414 research outputs found

    Measuring perceived service quality using SERVQUAL

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    Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kako kakovostne se odjemalcem zdijo storitve v hrvaških hotelihcilj je oceniti zaznano kakovost hotelskih storitev in ugotoviti njeno faktorsko strukturo. Za oceno zaznane kakovosti storitev domačih in tujih turistov je bil uporabljen modificirani model servqual. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika v petnajstih hotelih na opatijski rivijeriopravljene so bile deskriptivna analiza, eksploratorna faktorska analiza in analiza znesljivosti. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na dokaj visoko stopnjo zadovoljstva hotelskih gostov s kakovostjo storitev. Gostje so predvsem pohvalili "zanesljivost", "ljubeznivost in strokovnost zaposlenih", "dostopnost" in "materialne dokaze". Rezultati kvantitativne raziskave zaznane kakovosti storitev lahko dajo informacije o tem, kako odjemalci ocenjujejo kakovost storitev v določenem hotelu, zato se lahko managerji hotelov nanje oprejo, kadar želijo izboljšati glavne parametre kakovosti ter povečati kakovost storitev in poslovno uspešnost.The purpose of the study is to examine customers\u27 perceptions of service quality in the Croatian hotel industry. The aim is to assess the perceived service quality of hotel attributes and to determine the factor structure of service quality perception. A modified servqual scale was used to assess service quality perceptions from the perspective of domestic and international tourists. Data were collected in 15 hotels in the Opatija Riviera (Croatia), using a self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistical analysis, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted. The study results indicate the rather high expectations of hotel guests regarding service quality. \u27Reliability\u27, \u27empathy and competence of staff\u27, \u27accessibility\u27 and \u27tangibles\u27 are the key factors that best explained customers\u27 expectations of hotel service quality. The results of the quantitative assessment of perceived service quality may provide some insights on how customers rate the service quality of a particular hotel. Thus, the findings can be used as a guide for hotel managers to improve the crucial quality attributes and enhance service quality and business performance

    Development of the Multi-Criteria Model for the Quality of Life Assessment in Local Governments

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    The perception of satisfaction with the quality of life by an individual in urban and rural areas includes a number of objective and subjective indicators, based on the analysis that could be performed. Measuring the preferences of individuals living in different environments, in terms of life goals, needs, moods, expectations, as well as personal satisfaction with the quality of life, requires more criteria to be included for its evaluation. The research was conducted on the basis of twenty indicators for measuring the quality of life in local governments depending on the preferences of individuals, and of different age, gender, education, social status, and satisfaction motives. The subject of this paper is the selection of criteria in a multi-criteria model for assessing the quality of life in local governments, using adequate statistical tools. In addition to descriptive statistics and testing the significance of differences, the authors of the paper used a modified PROMETHEE multi-criteria method for ranking local governments


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    U Srbiji krompir ima veliki privredni značaj i pripada vodećim ratarsko-povrtarskim kulturama. Tokom monitoringa sprovedenog od 2015 do 2019. godine, obuhvaćeno je preko 2000 ha useva krompira sa 16 lokaliteta. Rezultati monitoringa su ukazali na prisustvo dve bakteriozne bolesti. Mrka trulež krtola krompira utvrđena je u 2015, 2016. i 2018. godini i kao uzročnik je identifikovana karantinska bakterija Ralstonia solanacearum. „Crna noga“ i vlažna trulež krtola krompira, koju su prouzrokovale bakterije Pectobacterium carotovorum, Pectobacterium brasiliense i Dickeya dianthicola, detektovana je u 2016, 2018. i 2019. godini. U ovom istraživanju, prisustvo P. brasiliense i D. dianthicola prvi put je zabeleženo na krompiru u Srbiji. Izolati R. solanacearum dobijeni iz 229 uzoraka sa mrkom truleži krtola bili su fenotipski homogeni, a na osnovu molekularno-genetičke karakterizacije svrstani su u filotip II. Rezultati ispitivanja fenotipskih karakteristika izolata iz 50 uzoraka sa crnom nogom i vlažnom truleži krtola ukazali su na postojanje uzročnika iz dva roda, Pectobacterium i Dickeya. Međutim, molekularno-genetička karakterizacija ovih izolata ukazala je na prisustvo tri vrste, pri čemu su P. brasiliense izolati bili heterogeni, dok su P. carotovorum i D. dianthicola izolati uglavnom bili homogeni. Metabarkoding analiza omogućila je uvid u sastav bakterijske mikrobijalne zajednice krtola krompira sa i bez simptoma vlažne truleži, kao i odgovarajućih zemljišta ukazujući da razvoj vlažne truleži nastaje zbog složenih interakcija između biljnih patogena i drugih endofitnih bakterija. Biokontrolna aktivnost Bacillus amyloliquefaciens sojeva SS-12.6 i SS-38.4 prema izolovanim fitopatogenim bakterijama je dokazana u in vitro, in situ i in planta uslovima

    Service quality management in health tourism sector: An exploratory study

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    The research has examined the SERVQUAL instrument as a possible measure to assist managers and researchers in evaluating service quality. The SERVQUAL instrument can serve as a useful indicator for managers in health tourism sector attempting to identify areas of needed service improvement and to researchers seeking a success measure of health tourism services. The purpose of the study is to provide a short theoretical and methodological review of the existing tools for measuring service quality, and to testing an adapted version of SERVQUAL instrument in health tourism sector. The aim of the present research is the descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis of a SERVQUAL scale adjusted for health tourism sector. The final section of the study is devoted to developing and proposing new directions for future service quality management and measurement

    Monitoring, identification, and molecular-genetic characterization of phytopathogenic potato bacteria (Solanum tuberosum L.)

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    U Srbiji krompir ima veliki privredni značaj i pripada vodećim ratarsko-povrtarskim kulturama. Tokom monitoringa sprovedenog od 2015 do 2019. godine, obuhvaćeno je preko 2000 ha useva krompira sa 16 lokaliteta. Rezultati monitoringa su ukazali na prisustvo dve bakteriozne bolesti. Mrka trulež krtola krompira utvrđena je u 2015, 2016. i 2018. godini i kao uzročnik je identifikovana karantinska bakterija Ralstonia solanacearum. „Crna noga“ i vlažna trulež krtola krompira, koju su prouzrokovale bakterije Pectobacterium carotovorum, Pectobacterium brasiliense i Dickeya dianthicola, detektovana je u 2016, 2018. i 2019. godini. U ovom istraživanju, prisustvo P. brasiliense i D. dianthicola prvi put je zabeleženo na krompiru u Srbiji. Izolati R. solanacearum dobijeni iz 229 uzoraka sa mrkom truleži krtola bili su fenotipski homogeni, a na osnovu molekularno-genetičke karakterizacije svrstani su u filotip II. Rezultati ispitivanja fenotipskih karakteristika izolata iz 50 uzoraka sa crnom nogom i vlažnom truleži krtola ukazali su na postojanje uzročnika iz dva roda, Pectobacterium i Dickeya. Međutim, molekularno-genetička karakterizacija ovih izolata ukazala je na prisustvo tri vrste, pri čemu su P. brasiliense izolati bili heterogeni, dok su P. carotovorum i D. dianthicola izolati uglavnom bili homogeni. Metabarkoding analiza omogućila je uvid u sastav bakterijske mikrobijalne zajednice krtola krompira sa i bez simptoma vlažne truleži, kao i odgovarajućih zemljišta ukazujući da razvoj vlažne truleži nastaje zbog složenih interakcija između biljnih patogena i drugih endofitnih bakterija. Biokontrolna aktivnost Bacillus amyloliquefaciens sojeva SS-12.6 i SS-38.4 prema izolovanim fitopatogenim bakterijama je dokazana u in vitro, in situ i in planta uslovima.n Serbia, the potato has great economic importance and belongs to the leading crops. During the five-year monitoring (2015-2019), over 2000 ha of potato crops from 16 locations were observed. Monitoring results indicated the presence of two bacterial diseases. Brown rot of tubers was observed in 2015, 2016, and 2018, caused by the quarantine bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. Blackleg and soft rot caused by the Pectobacterium carotovorum, P. brasiliense, and Dickeya dianthicola was observed in 2016, 2018, and 2019. In this study, P. brasiliense and D. dianthicola was recorded for the first time on the potato in Serbia. Isolates of R. solanacearum obtained from 229 samples with brown rot were phenotypically homogeneous, and based on molecular-genetic characterization they were classified into phylotype II. The results of testing the phenotypic characteristics of isolates from 50 samples with blackleg and soft rot indicated the presence of pathogens from two genera, Pectobacterium and Dickeya. However, molecular-genetic characterization of these isolates revealed the presence of three species, whereby P. brasiliense isolates were heterogeneous, while P. carotovorum and D. dianthicola isolates were mainly homogeneous. The metabarcoding analysis provided insight into the bacterial microbial community composition of potato tubers with and without soft rot symptoms, as well as the corresponding soils, indicating that the development of soft rot process arises due to complex interactions between plant pathogens and other endophytic bacteria. The biocontrol activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strains SS-12.6 and SS-38.4 against isolated bacteria was proven in vitro, in situ, and in planta

    Prescribing antibiotics to preschool children in primary health care in Croatia

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    The use of antibiotics depends on cultural and socioeconomic factors, physician's characteristics as well as on microbiological considerations. Aim of our study was to asses antibiotic prescription among preschool children in primary health care in Croatia in relation to socioeconomic factors, symptoms and diagnoses, and type of health care provider. Retrospective longitudinal survey was conducted in 7 teaching primary health care offices in the Croatian capital of Zagreb during 2004, among 1700 preschool children. Antibiotics were prescribed to 611 (46%) children. Significantly more antibiotics were prescribed to boys (66.7%, P = 0.024) and to children whose parents had lower educational level. Most frequently antibiotics were prescribed for the symptoms such as fever (32%), cough (32.5%), nasal discharge (12%), and for the diagnoses such as respiratory diseases (J00-J99) (40%), infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-A99) (31%), and diseases of the middle ear and mastoid (H60-H95) (15%). Logistic regression analyses also predicted correlation of antibiotic prescriptions with socioeconomic factors, symptoms and diagnoses and health care of pediatrician. Prescription of antibiotics for preschool children in primary health care in Croatia related to socioeconomic factors, type of health care provider, certain symptoms and diagnosis groups which should be taken into account when assessing and planning primary health care for preschool children

    Usporedba u proizvodnji etanola iz kukuruza (Zea mays L.) između HTF hibrida i hibrida iz hrvatskih oplemenjivačkih programa

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    The aim of this study was to determine the differences in grain and ethanol yields between hybrids obtained from breeding programs in the Republic of Croatia and introduced HTF (High Total Fermentable) maize hybrids. The trial was conducted at three sites (Osijek, Beli Manastir and Zagreb) for two consecutive years (2012 and 2013) in three plant densities (60,000, 70,000 and 80,000 plants/ha). Pioneer HTF hybrids for the ethanol production were used as controls to assess the productivity of ethanol of hybrids from the Agricultural Institute Osijek and Bc Institute d.d. The study of ethanol production was carried out by using the Lemuz method. According to ANOVA statistical analysis, statistically significant differences in grain and ethanol yields were not found between HTF hybrids and hybrids of domestic breeding companies. Statistically significant difference was found in ethanol yield by sites (P<0.05) with highest average ethanol yield determined at Beli Manastir and the lowest in Osijek. Site × year × plant density interaction showed statistically significant difference in ethanol yield between hybrids and the most productive was the OS378 hybrid. Ethanol production of hybrids designated for this purpose did not produce higher ethanol yields than domestic hybrids from the same amount of grain.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razliku u proizvodnji zrna i etanola iz kukuruza između domaćih hibrida kukuruza koji se uobičajeno koriste za proizvodnju zrna i uvezenih HTF (High Total Fermentable) deklariranih hibrida za proizvodnju etanola. Poljski pokus je postavljen na 3 lokacije (Osijek, Beli Manastir, Zagreb) dvije godine uzastopno (2012, 2013) u tri gustoće sklopa (60,000, 70,000 i 80,000 biljaka/ha). Hibridi tvrtke Pioneer, deklarirani kao “HTF” hibridi za proizvodnju etanola iz zrna kukuruza korišteni su kao kontrola za procjenu produktivnosti etanola iz domaćih hibrida Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek i Bc Instituta d.d. Laboratorijska proizvodnja etanola utvrđena je Lemuz metodom. Sukladno ANOVA statističkoj analizi nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u prinosu zrna i etanola između HTF hibrida i hibrida domaćih oplemenjivačkih kuća. Statistički značajna razlika utvrđena je u prinosu etanola po lokalitetima (P<0.05) gdje je prosječno najveći prinos etanola ostvaren u Belom Manastiru, a najmanji u Osijeku. Interakcija lokalitet × godina × gustoća biljaka imala je statistički značajan utjecaj na prinos etanola između hibrida, a najproduktivniji je bio hibrid OS378. Deklarirani namjenski hibridi za proizvodnju etanola nisu proizveli više etanola u odnosu na domaće hibride iz iste količine zrna kukuruza

    Challenges in experimental evaluation of morphological, chemo-mechanical and adhesive properties of glass-ionomer based dental materials

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    Changes in composition and new material characteristics require verification in clinical and experimental studies. Investigating glass-ionomer cements under laboratory conditions encounters problems in interpreting the results and in comparing them with other types of materials tested in the same way. As the connection between the glass-ionomer cements and the dental tissues is delicate, it is often the case that the impact of fractures and other artifacts is either underestimated or over-dimensioned when interpreting the results. A critical review was performed, with defining the main problems regarding the usage of SEM, EDX and nanoindentation techniques in glass-ionomer based materials evaluation


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    Introduced measures to deal with COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia affected everyday life of people. Media coverage during the pandemic played a significant role in providing verified information, protecting human health and well-being. In order to gain insight into the reactions of social work students on introduced measures and media coverage about these measures during the state of emergency in Republic of Serbia, an analysis of reflective journals is presented. Eighty reflective journals were analyzed, where students\u27 reactions on introduced measures and media coverage related to these measures are monitored and linked to the electronic archive of the public media service Radio Television of Serbia news. Students\u27 thoughts on several identified measures are presented and analyzed together with their reactions on media coverage about these measures. Findings indicate the important role of the content and ways of media reporting in creation of reflections, as well as the importance of using reflective journals in both education and preservation of mental health. Possible directions of mental health improvement through media coverage in crisis situations and recommendations for education of social workers are presented.Mjere koje su uvedene zbog pandemije COVID-19 u Srbiji utjecali su na svakodnevni život ljudi. Medijsko izvještavanju tijekom pandemije odigralo je značajnu ulogu u pružanju provjerenih informacija i zaštiti ljudskih prava i dobrobiti. Kako bi se stekao uvid u reakcije studenata socijalnog rada na uvedene mjere i medijsko izvješćivanje o tim mjerama tijekom izvanrednog stanja u Republici Srbiji, u radu se predstavlja analiza refleksivnih dnevnika. Analizirano je osamdeset refleksivnih dnevnika putem kojih su se reakcije studenata na uvedene mjere i na medijsko izvješćivanje povezano s tim mjerama pratile i povezivale s elektronskom arhivom javne medijske usluge novosti Radio Televizije Srbije. Studentska mišljenja o nekoliko uvedenih mjera se prikazuju i analiziraju zajedno s njihovim reakcijama na medijsko izvještavanje o tim mjerama. Rezultati ukazuju na važnu ulogu sadržaja i načina medijskog izvještavanja u stvaranju mišljenja, kao i na važnost korištenja refleksivnih dnevnika u obrazovanju i u očuvanju duševnog zdravlja. Predstavljaju se moguće smjernice za poboljšanje duševnog zdravlja putem medijskog izvještavanja tijeom izvanrednog stanja kao i preporuke za obrazovanje socijalnih radnika