349 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative Analysis of the Harmonic Oscillator with a Time-Dependent Frequency

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    We apply the Floquet theorem and the resonating averages method to solve the Schrödinger equation of the harmonic oscillator whose frequency varies periodically with time. We determine its Floquet states and its corresponding wave functions. The formalism provides an efficiency tool for analyzing the various transition probabilities as well as the uncertainty relation of the system. The effect of a periodic external force on the Floquet states and the two-photon algebra realization are shortly discussed.We apply the Floquet theorem and the resonating averages method to solve the Schrödinger equation of the harmonic oscillator whose frequency varies periodically with time. We determine its Floquet states and its corresponding wave functions. The formalism provides an efficiency tool for analyzing the various transition probabilities as well as the uncertainty relation of the system. The effect of a periodic external force on the Floquet states and the two-photon algebra realization are shortly discussed

    Assessment of Inter-Specific Diversity of the \u3cem\u3eHedysarum\u3c/em\u3e Genus in Tunisia

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    In Tunisia, many grassland and pasture species were menaced by genetic erosion. Thus, we were interested in the Hedysarum species which constitute a very important phytogenetic patrimony able to produce forage and restore destroyed pasture land especially in arid and semi-arid areas. In order to facilitate fodder improvement, we investigated the phenetic relationships among Hedysarum species using rDNA intergenic spacer (IGS) polymorphism

    Fibrome nasopharyngien

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    Le fibrome nasopharyngien (FNP) est une tumeur bénigne rare, richement vascularisée, touchant presque exclusivement l’adolescent de sexe masculin. Sa gravité est liée à son potentiel hémorragique et à son agressivité locale.objectif : Rappeler cette entité rare et revoir ses indications thérapeutiques.observation : Nous rapportons une observation d’un FNP avec extension au niveau de la fosse infratemporale (stade iiC de la classification de Radkowski) traité par chirurgie après embolisation ce qui a permis de diminuer le saignement peropératoire, permettant une exérèse totale de la tumeur. Les suites opératoires étaient simples. Les contrôles cliniqueet scannographique à un mois postopératoire n’ont pas montré de récidive.Conclusion : La prise en charge des FNP est essentiellement chirurgicale. elle a largement bénéficié du développement de la chirurgie endonasale et de l’artériographie interventionnelle. d’autres moyens thérapeutiques: radiothérapie, chimiothérapie, sclérothérapie et hormonothérapie ont leurs indications et leurs adeptes.Mots clés : Fibrome nasopharyngien, Chirurgie, embolisation , Chimiothérapie, Radiothérapie

    Imperforation choanale aspects cliniques, approache therapeutique

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    No Abstract. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 17 2006: pp. 30-3

    Analysis of Tunisian date palm germplasm using simple sequence repeat primers

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    Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers involve polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA using a single primer composed of a microsatellite sequence. ISSR technology rapidly reveals high polymorphic fingerprints and determines genetic diversity. We used genetic markers generated from selected ISSR primers to assess genetic diversity among a set of Tunisian date palm varieties. Seven primers were used to cluster 12 date palm varieties and 77 polymorphic markers were sufficient to identify all of the varieties. These discrete molecular markers were used to estimate genetic distances among the 12 accessions and to examine their genetic relationships. Data analysis identified phenetic groups that were in agreement with those obtained according to agronomic traits and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Among the 12 simple sequence repeat (SSR) motifs tested, the most abundant were AG. Key Words: Genetic diversity; ISSR polymorphisms; date palm; Pheonix dactylifera. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 3 (4), 2004: 215-21

    Improvement of a pesticide immunosensor performance using site-directed antibody immobilisation and carbon nanotubes

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    The potential toxicity of pesticide residues in drinking water has meant a rigid regulation for the appearance of these pollutants. Thus, in this work, we developed a new immunosensor for atrazine detection. We focused on the optimisation of the antibody immobilisation method on sensor surface for the enhancement of the biosensor sensitivity. First, with site-directed immobilisation of rabbit anti-atrazine antibodies using goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin, a detection limit of 0.5 ng/mL was obtained. This value is 20 times lower than the detection limit obtained with non-oriented antibodies. The second way to improve immunosensor sensitivity consisted of the addition of carbon nanotubes (CNT). As result of using these CNT, detection limit has been improved again from 0.5 ng/mL to 100 pg/mL.This work was financially supported by the PCI cooperation project between Spain and Tunisia.Marrakchi, M.; Helali, S.; Soto Camino, J.; González Martínez, MÁ.; Abdelghani, A.; Hamdi, M. (2013). Improvement of a pesticide immunosensor performance using site-directed antibody immobilisation and carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Nanotechnology. 10:496-507. doi:10.1504/IJNT.2013.053519S4965071

    Kyste Amygdaloïde Oropharynge A Propos D\'un Cas

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    Le kyste amygdaloïde est une tumeur kystique latéro-cervicale haute rare, issue de la 2ème fente branchiale. Il représente 2% des tumeurs latéro-cervicales du cou, et 6,1à 85,2% des anomalies de la deuxième fente. La forme oropharyngée est très rare. Nous rapportons une observation d\'un kyste amygdaloïde oropharyngé, chez une femme de 56 ans. Aucune symptomatologie particulière n\'a été notée. L\'examen clinique a révélé une tuméfaction de la loge amygdalienne droite, refoulant le pilier antérieur. La TDM a objectivé un processus expansif nécrosé de l\'amygdale palatine droite comblant l\'espace parapharyngé droit, en contact avec la base de la langue et le muscle ptérygoïdien médial homolatéral. Une résection complète et sans rupture du kyste a été pratiquée par voie transorale, le geste a été complété par une amygdalectomie droite. L\'histologie a confirmé le diagnostic par la co-existence d\'un revêtement épithélial et d\'une infiltration de tissu lymphoïde. Le recul est de 6 mois sans récidiveSecond branchial cleft cysts are the most common type of branchial abnormalities and usually found high in the neck. Oropharyngeal presence of branchial cleft cyst is very rare. We report a case of oropharyngeal branchial cleft cyst in 56 years women, wich had any specific symptom. Radiologic examination (TDM) revealed an expansive mass of the palatin tonsil. It was removed completely with right palatin tonsil. Cyst had a squamous epithelium-lined wall with lymphoid aggregation in histopathologic study, which was chareacteristic finding of branchial cleft cyst. There was no evidence of recurrence for 6 months for follow-up. We review reported oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal presentation of these cases in literature and embryologic explanation. Keywords: Oropharyngeal, branchial, cysts Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 49-5

    Dacryocystostomies par voieendonasale:indications et technique chirurgicale

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    Introduction : La dacryocystorhinostomie consiste à dériver le contenu du sac lacrymal directement vers la lumière de la fosse nasale correspondante en réalisant une large ouverture dans la paroi osseuse et muqueuse du sac, court-circuitant ainsi le canal lacrymonasal obturé. nous nous proposons, à travers cette étude rétrospective, de discuter les aspects techniques chirurgicaux de la dacryocystostomie par voie endonasale et de revoir les indications opératoires.Mots-clefs : dacryocystite ; dacryocystorhinostomie ; chirurgie endonasaleThe purpose of dacryocystorhinostomy is to derive the content of the lacrimal sac directly into the light of the corresponding nasal cavity by making a large opening in the bony wall and sac mucosa, by passing the blocked nasolacrimal duct. We intend, through this retrospective study, discuss the technical aspects of surgical dacryocystostomy by endonasal and review the indications for surgery.Keywords : dacryocystitis; dacryocystorhinostomy; endonasal surgery