126 research outputs found

    Generalized Kaluza-Klein monopole, quadratic algebras and ladder operators

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    We present a generalized Kaluza-Klein monopole system. We solve this quantum superintegrable systems on a Euclidean Taub Nut manifold using the separation of variables of the corresponding Schroedinger equation in spherical and parabolic coordinates. We present the integrals of motion of this system, the quadratic algebra generated by these integrals, the realization in term of a deformed oscillator algebra using the Daskaloyannis construction and the energy spectrum. The structure constants and the Casimir operator are functions not only of the Hamiltonian but also of other two integrals commuting with all generators of the quadratic algebra and forming an Abelian subalgebra. We present an other algebraic derivation of the energy spectrum of this system using the factorization method and ladder operators.Comment: 13 page

    New families of superintegrable systems from k-step rational extensions, polynomial algebras and degeneracies

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    Four new families of two-dimensional quantum superintegrable systems are constructed from k-step extension of the harmonic oscillator and the radial oscillator. Their wavefunctions are related with Hermite and Laguerre exceptional orthogonal polynomials (EOP) of type III. We show that ladder operators obtained from alternative construction based on combinations of supercharges in the Krein-Adler and Darboux Crum ( or state deleting and creating ) approaches can be used to generate a set of integrals of motion and a corresponding polynomial algebra that provides an algebraic derivation of the full spectrum and total number of degeneracies. Such derivation is based on finite dimensional unitary representations (unirreps) and doesn't work for integrals build from standard ladder operators in supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM) as they contain singlets isolated from excited states. In this paper, we also rely on a novel approach to obtain the finite dimensional unirreps based on the action of the integrals of motion on the wavefunctions given in terms of these EOP. We compare the results with those obtained from the Daskaloyannis approach and the realizations in terms of deformed oscillator algebras for one of the new families in the case of 1-step extension. This communication is a review of recent works.Comment: Contribution for the 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group30) in Ghent (Belgium). Journal of Physics: Conference Series (to appear

    Supersymmetry as a method of obtaining new superintegrable systems with higher order integrals of motion

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    The main result of this article is that we show that from supersymmetry we can generate new superintegrable Hamiltonians. We consider a particular case with a third order integral and apply the Mielnik's construction in supersymmetric quantum mechanics. We obtain a new superintegrable potential separable in Cartesian coordinates with a quadratic and quintic integrals and also one with a quadratic integral and an integral of order seven. We also construct a superintegrable system written in terms of the fourth Painleve transcendent with a quadratic integral and an integral of order seven.Comment: 16 page

    New 1-step extension of the Swanson oscillator and superintegrability of its two-dimensional generalization

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    We derive a one-step extension of the well known Swanson oscillator that describes a specific type of pseudo-Hermitian quadratic Hamiltonian connected to an extended harmonic oscillator model. Our analysis is based on the use of the techniques of supersymmetric quantum mechanics and address various representations of the ladder operators starting from a seed solution of the harmonic oscillator given in terms of a pseudo-Hermite polynomial. The role of the resulting chain of Hamiltonians related via similarity transformation is then exploited. In the second part we write down a two dimensional generalization of the Swanson Hamiltonian and establish superintegrability of such a system.Comment: accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Generalized Heisenberg Algebras, SUSYQM and Degeneracies: Infinite Well and Morse Potential

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    We consider classical and quantum one and two-dimensional systems with ladder operators that satisfy generalized Heisenberg algebras. In the classical case, this construction is related to the existence of closed trajectories. In particular, we apply these results to the infinite well and Morse potentials. We discuss how the degeneracies of the permutation symmetry of quantum two-dimensional systems can be explained using products of ladder operators. These products satisfy interesting commutation relations. The two-dimensional Morse quantum system is also related to a generalized two-dimensional Morse supersymmetric model. Arithmetical or accidental degeneracies of such system are shown to be associated to additional supersymmetry

    Generalised Heine-Stieltjes and Van Vleck polynomials associated with degenerate, integrable BCS models

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    We study the Bethe Ansatz/Ordinary Differential Equation (BA/ODE) correspondence for Bethe Ansatz equations that belong to a certain class of coupled, nonlinear, algebraic equations. Through this approach we numerically obtain the generalised Heine-Stieltjes and Van Vleck polynomials in the degenerate, two-level limit for four cases of exactly solvable Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) pairing models. These are the s-wave pairing model, the p+ip-wave pairing model, the p+ip pairing model coupled to a bosonic molecular pair degree of freedom, and a newly introduced extended d+id-wave pairing model with additional interactions. The zeros of the generalised Heine-Stieltjes polynomials provide solutions of the corresponding Bethe Ansatz equations. We compare the roots of the ground states with curves obtained from the solution of a singular integral equation approximation, which allows for a characterisation of ground-state phases in these systems. Our techniques also permit for the computation of the roots of the excited states. These results illustrate how the BA/ODE correspondence can be used to provide new numerical methods to study a variety of integrable systems.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Deformed oscillator algebra approach of some quantum superintegrable Lissajous systems on the sphere and of their rational extensions

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    We extend the construction of 2D superintegrable Hamiltonians with separation of variables in spherical coordinates using combinations of shift, ladder, and supercharge operators to models involving rational extensions of the two-parameter Lissajous systems on the sphere. These new families of superintegrable systems with integrals of arbitrary order are connected with Jacobi exceptional orthogonal polynomials (EOP) of type I (or II) and supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM). Moreover, we present an algebraic derivation of the degenerate energy spectrum for the one- and two-parameter Lissajous systems and the rationally extended models. These results are based on finitely generated polynomial algebras, Casimir operators, realizations as deformed oscillator algebras and finite-dimensional unitary representations. Such results have only been established so far for 2D superintegrable systems separable in Cartesian coordinates, which are related to a class of polynomial algebras that display a simpler structure. We also point out how the structure function of these deformed oscillator algebras is directly related with the generalized Heisenberg algebras (GHA) spanned by the nonpolynomial integrals

    On realizations of polynomial algebras with three generators via deformed oscillator algebras

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    We present the most general polynomial Lie algebra generated by a second order integral of motion and one of order M, construct the Casimir operator, and show how the Jacobi identity provides the existence of a realization in terms of deformed oscillator algebra. We also present the classical analog of this construction for the most general Polynomial Poisson algebra. Two specific classes of such polynomial algebras are discussed that include the symmetry algebras observed for various 2D superintegrable systems.Comment: 28 page

    Exact solution of the p+ip Hamiltonian revisited: duality relations in the hole-pair picture

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    We study the exact Bethe Ansatz solution of the p+ip Hamiltonian in a form whereby quantum numbers of states refer to hole-pairs, rather than particle-pairs used in previous studies. We find an asymmetry between these approaches. For the attractive system states in the strong pairing regime take the form of a quasi-condensate involving two distinct hole-pair creation operators. An analogous feature is not observed in the particle-pair picture.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, 2 table