50 research outputs found


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    The research carried out in experimental vineyard-collection at Faculty of Agriculture experimental field Radmilovac, which is located at GPS coordinates N 44º 45' 21" and E 20º 34' 53". Experimental vineyard is located at southeast part of Belgrade, at an altitude of 130 m and covers southern exposure. It belongs to Šumadijsko-velikomoravski vineyard area, Belgrade sub-region and Grocka vineyard region. Rows were extending in southeast-northwest direction with line spacing of 3 m and 1 m between vines in row. In experiment tested clones were under codes 40/2, 42/1, 43/1 and 43/3. From technological characteristics in paper is presented data related to weight of biomas discarded in pruning, yield, mechanical composition of berries and cluster, structural indicators of berries and bunches and qualitative parameters-sugar and acid content. The biggest mass of pruning shoots was determiner at clone 40/2 (1.008 kg/vine). The highest yield is recorded at clone 42/1 (7.1 kg/grapevine) and the smallest for clone 43/1 (3.6 kg/vine). Maximum cluster mass was recorded at clone 43/1 (276 g), whereas for clone 40/2 was determined the largest weight of berries meat (254 g) and the biggest seeds number per 100 berries (208). Clones 42/1 and 43/1 are characterized with the highest recorded skin weight of 100 berries (10 and 23 g/100 berry). Same trend was recorded for percent of stem, skin and seed in cluster. Clone 42/1 had the lowest percent of meat in berry (88.21%). According to sugar content were founded the highest level for clones 42/1 (24.1%) and 40/2 (22.4%). Same trend of variation is determined for acid content in grape juice

    Produkcija makrozoobentosa u reci Rači uzvodno i nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka

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    Biomasa (produkcija) makrozoobentosa je odabrana kao osnovni pokazatelj za praćenje promena kvantitativnog sastava naselja dna na lokalitetima uzvodno i nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka u reci Rači. Istraživanje sekundarne produkcije makrozoobentosa reke Rače sa sedam lokaliteta, obavljeno je u periodu 2011. (april, jun, septembar, oktobar, decembar) i 2012. godine (februar i maj). Dominantne grupe u biomasi makrozoobentosa su Hirudinea (Annelida), Mollusca, Gammaridae (Crustacea) i Trichoptera (Insecta). Vrednosti biomase zoobentosa kretale su se u svim mesecima istraživanja u intervalu od 3,2001 g/m2, na lokalitetu RČ2 (u februaru) ,do 216,7120 g/m2, na lokalitetu RČ3 (u februaru). Biomasa faune dna najveća je u svim mesecima istraživanja na lokalitetu RČ3, koji je lociran nizvodno od pastrmskog ribnjaka. Na ovom lokalitetu biomasa makroinvertebrata se kretala od 87,8643 g/m2 (u aprilu 2011. godine) do 216,7120 g/m2 (u februaru 2012. godine)

    Метаболни нарушувања при примена на втора генерација на антипсихотици

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    Second generation antipsychotics (SGA) cause side effects through weight gain, dyslipidemias (cholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia) as well as affected glucose homeostasis in terms of hyperglycemia,insulin resistance and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study was to investigate metabolic changes in patients treated with SGA. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study of 50 patients treated with SGA (olanzapine, clozapine, risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole) at the PHI University Clinic of Psychiatry who met the relevant ICD-10 criteria. The following parameters were monitored: history and clinical examination, blood pressure and pulse, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI-S), dose of prescribed SGA,as well as: fasting glycemia, lipid status, HDL, LDL, glycosylated hemoglobin (HgA1C). The parameters were determined at the beginning and after three months of treatment. Results: The subjects in terms of the criteria of metabolic syndrome were: 64% with a larger waist circumference, 53.2% with an increase in systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure, 31.3% with a BMI>30, and 39% with an increase in glycaemia and reduced HDL values ​​at 23.4%. Also,18% of the respondents met three or more criteria. Statistical analysis of the differences in the analyzed parameters showed statistically significant differences for the CGI-S score (p = 0.00007) and for the diastolic pressure (p = 0.038). Correlation of equivalent doses of SGA with BMI (r = -0.637) was obtained. Discussion: The study confirmed presence of metabolic disorders in patients treated with SGA. Although there was no significant difference of metabolic syndrome parameters in relation to the general population, a correlation with BMI has been established. Conclusion: This study showed that patients treated with second-generation antipsychotics should be monitored during their treatment for the parameters of the metabolic syndrome, particularly BMI.Втората генерација на антипсихотици (second generation antipsychotics–SGA)  предизвикуваат несакани ефекти преку пораст на телесна тежина,дислипидемии (холестеролемија, хипертриглицеридемија) како и засегната хомеостаза на гликозата во смисол на хипергликемија, резистентност на инсулин и појава на диабетес мелитус тип 2. Цел на ова истражување е да се испитаат метаболните промени кај пациентите третирани со SGA. Mатеријали и методи: Ова беше проспективна студија на 50 пациенти третирани со SGA (olanzapine, clozapine, risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole) на ЈЗУ Универзитетска клиника за психијатрија кои ги исполнуваа соодветните МКБ-10 критериуми. Беа следени следните параметри: анамнеза и преглед, ТА и пулс, висина, тежина, индекс на телесна маса (bodymassindex-BMI), кратка скала за психијатриска проценка(BPRS), скала за глобален клинички впечаток (CGI), дозата на ординираниот SGA, како и: гликемија на гладно, липиден статус, HDL, LDL, гликолизиран хемоглобин (HgA1C). Параметрите беа одредувани на почеток и после три месечен третман. Резултати: Испитаниците во однос на критериумите на метаболен синдром беа: 64% со поголем обем на струк, 53,2% со пораст на систолен и/или дијастолен крвен притисок, 31,3% со BMI>30, а 39% со пораст на гликемија и намалени вредности на HDLкај 23,4%. Со исполнети три и повеќе критериуми беа 18% од испитаниците. Статистичката анализа на разликите во анализираните параметри покажа статистички сигнификантни разлики  за CGI-S скорот (p=0.00007) и задијастолниот притисок (p=0.038).Добиена е корелација на еквивалентните дози на SGA со BMI (r= -0,637). Дискусија: Истражувањето ја потврди присутноста на метаболни нарушувања кај пациентите третирани со SGA. Иако на самиот почеток на третманот не постои битна разлика во однос на присуството на метаболниот синдром во однос на општата популација, сепак утврдена е корелација со BMI. Заклучок: Ова истражување покажа дека пациентите кои се третирани со втора генерација на антипсихотици треба да бидат мониторирани во текот на нивниот третман во однос на параметрите кои го сочинуваат метаболниот синдром, особено BMI

    Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in infants and children

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    © 2017, Serbia Medical Society. All rights reserved. Clostridium difficile (CD) is the most common cause of nosocomial diarrhea in adults with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The epidemiology of CD infection (CDI) has changed in the last few decades associated with increasing severity of the infection rate related to the occurrence of NAP1 hypervirulent strain and the emergence of the disease among ambulatory patients and the wider community. Although little is known about CDI in pediatric patients, CD is surprisingly recognized as an important pathogen in children. In this review article, we direct attention to the recent findings on the incidence and epidemiology of pediatric CDI, including the risk factors for infection, with special emphasis on the importance of CDI in infants and a population of children suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases or cancer. Despite recent pharmacotherapeutic protocols successfully used in children with CDI, we would like to draw attention to precautionary and preventive measures in terms of both unnecessary testing and uncritical use of antibiotics as the most important risk factors

    The effect of boron on the amount and type of carbides in chromium white irons

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    The effect of boron, in the amounts of 0.26, 0.39, and 0.59 wt.%, on the volume fraction and structure of carbides in Cr white irons was examined. It was demonstrated that the addition of boron can change the microstructural characteristics of white iron containing about 13 wt.% Cr. With increasing boron content, the volume fractions of M3C carbide increase., but the volume fracton of M7C3 carbide remains unchanged. The addition of boron tends to produce hard borides and/or borocarbides. It also prevents the formation of pearlite which results in alloys possessing good wear resistance

    Kvalitet vode u reci Raškoj na osnovu organizama zoobentosa i zooplanktona kao bioindikatora

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    U cilju ispitivnja kvaliteta vode reke Raške, organizmi zoobentosa i zooplanktona korišćeni su kao bioindikatori. Istraživanje je sprovedeno od aprila 2011. godine do maja 2012. godine, u vremenskim intervalima od dva meseca. Odabrano je ukupno pet lokaliteta na dužinini toka od 2.5 km. Između drugog i trećeg lokaliteta lociran je pastrmski ribnjak, čiji je uticaj na zajednice organizama praćen. Na lokalitetima koji su obuhvaćeni istraživanjima konstatovano je 57 taksona makrozoobentosa (34 vrste, 21 roda, 1 familija i 1 klasa) i 75 taksona zooplanktona (58 vrsta, 15 rodova, 1 red i 1 klasa). Srednje vrednosti indeksa saprobnosti ukazivale su na manje razlike u dobijenim vrednostima korišćenjem zoobentosa i zooplanktona. Na osnovu saprobioloških analiza, kada su kao bioindikatori korišćeni organizmi bentosa, kvalitet vode u reci Raškoj je druge klase kvaliteta, ili na prelazu između prve i druge klase, uglavnom na lokalitetima iznad ribnjaka. Organizmi zooplanktona su pokazali da voda celom dužinom toka pripada prvoj klasi kvaliteta. Najmanje vrednosti indeksa saprobnosti zabeležene su na prvom, referentnom lokalitetu 1.453±0.098 (zooplankton), a najviše na četvrtom lokalitetu 1.88±0.021 (zoobentos). Na lokalitetu ispod ribnjka, gde je zabeležen pad u koncentraciji kiseonika, dominiraju organizmi bentosa koji tolerišu veći stepen organskog zagađenja (Chironomidae, Oligochaeta, Simuliidae). Iako su koncentracije ukupnog fosfora i ortofosfata rasle od trećeg ka petom lokalitetu, njihove koncentracije nisu premašivale dozvoljene vrednosti za salmonidne vode. Međutim, srednje vrednosti koncentracije nejonizovanog amonijaka (NH4+) su iznad referentnih vrednosti na trećem i četvrtom lokalitetu. Razlog nepodudaranja vrednosti indekasa saprobnosti za dve istraživane grupe, može biti usled nestabilnih zooplanktonskih zajednica zbog izraženog efekta drifta, kao i usled činjenice da će zbog procesa sedimentacije dospelih organskih materija, organizmi dna biti izloženiji njihovom uticaju. Zajednice bentosa, kao znatno stabilnije i u vremenu i u prostoru, pogodnije su za procenu kvaliteta tekućih voda

    Pseudo-Bartter syndrome in an infant with congenital chloride Diarrhoea

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    Introduction Pseudo-Bartter syndrome encompasses a heterogenous group of disorders similar to Bartter syndrome. We are presenting an infant with pseudo-Bartter syndrome caused by congenital chloride diarrhoea. Case Outline A male newborn born in the 37th gestational week (GW) to young healthy and non-consanguineous parents. In the 35th GW a polyhydramnios with bowel dilatation was verified by ultrasonography. After birth he manifested several episodes of hyponatremic dehydration with hypochloraemia, hypokalaemia and metabolic alkalosis, so as Bartter syndrome was suspected treatment with indomethacin, spironolactone and additional intake of NaCl was initiated. However, this therapy gave no results, so that at age six months he was rehospitalized under the features of persistent watery diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration and acute renal failure (serum creatinine 123 μmol/L). The laboratory results showed hyponatraemia (123 mmol/L), hypokalaemia (3.1 mmol/L), severe hypochloraemia (43 mmol/L), alkalosis (blood pH 7.64, bicarbonate 50.6 mmol/L), high plasma renin (20.6 ng/ml) and aldosterone (232.9 ng/ml), but a low urinary chloride concentration (2.1 mmol/L). Based on these findings, as well as the stool chloride concentration of 110 mmol/L, the patient was diagnosed congenital chloride diarrhoea. In further course, the patient was treated by intensive fluid, sodium and potassium supplementation which resulted in the normalization of serum electrolytes, renal function, as well as his mental and physical development during 10 months of follow-up. Conclusion Persistent watery diarrhoea with a high concentration of chloride in stool is the key finding in the differentiation of congenital chloride diarrhoea from Bartter syndrome. The treatment of congenital chloride diarrhoea consists primarily of adequate water and electrolytes replacement

    Wandering spleen-a possible cause of adrenal ”mass“-case report

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    Wandering spleen is a very rare clinical condition character-ized by spleen absence in the normal anatomical location in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen and its presence at another location in the abdomen or pelvis. The ectopic spleen is extremely rare in children, where its increased mobility is the result of a congenital disturbance of the fixation for the anterior wall due to the absence or weakness of the supporting ligaments. Wandering spleen is usually asymptomatic, but its torsion is possible, as well as infarction or rupture which demand an urgent diagnosis and surgical treatment. The diagnosis of wandering spleen can easily be overlooked due to low incidence and insufficient clinical experience, which multiplies patient's risk from life-threatening conditions. We present a case of wandering spleen in an 11-year-old girl with acute abdominal pain, which after ultrasound examination raised suspicion on the right adrenal gland tumor. Additional diagnostics verified an ectopic spleen in the right adrenal box, after which the recommended preventive splenopexy was seriously considered. Due to the fixation of the vital spleen in the new position, but also the negative attitude of the parents towards the surgical intervention, clinical monitoring was selected, with exclusion of intense physical activity that carries the risk of traumatization of the spleen. As the girl has been in good health for over 3 years and without symptoms, we consider that the selection of conservative access although difficult, was correct. We hope that our experience in treating wandering spleen in girls will increase the number of valid facts about this rare condition