1,167 research outputs found

    Princípios da boa administração, eficiência e economicidade

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Direito AdministrativoO presente trabalho versa sobre os princípios da boa administração, economicidade e eficiência e coloca em ênfase a possibilidade real de melhorar a máquina administrativa, segundo parâmetros de maior eficácia e aproveitamento, num tempo mais diminuto e com um custo menos dispendioso. Abarca-se uma abordagem histórico-jurídica ao surgimento e desenvolvimento da Administração Pública, culminando no elencar das problemáticas atuais. Postulam-se casos que numa perspetiva prática realçam e tipifam exemplos do que é uma boa administração. A jurisprudência e a doutrina relacionada com a temática abordada são analisadas, numa perspetiva crítica. Sendo profundamente escalpelizados também, todos os critérios jurídicos e aceções de eficiência e economicidade. Para tal e no encadeamento da reflexão adota-se um esquema lógico de aprofundamento, partindo-se de conceitos mais gerais para conceitos mais particulares, com o propósito de alcançar uma abordagem estruturada do tema em análise. Deste modo, propomo-nos oferecer modesto contributo sobre a densificação do princípio da boa administração tal como ele se apresenta no Código de Procedimento Administrativo aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 4/2015, de 7 de Janeiro, verificando se se trata de uma nova realidade que se distinga da formulação tal como estava consagrada no anterior Código de Procedimento Administrativo que esteve em vigor até muito recentemente.This article reports to the principles of good administration, economy and efficiency and puts emphasis on the real possibility of improving the administrative machine, within the parameters of greater efficiency and utilization, in a smaller time and with a less expensive cost. An historical-legal approach was made, by the emergence and development of public administration, reported the list of current problems. We talk about cases in a practical perspective and enhance examples of what is good administration. The jurisprudence and doctrine related to the selected theme is also analyzed in a critical perspective. Being deeply also escalpelizados all legal criteria concerning efficiency and economy. To this end, by this chain reflection there is an adoption of a logical deepening schema, starting from more general concepts to more specific concepts, in order to achieve a structured approach theme under review. Thus, we propose to offer modest contribution on the densification of the principle of good administration as it happens in the Administrative Procedure Code approved by Decree-Law No. 4/2015, of January 7, making sure that it is a new reality that distinguishes the formulation as it was consecrated in the previous Administrative Procedure Code, within the law until recently

    Harmonização de desempenho, tolerância a falhas e escalabilidade em arquiteturas de microsserviços orientadas a eventos

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    Uma arquitetura de microsserviços é composta por diferentes serviços independentes, que possuem as suas próprias camadas conseguindo comunicar entre si. Os mecanismos de comunicação síncrona utilizados neste tipo de arquitetura conduzem ao aumento da latência e ao risco da existência de timeouts. Sabendo-se da possível ocorrência de falhas mecanismos de controlo sobre o estado do sistema são recomendados. Complementarmente, a escalabilidade deve de estar presente consoante as necessidades. Este tipo de arquitetura combinada com abordagens orientadas a eventos pode-se revelar uma alternativa razoável quando se possui requisitos de desempenho, tolerância a falhas e escalabilidade. Uma visão geral do estado de arte das arquiteturas de microsserviços orientadas a eventos é realizada, com recurso a uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Aqui são exploradas as preocupações, desafios, topologias, tecnologias e métricas a considerar aquando da exploração da temática das arquiteturas de microsserviços orientadas a eventos. Após a recolha de informação, uma análise de valor sobre o valor deste projeto de tese é construída, com recurso ao processo de inovação New Concept Development (NCD). Alcançando-se a ideia mais relevante de explorar, apoiada pela aplicação do método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), ou seja, o desenvolvimento de dois protótipos de microsserviços orientados a eventos arquitecturalmente distintos. O primeiro aplicando a topologia mediadora e o segundo aplicando o modelo ator. Escolhida a ideia mais relevante de se explorar é realizada a análise e a conceção da solução. Abordando-se o problema de negócio de estacionamento de veículos, bem como são construídos os processos de engenharia de requisitos e de análise funcional com recurso ao método Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Depois evidencia-se as alterações arquiteturais a realizar às aplicações típicas da empresa, para que estas contemplem as abordagens referentes à aplicação da topologia mediadora e do modelo ator. Posteriormente, a implementação dos protótipos correspondentes é realizada, começando-se pela definição das dependências principais de cada protótipo, depois os detalhes de implementação mais relevantes dos mesmos são expressos. O processo de implementação é concluído com a realização de testes, assegurando a qualidade dos protótipos alcançados. Ulteriormente, a avaliação dos protótipos desenvolvidos é suportada segundo certas métricas, alcançadas com base na abordagem Goal, Questions, Metrics (GQM), permitindo avaliar o desempenho, a escalabilidade, a disponibilidade e a monitorabilidade de cada protótipo. Os resultados atingidos permitiram comparar os diferentes protótipos, sendo o protótipo baseado na topologia mediadora aquele que melhor harmoniza desempenho, disponibilidade, monitorabilidade e escalabilidade. Por fim, as conclusões do trabalho de mestrado são expressas, onde se apresentam os resultados atingidos, as contribuições, ameaças e pontos de trabalho futuro.A microservices architecture is composed of different independent services, which have their own layers and can communicate with each other. The synchronous communication mechanisms used in this type of architecture lead to increased latency and the risk of timeouts. Knowing the possible occurrence of failures, control mechanisms over the state of the system are recommended. In addition, scalability must be present depending on the needs. This type of architecture combined with event-driven approaches can prove to be a reasonable alternative when performance, fault tolerance and scalability requirements are met. An overview of the state of the art of event-driven microservices architectures is performed, using a systematic literature review. Here, the concerns, challenges, topologies, technologies and metrics to consider when exploring the topic of event-driven microservices architectures are explored. After collecting information, a value analysis on the value of this thesis project is built, using the New Concept Development (NCD) innovation process. Reaching the most relevant idea to explore, supported by the application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, that is, the development of two different prototypes using event-driven microservices. The first applying the mediator topology and the second applying the actor model. Having chosen the most relevant idea to be explored, the analysis and design of the solution is carried out. Addressing the business problem of parking vehicles, requirements engineering and functional analysis processes are built using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method. Afterwards, the architectural changes to be made to the company’s typical applications are highlighted, so that they include the approaches related to the application of the mediator topology and the actor model. Subsequently, the implementation of the corresponding prototypes is carried out, starting with the definition of the main dependencies of each prototype, then the most relevant implementation details of each prototype are expressed. The implementation process concludes with testing, ensuring the quality of the prototypes achieved. Next, the evaluation of the developed prototypes is supported according to certain metrics, achieved based on the Goal, Questions, Metrics (GQM) approach, allowing to evaluate the performance, scalability, availability and monitorability of each prototype. The achieved results allowed comparing the different prototypes, being the protype based on mediator topology the one that best harmonizes performance, availability, monitorability and scalability. Finally, the conclusions of the master’s work are expressed, where the results achieved, contributions, threats and points for future work are presented

    Cytotoxic and hemolytic activities of extracts of the fish parasite dinoflagellate amyloodinium ocellatum

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    The dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum is the etiological agent of a parasitic disease named amyloodiniosis. Mortalities of diseased fish are usually attributed to anoxia, osmoregulatory impairment, or opportunistic bacterial infections. Nevertheless, the phylogenetic proximity of A. ocellatum to a group of toxin-producing dinoflagellates from Pfiesteria, Parvodinium and Paulsenella genera suggests that it may produce toxin-like compounds, adding a new dimension to the possible cause of mortalities in A. ocellatum outbreaks. To address this question, extracts prepared from different life stages of the parasite were tested in vitro for cytotoxic effects using two cell lines derived from branchial arches (ABSa15) and the caudal fin (CFSa1) of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), and for hemolytic effects using erythrocytes purified from the blood of gilthead seabream juveniles. Cytotoxicity and a strong hemolytic effect, similar to those observed for Karlodinium toxins, were observed for the less polar extracts of the parasitic stage (trophont). A similar trend was observed for the less polar extracts of the infective stage (dinospores), although cell viability was only affected in the ABSa15 line. These results suggest that A. ocellatum produces tissue-specific toxic compounds that may have a role in the attachment of the dinospores’ and trophonts’ feeding process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TytoTagus Project: Common Barn Owl post-fledging dispersal and survival in the Tagus Valley, Portugal

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    The Tagus Estuary hosts a high concentration of juvenile Common Barn Owls (Tyto alba) during the post-fledging dispersal period with more than 15 owls/km detected along roads in the south floodplain of Vila Franca de Xira (SF). The Tyto Tagus project examined the origin of these birds with six re-sightings of 136 colour-ringed nestlings (2006–2008) and subsequently (2009-2012) with 41 VHF radio-marked juveniles from three areas: 16 in Benavente, 13 in the SF and 12 in Coruche. Five re-sightings were of colour-ringed juveniles from nests in Benavente (11 km away. Juvenile Common Barn Owls mainly roosted in trees along roadsides and riparian areas but also in forest patches (i.e., in mixed stands of cork oak (Quercus suber) and pine (Pinus spp.), montados and pine forests) adjacent to open agricultural areas. Between 7.3% and 43.9% of the owls survived the post-fledging dispersal period. Future studies should assess the impact of road mortality near the SF and consider the use of new technologies to track juveniles until they nest

    Transection of the superior sagittal sinus enables bilateral access to the rodent midline brain structures

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    Copyright © 2021 Dias et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.Stereotaxic access to brain areas underneath the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) is notoriously challenging. As a major drainage vessel, covering the whole extension of the sagittal fissure, the SSS impedes direct bilateral access to underlying regions for recording and stimulation probes, drug-delivery cannulas, and injection devices. We now describe a new method for transection and retraction of the SSS in rats, that allows the accurate placement of microinjection devices, or chronic electrode probes, while avoiding hemorrhage and the ensuing deleterious consequences for local structures, animal health, and behavior. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach we evaluated its consequences acutely during surgery, and thereafter during surgical survival, recovery, behavioral testing, as well as postmortem analysis of histologic impact in the related brain structures of male rats. This method provides a new approach enabling direct access for manipulation and recording of activity in brain areas previously obstructed by the SSS.This work was supported by the Bial Foundation Grant 135/18; the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through Grant PTDC/MED-NEU/29325/2017); Prémio Santa Casa-Prémio Mantero Belard (MB-7-2018); and FCT PhD Fellowships PD/PB/114125/2015 and PD/128395/2017, Scientific Employment Contract CEECIND/01497/2017, and Exploratory Grant IF/00201/2013; and an IMM Director’s Fund Awardinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antipsychotic therapy and biochemical laboratory profile characterization of a sample of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia

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    Introduction Schizophrenia (SCZ) patients are reported to present significant abnormalities in lipid and glucose metabolism, that increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, possibly induced by antipsychotic therapy (APT) and lifestyle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo comparativo das castas tintas nobres do Dão: Touriga Nacional, Jaen, Tinta Roriz e Alfrocheiro

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Qualidade e Tecnologia AlimentarOs vinhos DOC (Denominação de Origem Controlada)Dão, são reconhecidos pelos consumidores e pela crítica, como vinhos de excelência, fruto da sua tipicidade e qualidade invulgares. Sendo as castas nobres do Dão a Touriga Nacional, o Jaen, a Tinta Roriz e o Alfrocheiro considerámos pertinente o estudo das características sensoriais e físico-químicas de vinhos monocasta produzidos a partir das referidas castas da Região Demarcada do Dão (RDD). Para prossecução desse objectivo dividiu-se o presente trabalho em duas partes distintas. Numa primeira parte foi realizado um levantamento dos dados documentados existentes referentes à região, nomeadamente sobre os vestígios históricos da produção de vinho na RDD; referindo-se ainda em detalhe a criação da Região Demarcada do Dão (origens, regulamentação, demarcação), é feita de igual modo uma caracterização do seu património vitícola, a evolução, regulamentação e caracterização das castas aptas à produção de 'Dão Nobre', bem como os principais estudos encontrados sobre a caracterização dos vinhos produzidos na Região Demarcada do Dão entre 1953 a 2012. A segunda parte da dissertação é constituída pelo trabalho experimental, nela se caracteriza o material em estudo (vinhos tintos mono-castas colheita de 2010 Touriga Nacional, Jaen, Tinta Roriz e Alfrocheiro Preto), referem-se as metodologias utilizadas na análise sensorial e físico-química, os resultados obtidos e as principais conclusões. Para os parâmetros sensoriais e físico-químicos avaliados os resultados obtidos evidenciaram uma clara inferioridade dos vinhos produzidos a partir da casta Alfrocheiro. Relativamente aos vinhos de Jaen e Tinta Roriz apresentam características muito semelhantes entre si e não mostraraam, para a maior parte dos parâmetros avaliados, diferenças estatísticamente significativas quando comparados com os Touriga Nacional. Foram os vinhos produzidos a partir da Touriga Nacional os que se destacaram em todas as análises efetuadas. Os resultados obtidos quer ao nível da prova sensorial quer nas análises físico-químicas permitem-nos afirmar que a Touriga Nacional, o Jaen e a Tinta Roriz são castas bem adaptadas a condições edafo-climáticas da RDD, com capacidade de ao nível mono-varietal originar vinhos de qualidade e levantam alguma discussão sobre a denominação nobre para a casta Alfrocheiro.ABSTRACT:The wines DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) Dão have been recognized by consumers and critics as excellent wines. This results of their unusual characteristics and quality. The species Touriga Nacional, Jaen, Tinta Roriz and Alfrocheiro are the noble varieties demarcated region of Dão (RDD). Thus we considered relevant the study of sensory characteristics and physicochemical properties of single variety wines produced from the grapes of those noble species. In order to achieve that purpose we divided the present work into two distinct parts. In the first part we review the historical traces of wine production in RDD. We detailed the creation of the demarcated region of Dão (origins, regulation, demarcation), as well as the description vineyard tradition, evolution, regulation. We also detailed the different vineard varieties suitable for the production of "Dão Nobre", as well as the major studies found on the characterization of wines produced in the RDD between the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century. The second part of the present work describe the experimental work. A presentation of the material and methods used, the obtained results and the discussion of those results. Finally the conclusion and the major findings of the work. For the physical chemical and sensory parameters evaluated results showed a clear inferiority of the wines produced from the grape variety Alfrocheiro. The wines Jaen and Tinta Roriz have very similar characteristics and do not shown statiscally significant differences, when compared with Touriga Nacional. The wines produced from Touriga Nacional have excelled in every analysis. The obtained results in sensorial and in the physicochemical analyzes allow to affirm that the Touriga Nacional, Jaen and Tinta Roriz are vineyards well adapted to soil and climate conditions of the RDD and with ability to produce excellent 'noble' mono-varietal wine. The inclusion of the Alfrocheiro as noble variety deserves further discussion

    Effect of vineyard characteristics on the functional diversity of insectivorous birds as indicator of potential biocontrol services

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    Insectivorous birds have a large potential to provide biocontrol services in vineyards, thus contributing to the sustainability of this agroecosystem. Bird communities are influenced by vineyard management practices and surrounding landscape, which may influence their role as ecosystem service providers. Functional diversity indices are indicators of bird community composition, and thus may reflect potential biocontrol services. We surveyed 31 vineyard plots in southern Portugal to assess vineyard characteristics (management intensity and landscape context) that may influence functional insectivorous birds in vineyards, using seven functional diversity indices as potential biocontrol indicators. We used eight characteristics of vineyard plots to define three vineyard types for our case-study: TREE – smaller vineyard plots surround by a more diverse landscape, with larger proportion of tree-habitats; AGRI – vineyard plots with medium size and greater cover by herbaceous vegetation, mostly surrounded by agricultural habitats (pastureland, crops); and VINE – vineyard plots of larger size and higher inter-row herbaceous vegetation, often surrounded by other vineyard plots. Five potential biocontrol indicators seemed to vary according to vineyard type. The richness of functional insectivorous birds, functional dispersion, functional richness, and Rao’s functional diversity were all higher in vineyard TREE type compared to both AGRI and VINE types. The functional divergence was higher in vineyard TREE type than in VINE type, but similar to AGRI type. Accordingly, TREE type vineyards hold bird communities with more diverse and widespread ecological functions. This implies that smaller vineyard plots, in more heterogeneous landscapes, with neighbouring woodlands seem to have a higher potential of biocontrol services provided by insectivorous birds as suggested by using functional diversity indices as indicators

    The development of basketball players: current perspectives and future directions

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    The identification and development of talent in basketball has been seen as a dynamic and complex process. Furthermore, there are numerous factors that play an important role in the evolution of the basketball player during childhood and adolescence. In this brief review, we critically analyze the main factors to be considered in the development of young basketball players. Furthermore, it focuses on the importance of key variables considered in the talent detection process and in long-term development programs. It can be concluded that the maturational status of young basketball players should be considered in the formulation of test batteries for talent detection and in long-term development programs to ensure that potential talents are not excluded due to late maturation in relation to their pairs

    A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of wildland fire behavior modeling

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    Wildland fires have become a major research subject among the national and international research community. Different simulation models have been developed to prevent this phenomenon. Nevertheless, fire propagation models are, until now, challenging due to the complexity of physics and chemistry, high computational requirements to solve physical models, and the difficulty defining the input parameters. Nevertheless, researchers have made immense progress in understanding wildland fire spread. This work reviews the state-of-the-art and lessons learned from the relevant literature to drive further advancement and provide the scientific community with a comprehensive summary of the main developments. The major findings or general research-based trends were related to the advancement of technology and computational resources, as well as advances in the physical interpretation of the acceleration of wildfires. Although wildfires result from the interaction between fundamental processes that govern the combustion at the solid- and gas-phase, the subsequent heat transfer and ignition of adjacent fuels are still not fully resolved at a large scale. However, there are some research gaps and emerging trends within this issue that should be given more attention in future investigations. Hence, in view of further improvements in wildfire modeling, increases in computational resources will allow upscaling of physical models, and technological advancements are being developed to provide near real-time predictive fire behavior modeling. Thus, the development of two-way coupled models with weather prediction and fire propagation models is the main direction of future work.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020 (ALGORITMI) and R&D Units Project Scope UIDP/04077/2020 (METRICS) and through project: PCIF/GRF/0141/2019: “O3F—An Optimization Framework to reduce Forest Fire
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