6 research outputs found

    Revisiting the gynoecium of Cabralea canjerana and the concept of syncarpy in some species of the clade Melioideae: Revisitando o gineceu de Cabralea canjerana e o conceito de sincarpia em algumas espécies do clado Melioideae

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    A reanalysis of the gynoecium of Cabralea canjerana was performed, and compared with floral studies of Guarea kunthiana, Guarea macrophylla, Trichilia catigua, Trichilia elegans and Trichilia pallida, all species belonging to the clade Melioideae. Our study structurally emphasizes the compitum and eusyncarpy. Floral buds and flowers were investigated according to usual techniques in light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Cabralea canjerana has a discoid stigma, pollen tube transmitting tract only in the lower part of the style, and a semi-inferior ovary with five carpels and locules and two ovules per locule with axile placentation. Guarea and Trichilia species have discoid and capitate stigmas, respectively, superior ovary, four carpels and locules in the former and three in the latter, two ovules per locule and axile placentation. Both genera have a transmitting tract along the length of the style. Cabralea canjerana and the other species are eusyncarpous, with compitum on the style and upper portion of the ovary

    Vigor of corn seeds treated with the homoeopathic preparations Antimonium crudum and Arsenicum album

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o vigor de sementes de milho tratadas com preparados homeopáticos. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Melhoramento de Soja DFT/UFV. Os preparados homeopáticos foram elaborados no Laboratório de Homeopatia do DFT/UFV, dinamizados em água destilada e aplicados no procedimento duplo-cego . Distribuíram-se 100 sementes de milho, cultivar UFVM 100 Nativo, sobre telas de alumínio acondicionadas no interior de caixas gerbox adaptadas ao teste de envelhecimento acelerado que mantém suspensa as telas. Para garantir umidade relativa do ar próxima a 100%, foram colocados 40 mL de água no fundo das caixas e tampadas, em seguida colocadas em B.O.D e submetida ao envelhecimento acelerado, a 42ºC por 96 horas no escuro. Após o envelhecimento acelerado as sementes envelhecidas foram divididas em quatro repetições com 50 sementes, pesadas em balança com sensibilidade de 0,001g e imersas em solução contendo 75 mL de água destilada mais 2 mL do preparado homeopático por 24 horas. Após este período foi determinada a condutividade elétrica da solução. As sementes foram pesadas e calculado o ganho de massa. Em seguida as sementes foram distribuídas em rolos de papel germitest e colocadas em germinador a 25ºC. As avaliações foram feitas no 4º e 7º após início do teste e os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de média. No primeiro ensaio foi aplicado o preparado homeopático Antimonium crudum nas dinamizações 10CH a 15CH, em sementes de milho não envelhecidas e submetidas ao envelhecimento acelerado, tendo como testemunha água destilada. As características avaliadas foram: plântulas normais, comprimento da raiz primária, comprimento da parte aérea e comprimento total da plântula. Sementes envelhecidas tratadas com as dinamizações 10CH a 15CH desenvolveram mais plântulas normais do que o controle. Sementes envelhecidas tratadas com as dinamizações respectivamente 11CH e 14CH causaram maior e menor crescimento da raiz primária. Sementes não envelhecidas tratadas com 14CH geraram plântulas com menor crescimento da parte aérea e comprimento total. No segundo ensaio foi avaliada a resposta de sementes de milho submetidas ao envelhecimento acelerado tratadas com o preparado homeopático Arsenicum album nas dinamizações de 10CH a 15CH e dois controles: sementes envelhecidas e semente não envelhecida, tratadas com água destilada. Não houve diferença significativa entre as variáveis quando em comparação com a semente envelhecida (controle 1). Todas as dinamizações de 10CH a 15CH causaram diminuição na perda de lixiviados e ganho de massa das sementes em comparação com as sementes não envelhecidas (controle 2). Nas dinamizações 10CH, 11CH, 13CH e 15CH houve menor massa da plântula fresca, entretanto as dinamizações 12CH e 14CH reverteram o efeito do processo de envelhecimento aumentando a massa da plântula fresca como efeito homeostático nas sementes envelhecidas. As dinamizações 10CH, 11CH, 12CH, 13CH e 15CH causaram diminuição da massa da parte aérea seca, a dinamização 14CH reverteu os efeitos do envelhecimento acelerado aumentando a massa da parte aérea. Todas as dinamizações causaram menor massa da plântula seca quando comparada com a semente não envelhecida (controle 2).The objective was to evaluate the vigor of corn seeds treated with homeopathic solutions. The experiments were done at the Laboratory of Soybean Breeding DFT/UFV. The homeopathic medicines were prepared at the Laboratory of Homeopathy of DFT/UFV in distilled water and applied in the "double-blind" procedure. Sixteen gerbox containing 40 mL of water with 100 seeds of corn, cultivar UFVM 100 Nativo, were covered with germitest paper. They were placed in B.O.D and submitted to the accelerated aging at 42ºC for 96 hours in the darkness. Normal seeds and aged seeds were divided in 4 replications of 50 seeds, weighted and soaked in solution containing 75 mL of distilled water, plus 2 mL of the homeopathic medicine for 24 hours. After completing 24 hours of soak the electrical conductivity of the solution was determined. The seeds were weighted and calculated the mass earnings of the seeds, which were distributed in rolls of germitest paper and placed in germination chamber at 25ºC. The analyses were done in 4th and 7th day after test beginning and the data were submitted to variance analysis and mean test. First trial: Antimonium crudum applied in the dinamizations 10CH to 15CH in normal corn seeds and aged seeds and distilled water as a control. Normal plantlets, length of the primary root, length of the aerial part and total length of the seedlings were determined. Aged seeds treated with 10CH to 15CH generated more normal plantlets than the control. Aged seeds treated with respectively 11CH and 14CH gave rise to larger and smaller growth of the primaryn root. Normal seeds treated with 14CH generated seedlings with smaller growth and total length. Second trial: the response of corn seeds was evaluated after aging and treatment with Arsenicum album 10CH to 15CH and the controls aged seed and normal seed, both treated with distilled water. Electrical conductivity, mass of the seed after aging, mass of the seed after 24 hours of soak, mass earnings, mass of the fresh seedlings, mass of dried aerial part, mass of the dried plantlets were determined. There was no significant difference among the variables when compared to control 1 (aged seed). All treatments from 10CH to 15CH caused decrease in leaching and mass earning of the seeds compared to control 2. The treatments 10CH, 11CH, 13CH and 15CH gave rise to lowest mass of fresh plantlets, however all treatments caused reduction in the mass of dried plantlets. The treatments 10CH, 11CH, 12CH, 13CH and 15CH caused mass decrease of dried aerial part.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Functional classification of esterases from leaves of Aspidosperma polyneuron M. Arg. (Apocynaceae)

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    Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system (PAGE) and inhibition tests for biochemical characterization of alpha- and beta-esterases were used to obtain a functional classification of esterases fromAspidosperma polyneuron. The characterization of alpha- and beta-esterases from young leaves of A. polyneuron by the PAGE system showed fourteen esterase isozymes. The differential staining pattern showed that Est-2 isozyme hydrolyzes beta-naphthyl acetate; Est-6, Est-7 and Est-8 isozymes hydrolyze alpha-naphthyl acetate, and Est-1, Est-3, Est-4, Est-5, Est-9, Est-10, Est-11, Est-12, Est-13, and Est-14 isozymes hydrolyze both alpha- and b-naphthyl acetate. Inhibition pattern of a- and beta-esterases showed that Folidol is a more potent inhibitor that Malathion, while Thiamethoxan (an insecticide with organophosphorus-like action) acts as an Est-4 and Est-6 inhibitor and induces the appearance of Est-5 and Est-7 isozymes as more intensely stained bands. Inhibition tests showed that OPC insecticides inhibit or activate plant esterases. Thus, plant esterases may be used as bioindicators to detect the presence and toxicity of residues of topically applied insecticides in agriculture and may be valuable for monitoring pollutants in the environment

    Functional classification of esterases from leaves of Aspidosperma polyneuron M. Arg. (Apocynaceae)

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    Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis system (PAGE) and inhibition tests for biochemical characterization of alpha- and beta-esterases were used to obtain a functional classification of esterases fromAspidosperma polyneuron. The characterization of alpha- and beta-esterases from young leaves of A. polyneuron by the PAGE system showed fourteen esterase isozymes. The differential staining pattern showed that Est-2 isozyme hydrolyzes beta-naphthyl acetate; Est-6, Est-7 and Est-8 isozymes hydrolyze alpha-naphthyl acetate, and Est-1, Est-3, Est-4, Est-5, Est-9, Est-10, Est-11, Est-12, Est-13, and Est-14 isozymes hydrolyze both alpha- and b-naphthyl acetate. Inhibition pattern of a- and beta-esterases showed that Folidol is a more potent inhibitor that Malathion, while Thiamethoxan (an insecticide with organophosphorus-like action) acts as an Est-4 and Est-6 inhibitor and induces the appearance of Est-5 and Est-7 isozymes as more intensely stained bands. Inhibition tests showed that OPC insecticides inhibit or activate plant esterases. Thus, plant esterases may be used as bioindicators to detect the presence and toxicity of residues of topically applied insecticides in agriculture and may be valuable for monitoring pollutants in the environment

    The effect of high dilutions of Pulsatilla nigricans on the vigour of soybean seeds subjected to accelerated aging=O efeito de altas diluições de Pulsatilla nigricans no vigor de sementes de soja submetidas ao envelhecimento acelerado

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high dilutions of Pulsatilla nigricans in dinamisations 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 CH on the vigour of soybean seeds subjected to accelerated aging. The experiment was conducted according to a randomised design with 6 treatments and 10 replicates. The treatments consisted of dinamisations 6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 CH and a distilled-water control. After the treatments, the seeds were subjected to accelerated aging (48h at 42ºC) in a growth chamber (25 ± 2ºC). The study evaluated the germination, the length of primary roots and shoots, the fresh weight of roots and shoots and the enzymatic activity of peroxidase (POX-EC1.11.1.7). The variables were analysed by ANOVA, and the means were compared using the Scott-Knott test (p = 0.05). The germination and the fresh weight of roots and shoots of the seedlings treated with Pulsatilla nigricans were higher than the water control, except that CH 30 did not significantly increase the fresh weight of shoots. The dinamisations 6, 24 and 30 CH produced a lower primary root length compared with the control. The dinamisations 12, 18 and 30 CH yielded a greater length of shoots. The total length of seedlings was reduced by the high dilutions 6 and 24 CH.<br><br>O objetivo do presente trabalho foi de avaliar o efeito de altas diluições de Pulsatilla nigricans nas dinamizações 6, 12, 18, 24 e 30 CH, no vigor de sementes de soja submetidas ao envelhecimento acelerado. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 6 tratamentos e 10 repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos das dinamizações 6, 12, 18, 24 e 30 CH e testemunha com água destilada. Após aplicação dos tratamentos, as sementes foram submetidas ao teste de envelhecimento acelerado (48h a 42ºC), em câmara de crescimento (25 ± 2ºC). Avaliou-se a germinação, o comprimento da raiz primária e da parte aérea, massa fresca da raiz e da parte aérea e atividade enzimática da peroxidase (POX- EC1.11 .1.7). As variáveis foram analisadas por ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste Scott-Knott a 5%. A germinação e a massa fresca da raiz e da parte aérea das plântulas tratadas com Pulsatilla nigricans foram superiores ao controle com água, exceto na dinamização 30 CH para massa fresca da parte aérea. As dinamizações 6, 24 e 30 CH tiveram menor comprimento da raiz primaria comparadas ao controle. As dinamizações 12, 18 e 30 CH, apresentaram maior comprimento de parte aérea. O comprimento total de plântulas foi reduzido com as diluições 6 e 24 CH