120 research outputs found

    ¿La crítica como medio para la democratización? La crisis del euro y las perspectivas para la Esfera Pública Europea

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    This paper suggests that the euro has crisis signalled a significant political moment in the European public sphere. Analysing the crisis as a conflict between the European decision-making elite and European civil society, I propose that the concentration of decision-making in the euro crisis at the European level, and the growing public critique aimed at the supranational centres of power, may lead to the politicisation of European integration and contribute to strengthening the European public sphere.Este artículo parte de la siguiente idea: la crisis del euro representa un momento político importante en la esfera pública europea. Si analizamos la crisis, entendida como un conflicto entre la elite y la sociedad civil europea, encontramos que por un lado se está centralizando la toma de decisiones a nivel europeo para la superación de la crisis del euro, hecho que, por otro lado, está provocando un aumento de la crítica pública dirigida hacia los centros supranacionales del poder. El presente texto explora si esta realidad en proceso puede favorecer una integración europea política y contribuir al fortalecimiento de la esfera pública europea

    Is the Age of Impartial Journalism Over? : The Neutrality Principle and Audience (Dis)trust in Mainstream News

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    This exploratory study addresses the relationship between audience trust in the news media and the ideal of neutrality in journalism. It starts from the premise that, at a time when national conservatism is on the rise as a political movement in Western societies, journalism is less and less recognised as a neutral actor in politics. Therefore, efforts to present itself as such may be damaging journalism’s credibility and trustworthiness among its publics. The article examines this premise on the basis of a representative survey of Finnish media audiences and three focus group interviews, asking how Finns’ expressed trust or distrust of the mainstream news media is connected to their perceptions about journalism’s neutrality and impartiality—or lack thereof—in political debate. The findings indicate that while the large majority of Finnish audiences express trust in the mainstream news media, they are divided when it comes to their level of confidence in journalism’s neutrality. Moreover, both trust and perceptions of neutrality are strongly associated with audiences’ political outlook. We conclude that audience distrust of the media mainly reflects the difficulties that mainstream journalism faces in giving an equal voice to all political groups and views at a time of heightened ideological contestation.Peer reviewe

    Doing Away with the Sovereign : Neoliberalism and the Promotion of Market Discipline in European Economic Governance

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    This article proposes a critical reading of market discipline and its limitations as a mechanism in European economic governance. Consistent with neoliberal beliefs about market-based governance, the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is premised on the functioning of the government bond market as a fiscal-policy discipliner. However, the operation of market discipline requires that neither governments nor their private creditors can rely on an authority to bail them out. It, therefore, precludes the kinds of intervention by Eurozone’s supranational institutions witnessed during the euro crisis. In the post-crisis context, efforts to strengthen market discipline continue to be frustrated by the growing reliance of financial institutions on government bond markets as well as the European Central Bank’s (ECB) active participation in those markets. Having undermined the credibility of the market as an autonomous and apolitical mechanism of discipline, European economic governance struggles to come to terms with the rise of a supranational ‘economic sovereign’ in the Eurozone.Peer reviewe

    The Media, European Integration and the Rise of Euro-journalism, 1950s‐1970s, Martin Herzer (2019). [Book review]

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    Book review. Reviewed work: The Media, European Integration and the Rise of Euro-journalism, 1950s‐1970s / Martin Herzer. - London: Palgrave Macmillan, (2019). 357 pp.Non peer reviewe

    Markkinointisuunnitelma Kohdeyritykselle

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    Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana on oululainen kiinteistöhuoltoon ja sen tukipalveluihin erikoistunut yritys. Kohdeyritykselle ei ole aikaisemmin laadittu kirjallista markkinointisuunnitelmaa. Työn tarkoitus oli luoda toteutettavissa oleva toiminnallinen markkinointisuunnitelma yrityksen käyttöön. Markkinointisuunnitelman tavoitteena on tehostaa ja kohdentaa yrityksen markkinointitoimenpiteitä, joiden avulla parannetaan yrityksen alueellista tunnettuutta. Työ rajattiin koskemaan pääasiallisesti yrityksen ulkoista markkinointia ja sen toimenpiteitä kuten markkinointiviestintää ja ulkoisen saatavuuden parantamista. Lopulliseen rajaukseen päädyimme työn edetessä, tekemiemme havaintojen pohjalta. Tehdyn markkinointisuunnitelman tietoperusta pohjautuu lukuisiin Internet- ja kirjallisuuslähteisiin, jotka käsittelevät muun muassa markkinoinnin analyyseja, strategisia linjauksia ja kilpailukeinoja. Työssä on käytetty hyväksi myös kohdeyrityksen edustajien kanssa käytyjä avoimia haastatteluja, sekä muuta viestintää. Opinnäytetyöprosessin aikana olemme myös tutustuneet aikaisempiin markkinointisuunnitelmiin ja tutkimuksiin. Laadittu markkinointisuunnitelma tukee yrityksen visiota ja pyrkii tehostamaan ja kohdistamaan entistä paremmin sen operatiivisia markkinointitoimenpiteitä. Kohdennetulla markkinoinnilla yritys voi parantaa alueellista tunnettuuttaan ja resurssitehokkaasti parantaa kannattavuuttaan. Päädyimme erottelemaan varsinaisessa työssä suunnitelman tietoperustan ja operatiivisen markkinointisuunnitelman toisistaan käytännöllisyyden lisäämiseksi. Jatkotoimenpiteinä suosittelemme tulevaisuudessa kattavan henkilöstösuunnitelman laatimista, jossa otettaisiin laajemmin kantaa ehdotettuihin henkilöstönvuokraus- ja alihankintatoimenpiteisiin

    Watchdogs, Advocates and Adversaries : Journalists’ Relational Role Conceptions in Asylum Reporting

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    Journalistic role conceptions are usually understood as internalised professional conventions about the tasks reporters pursue in society. This study insists that more attention be put on the relational and context-dependent nature of journalistic role conceptions. Adopting a social-interactionist approach to journalistic roles, the study examines how Finnish journalists conceived of their professional roles when covering asylum issues during the so-called “refugee crisis” of 2015–2016. Based on an analysis of open-ended, semi-structured interviews with 24 journalists, we highlight how considerations of the political context and interactions with three key reference groups—officials, asylum seekers and anti-immigrant publics—shaped the journalists’ conceptions of their tasks and duties. The article contributes to the study of journalistic role conceptions by illustrating how the conceptualisation of journalistic roles in relation to reference groups takes place in practice. It also sheds light on the tensions involved in journalistic balancing and negotiation between various available role conceptions, especially in the shifting societal and political contexts of a Europe marked by multiculturalism and the simultaneous rise of anti-immigrant movements.Peer reviewe

    Naturalising the new cold war : The geopolitics of framing the Ukrainian conflict in four European newspapers

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    The conflict in Ukraine has prompted analyses about the return of cold war divisions to Europe. This study focusses on the role the news media plays in the conflict by examining how the visual and textual practices of news framing help constitute geopolitical rationality and legitimise foreign policy. We analyse how the framing of the conflict in Die Welt, Dagens Nyheter, Helsingin Sanomat and The Guardian developed through four key events between February 2014 and February 2015. The analysis indicates that by promoting particular news frames the newspapers contributed to the legitimation of European Union policies, which are premised upon supporting the Ukrainian government in its military campaign in eastern Ukraine and placing responsibility for the conflict onto Russia. Hence, we argue that the news framing eventually contributed to the naturalisation of the ‘new cold war’ as a geopolitical rationality, orienting and legitimising foreign policy in EuropePeer reviewe