8,805 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for TQM implementation in SMEs

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    This paper tackles the broad issue of TQM implementation in SMEs. It includes a review of two models aimed at improving organisational performance, the EFQM Excellence Model and the Balanced Scorecard, which have been widely used in large organisations. Both models are examined as to their suitability and applicability to small and medium sized enterprises. The findings indicate that SMEs can benefit from the adoption of an integrated approach that combines both models if some critical factors are considered in the implementation process. A theoretical framework is proposed, which considers such integration and leads to a gradual implementation of TQM principles and methods in SMEs.TQM; quality; SME; organisational performance

    Inconsistency and non-additive Choquet integration in the Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    We propose to extend the aggregation scheme of Saaty’s AHP, from the stan- dard weighted averaging to the more general Choquet integration. In our model, a measure of inconsistency between criteria is derived from the main pairwise comparison matrix and it is used to construct a non-additive capacity, whose associated Choquet integral reduces to the standard weighted mean in the con- sistency case. In the general inconsistency case, however, the new aggregation scheme based on Choquet integration tends to attenuate (resp. emphasize) the priority values of the criteria with higher (resp. lower) average inconsistency with the remaining criteria.Aggregation Functions, Multiple Criteria Analysis, AHP, Inconsintency, non-additive measures, Choquet integral, and Shapley values.

    Bayesian Analysis of Simple Random Densities

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    A tractable nonparametric prior over densities is introduced which is closed under sampling and exhibits proper posterior asymptotics.Comment: 19 pages; 6 figure

    A Peregrinação dos Livros: As Bibliotecas do Colégio do Espírito Santo

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    História das livrarias e bibliotecas existentes no Colégio do Espírito Santo, desde a época da Companhia de Jesus (1553) até à refundação da Universidade de Évora, em 1979

    A broncoscopia no dignóstico de neoplasias pulmonares.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Médica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 198

    A deficiência visual no ensino regular

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    A convivência do aluno deficiente visual e do professor na sala de aula está longe de ser algo naturalmente aceite, algo comparável à convivência entre um aluno normovisual e o professor. E nem sequer se trata, na maior parte dos casos, de má-vontade por parte do professor ou indisponibilidade do aluno portador de deficiência. Trata-se, tão-somente, da dificuldade de efectivar, na prática, a "Escola Inclusiva", tão sabiamente arquitectada de formas teóricas, à luz da nossa bem intencionada legislação. Não basta decretar a integração do aluno deficiente visual, misturá-lo com outros alunos e um professor para que a sua integração escolar se consiga, nem tão pouco se garanta o desenvolvimento das suas capacidades/aprendizagens; não nos parece sensato olhar para o professor e ver na sua licenciatura uma formação do tipo "pau para toda a colher" nem esperar que cada professor, por motivação intrínseca, busque entre os paus da sua formação, a "colher" que há em si! ! ... Mas também não queiramos que, por cada aluno portador de deficiência que chega à escola, seja admitido um rol de professores "bem preparados" para as diferentes disciplinas - como se se tratassem de "lidadores" para enfrentar a "fera"

    Protótipo Eurobolso

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    O projeto idealizado para a realização da presente tese de mestrado tem como finalidade o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel para o sistema Android. Esta aplicação permitirá que, através da passagem do dispositivo móvel por um leitor NFC, seja possível realizar apostas no jogo Euromilhões da Santa Casa, onde os dados ficam gravados numa conta associada a cada jogador. Esta aplicação terá ainda muitas outras funcionalidades que permitirão criar chaves de jogo, gerir o cartão individual de cada jogador, consultar os prémios e outras informações do jogo. A realização deste projeto está dividida em três fases. A primeira fase consistiu na aquisição de todo o material necessário e estabelecimento da comunicação entre o dispositivo móvel e o desktop, por intermédio da tecnologia NFC. A segunda fase centrou-se no desenvolvimento da aplicação móvel e do servidor web, onde foram integradas as várias funcionalidades. Estabeleceu-se também a comunicação entre estes dois sistemas. Na terceira e última fase, foi realizada a criação da aplicação desktop, capaz de interagir por intermédio da tecnologia NFC, com a aplicação móvel, possibilitando a comunicação entre os dois sistemas.The project conceived for the realization of this thesis aims to develop a mobile application for Android system. This application will allow, through the passage of the mobile device by an NFC reader, to place bets on the Euromillions game of Santa Casa, where the data are written to an account associated with each player. This application will also have many other features that will enable the creation of game keys, manage the individual card for each player, check the money prizes and other game information. This project is divided into three phases. The first phase consisted of the acquisition of all the necessary materials and establishment of communication between the mobile device and the desktop via the NFC technology. The second phase focused on the development of the mobile application and the web server, where several features have been integrated. It also established the communication between these two systems. In the third and final phase, the desktop application was created, which will enable the interaction through NFC technology with the mobile application, allowing communication between the two systems

    Le Chili : une démocratie de qualité pour les femmes ?

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    Le bilan de la transition à la démocratie au regard des rapports de genre permet d’évaluer non seulement l’évolution des mouvements de femmes, mais aussi les acquis, les limites et les enjeux de ces mobilisations. À travers l’étude de l’action du SERNAM (Servicio Nacional de la Mujer) et de quelques enjeux clés concernant la citoyenneté des femmes et leur individuation, tels que la question de l’avortement, le dossier des quotas et la loi du divorce, l’article décortique la dynamique de l’intégration et de l’autonomie liant les associations de femmes et les partis politiques, à la lumière des critères de qualité d’une démocratie que sont la liberté, l’égalité, l’obligation de rendre des comptes et la délibération. Le trajet parcouru par le Chili depuis le passage à la démocratie apparaît comme ayant enclenché une dynamique réelle d’extension de la citoyenneté des femmes, à la croisée de l’interne et de l’externe, qui laisse cependant large place aux expressions multiples du conservatisme social propulsé par l’Église et par des représentations sociales paternalistes et maternalistes. L’article illustre comment le poids des « enclaves autoritaires » continue d’avoir un effet de blocage auquel se heurte le féminisme institutionnel dans sa lutte pour dépasser l’héritage laissé par le caractère négocié du passage à la démocratie.The assessment of the transition to democracy concerning gender relationships reveals not only how the women movements have evolved, but also the achievements, the limits and the issues of those mobilisations. By studying the actions of SERNAM (Servicio Nacional de la Mujer) and several key issues concerning women’s citizenship and individuation such as abortion, quotas and the law of divorce, this paper analyzes the dynamics of integration and autonomy relating the women associations to political parties, in the light of qualitative criterias for democracy, namely liberty, equality, accountability, deliberation. Chile’s path since its transition to democracy seems to have induced a dynamics extending women’s citizenship, at the crossing point between the external and the internal, though it still leaves room to several expressions of the social conservatism promoted by the Church and by paternalist and maternalist representations. This paper illustrates how the inertia of such “autoritarian enclaves” still hampers institutional feminism in its struggle to overcome the inheritage of a negociated transition to democracy