6 research outputs found

    Performance of a multi-species-plant illumina beadchip

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    Since mid-2005, Illumina Infinium® genotyping arrays provide data with good accuracy for thousands of SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism) in thousands individuals for many organisms including plants. These extensive data used in large studies gave new insight in population and molecular genetics. Nevertheless, flexible high density genotyping tools at reasonable costs are still to be developed. Low cost genotyping assays would allow many applications including control of individuals, marker assisted management and genetic approaches in species where molecular developments have a comparatively low value relative to the cost of SNP arrays. The initial cost and/or the minimum sample number requirement are limiting factors for developing a new genotyping tool. An add-on option on already existing product gives a first opportunity to reduce the cost of a beadchip. Designing a multi-species array could be another alternative to increase the number of SNPs and decrease the minimum number of samples for each species, reaching lower genotyping cost assay per species

    BSA-Seq : an efficient method to decipher a complex trait on Poplar, a highly heterozygous diploid genome

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    The efficiency of the Bulk Segregant Analysis (BSA) had clearly been demonstrated to detect genomic regions and genes involved in diverse traits. It allows large experiments reducing the cost and time and preserving the power of full individual's population analysis. These past few years the combination of BSA and New Generation Sequence (NGS) data (BSA-Seq) gave a new accuracy and depth to the discovery on many traits of interest, mainly on crop and model species. In our study, we applied the BSA-Seq in a heterozygous and diploid genome context. We worked on the progenies derived from an interspecific cross Populus deltoides x Populus trichocarpa in which segregates the resistance to Melampsora larici populina (Mlp) leaf rust. We detected DNA variations with freebayes/0.9.21 and the soft masked genome of Populus trichocarpa Nisqually v3.0 as reference. Comparing DNA variations in between parents and bulks we obtained 27 regions or Quantitative Trait Loci based on NGS analysis (QTL-Seq) which could explain the resistance to Mlp. We first evaluated the strategy retrieving a previously cloned Mlp resistance gene governing the uredinia size in Populus trichocarpa clone 101-74 (RUS). Then we identified genomic markers which should better characterize this locus. So we demonstrated that, in our context, BSA-Seq allows us to improve the fine mapping of a major gene. We think it can be a promising method on a high heterozygous diploid genome as Poplar, to decipher complex trait. Next step is to proceed with it to fine map the other QTL-Seq

    BSA-Seq : An efficient tool to characterize loci involved in the Poplar leaf rust resistance.

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    The efficiency of the Bulk Segregant Analysis (BSA) had clearly been demonstrated to detect genomic regions and genes involved in diverse traits. It allows large experiments reducing the cost and time and preserving the power of full individual's population analysis. These past few years the combination of BSA and New Generation Sequence (NGS) data (BSA-Seq) gave a new accuracy and depth to the discovery on many traits of interest, mainly on crop and model species. In our study, we applied the BSA-Seq to narrow down Populus genomic regions involved in the resistance to Melampsora larici populina (Mlp) leaf rust. We worked on the 1417 progenies derived from an interspecific cross Populus deltoides clone 73028-62 (Pd) x Populus trichocarpa clone 101-74 (Pt) in which segregates qualitative and quantitative Mlp resistances. Four bulks were constituted based on (1) the phenotypes for uredinias size (bulk1: large, bulk2 and bulk3: intermediate, bulk4: small) and (2) the Pt genotypes at the RUS locus governing the uredinia size (bulk1 and bulk3 : [RUS], bulk2 and bulk4 : [rUS]). We used independently the soft masked genomes of Populus trichocarpa Nisqually v3.0 (Ptv3) and Populus deltoides v2.0 (Pdv2) as references to map parents and bulks Illumina reads with the BWAmem/0.7.15 suite and to detect DNA variations with Freebayes/0.9.21. For each common variant position between parents and bulks, we tracked the specific alleles of Pt and/or Pd in the bulks. Respectively from Ptv3 and Pdv2, we identified 13 and 11 regions. We first evaluated the strategy retrieving the previously finally mapped RUS gene, designed new genomic markers from Ptv3 to better characterize this locus and performed the in silico validation. Then we proceed with it to fine map the other regions. Most of them co-locate with QTL and could explain the resistance to Mlp. So we demonstrated that, in our context, even if the reference genome is different to the studied genomes, BSA-Seq allowed us to detect quickly and costly, regions which may be involved in a complex trait and improve the fine mapping of a major gene. We think it can be a promising method on a high heterozygous diploid genome as Poplar, to decipher complex trait. Next step is to identify candidate genes within the regions and better describe the mechanisms of resistance

    BSA-Seq : un outil efficace pour caractériser des loci impliqués dans la résistance à la rouille foliaire du peuplier.

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    International audienceThe efficiency of the Bulk Segregant Analysis (BSA) had clearly been demonstrated to detect genomic regions and genes involved in diverse traits. It allows large experiments reducing the cost and time and preserving the power of full individual's population analysis. These past few years the combination of BSA and New Generation Sequence (NGS) data (BSA-Seq) gave a new accuracy and depth to the discovery on many traits of interest, mainly on crop and model species. In our study, we applied the BSA-Seq to narrow down Populus genomic regions involved in the resistance to Melampsora larici populina (Mlp) leaf rust. We worked on the 1417 progenies derived from an interspecific cross Populus deltoides clone 73028-62 (Pd) x Populus trichocarpa clone 101-74 (Pt) in which segregates qualitative and quantitative Mlp resistances. Four bulks were constituted based on (1) the phenotypes for uredinias size (bulk1: large, bulk2 and bulk3: intermediate, bulk4: small) and (2) the Pt genotypes at the RUS locus governing the uredinia size (bulk1 and bulk3 : [RUS], bulk2 and bulk4 : [rUS]). We used independently the soft masked genomes of Populus trichocarpa Nisqually v3.0 (Ptv3) and Populus deltoides v2.0 (Pdv2) as references to map parents and bulks Illumina reads with the BWAmem/0.7.15 suite and to detect DNA variations with Freebayes/0.9.21. For each common variant position between parents and bulks, we tracked the specific alleles of Pt and/or Pd in the bulks. Respectively from Ptv3 and Pdv2, we identified 13 and 11 regions. We first evaluated the strategy retrieving the previously finally mapped RUS gene, designed new genomic markers from Ptv3 to better characterize this locus and performed the in silico validation. Then we proceed with it to fine map the other regions. Most of them co-locate with QTL and could explain the resistance to Mlp. So we demonstrated that, in our context, even if the reference genome is different to the studied genomes, BSA-Seq allowed us to detect quickly and costly, regions which may be involved in a complex trait and improve the fine mapping of a major gene. We think it can be a promising method on a high heterozygous diploid genome as Poplar, to decipher complex trait. Next step is to identify candidate genes within the regions and better describe the mechanisms of resistance

    The sunflower genome provides insights into oil metabolism, flowering and Asterid evolution

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    The domesticated sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., is a global oil crop that has promise for climate change adaptation, because it can maintain stable yields across a wide variety of environmental conditions, including drought. Even greater resilience is achievable through the mining of resistance alleles from compatible wild sunflower relatives, including numerous extremophile species. Here we report a high-quality reference for the sunflower genome (3.6 gigabases), together with extensive transcriptomic data from vegetative and floral organs. The genome mostly consists of highly similar, related sequences and required single-molecule real-time sequencing technologies for successful assembly. Genome analyses enabled the reconstruction of the evolutionary history of the Asterids, further establishing the existence of a whole-genome triplication at the base of the Asterids II clade and a sunflower-specific whole-genome duplication around 29 million years ago. An integrative approach combining quantitative genetics, expression and diversity data permitted development of comprehensive gene networks for two major breeding traits, flowering time and oil metabolism, and revealed new candidate genes in these networks. We found that the genomic architecture of flowering time has been shaped by the most recent whole-genome duplication, which suggests that ancient paralogues can remain in the same regulatory networks for dozens of millions of years. This genome represents a cornerstone for future research programs aiming to exploit genetic diversity to improve biotic and abiotic stress resistance and oil production, while also considering agricultural constraints and human nutritional needs

    The sunflower genome provides insights into oil metabolism, flowering and Asterid evolution

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