273 research outputs found

    Uticaj elektronske komunikacije na virtuelne organizacije

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    U radu se istražuju načini uspostavljanja komunikacija u virtuelnim organizacijama. Autori zaključuju da uprkos novim tehnologijama kao važnom aspektu funkcionisanja virtuelnih organizacija, još uvek ljudski faktor ima presudan uticaj na obavljanje njihovih aktivnosti. Takođe, posebno je istaknuto da se s razvojem novih tehnologija, mogu i u budućnosti očekivati radikalne promene u načinima komunikacije u virtuelnim organizacijama. Medjutim, po mišljenju autora, nije lako unapred predvideti smer u kojem će te promene biti orijentisane. Ono što je sigurno predvidivo, jeste činjenica da će one zavisiti ne samo od tehnoloških promena, već i od promena u svesti zaposlenih u virtuelnim organizacijama

    Virtual University and Virtual Enterprise Integration in Order to Increase the Competence of Employees

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    Detektovanje manipulacije u video snimcima stvorenih „deepfake“ tehnikom sistemom učenja prostorno vremenskih karakteristika

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    U ovoj disertaciji analizirali smo i radili komparaciju metoda za preciznije i tačnije detektovanje manipulisanih video materijala uz pomoć Deepfake tehnike. Istraživanje je započeto analizom prethodnih modela predviđenih za detekciju manipulacije video materijala kroz Deepfake tehniku. Analizirani su prethodno obučeni modli i njihovi parametri. Analizirani prethodno obučeni modeli su XceptionNet, EfficientNetB i EfficientNetV. Parametri ovih modela koji su menjani u procesu preobučavanja su konfiguracija mreže SingleDLCNN, broj fold-ova kao i vrednost za Hold-out tehniku. Korišćen je DataSet sa preko 6000 datoteka od kojih je većina datoteka korišćena za treniranje neuronske mreže a ostale datoteke su korišćene za testiranje i validaciju. Za izdvajanje najboljih rezultata korišćen je CV (Cross-Validation), a tačnost istih je uvećana tehnikom težinskog usrednjavanja tj. optimizacijom težine. Prikazani su rezultati za sva tri obučena modela, a najbolji rezultat je ostvaren uz pomoć EfficientNetbB4. 96.8% (FAR = 5.97%). Smatramo da je postignutim rezultatom dokazan kvalitet metode učenja. Za budući rad planiramo unapređenje modela i eventualnu komercijalizaciju

    Phloroglucinol-Based Carbon Quantum Dots/Polyurethane Composite Films: How Structure of Carbon Quantum Dots Affects Antibacterial and Antibiofouling Efficiency of Composite Films

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    Nowadays, bacteria resistance to many antibiotics is a huge problem, especially in clinics and other parts of the healthcare system. This critical health issue requires a dynamic approach to produce new types of antibacterial coatings to combat various pathogen microbes. In this research, we prepared a new type of carbon quantum dots based on phloroglucinol using the bottom-up method. Polyurethane composite films were produced using the swell–encapsulation–shrink method. Detailed electrostatic force and viscoelastic microscopy of carbon quantum dots revealed inhomogeneous structure characterized by electron-rich/soft and electron-poor/hard regions. The uncommon photoluminescence spectrum of carbon quantum dots core had a multipeak structure. Several tests confirmed that carbon quantum dots and composite films produced singlet oxygen. Antibacterial and antibiofouling efficiency of composite films was tested on eight bacteria strains and three bacteria biofilms


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    The visionary idea of BRIC1 countries and their leading position in the development of globaleconomy, conceived by the leading investment bank Goldman Sachs more than a decade ago, cameunder heavy skepticism. However, what many doubted came true. At the end of 2011 BRIC countriesgenerated approximately 26% of global GDP, and their share in the growth of global GDP was morethan 50%. The impressive growth of BRIC countries has been in large measure due to FDI inflow2.Intensive FDI inflow and economic development have not been followed by improved institutionalefficiency. This article will show that inefficient institutions in BRIC countries have not beendiscouraging to MNCs3, who were predominantly led by the extent and the growth dynamics of themarket. Modifications to business strategies applied in developed countries by MNCs, in order tomanage unstable institutional environment in BRIC countries, will be analyzed. The conclusion isthat the key modification is establishment of strong relationships with local stakeholders, in order forMNCs to gain necessary knowledge of the new business environment and create a sound basis forinstitutional efficiency improvement

    Competitivenes and financial effects of cross border acquisitions in Serbia

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    Proces globalizacije znacajno je ubrzan tokom prethodne dve decenije. Njegova glavna karakteristika je nastanak novog poslovnog okruženja. Novo poslovno okruženje se sa jedne strane odlikuje obiljem poslovnih prilika, usled dostupnosti novih tržišta, a sa druge obiljem opasnosti, usled izloženosti globalnoj konkurenciji. Kompanije su na promenjen poslovni ambijent reagovale internacionalizacijom poslovanja, a sve u cilju korišcenja mogucnosti koje su se otvorile i adekvatnog upravljanja rizikom poslovanja. U ovom periodu investicione strategije internacionalizacije, a narocito medunarodna preuzimanja, dobila su na svojoj atraktivnosti i znacaju. Liberalizacijom regulative koja se odnosi na inostrane investicije, narocito kroz masovne privatizacije, državni organi bivših socijalistickih zemalja, ukljucujuci i Srbiju, kreirali su pretpostavke za dinamican razvoj medunarodnih preuzimanja. Usled neefikasnog institucionalnog i specificnog poslovnog ambijenta u tranzicionim zemljama, inace složen proces medunarodnih preuzimanja postaje još kompleksniji. U okviru disertacije bice izložen strategijski model planiranja i implementacije medunarodnih preuzimanja cija bi primena trebalo da doprinese kreiranju vrednosti za vlasnike. Nakon toga bice analizirani efekti medunarodnih preuzimanja u Srbiji na nacionalni izvoz kao i izvoz preuzetih kompanija, razvoj finansijskog položaja preuzetih kompanija i konacno efekti transferisanja medunarodnih standarda poslovanja kao izuzetno znacajne imovine nematerijalnog karaktera.The proces of globalization have been accelerated significantly over the past two decades. New business environment stemmed from globalization as its most prominent and most significant output. The new environment offers abundance of opportunities, yet competition in global field brings along variety of threats as well. In response to these new circumstances, companies decided to internationalize their operations and thus reap benefits from the new opportunities and properly manage business risks. International investment strategies, especially international acquisitions, mark rising attractiveness and importance in this period. Governments in ex socialist countries, including Serbia, liberalized foreign investment regulations, mainly through mass privatizations, and thus set the bases for dynamic development of international acquisitions. The process of international acquisitions already being very complex became even more intricate due to inefficient institutions and specific business environment in transition economies. This dissertation defines the strategic model for planning and implementation of international acquisitions whose practical application is expected to make contribution to shareholder value creation. The effects international acquisitions in Serbia had on national export, export and development of financial performances of acquired companies, and the effects of passing on global business practices, as a highly significant intangible asset, are then analyzed

    A new virtual team competence defining model

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    Virtual team members need to acquire specific competencies to ensure team success. In line with this, by establishing standards for selection the virtual team members can provide their successful performance that achieves organisational goals. The article focuses on a variety of factors that affect the professional competencies in virtual teams. It also suggests models for measuring such competencies. The authors also present an example of how the model may be applied. Namely, in case study this article focuses upon the capacities of a virtual organisation to form the project team the members of which will come from a virtual university, on the basis of knowledge and collaboration. Conclusion and recommendation are made for further research and improvements in this area

    Mogućnost monitoring leta D.v. virgifera obradom slike sa feromonske klopke pomoću Raspberry Pi uređaja

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    Necessity for seasonal monitoring of economically most important pests in different crops, increase input costs of their surveillance. In maize fields, Western corn rootworm - WCR (Diabrotica virgifera sp. virgifera) is economically the most important species and presents a limiting factor for production of maize in continuous cultivation. Its occurrence is usually monitored with pheromone traps. However, as previously mentioned they are time and money consuming due to constant need for field inspections. Since in research projects, finances predefined for weekly inspection of traps are most often non-eligible, there is a need for developing a novel approach for pest monitoring. The use of IT technologies along with commercially available pheromone traps could provide precise information about the situation in traps without frequent field inspections. Also, they are easy to maintain, manipulate and require minimum costs. This work aimed to assess the potential use and the precision of a sensor device with camera, in monitoring the WCR flight on pheromone traps. Sensor device equipped with small camera can capture images of a pheromone trap sticky base and transfer them to a remote server for review, storage and analysis. The main idea in this paper is to present a system that uses a method based on analysis of the image variations of the pheromone pest traps, performed on devices placed in their vicinity which means that sending every image to the server is avoided. In this way, information about the variations in pheromone traps can be found in one location without unnecessarily sending the same images to the server. The obtained results indicate that the proposed method for monitoring the variations of the number of caught specimens on sticky surfaces of pheromone traps, based on the variations of the dark surface on the images, can be a reliable tool in further work.Neophodnost sezonskog monitoringa ekonomski najznačajnih štetočina u različitim usevima uzrokuje rast ulaznih troškova u poslovima nadzora njihove pojave. U usevu kukuruza, kukuruzna zlatica (Diabrotica virgifera sp. virgifera) je ekonomski najznačajnija štetočina i predstavlja ograničavajući faktor proizvodnje u monokulturi. Brojnost i pojava ove vrste se najčešće prati feromonskim klopkama. Međutim, kao što je napomenuto, njihova primena iziskuje dosta vremena i novca, usled konstantne potrebe za poljskim osmatranjima i obilascima klopki. U istraživačkim projektima sredstva predviđena za nedeljne preglede klopki su veoma često neprihvatljiv deo budžeta, što nameće potebu za razvojem novog pristupa monitoringu štetočina. Upotreba IT tehnologija uporedo sa komercijalno dostupnim feromonskim klopkama omogućava precizne informacije o stanju na klopkama, uz manje terenskih izlazaka, jednostavnost i niske troškove održavanja i manipulacije. Cilja rada je bio procena mogućnosti upotrebe i preciznosti senzorskih uređaja sa kamerom u monitoringu leta kukuruzne zlatice na fero-klopkama. Pomoću senzorskih uređaja opremljenih malim kamerama mogu se snimiti slike na mestu feromonskih klopki i proslediti do udaljenog servera za pregled, skladištenje i analizu. Ideja u ovom radu je prikaz sistema koji koristi metodu promene zauzetosti površine prilikom analize slike koja se izvršava na uređaju posredniku postavljenog pre servera. Na taj način se informacije o promeni brojnosti insekata u klopci mogu saznati na jednom lokalitetu bez nepotrebnog slanja istovetnih slika na server. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se predloženi metod praćenja promene brojnosti na bazi promene površine prisustva tamnih polja (uhvaćenih insekata na lepljivoj površini feromonske klopke) može koristiti kao pouzdan alat u daljem radu

    Antibacterial and Antibiofouling Activities of Carbon Polymerized Dots/Polyurethane and C60/Polyurethane Composite Films

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    The cost of treatment of antibiotic-resistant pathogens is on the level of tens of billions of dollars at the moment. It is of special interest to reduce or solve this problem using antimicrobial coatings, especially in hospitals or other healthcare facilities. The bacteria can transfer from medical staff or contaminated surfaces to patients. In this paper, we focused our attention on the antibacterial and antibiofouling activities of two types of photodynamic polyurethane composite films doped with carbon polymerized dots (CPDs) and fullerene C60. Detailed atomic force, electrostatic force and viscoelastic microscopy revealed topology, nanoelectrical and nanomechanical properties of used fillers and composites. A relationship between the electronic structure of the nanocarbon fillers and the antibacterial and antibiofouling activities of the composites was established. Thorough spectroscopic analysis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was conducted for both composite films, and it was found that both of them were potent antibacterial agents against nosocomial bacteria (Klebsiela pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonela enterica, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus epidermis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Antibiofouling testing of composite films indicated that the CPDs/PU composite films eradicated almost completely the biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus and about 50% of Escherichia coli biofilms