343 research outputs found

    Consumer Expenditure and Cointegration

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    In this paper we estimate the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) for the Portuguese economy. The budget shares and real per capita income are found to be integrated of order one, I(1), but prices seem to be better classified as I(2). This raises new problems, as it is not possible to test for homogeneity and symmetry in a straightforward way. As cointegration is not rejected after the imposition of homogeneity and symmetry restrictions, we conclude that the AIDS is an acceptable characterisation of the Portuguese data on consumer expenditure.

    the role of intercultural mediation

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    Migration is generally described as a process that is nationally specific and that have features common to several countries. This has been shown by several authors through comparative research that compares the migration process of the same immigrant group to several countries (among others, Engbersen, Snel, & de Boom, 2010) or which scrutinises the migration realities of different countries (Zimmermann, 2005). Most of these studies are about geographically near countries, which are part of the same political system (the EU), and that have an established (albeit differentiated) welfare system. These proximities (geographical, but also political and social) allowed the authors of these studies to conceptualise the existence of several migration models or regimes: the southern European model (Baldwin-Edwards, 2012), the Iberian model of Migration (Malheiros, 2012); the intra-EU mobility regime (Engbersen et al., 2017). These migratory regimes are intertwined by migrant integration models or by different approaches to increasingly diverse populations. Although these are often identified as ‘national models of integration’, they do not fail to integrate the developments that have been recorded in the last decades in the international contexts in which the countries are inserted. Throughout the present text, the Portuguese experience in dealing with immigrant integration is used to reflect on the development of intercultural policies and practices, and on the role of intercultural mediation. The article is structured in the following way: in the introductory section we will review the discussion on interculturalism; in a second section the Portuguese immigration context will be presented; in a third section the integration of immigrants in the country will be analysed, given special attention to the development of policies that support immigrants’ integration process. In the fourth section, the role of intercultural mediation for the integration of immigrants will be considered.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Why Should Central Banks Avoid the Use of the Underlying Inflation Indicator?

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    This paper assesses the usefulness of the commonly used underlying inflation indicator, in light of the criteria proposed in Marques et al. (2000). Empirical evidence for a group of six countries strongly suggets that the use of underlying inflation as an indicator of trend inflation should be avoided.

    On the Fisher-Konieczny Index of Price Changes Synchronization

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    This note provides a structural interpretation for the index of price changes synchronization proposed by Fisher and Konieczny (2000, Economics Letters, 68, 271-277) and shows that it can be used to test the hypothesis of uniform staggering.

    Tecnologias de informação geogrĂĄfica e promoção do pensamento espacial crĂ­tico: estratĂ©gias transdisciplinares em educação para o desenvolvimento sustentĂĄvel no 3Âș CEB

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    Doutoramento em MultimĂ©dia em EducaçãoPerante a fragilidade da atual conjuntura mundial nos contextos econĂłmico, social e ambiental, urge a necessidade de educar os novos cidadĂŁos para a sustentabilidade, pelo conhecimento interativo do local onde vivem e do mundo que os integra. “Ensinar a pensar” e a encontrar soluçÔes criativas sustentĂĄveis, torna-se incontornĂĄvel. Reconhecendo-se que este propĂłsito carece da integração do conhecimento presencial no territĂłrio, e a importĂąncia das competĂȘncias de saber pensar o espaço e intervir no meio, partilhadas pela Educação GeogrĂĄfica (EG) e pela Educação para o Desenvolvimento SustentĂĄvel (EDS), onde a dimensĂŁo “Espaço” Ă© crĂ­tica e aglutinadora das aprendizagens, no presente trabalho propĂ”e-se dar resposta Ă  questĂŁo de como desenvolver o Pensamento Espacial CrĂ­tico, com recurso a Tecnologias de Informação GeogrĂĄfica (TIG), de forma a promover aprendizagens significativas em EDS, ao nĂ­vel do 3.Âș Ciclo do Ensino BĂĄsico (CEB) e no contexto da Escola BĂĄsica de Campia. Tendo como grande finalidade a inovação das prĂĄticas educativas, espera-se com esta investigação contribuir para o alargamento de fronteiras do conhecimento em MultimĂ©dia em Educação e da EG, assumindo-se a importĂąncia desta no domĂ­nio da EDS, estimulando o Pensamento Espacial (PE), o Pensamento CrĂ­tico (PC) e a forma como os alunos e restante comunidade educativa olham e atuam sobre o meio. Face Ă  finalidade apresentada e dado o carĂĄter inovador da presente investigação, adotou-se a metodologia de investigação-ação (I/A), no contexto do paradigma sĂłciocrĂ­tico, de pendor qualitativo. Este estudo foi desenvolvido por intermĂ©dio de uma Oficina de Formação, em dois ciclos de I/A, tendo como objetivo a conceção e implementação de estratĂ©gias transdisciplinares de ensino e aprendizagem (E/A) em EDS, visando o desenvolvimento de capacidades de PEC e sendo suportadas por TIG. Foram concebidos diversos instrumentos de recolha de dados, para cada ciclo de I/A, e o corpo de dados foi analisado essencialmente atravĂ©s da tĂ©cnica de anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo e pontualmente atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise estatĂ­stica de cariz descritivo. O modelo de anĂĄlise de dados centrou-se numa anĂĄlise SWOT para identificação das forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças, e numa matriz TOWS para identificação das açÔes a empreender entre os ciclos de I/A. PropĂ”e-se, para o efeito, um referencial teĂłrico didĂĄtico para o conceito de PEC, atravĂ©s de uma taxonomia de capacidades e competĂȘncias resultante da implementação dos ciclos de I/A. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar que: i) a EG, pelas competĂȘncias que preconiza e pelo enfoque da dimensĂŁo espacial, Ă© potencialmente aglutinadora das aprendizagens, no currĂ­culo do 3.Âș CEB, e pode favorecer a transdisciplinaridade, essencial na EDS; ii) as estratĂ©gias de ensino e aprendizagem assentes na EG e com recurso a TIG sĂŁo promotoras de aprendizagens significativas em EDS pelo desenvolvimento de capacidades de PEC. Contudo, as limitaçÔes evidenciadas na investigação suscitaram, atravĂ©s dos ciclos de I/A, a redefinição do percurso formativo proposto e dos instrumentos de recolha de dados concebidos, bem como a introdução de melhorias Ă  taxonomia de PEC desenvolvida no Ăąmbito da presente tese. Entre outras limitaçÔes discutidas (como a resistĂȘncia Ă  utilização de tecnologia em contexto de E/A), salientamos uma limitação sistĂ©mica, inerente aos atuais contextos educativos formais (currĂ­culo, distribuição do serviço docente, etc.), que desincentiva uma efetiva implementação de estratĂ©gias transdisciplinares e do trabalho colaborativo entre professores. Apesar das limitaçÔes elencadas consideramos que este estudo contribui para um aprofundamento do conhecimento sobre a potencialidade das TIG na promoção de competĂȘncias e capacidades de PEC dos alunos, nomeadamente pelo avanço na clarificação das mesmas, plasmadas no instrumento desenvolvido no Ăąmbito desta tese (taxonomia de PEC). Como disseminação desta investigação, salienta-se que o referido instrumento integrarĂĄ o referencial teĂłrico de um projeto europeu Erasmus + (ENAbLE), para suporte Ă  conceção dos dispositivos didĂĄticos que acompanharĂŁo uma aplicação de TIG que serĂĄ concebida especificamente para o contexto de E/A.Due to the fragility of the current global environment on the economic, social and environmental contexts, the need to educate new citizens for sustainability, the interactive knowledge of where they live and the world that integrates them, "teaching how to think" and how to find creative solutions becomes imperative. Recognizing the generalized lack of integration of classroom knowledge in the territory, and the importance of knowing how to think and act in space through skills, shared by Geographic Education (GE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), where the "space" dimension is critical and a unifier of learning, the present study seeks to answer the question of how to develop Critical Spatial Thinking (CST), using Geospatial Technologies (GT), in order to promote meaningful learning in ESD in Lower-secondary Education, in the context of the School of Campia. Having as its main purpose the innovation of educational practices, it is expected this research will contribute towards extending the frontiers of knowledge on Multimedia in Education and GE, assuming its importance in the field of ESD, stimulating Spatial Thinking (ST) and Critical Thinking (CT) and the way the rest of the educational community and students look at and act upon the environment. Assuming the transdisciplinary nature and spatial dimension of GE and assuming ESD a knowledge integration dimension, we argue that GE is a fundamental pedagogical orientation in citizenship education and promoter of interpretive planning literacy, proposing a didactic theoretical framework for the concept of CST, in the form of a taxonomy of skills and competencies. Based on action-research methodology in the context of a socio-critical paradigm, this study was developed through teacher training in two cycles of action-research (A/R), aiming the design and implementation of transdisciplinary teaching and learning strategies in ESD, with the purpose of building CST capacities supported by GT. The results obtained confirm that: i) the GE, due to its potentialities and the focus on spatial dimension, is a learning unifier, promoting transdisciplinarity, which is essential in ESD; ii) teaching and learning strategies based on GE and supported by GT are potential promoters of meaningful learning in ESD while building CST capacities. Nevertheless, limitations highlighted in the study raised the definition of a new proposal for a training model, as well as improvements to the CST taxonomy developed within this thesis. However, limitations evidenced in the research originated, through the A/R cycles, a resetting of the proposed training path and of the data collection instruments designed, as well as improvements to the SGP taxonomy developed under this thesis. Among other limitations discussed (such as resistance to the use of technology in the context of learning and teaching), highlight a systemic limitation, inherent to current formal educational settings (curriculum, distribution of teaching service, etc.), which discourages effective transdisciplinary implementation strategies and collaborative work among teachers. Despite the limitations listed we consider that this study contributes to a deepening of knowledge about the potential of GT in promoting skills and CST abilities of students, including the progress in clarifying the same, molded during the development of the instrument within this thesis (CST taxonomy). As dissemination of this research, we highlight that this instrument will integrate the theoretical framework of a European Erasmus + project (ENAbLE), to support the design of didactic devices that monitor a GT application that will be specifically designed for the teaching and learning context

    Using the First Principal Component as a Core Inflation Indicator

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    This paper investigates the consequences of non-stationarity for the principal components analysis and suggests a data transformation that allows obtaining smoother series for the first principal component to be used as a core inflation indicator. The paper also introduces a theoretical model, which allows interpreting core inflation as a common stochastic trend to the year-on-year rates of change of the price indices of the basic CPI items. Finally, it is shown that the first principal component computed in real time meets the evaluation criteria introduced in Marques et al. (2000).

    Contra todos os tiranos: a tradução de discursos do radicalismo polĂ­tico inglĂȘs do sĂ©culo XVII

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    Contra Todos os Tiranos: A Tradução de Discursos do Radicalismo PolĂ­tico InglĂȘs do SĂ©culo XVII. O presente Trabalho de Projeto centra-se na tradução para lĂ­ngua portuguesa de seis textos escritos em lĂ­ngua inglesa por membros do movimento polĂ­tico radical inglĂȘs Levellers, publicados entre 1646 e 1649: Toleration Justified and Persecution Condemned; A Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens; An Arrow Against All Tyrants; An Agreement of The People for a Firm and Present Peace Upon Grounds of Common Right and Freedom; A Manifestation e An Agreement Of The Free People Of England. Constituindo-se como um contributo para a disseminação do conhecimento acerca de um perĂ­odo conturbado da histĂłria inglesa, o exercĂ­cio de tradução fundamentou-se em pressupostos teĂłricos advenientes dos estudos de tradução, tendo simultaneamente proporcionado uma reflexĂŁo sobre algumas das dificuldades especĂ­ficas que os domĂ­nios presentes naqueles textos-fonte e a lĂ­ngua inglesa de seiscentos impuseram; ### Abstract: Against All Tyrants: The Translation of Discourses of the Seventeenth-Century English Political Radicalism This Project Work focuses on the translation into Portuguese of six English texts written by members of the English radical political movement Levellers, published between 1646 and 1649: Toleration Justified and Persecution Condemned; A Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens; An Arrow Against All Tyrants; An Agreement of The People for a Firm and Present Peace Upon Grounds of Common Right and Freedom; A Manifestation and An Agreement Of The Free People Of England. Aiming to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about a turbulent period in English history, the translation into Portuguese of the abovementioned texts was underpinned by theoretical concepts of translation studies, having simultaneously enabled a reflection on some specific issues underlying both the domains present in them and the English language of the seventeenth century

    Asymptomatic chronic red eye: a surgical technique case report

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    © 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IJS Publishing Group Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Introduction and importance: Ocular Surface Squamous-cell Neoplasia (OSSN) is an infrequent diagnosis whose clinical suspicion assumes great importance and should not be overlooked. The following case-report aims to describe the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with OSSN whose complaints were mild in comparison to the severity of the disease. The chosen surgical technique was paramount for a disease-free outcome while minimizing the scarring effects of surgical removal. Case presentation: Patient presented mild discomfort right eye and painless persistent hyperaemia. Slit-lamp observation showed a clear diagnosis and lesion's extent evaluated through multimodal imaging. After surgical excision the patient underwent topical ocular treatment with mitomycin-C for a higher margin of safety even before the pathology results were available. Discussion: Ancillary exam technology improvement has allowed a higher margin of safety while determining the extent of OSSN lesions. In the absence of clear diagnostic criteria and guidelines, clinical reasoning and OSSN awareness are critical for timely diagnosis and treatment, as several treatment options are available, allowing an increasing number of patients to be treated non-invasively. In this case-report, we highlight the importance of early-recognition and the reasoning for choosing a combined treatment option with a higher margin of safety. Conclusion: Early recognition and prompt treatment of OSSN lesions is of paramount importance to avoid ocular invasiveness and potentially preclude both ocular and systemic complication. The choice of a combined surgical and medical approach may provide a higher margin of safety for suitable cases. This patient is currently disease-free at 6-month follow-up.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
