2,410 research outputs found


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    Gluon Condensate and Non-Perturbative Quark-Photon Vertex

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    We evaluate the quark-photon vertex non-perturbatively taking into account the gluon condensate at finite temperature. This vertex is related to the previously derived effective quark propagator by a QED like Ward-Takahashi identity. The importance of the effective vertex for the dilepton production rate from a quark-gluon plasma is stressed.Comment: 9 pages including two figure

    Multibeam echo sounders for naval applications

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    (Olympic) Sports (Sports Coverage)

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    The variable '(Olympic) sports' identifies (Olympic) sports that are the subject of communication.   Field of application/theoretical foundation: The variable can be used in all fields of sports communication, but is particularly interesting with regard to communication about the Olympic Games. It is based on the current list of Olympic sports (IOC, 2020a) and the list of sports recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC, 2020b).   References/combination with other methods of data collection: The list on which the category is based can also be used in surveys. In this way, it is possible, for example, to investigate whether the perception of relevance of (certain) sports in the population correspond or differ from the relevance journalists attribute to (certain) sports by the extent of their reporting.   Example study: In a study by Vögele and SchĂ€fer (2020) on the use of content analyses in sports communication, the category was used in a slightly adapted form. They coded sports that were the subject of the respective content analyses. In this way, it was possible to determine which sports are in the focus of sports communication research (and which are not; RH=1.0). (Olympische) Sportarten In dieser Kategorie werden die Sportarten verschlĂŒsselt, ĂŒber die der Beitrag berichtet. Sind die Olympischen Spiele allgemein Gegenstand der Berichterstattung, sind die ĂŒbergeordneten AusprĂ€gungen „100“ (Sommerspiele) bzw. „200“ (Winterspiele) zu codieren. Werden im Beitrag keine Sportarten oder olympischen Sportereignisse thematisiert, wird „0“ codiert. Sonstige Sportarten werden mit „9999“ verschlĂŒsselt. 000       keine (olympische) Sportart oder olympischen Sportereignisse thematisiert  1000     Olympische Sommerspiele 1010     American Football 1020     Automobilsport 1030     Badminton 1040     Bandy 1050     Baseball/Softball 1060     Basketball 1070     Beach Volleyball 1080     Bergsteigen 1090     Billard 1100     Bogenschießen 1110     Boules 1120     Bowling 1130     Boxen 1140     Bridge 1150     Cheerleading 1160     Cricket 1170     Fechten 1180     Floorball 1190     Flugsport 1200     Fußball 1210     Frisbee 1220     Gewichtheben 1230     Golf 1240     Handball 1250     Hockey 1260     Judo 1270     Kanusport 1271     Kanu Slalom 1272     Kanu Sprint 1280     Karate 1290     Kickboxen 1300     Korfball 1310     Lacrosse 1320     Leichtathletik 1330     Moderner FĂŒnfkampf 1340     Motorbootsport 1350     Motorradsport 1360     Muaythai 1370     Netball 1380     Orientierungslauf 1390     Pelota 1400     Polo 1410     Radsport 1411     Bahnradsport 1412     BMX 1413     Mountain Bike 1414     Straßenradsport 1420     Racquetball 1430     Reitsport 1431     Dressurreiten 1432     Springreiten 1433     Vielseitigkeitsreiten 1440     Ringen 1441     Freistilringen 1442     Griechisch-römisches Ringen 1450     Rudern 1460     Rugby 1470     Rollsport 1471     Rollhockey 1472     Rollkunstlauf 1473     Inlineskaten 1474     Inlinehockey 1480     Sambo 1490     Schach 1500     Schießen 1510     Schwimmsport 1511     Freiwasserschwimmen 1512     Schwimmen (Bahn) 1513     Synchronschwimmen 1514     Rettungsschwimmen 1520     Segeln 1530     Skateboarding 1540     Sportklettern 1550     Surfen 1560     Taekwondo 1570     Tanzen 1580     Tauziehen 1590     Tennis 1600     Tischtennis 1610     Trampolinsport 1620     Turmspringen 1630     Turnsport 1631     GerĂ€teturnen        1632     Rhythmische Sportgymnastik 1640     Triathlon 1650     Squash 1660     Sumoringen 1670     Unterwassersport 1680     Volleyball 1690     Wasserball 1700     Wasserski 1710     Wushu   2000     Olympische Winterspiele 2010     Biathlon 2020     Bobsport 2030     Curling 2040     Eishockey 2050     Eiskunstlauf 2060     Eisschnellauf 2070     Eisstock 2080     Nordische Kombination 2090     Rodeln 2100     Short Track 2110     Skeleton 2120     Ski Alpin 2130     Skibergsteigen 2140     Ski Freestyle 2150     Skilanglauf 2160     Skispringen 2170     Snowboard   9999     Sonstige Sportart   References The International Olympic Committee (IOC) (2020a). Recognised federations. Abgerufen von https://www.olympic.org/recognised-federations The International Olympic Committee (IOC) (2020b). Sports. Abgerufen von https://www.olympic.org/sports Vögele, C. & SchĂ€fer, M. (2020). Inhaltsanalysen in der Sportkommunikation. In F. Oehmer, S. H. Kessler, K. Sommer, E. Humprecht & L. Castro Herrero (Hrsg.), Handbook of Standardized Content Analysis: Applied Designs to Research Fields of Communication Science

    Internal and external attributions for sporting success and failure (Sports Coverage)

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    The variable "Internal and external attributions for sporting success and failure” deals with the question which causal explanations media reporting gives for success or failure of athletes or sports teams. It identifies which attributions sports journalists and other stakeholders involved in sports events use to explain the performance of athletes and teams in their reporting.   Field of application/theoretical foundation: The reasons for sporting failure and success are often identified in the analysis of media coverage about sporting events- for example, in the analysis of live commentary during sports broadcasts or of match and competition reports. The theoretical foundation is attribution theory (e.g. Heider, 1958). Its general aim is to explain and justify actions of individuals (Möller, 1994). With regard to sporting competition, it is about attributions in performance situations and the question which factors can explain the success or failure of a team or athlete (Möller, 1994; Weiner, 1985, 1986). It is assumed that individuals, when explaining their own success or failure, proceed in such a way that their self-esteem does not suffer. Therefore, they tend to explain their own success more by referring to internal factors related to their personal characteristics such as their athletic or mental strength, whereas failures tend to be explained by external factors beyond their control such as luck, bad luck or refereeing (Strauss, Senkse & Tietjens, 2009). This attribution pattern is referred to as "self-serving bias" and has already been identified in the coverage of sporting events and the statements of sports actors integrated in the reporting (e.g. Lau & Russell, 1980; Peterson, 1980). Some studies also analyze whether the explanation of failure and success in media reporting differs depending on whether the focus is on female or male athletes (e.g. Duncan & Messner, 1990; Eastman & Billings, 1999; Möller, 1993a; Klein, 1986; Rulofs, 2003) or whether athletes of one's own nationality or of other nationalities are rated (e.g. Möller, 1993ab; Möller & Strauss, 1997).   References/combination with other methods of data collection: Combinations with survey methods are not common in previous research. However, it would be useful to interview athletes in order to compare their statements in mass media coverage and their survey responses explaining their performance.   Example study: The example category is from a study by Rulofs (2003), who conducted a quantitative content analysis of the coverage of the 1999 World Athletics Championships in German national quality newspapers and a special-interest journal to analyze how mass media presents female athletes compared to male athletes. Among other things, the study also analyzed which reasons were given in the reporting to explain success and failure of athletes, whereby a distinction was made between internal and external explanatory factors. The factors listed here are those from the original published codebook of the study (Rulofs, 2003, pp. 248, 250, 268). They were partially summarized by the authors of this database contribution and the numerical codes were slightly changed for reasons of clarity. Since the codebook does not contain more detailed explanations of the individual factors of the category, we added explanations. Rulofs (2003) does not give separate reliability scores for individual categories of the content analysis, but she does point out that overall "in the entire category system, depending on the degree of difficulty of individual categories, an agreement of at least 80% was achieved" (p. 68).   Code AusprĂ€gung 10 Sportliche FĂ€higkeiten (internal) 11 Ausdauer 12 Kondition 13 Koordination 14 Kraft 15 Schnelligkeit 16 Technik 17 Verletzung/körperliche SchwĂ€che 20 Psychische FĂ€higkeiten/Charakter (internal) 21 Charakter/Persönlichkeit 22 Einstellung 23 Erfahrung 24 Intelligenz 25 Kampfgeist 26 Konzentration 27 Motivation 28 Nerven 29 Psyche 30 Risikobereitschaft 31 Selbstbewusstsein 32 SensibilitĂ€t/EinfĂŒhlungsvermögen 33 Siegeswillen 34 Taktik 35 Kooperation 50 Training/Vorbereitung (internal) 60 Externe Faktoren (external) 61 Äußere Bedingungen 62 Partner/in 63 GlĂŒck 64 Material/Kleidung/SportgerĂ€te 65 Publikum 66 SchwĂ€che des Gegners/der Gegnerin 67 Trainer/in 68 Verein/Verband 69 Doping 99 Sonstige Faktoren   References Duncan, M. C., & Messner, M. A. (1990). Gender Stereotyping in televised sports. Los Angeles: The Amateur Athletic Foundation. Eastman, S. T., & Billings, A. C. (1999). Gender parity in the Olympics. Hyping women athletes, favoring men athletes. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 23(2), 140-170. Heider, F. (1958). The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations. New York: Wiley. Klein, M. (1986). Frauensport in der Tagespresse. Eine Untersuchung zur sprachlichen und bildlichen PrĂ€sentation von Frauen in der Sportberichterstattung. Bochum: UniversitĂ€tsverlag Dr. N. Brockmeyer. Lau, R. R., & Russell, D. (1980). Attributions in the sports pages. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(1), 29-38. Möller, J. (1993a). Attributionen in Massenmedien: Zum Einfluß nationaler Gruppenzugehörigkeit, GruppengrĂ¶ĂŸe und Geschlecht auf spontane Ursachenzuschreibungen. Bonn: Halos Verlag. Möller, J. (1993b). Zur Ausdifferenzierung des Paradigmas "Spontane Attributionen": Eine empirische Analyse zeitlich unmittelbarer Ursachenzuschreibungen. Zeitschrift fĂŒr Sozialpsychologie, 24, 129-136. Möller, J. (1994). Attributionsforschung im Sport - ein Überblick (Teil 1). Psychologie und Sport: Zeitschrift fĂŒr Sportpsychologie, (3), 82-93. Möller, J., & Strauss, B. (1997). Before and after the German reunification: Changes in observers' commentaries on achievements in a natural experiment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27(1), 75-93. Peterson, C. (1980). Attribution in the sports pages: An archival investigation of the covariation hypothesis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 43 (1), 136-141. Rulofs, B. (2003). Konstruktion von Geschlechterdifferenzen in der Sportpresse? Eine Analyse der Berichterstattung zur Leichtathletik WM 1999. Butzbach-Griedel: Afra-Verlag. Strauss, B., Senske, S., & Tietjens, M. (2009). Attributionen in Sportkommentaren. In H. Schramm & M. Marr (Hrsg.), Die Sozialpsychologie des Sports in den Medien (S. 74-92). Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag. Weiner, B. (1985). An attributional theory of achievement motivation and emotion. Psychological Review, 92(4), 548–573. Weiner, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York: Springer

    Assessed refereeing decision (Sports Coverage)

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    The variable "Assessed refereeing decision" refers to the question which decisions of referees are rated in media reports on football matches. It is coded which decisions made by referees (f. ex. penalty kicks, sending-offs or offside decisions) are assessed and how they are rated.   Field of application/theoretical foundation: Ratings of refereeing decisions are omnipresent in the media coverage of football matches. They can be expressed either in live commentaries on football matches or in post-match reports and match analyses. When reporting on football matches, journalists are faced with the question which events during a match are worth reporting. Therefore, they face the challenge of having to make numerous selection decisions. In addition to the performance of players and teams on the pitch, the referees and their decisions can also influence the course and outcome of the game (e.g. Weston, Drust, Atkinson & Gregson, 2011). Concerning journalistic selection decisions, on the other hand, various factors can be important, such as the attitudes of the journalists, routines in media organizations or general journalistic rules (e.g. Donsbach, 1987, Weischenberg, 1992). In order to understand why journalists make which selection decisions, it is first important to identify which decisions they make and thus which refereeing decisions are rated and how they are rated.   References/combination with other methods of data collection: In order to find out which refereeing decisions journalists select and discuss, an input-output analysis can be used to compare the refereeing decisions selected by journalists and all refereeing decisions made in the course of the match. Such a comparison with extra-media data makes it possible to identify which decisions are reported particularly frequently. In addition, the combination of content analytical results and surveys of referees and sports journalists is useful to identify reciprocal effects of media coverage of referees on the referees themselves (see SchĂ€fer & Eschmann, 2019) and to ask sports journalists about the factors influencing their selection decisions.    Example study: Vögele and SchĂ€fer (2019) analyzed the coverage of referees in the German Bundesliga in tv match reports on the ARD Sportschau. For this purpose, they examined the ratings of referees in a total of 591 match reports in the seasons 2011/12 to 2017/18. For each rating of a referee, they recorded the main object of the refereeing evaluation (main referee, video assistant, assistant etc.), the tendency of the rating, the originator of the rating (commentator, actors of the participating associations etc.) as well as the requested or proposed alternative decision, in addition to the assessed refereeing decision. The reliability score of the coding for the assessed refereeing decision was an acceptable Krippendorff's Alpha of .91 (Holsti=.93; two coders*). The category "assessed refereeing decision" was described as follows (The complete codebook for analysis is available at: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/FU8H7)   Bewertete Schiedsrichterentscheidung In dieser Kategorie wird erfasst, welche Schiedsrichterentscheidung der Bewertung der Schiedsrichter*innen zu Grunde liegt. Die Schiedsrichterentscheidungen sind dabei eingeteilt in Vergehen, persönliche Strafen und Spielfortsetzungen. Im Normalfall sollte immer die jeweilige detaillierte AusprĂ€gung bei der Codierung erfasst werden. Kritisiert der Kommentator also beispielsweise, dass der Schiedsrichter einen Strafstoß gegeben hat, wird hier Strafstoß als bewertete Schiedsrichterentscheidung codiert. Stellt der Kommentator fest, dass der Schiedsrichter eine gelbe Karte zu Unrecht vergeben hat, wird gelbe Karte codiert. Ist allgemein davon die Sprache, dass der Schiedsrichter viele Fehlentscheidungen getroffen hat, wird bei dieser Kategorie die AusprĂ€gung 0 „Entscheidungen allgemein“ codiert. 0          keine spezielle Entscheidung, sondern Entscheidungen allgemein 10        Vergehen 11        Foulspiel 12        Handspiel 13        TĂ€tlichkeit 14        Unsportlichkeit 15        Abseits 20        persönliche Strafe 21        Verwarnung/gelbe Karte 22        gelb-rote Karte 23        rote Karte 24        Ermahnung 30        Spielfortsetzung 31        Vergabe Strafstoß 32        AusfĂŒhrung Strafstoß 33        Wiederholung Strafstoß 34        Vergabe Freistoß 35        AusfĂŒhrung Freistoß 36        Wiederholung Freistoß 37        Vergabe Eckball 38        AusfĂŒhrung Eckball 39        Vergabe Einwurf 40        AusfĂŒhrung Einwurf 41        Schiedsrichterball 42        Weiterspielen 43        Anspiel/Tor 44        Abpfiff/Spielende 45        Abstoß 46        Halbzeitpfiff 99        Sonstige Entscheidung: _______________   References Donsbach, W. (1987). Journalismusforschung in der Bundesrepublik. Offene Fragen trotz ‚Forschungsboom‘. In J. Wilke (Hrsg.), Zwischenbilanz der Journalistenausbildung (S. 105-142). MĂŒnchen: ÖlschlĂ€ger. Weischenberg, S. (1992). Journalistik. Theorie und Praxis aktueller Medienkommunikation. Band 1. Opladen: Westdeutscher. Weston, M., Drust, B., Atkinson, G., & Gregson, W. (2011). Variability of soccer referees' match performances. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 32(3), 190-194. Vögele, C., & SchĂ€fer, M. (2019). Fußball-Schiedsrichter im Spiegel der Medien: Die Berichterstattung ĂŒber Bundesliga-Schiedsrichter in der ARD-Sportschau. Journal fĂŒr Sportkommunikation und Mediensport, 4(1), 1-24. VerfĂŒgbar unter: https://openjournals.hs-hannover.de/jskms/article/view/111/9
