108 research outputs found

    Exploiting the time of arrival of Cherenkov photons at the 28 m H.E.S.S. telescope for background rejection: Methods and performance

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    In 2012, the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) was expanded by a fifth telescope (CT5). With an effective mirror diameter of 28m, CT5 is able to detect the Cherenkov light of very faint gamma-ray air showers, thereby significantly lowering the energy threshold of this telescope compared to the other four telescopes. Extracting as much information as possible from the recorded shower image is crucial for background rejection and to reach an energy threshold of a few tens of GeV. The camera of CT5 is conceived to register the time of the charge pulse maximum with respect to the beginning of the 16 ns integration window of each pixel. This information can be utilised to improve the event reconstruction. It also helps to reduce the background contamination at low energies. We present new techniques for background rejection based on CT5 timing information and evaluate their performance

    High energy astroparticle physics for high school students

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    The questions about the origin and type of cosmic particles are not only fascinating for scientists in astrophysics, but also for young enthusiastic high school students. To familiarize them with research in astroparticle physics, the Pierre Auger Collaboration agreed to make 1% of its data publicly available. The Pierre Auger Observatory investigates cosmic rays at the highest energies and consists of more than 1600 water Cherenkov detectors, located near Malarg\"{u}e, Argentina. With publicly available data from the experiment, students can perform their own hands-on analysis. In the framework of a so-called Astroparticle Masterclass organized alongside the context of the German outreach network Netzwerk Teilchenwelt, students get a valuable insight into cosmic ray physics and scientific research concepts. We present the project and experiences with students.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands, PoS(ICRC2015)30

    Kapitel 19: Zunehmende GefÀhrdung des Lebensstandards im Alter

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    Neben der Betrachtung rein monetĂ€ren Ressourcen steht im Teilhabeansatz auch die Ressourcenverwendung im Fokus. Auf Basis von Analysen mit den Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichproben 1998-2013 kann gezeigt werden, dass die Konsumteilhabe aufgrund eines gestiegenen Ausgabenanteils fĂŒr Grundbedarfe im Zeitverlauf fĂŒr bestimmte Personengruppen (z. B. Arbeitslose) zunehmend eingeschrĂ€nkt ist. LĂ€ngsschnittuntersuchungen des Lebensstandards mit dem Sozio-ökonomischen Panel bestĂ€tigen diesen Befund. Auch bei der Betrachtung sozialer AktivitĂ€ten zeigt sich dieses Muster: Haushalte und Personen mit unterdurchschnittlicher Ressourcenausstattung engagieren sich signifikant weniger hĂ€ufig bĂŒrgerschaftlich. DarĂŒber hinaus pflegen sie seltener regelmĂ€ĂŸige Beziehungen mit Freunden und Verwandten

    Extramedullary plasmacytoma: Tumor occurrence and therapeutic concepts—A follow-up

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    Background Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) is a solitary tumor consisting of neoplastic plasma cells, with very little to no bone marrow involvement. EMPs are usually located in the head and neck region, but can also occur along the digestive tract, in lungs, or extremities. Methods Following our publication on EMP, which appeared in 1999 (Cancer 85:2305–14), we conducted a literature search for EMP-related reports published between 1999 and 2021. The documented cases, as well as 14 of our own patients from the ENT Clinic Erlangen, were extensively analyzed. Results Between 1998 and 2021, 1134 patients with EMP were reported, for whom information about the tumor localization was available. Among those, 62.4% had EMP in the head and neck area and 37.6% in other body regions. Data on therapy were reported in 897 patients, including 34.3% who received radiation, 28.1% surgery, 22.6% a combination of surgery and radiation, and 15.9% another therapy. In 76.9% patients no recurrence or transformation to multiple myeloma (MM) was reported, 12.8% showed local recurrence and 10.2% developed MM. Radiotherapy alone was associated with a tendency for increased occurrence of MM. In patients with EMP of head and neck area, combination therapy (surgery and radiation) resulted in a 5-year overall survival rate of 98.3%, surgery alone of 92.4%, and radiotherapy of 92.7%. Conclusions Collectively, our analyses indicate that surgical resection alone can achieve long-term tumor control in patients with EMP, if the tumor can be removed within safe limits without causing serious functional impairment. However, if this is not certain, either radiation or a combination of surgery and radiation therapy is suggested as an effective means of local tumor control

    Intestinal IgA-positive plasma cells are highly sensitive indicators of alloreaction early after allogeneic transplantation and associate with both graft-versus-host disease and relapse-related mortality

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    Intestinal immunoglobulin A (IgA) is strongly involved in microbiota homeostasis. Since microbiota disruption is a major risk factor of acute graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), we addressed the kinetics of intestinal IgA-positive (IgA+) plasma cells by immunohistology in a series of 430 intestinal biopsies obtained at a median of 1,5 months after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) from 115 patients (pts) at our center. IgA+ plasma cells were located in the subepithelial lamina propria and suppressed in the presence of histological aGvHD (GvHD Lerner stage 0: 131+/-8 IgA+ plasma cells/mm2; stage 1-2: 108+/-8 IgA+ plasma cells/mm2; stage 3-4: 89+/-16 IgA+ plasma cells/mm2; P=0.004). Overall, pts with IgA+ plasma cells below median had an increased treatment related mortality (P=0.04). Time courses suggested a gradual recovery of IgA+ plasma cells after day 100 in the absence but not in the presence of GvHD. Vice versa IgA+ plasma cells above median early after allo-SCT were predictive of relapse and relapse-related mortality (RRM): pts with low IgA+ cells had a 15% RRM at 2 and at 5 years, while pts with high IgA+ cells had a 31% RRM at 2 years and more than 46% at 5 years; multivariate analysis indicated high IgA+ plasma cells in biopsies (hazard ratio =2.7; 95% confidence interval: 1.04-7.00) as independent predictors of RRM, whereas Lerner stage and disease stage themselves did not affect RRM. In contrast, IgA serum levels at the time of biopsy were not predictive for RRM. In summary, our data indicate that IgA+ cells are highly sensitive indicators of alloreaction early after allo-SCT showing association with TRM but also allowing prediction of relapse independently from the presence of overt GvHD

    Reg3α concentrations at day of allogeneic stem cell transplantation predict outcome and correlate with early antibiotic use

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    Intestinal microbiome diversity plays an important role in the pathophysiology of acute gastrointestinal (GI) graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and influences the outcome of patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). We analyzed clinical data and blood samples taken preconditioning and on the day of ASCT from 587 patients from 7 German centers of the Mount Sinai Acute GVHD International Consortium, dividing them into single-center test (n = 371) and multicenter validation (n = 216) cohorts. Regenerating islet–derived 3α (Reg3α) serum concentration of day 0 correlated with clinical data as well as urinary 3-indoxylsulfate (3-IS) and Clostridiales group XIVa, indicators of intestinal microbiome diversity. High Reg3α concentration at day 0 of ASCT was associated with higher 1-year transplant-related mortality (TRM) in both cohorts (P < .001). Cox regression analysis revealed high Reg3α at day 0 as an independent prognostic factor for 1-year TRM. Multivariable analysis showed an independent correlation of high Reg3α concentrations at day 0 with early systemic antibiotic (AB) treatment. Urinary 3-IS (P = .04) and Clostridiales group XIVa (P = .004) were lower in patients with high vs those with low day 0 Reg3α concentrations. In contrast, Reg3α concentrations before conditioning therapy correlated neither with TRM nor disease or treatment-related parameters. Reg3α, a known biomarker of acute GI GVHD correlates with intestinal dysbiosis, induced by early AB treatment in the period of pretransplant conditioning. Serum concentrations of Reg3α measured on the day of graft infusion are predictive of the risk for TRM of ASCT recipients

    The "Prague Spring" - its formation and reversal point as landmark and acceleration of the Moscow dissident movement

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    vorgelegt von Markus HollerAbweichender Titel laut cbersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersGraz, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 200
