380 research outputs found

    In search of Cuban nationalism: transcending borders

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    Nationalism prevails both inside and outside of what is known to be the geographic boundaries of the nation, as seen by immigrants in the United States, for instance, who recreate sociocultural environments that remind them of home. This study focuses on one such case: Cuban nationalism. How is it that nationalism is found among Cubans born and raised in the island and those born and raised outside? What is at the core of this nationalism that connects persons of different national upbringings? It has something to do with a love for the people, but such a hypothesis needed further explanation. Thus, I collected surveys from 46 Cuban Americans and 48 Cubans in the island who answered basic national history and cultural questions, and engaged in thought experiments. Each respondent was assigned a nationalist score (1 to 4) based on their responses, and the mean score values of both samples were calculated. The responses confirmed that Cuban nationalism is indeed an admiration not only for the people, but more for their sociocultural way of being. Moreover, nationalism is thought to be influenced by domestic factors, but it is equally impacted by international ones. Cuba’s involvement in Angola from 1975 to 1989, where more than 500,000 Cubans served, demonstrates this. As it impacted so many Cubans, it is important to ask: to what extent did this foreign affair affect national identities? To address this question, I interviewed 27 internationalists and examined how this event informed national identities among those involved. Overall, the following study provides an in-depth account of Cuban nationalism as a case study to better understand nationalism as a concept

    Estimativa do estoque de riqueza tangível no Brasil, 1950-1998 [An estimate of the fixed tangible wealth in Brazil, 1950-1998]

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    This paper presents an estimate of fixed tangible wealth for the Brazilian economy in the period 1950-1998. Net capital stock and consumption of fixed capital are derived by the perpetual inventory method (PIM) employing a geometric depreciation function. Despite the criticism to the PIM methodology, it is used for all countries with capital stock estimates and recommended by UN (1993).capital stock; Brazil; perpetual inventory method

    Les rapports images/textes

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    Compte-rendu de l'interview du journaliste Benoît Marquetti sur le rapport entre images et textes dans les reportages. L'interview est suivie du compte-rendu d'un débat avec Benoît Marquetti sur le même sujet

    Controle social e criminalização da pobreza : aspectos sociológicos e jurídicos

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    Orientador: Nelson Rosário de SouzaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Curso de Especialização em Sociologia PolíticaInclui referênciasResumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho é delimitado pela análise dos aspectos sociológicos e jurídicos acerca do conceito de controle social e seu exercício pelo Estado, na atualidade, relacionado à criminalização das camadas populares da sociedade. Serão consideradas questões envolvendo a normalização destes grupos de indivíduos e o estigma ao qual estão submetidos, bem como aspectos relativos à seletividade do sistema penal. Para tanto, serão considerados autores que tratam do tema sob uma ótica sociológica e jurídic

    O crescimento brasileiro é sustentável?

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    O presente texto discute as condições necessárias para  a continuidade da retomada do crescimento nos próximos anos. Aponta-se que há possibilidades da economia brasileira passar por uma nova etapa de crescimento sustentável, com taxas médias de expansão do PIB superiores a 4% ao ano nos ciclos de negócios, se a taxa de investimento atingir patamares superiores a 20% ao ano.

    Brasil a caminho de um futuro melhor para todos?

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    O presente texto propõe que a combinação entre o crescimento econômico e o avanço do processo democrático pode resultar em uma trajetória de tipo high road para o Brasil, em que aumentos salariais se combinam com maior produtividade do trabalho e menor taxa de desemprego. A discussão das condições necessárias ao crescimento sustentável mostra que há possibilidades para a taxa de investimento continuar a aumentar, fazendo com que a renda per capita cresça a uma média anual próxima a 4% nos anos vindouros. A distribuição desses ganhos para a população de baixa renda dependerá do processo democrático e da capacidade desses setores sociais se organizarem e proporem políticas públicas voltadas a atender as suas demandas

    Conter em si. Corpo, Literatura e Teatro

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    Thinking about the human body in both theater and literature universes nowadays is a challenge that must face not only a delimitation of this object in the artistic works, but, above all, the new relations established between the human being and his body. Contemporary theater and literature can be understood from fragmentation, self-reference, the use of multiple languages and, above all, from the rupture between reality and fiction. As a result, the approach to be applied should be that of the contemporary theater, which has not only revolutionized the literary concepts but has also transcended the concepts of representation, introducing, thus, new identification games between actor / character / text –which is no longer only the transfiguration of an actor in the character of a finished story, but the externalization of a concept about a being.Pensar en el cuerpo en el teatro y en la literatura hoy en día es un reto que debe enfrentar no sólo la delimitación del objeto en obras artísticas, pero sobre todo, las nuevas relaciones que se establecen entre el hombre y su cuerpo. El teatro y la literatura contemporánea  pueden ser entendidas a partir de la fragmentación de la autorreferencia a través del uso de múltiples lenguajes y, sobre todo, através de la ruptura entre la realidad y la ficción. Debido a esto, el enfoque que se pretende es el teatro contemporáneo, que no sólo ha revolucionado los conceptos literarios sino también superado los conceptos de representación, estableciendo así nuevos juegos de identificación entre el actor/personaje/texto, no más solamente la transfiguración de actor en el personaje de una historia terminada, pero la exteriorización de un concepto de ser