7 research outputs found


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    ...Nos anos 1980, a democratização da gestão escolar e a participação dos usuários ocuparam relevante espaço no debate educacional..

    Public Policies of young and adult education in ABC Paulista: the rights achievement and expansion of the public sphere

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    A educação de jovens e adultos é um campo de políticas, práticas e reflexões que está para além dos limites da escolarização, sentido estrito. É considerada como parte integrante da história da educação em nosso país, na verdade, um dos maiores problemas da educação e que envolve milhões de brasileiros. Este trabalho tem como foco programas, projetos e ações concebidos e implementados, nos últimos anos, pelos governos locais dos municípios que compõem o ABC Paulista, em parcerias com a sociedade civil. As políticas analisadas foram desenvolvidas pelas administrações municipais no período 1987-2003, quando foi possível ver o surgimento e a coexistência de duas gerações de políticas: a primeira baseada na idéia de um estado de bem estar social e a segunda, ancorada no princípio da participação social objetivando a ampliação das esferas públicas, local e regional. No conjunto das municipalidades do ABC, este estudo recaiu sobre Diadema, Santo André e Mauá. Foram realizadas entrevistas com gestores públicos, dirigentes sindicais, representantes de entidades parceiras, coordenadores, professores; grupos focais com alfabetizandos, sendo os dados analisados à luz de extensa documentação atos legais, estatísticas oficiais, produção das secretarias municipais de educação e centros de memória locais. O estudo sobre os MOVA(s) (Movimento de Alfabetização) locais e Regional evidenciou a concretização das lutas por direitos e pela garantia à participação social dos jovens e adultos, o estabelecimento de novos atores (individuais e coletivos) a ampliação e o fortalecimento da esfera pública.The young and adult education is a field of public policies, practices and reflections which are beyond the limits of schooling, in a strict sense. It is considered as an integrated part of the Brazils educational history. Actually, this is one of the biggest problems of education that involves millions of Brazilian people. This work focus on programs, projects and actions designed and implemented, in the last years, by the local governments of the cities from ABC Paulista, in partnership with the civil society. The analyzed public policies were developed by the municipal administrations from 1987 to 2003, when it was possible to see the appearance and the coexistence of two public policy generations: the first is based on the idea of a state of social welfare and the second is based on the principle of the social participation aiming at the expansion of the local and regional public spheres. Among the set of municipalities of the ABC, this study was made about Diadema, Santo André and Mauá. Interviews were conducted with public administrators, labor union leaders, representatives from partner agencies, coordinators, teachers and with focused groups in the process of literacy. This data was examined in the light of extensive documentation - legal acts, official statistics, production from the municipal secretariats of education and local memory centers. The study about the local and regional MOVA(s) (Literacy Movement) evidenced the concretion of the fights for the rights and for the guarantee of the social participation of the young and adults, the establishment of new actors (individual and public) the expansion and the strengthening of the public sphere

    Local Governments and Public Politics of Education of Youths and Adults

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    This article objectives to present and to analyze the manners as governments of local administrations of urban space, in recent years, come drawing and implementing public politics of youths' and adults' education. First, it is approached the public politics of youths' and adults' education implemented by city Executives, between 1987-2003. Period during which we can verify, in the Area that served as scenery to the study, the emergency and coexistence of two "generations of politics": the first anchored in the idea of supplying State and the second anchored in the principle of the social participation and marked by the evident shortage of resources. It was looked for, still, to analyze the place that the executed public actions occupied inside the organization of the school education and the contribution that it gave to guarantee the social participation and the new actors' constitution in the public sphere