45 research outputs found

    Gravitino production during preheating and the equivalence theorem

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    We review our results on the calculation of helicity 1/2 gravitino production during preheating. The method we present is based on the equivalence between goldstinos and longitudinal gravitinos at high energies. The problem is thus reduced to the standard (Majorana) fermion production after inflation. Comparison between helicity 3/2 and 1/2 production and with the results obtained in the unitary gauge is also presented.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Contribution to the Proceedings of the EuroConference on Frontiers in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 30 September - 5 October 200

    Constraining the primordial spectrum of metric perturbations from gravitino and moduli production

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    We consider the production of gravitinos and moduli fields from quantum vacuum fluctuations induced by the presence of scalar metric perturbations at the end of inflation. We obtain the corresponding occupation numbers, up to first order in perturbation theory, in terms of the power spectrum of the metric perturbations. We compute the limits imposed by nucleosynthesis on the spectral index nsn_s for different models with constant nsn_s. The results show that, in certain cases, such limits can be as strong as ns<1.12n_s<1.12, which is more stringent than those coming from primordial black hole production.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. Corrected figures, new references included. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Equivalence between Kaluza Klein modes of gravitinos and goldstinos in brane induced supersymmetry breaking

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    We identify the goldstino fields that give mass to the Kaluza Klein modes of five dimensional supergravity, when supersymmetry breaking is induced by brane effects. We then proof the four dimensional Equivalence Theorem that, in renormalizable gauges, allows for the replacement of Kaluza Klein modes of helicity ±1/2\pm1/2 gravitinos in terms of goldstinos. Finally we identify the five dimensional renormalizable gauge fixing that leads to the Equivalence Theorem.Comment: Final version published in JHEP. Typo corrected in eq. 2.

    Resonant production of fermions in an axial background

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    We consider the resonant production of fermions from an oscillating axial background. The classical evolution of the axial field is given by that of a massive pseudovector field, as suggested by the renormalizability of the theory. We look upon both the massive and the massless fermion production from a perturbative point of view. We obtain the corresponding spectrum and angular distributions for the different spins or helicities in the particular case of a spatial-like axial field. We also extend our study to the non-perturbative regime in the massless case and compare the results with the perturbative ones.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 12 figures; new comments and references added, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Large-scale cosmic flows and moving dark energy

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    Large-scale matter bulk flows with respect to the cosmic microwave background have very recently been detected on scales 100 Mpc/h and 300 Mpc/h by using two different techniques showing an excellent agreement in the motion direction. However, the unexpectedly large measured amplitudes are difficult to understand within the context of standard LCDM cosmology. In this work we show that the existence of such a flow could be signaling the presence of moving dark energy at the time when photons decoupled from matter. We also comment on the relation between the direction of the CMB dipole and the preferred axis observed in the quadrupole in this scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. New comments and references included. Final version to appear in JCA

    Is nonperturbative inflatino production during preheating a real threat to cosmology?

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    We discuss toy models where supersymmetry is broken due to non-vanishing time-varying vacuum expectation value of the inflaton field during preheating. We discuss the production of inflatino the superpartner of inflaton due to vacuum fluctuations and then we argue that they do not survive until nucleosynthesis and decay along with the inflaton to produce a thermal bath after preheating. Thus the only relevant remnant is the helicity \pm 3/2 gravitinos which can genuinely cause problem to nucleosynthesis.Comment: 10 pages, Updates to match the accepted version in Phys. Rev.

    DBI with Primordial Magnetic Field in the Sky

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    In this paper, we study the generation of a large scale magnetic field with amplitude of order μ\muG in an inflationary model which has been introduced in hep-th/0310221. This inflationary model based on existence of a speed limit for inflaton field. Generating a mass for inflaton at scale above the ϕIR\phi_{IR}, breaks the conformal triviality of the Maxwell equation and causes to originate a magnetic field during the inflation. The amplitude strongly depends on the details of reheating stage and also depends on the e-foldings parameter N. We find the amplitude of the primordial magnetic field at decoupling time in this inflationary background using late time behavior of the theory.Comment: 12 pages, no figure, typos correcte

    On the inflationary solutions in higher-derivative gravity with dilaton field

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    We discuss the existence of de Sitter inflationary solutions for the string-inspired fourth-derivative gravity theories with dilaton field. We consider a space-time of arbitrary dimension D and an arbitrary parametrization of the target space metric. The specific features of the theory in dimension D=4 and those of the special ghost-free parametrization of the metric are found. We also consider similar string-inspired theories with torsion and construct an inflationary solution with torsion and dilaton for D=4. The stability of the inflationary solutions is also investigated.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Brane oscillations and the cosmic coincidence problem

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    We show that, under general assumptions, in six-dimensional brane-world models with compactified large extra dimensions, the energy density of brane oscillations scales as that of cold dark matter and its present value is compatible with observations. Such value is obtained from the only dimensional scale in the theory, namely, the fundamental scale of gravity in six dimensions M61M_6\sim 1 TeV, without any fine-tuning or the introduction of additional mass scales apart from the large size of the extra dimensions. It has been suggested that the same kind of models could provide also the correct magnitude of the cosmological constant. This observation can be relevant for the resolution of the cosmic coincidence problem in the brane-world scenario.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. Comments on the renormalization of the branon mass included. Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.D (R

    Cosmological Magnetogenesis driven by Radiation Pressure

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    The origin of large scale cosmological magnetic fields remains a mystery, despite the continuous efforts devoted to that problem. We present a new model of magnetic field generation, based on local charge separation provided by an anisotropic and inhomogeneous radiation pressure. In the cosmological context, the processes we explore take place at the epoch of the reionisation of the Universe. Under simple assumptions, we obtain results (i) in terms of the order of magnitude of the field generated at large scales and (ii) in terms of its power spectrum. The amplitudes obtained (B ~ 8.10^(-6) micro-Gauss) are considerably higher than those obtained in usual magnetogenesis models and provide suitable seeds for amplification by adiabatic collapse and/or dynamo during structure formation.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure