9% and 5.2%, respectively. Co-infection with any HPV, HR-HPV, LR-HPV and HR/LR-HPV type was 18.3%, 14.9%, 0.9% and 2.5%, respectively; HPV 16/51 co-infection was detected in 64.6% of the HR-HPV co-infection group. The most frequent HPV-genotypes detected were 16 (32.5%) and 51 (22.7%). Among the 57 patients harboring mono-infection the most prevalent HPV genotypes were 16 (38.6%) and 31(10.5%). A multivariate analysis identified a statistical significant association between HPV infection and age and between HPV infection and previous sexual transmitted diseases. A statistically significant association between cytological cervical lesions and generic HPV exposure was identified.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>To our knowledge, this is the first survey evaluating the prevalence of HPV infection in Northern Sardinia and drawing attention to the unusual high proportion of genotype HPV 51. Given the recent implementation of a widespread immunization program with vaccines not containing HPV 51, it has been relevant to prove the high prevalence of this HPV genotype from the start of the vaccination campaign, in order to avoid in the future attributing to the vaccination program a possible selection effect (HPV replacement).</p

    Acute Delta Hepatitis in Italy spanning three decades (1991–2019): Evidence for the effectiveness of the hepatitis B vaccination campaign

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    Updated incidence data of acute Delta virus hepatitis (HDV) are lacking worldwide. Our aim was to evaluate incidence of and risk factors for acute HDV in Italy after the introduction of the compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in 1991. Data were obtained from the National Surveillance System of acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA). Independent predictors of HDV were assessed by logistic-regression analysis. The incidence of acute HDV per 1-million population declined from 3.2 cases in 1987 to 0.04 in 2019, parallel to that of acute HBV per 100,000 from 10.0 to 0.39 cases during the same period. The median age of cases increased from 27 years in the decade 1991-1999 to 44 years in the decade 2010-2019 (p &lt; .001). Over the same period, the male/female ratio decreased from 3.8 to 2.1, the proportion of coinfections increased from 55% to 75% (p = .003) and that of HBsAg positive acute hepatitis tested for by IgM anti-HDV linearly decreased from 50.1% to 34.1% (p &lt; .001). People born abroad accounted for 24.6% of cases in 2004-2010 and 32.1% in 2011-2019. In the period 2010-2019, risky sexual behaviour (O.R. 4.2; 95%CI: 1.4-12.8) was the sole independent predictor of acute HDV; conversely intravenous drug use was no longer associated (O.R. 1.25; 95%CI: 0.15-10.22) with this. In conclusion, HBV vaccination was an effective measure to control acute HDV. Intravenous drug use is no longer an efficient mode of HDV spread. Testing for IgM-anti HDV is a grey area requiring alert. Acute HDV in foreigners should be monitored in the years to come

    Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data

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