439 research outputs found

    When women lead, workplaces should listen

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    “Las organizaciones reflexivas pueden transformarse en lugares de trabajo verdaderamente inclusivos, aprovechando al máximo los beneficios significativos de los equipos diversos que funcionan de la mejor manera”. Las organizaciones inteligentes se están moviendo más rápidamente para afinar las habilidades de escucha y reforzar una gama más amplia de estilos de liderazgo. Este es un gran resumen de esta tendencia, con datos concretos que lo respaldanThe most valuable lessons of women’s leadership programs are those that show organizations where to improve. For years, female executives have come away from women-only leadership programs empowered to do—and ask for—more, valuing the opportunity to examine their strengths and shortcomings in the psychological safety of their peers and to use the experience as a springboard for personal development

    Natural Sovereignty on the High Seas

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine a current dispute involving resources in the sea, determine the issues involved, and hypothesize a solution. Specifically, the dispute chosen involves Latin American claims to extensive sovereign fishery rights in adjacent coastal waters and objections to these claims. The United States and the parties to a declaration made in Santiago, Chile, in 1882, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru, have been chosen as most representative of the opposing positions. The International Court of Justice, primarily utilizing as a framework for analysis the dicta, findings, and opinions in their February 1969 Judgment in the North Sea Cases, has been chosen as the arena within which to hypothesize a solution

    An FPGA Technologies Area Examination of the SHA-3 Hash Candidate Implementations

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    This paper presents an examination of the different FPGA architectures used to implement the various hash function candidates for the currently ongoing NIST-organised SHA-3 competition~\cite{Sha3NIST}. This paper is meant to be used as both a quick reference guide used in conjunction with the results table~\cite{Sha3zoo} as an aid in finding the ”best-fit” FPGA for a particular algorithm, as well as a helpful guide for explaining the many different terms and measurement units used in the various FPGA packages

    Yet Another SHA-3 Round 3 FPGA Results Paper

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    The NIST run SHA-3 competition is nearing completion. Currently in its final round, the five remaining competitors are still being examined in hardware, software and for security metrics in order to select a final winner. While there have been many area and speed results reported, one such metric that does not appear to be covered in very great detail is that of power and energy measurements on FPGA. This work attempts to add some new results to this section, namely, measured area, power, energy and iteration time results thereby giving NIST further metrics on which to base their selection decision

    Exploring temporal information in neonatal seizures using a dynamic time warping based SVM kernel

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    Seizure events in newborns change in frequency, morphology, and propagation. This contextual information is explored at the classifier level in the proposed patient-independent neonatal seizure detection system. The system is based on the combination of a static and a sequential SVM classifier. A Gaussian dynamic time warping based kernel is used in the sequential classifier. The system is validated on a large dataset of EEG recordings from 17 neonates. The obtained results show an increase in the detection rate at very low false detections per hour, particularly achieving a 12% improvement in the detection of short seizure events over the static RBF kernel based system

    The functional diversity of fish assemblages in the vicinity of oil and gas pipelines compared to nearby natural reef and soft sediment habitats

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    We would like to thank skippers John Totterdell and Kylie Skipper who assisted and made data collection possible. We acknowledge David Whillas and Kevin Holden who operated the stereo-ROV on the pipelines. The contributions of Laura Fullwood and Damon Driessen both in the field and with image analysis are gratefully acknowledged, as is Jack Park for his assistance with image analysis. This research project was funded by Chevron through its Anchor Partnership with the UK National Decommissioning Centre. We also acknowledge in-kind support from Net Zero Technology Centre and the University of Aberdeen through their partnership in the UK National Decommissioning Centre.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Toward a personalized real-time diagnosis in neonatal seizure detection

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    The problem of creating a personalized seizure detection algorithm for newborns is tackled in this paper. A probabilistic framework for semi-supervised adaptation of a generic patient-independent neonatal seizure detector is proposed. A system that is based on a combination of patient-adaptive (generative) and patient-independent (discriminative) classifiers is designed and evaluated on a large database of unedited continuous multichannel neonatal EEG recordings of over 800 h in duration. It is shown that an improvement in the detection of neonatal seizures over the course of long EEG recordings is achievable with on-the-fly incorporation of patient-specific EEG characteristics. In the clinical setting, the employment of the developed system will maintain a seizure detection rate at 70% while halving the number of false detections per hour, from 0.4 to 0.2 FD/h. This is the first study to propose the use of online adaptation without clinical labels, to build a personalized diagnostic system for the detection of neonatal seizures

    Autonomous Satellite Recovery Vehicle

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    In collaboration with ERFSEDS, we would like to send a small satellite attached to a quad-copter as the payload for ERFSEDS rocket which will reach an altitude of 10,000 feet. The quad-copters objective will be to collect atmospheric data as it descends. Our plan is to 3-D print a new chassis for the quad-copters electronic components and arms that will allow the quad-copter to fold its arms inwards to meet the required space constraints. After launching the rocket, the satellite will be deployed at the target altitude and begin collecting data once jettisoned from the rocket. Once reaching 2,000 feet the quad-copter will be programmed to deploy a parachute. After reaching a safe velocity the arms will extend and autonomously navigate to a prearranged location. Flight planning will be done using the preexisting flight planning application. In addition to the critical components of the quad-copter, our design will integrate a number of other data collecting sub-systems currently being used in a weather balloon designed by the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. team. These sensors will be able to collect pressure, temperature, humidity, wind, and video. This project will give us a better understanding of rocket propulsion systems and the effect of launch on the payload. It will also allow us to gain valuable research, data retrieval, team development and multi-club collaboration experience

    Critical role of the disintegrin metalloprotease ADAM-like Decysin-1 (ADAMDEC1) for intestinal immunity and inflammation

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: ADAM (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase) is a family of peptidase proteins, which have diverse roles in tissue homeostasis and immunity. Here, we study ADAM-like Decysin-1 (ADAMDEC1) a unique member of the ADAM family. ADAMDEC1 expression is restricted to the macrophage/dendritic cell populations of the gastrointestinal tract and secondary lymphoid tissue. The biological function of ADAMDEC1 is unknown but it has been hypothesised to play a role in immunity. The identification of reduced ADAMDEC1 expression in Crohn's disease patients has provided evidence of a potential role in bowel inflammation. METHODS: Adamdec1(-/-) mice were exposed to dextran sodium sulphate or infected orally with Citrobacter rodentium or Salmonella typhimurium The clinical response was monitored. RESULTS: The loss of Adamdec1 rendered mice more susceptible to the induction of bacterial and chemical induced colitis, as evidenced by increased neutrophil infiltration, greater IL-6 and IL-1β secretion, more weight loss and increased mortality. In the absence of Adamdec1, greater numbers of Citrobacter rodentium were found in the spleen, suggestive of a breakdown in mucosal immunity which resulted in bacteraemia. CONCLUSION: In summary, Adamdec1 protects the bowel from chemical and bacterial insults, failure of which may predispose to Crohn's disease