8 research outputs found

    Positionsbedingte unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität der Großräumigen zyklischen bewegungender Handballspieler

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    The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the volume and intensity of large-scale cyclic movement activities performed by handball players in different playing positions - backcourt players, wings, pivots and goalkeepers. For this purpose six experimental model matches (2x20min), played by the Slovenian male handball teams (youth, juniors and seniors), were analysed. The sample consisted of 84 players of twelve teams (average age 20.26 ± 4.28yrs; average height 182.51 ± 6.59cm; average body mass 80.61 ± 10.37kg) and was divided into four sub-samples by playing position. The collection of data on the cyclic loading of players in a handball match was based on the computer-aided automatic tracking method with the SAGIT system, based on computer vision methods. The output data on the cyclic movements obtained by the SAGIT programme were processed by the selected descriptive statistics methods in Excel and SPSS programmes. Statistically significant differences were registered between the groups of players in different playing positions in terms of average distances walked or run during matches (volume). The greatest total distance was covered by the wings (3,855m), followed by the backcourt players (3,432m) and pivots (3,234m), whereas goalkeepers ran the least (1,753m). Differences also appeared in the intensity of large-scale cyclic movements, that is in the percentage of time spent in all the speed classes. In the first speed class statistically significant differences occurred among all the groups - the goalkeepers spent the highest percentage of time (86%) here, followed by the pivots (62%) and wings (58%). There were no statistically significant differences in the second speed class between the groups of wings (23%), backcourt players (25%) and pivots (25%); however, all three groups differed from the goalkeepers (11%). The highest percentage of time spent in the third speed class was that of the wings (14%) and backcourt players (14%). Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences between them. Pivots (10%) and goalkeepers (2%) did not spend much time in the third speed class, so statistically significant differences were registered for the latter two and the groups mentioned before. In the fourth speed class statistically significant differences occurred between all the groups of players. In this speed class the wings spent the most time (4%), followed by the backcourt players (3%) and pivots (2%), whereas the lowest percentage of time in this speed class was that of the goalkeepers (0.5%). There were statistically significant differences between all the groups of players in terms of average speed of movement - the fastest were the wings (1.60m/s), followed by the backcourt players (1.43m/s), pivots (1.34m/s), and goalkeepers (0.73m/s)Uvod Zahvaljujući napretku informatičke i video tehnologije, analize raznorodnih motoričkih aktivnosti (opterećenje) koje igrači izvode tijekom rukometne utakmice, postale su raznolike i podrobnije. Svrha im je proširiti spoznaje o strukturi opterećenja pojedinih igrača i momčadi u cjelini, a te spoznaje nužne su trenerima za racionalno planiranje i kontrolu trenažnog procesa. Opterećenja u rukometu, tj. njihov intenzitet i ekstenzitet, vrlo su heterogena zato što se ukupna kretna aktivnost rukometaša sastoji i o acikličkih struktura gibanja (dodavanja lopte, udarci na vrata, skokovi, tjelesni kontakt prilikom prodora ili obrambenih akcija, padovi) i od cikličkih struktura gibanja (trčanje, hodanje, trčkaranje, bočno kretanje, kretanje unatrag), a razne kombinacije tih kretanja pojavljuju se u intervalima. Tijekom utakmice, radno se opterećenje, obilježeno visokim ili niskim intenzitetom te velikim ili malim ekstenzitetom, kontinuirano izmjenjuje s razdobljima relativnog mirovanja, tj. s razdobljima stajanja ili vrlo polaganog hodanja. Cikličke kretne aktivnosti temeljne su za rukomet zato što igraču omogućuju da se po igralištu kreće u dvije dimenzije - u širinu i u dužinu. Uključuju hodanje i trčanje bez lopte, ali i vođenje lopte u hodanju ili trčanju. Metode Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 84 igrača iz 12 momčadi koji su bili podijeljeni u 4 poduzorka prema kriteriju igračkog mjesta - vanjski igrači, krila, kružni napadači i vratari. Svaka momčad odigrala je jednu ispitnu utakmicu (2 x 20 minuta). Promatrali smo parametre cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima, dakle, u svakoj se momčadi bilježio ekstenzitet i intenzitet kretanja dva krila, tri vanjska igrača, jednoga kružnog napadača i jednog vratara. Utakmice su se igrale u relativno kontroliranim uvjetima. Uzorak varijabli obuhvaća cikličke kretne strukture po definiciji. Utvrdili smo ekstenzitet svih cikličkih aktivnosti, postotak zastupljenosti pojedine brzinske kategorije (ukupno 4 - kriterij: brzina kretanja) u ukupnom opsegu kretanja te prosječnu brzinu kretanja. Podaci o opterećenju igrača u rukometnoj utakmici prikupljeni su računalno podržanom metodom automatskog praćenja igrača pomoću sustava SAGIT (Perš i dr., 2002). Izlazni podaci o cikličkim kretnim aktivnostima obrađeni su izabranim deskriptivnim sta-tističkim metodama iz programa Excel i SPSS. Razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti utvrđene su multifaktorskom analizom varijance. Koristile su se apsolutne vrijednosti za prehodane i/ili pretrčane udaljenosti (metri), kao i prosječna brzina (m/s), dok se za utvrđivanje količine kretanja određenim intenzitetom koristio postotak vremena koje je pojedini igrač proveo u određenoj brzinskoj kategoriji. Provedena je i komparativna (post-hoc) analiza u kojoj su uspoređeni podaci o kretanju igrača na pojedinim pozicijama kako bi se ustanovilo postoje li statistički značajne razlike. Zbog višestrukih usporedaba poslužili smo se Bonferronijevom korekcijom. Statistički značajnim smatrao se svaki rezultat na razini α < .05. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike dobivene su među skupinama igračkih mjesta s obzirom na prosječnu udaljenost prevaljenu tijekom utakmice. Najveću su udaljenost na utakmici istrčavala krila, zatim vanjski igrači pa kružni napadači, dok su vratari najmanje trčali. Razlike su dobivene i za prosječno vrijeme kretanja određenom brzinom za sve brzinske kategorije. U prvoj, najsporijoj, brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike između sve četiri skupine igrača. Vratari su proveli najviše vremena u toj brzinskoj kategoriji, a slijedili su ih kružni napadači i krila. Statistički značajne razlike za drugu brzinsku kategoriju nisu zabilježene između skupina vanjskih igrača, krila i kružnih napadača, ali su se sve tri skupine značajno razlikovale od skupine vratara. Najveći postotak vremena provedenoga u trećoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježen je za krila i vanjske igrače (nisu se međusobno značajno razlikovali). Kružni napadači i vratari pretrčavaju kraće udaljenosti - zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika između te dvije skupine igrača i dvije ranije spomenute skupine. U četvrtoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su značajne razlike među sve četiri skupine igrača. U toj su brzinskoj kategoriji krila provela najviše vremena, slijede ih vanjski igrači i kružni napadači, dok su vratari zabilježili najniži postotak vremena kretanja tom brzinom. Statistički značajne razlike pojavile su se između sve četiri skupine igrača i s obzirom na prosječnu brzinu kretanja - najbrža su bila krila, slijede ih vanjski igrači, kružni napadači pa vratari. Rasprava i zaključci S obzirom na različita igračka mjesta u rukometu te poslove i zadatke koje igrači na tim mjestima moraju obaviti tijekom utakmice, očekivale su se razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkoga kretanja igrača na različitim pozicijama. Očekivanja su ispunjena u gotovo svim varijablama. Usporedimo li rezultate ovog istraživanja s rezultatima nekih prijašnjih istraživanja, možemo reći da smo dobili sličan doprinos pojedinih brzinskih kategorija ukupno prevaljenim udaljenostima u rukometnoj utakmici (Campbel, 1985; Al-Lail, 1996; Bon, 2001). Dobivene su i slične razlike među skupinama igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima s obzirom na ukupno pretrčane i prehodane udaljenosti (Cuesta, 1988; Bon, 2001). S aspekta cikličkih opterećenja u rukometu, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata, mogli bismo trenerima dati neke preporuke za fizičku pripremu rukometaša. Najmanje 3-4% ukupnog vremena pojedinog treninga (od 90 do 120 minuta) za vanjske igrače, kružne napadače i krila trebalo bi posvetiti vježbama trčanja maksimalnom brzinom, a najmanje 10-14% vježbama trčanja srednjim intenzitetom. S gledišta cikličkih aktivnosti, preostalo vrijeme može se provesti u vježbama trčanja niskim intenzitetom ili u hodanju i stajanju. Naravno, opći plan i program treninga poklanja naročitu pozornost opterećenjima koja proizlaze iz trčanja maksimalnim intenzitetom i povezuje ih s treninzima i vježbama i drugih usmjerenja. Međutim, čini se kako u suvremenom rukometu, koji je bitno određen promjenama pravila igre, ostaje sve manje prostora za rad niskog intenziteta. Trenažni programi moraju uključivati sve više visokointenzivnih aktivnosti i cikličkog i acikličkog tipa. Valja smanjiti opseg manje intenzivnih cikličkih aktivnosti i koristiti ih kao relativan predah. Taj pristup treningu nešto je drugačiji u treningu vratara. U usporedbi s igračima na drugim igračkim mjestima, vratari na utakmici izvode vrlo malo cikličkih aktivnosti.. Stoga bi bilo racionalnije da se u trening vratara uvede više acikličkih specifičnih vježbi, svojstvenih njihovoj natjecateljskoj aktivnosti, a smanji opseg cikličkih aktivnosti.Diese Studie hatte als Ziel, die Unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität bei den zyklischen Bewegungen zu bestimmen, die für die an verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Handballspieler charakteristisch sind, bzw. für die Rückraumspieler, die Flügel, die Kreisspieler und die Torhüter. Zu diesem Zweck wurden sechs Testspiele (2x20Min) der slowenischen männlichen Handballmannschaften (Kadetten, Junioren und Senioren) analysiert. 84 Handballspieler aus zwölf Mannschaften nahmen an dieser Forschung teil (das Durchschnittsalter 20,26±4,28 Jahre; die Durchschnittshöhe 182,51±6,59cm; das durchschnittliche Körpergewicht 80,61±10,37kg). Sie wurden in vier weitere Gruppen eingeteilt gemäß der Spielposition. Die Daten über die zyklische Belastungen der Spieler im Handballspiel wurden mit einer computergestützten automatischen Tracking Methode gesammelt bzw. mit SAGIT System, das auf Computer-visuellen Methoden basiert. Die mit SAGIT Programm erhaltenen Ergebnisse der zyklischen Bewegungen wurden mittels der ausgewählten Methoden der deskriptiven Statistik in Excel und SPSS Programmen verarbeitet. Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede sind zwischen auf verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Spielern bemerkbar, in Bezug auf die durchschnittliche Entfernung, über die ein Spieler während des Spiels gegangen oder gelaufen ist (Umfang). Die größte Entfernung legten die Flügel (3855m) zurück, dann die Rückraumspieler (3432m) und die Kreisspieler (3234m), während die Torhüter am wenigsten liefen (1753m). Die Unterschiede waren auch in der Intensität der zyklischen Bewegungen zu erkennen, d.h. im Prozent der verbrauchten Zeit in allen Geschwindigkeitsklassen. In der ersten Geschwindigkeitsklasse statistisch bemerkenswerte Unterschiede kamen in allen Gruppen auf - die Torhüter verbrauchten die meiste Zeit (86%), dann die Kreisspieler (62%) und die Flügel. Es gab keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede in der zweiten Geschwindigkeitsklasse zwischen den Torhütern, den Kreisspielern und den Flügeln; alle drei Gruppen aber unterschieden sich von den Torhütern (11%). In der dritten Geschwindigkeitsgruppe verbrauchten prozentual die Flügel (14%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (14%). Trotzdem gab es keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. Die Kreisspieler (10%) und Torhüter (2%) verbrauchten nicht viel Zeit in der dritten Geschwindigkeitsklasse, so dass statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede für die letzten zwei und die oben genannten Gruppen auch hier gelten. In der vierten Gruppe sind Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen festzustellen. In dieser Geschwindigkeitsklasse verbrauchten die Flügel (4%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (3%), die Kreisspieler (2%) und die Torhüter (0.5%). Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen sind bei mittlerer Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu merken - die Flügel waren am schnellsten (1,60m/s), dann die Rückraumspieler (1,43m/s), die Kreisspieler (1,34m/s) und die Torhüter(0,73m/ s)

    Positionsbedingte unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität der Großräumigen zyklischen bewegungender Handballspieler

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    The aim of this study was to identify the differences in the volume and intensity of large-scale cyclic movement activities performed by handball players in different playing positions - backcourt players, wings, pivots and goalkeepers. For this purpose six experimental model matches (2x20min), played by the Slovenian male handball teams (youth, juniors and seniors), were analysed. The sample consisted of 84 players of twelve teams (average age 20.26 ± 4.28yrs; average height 182.51 ± 6.59cm; average body mass 80.61 ± 10.37kg) and was divided into four sub-samples by playing position. The collection of data on the cyclic loading of players in a handball match was based on the computer-aided automatic tracking method with the SAGIT system, based on computer vision methods. The output data on the cyclic movements obtained by the SAGIT programme were processed by the selected descriptive statistics methods in Excel and SPSS programmes. Statistically significant differences were registered between the groups of players in different playing positions in terms of average distances walked or run during matches (volume). The greatest total distance was covered by the wings (3,855m), followed by the backcourt players (3,432m) and pivots (3,234m), whereas goalkeepers ran the least (1,753m). Differences also appeared in the intensity of large-scale cyclic movements, that is in the percentage of time spent in all the speed classes. In the first speed class statistically significant differences occurred among all the groups - the goalkeepers spent the highest percentage of time (86%) here, followed by the pivots (62%) and wings (58%). There were no statistically significant differences in the second speed class between the groups of wings (23%), backcourt players (25%) and pivots (25%); however, all three groups differed from the goalkeepers (11%). The highest percentage of time spent in the third speed class was that of the wings (14%) and backcourt players (14%). Nevertheless, there were no statistically significant differences between them. Pivots (10%) and goalkeepers (2%) did not spend much time in the third speed class, so statistically significant differences were registered for the latter two and the groups mentioned before. In the fourth speed class statistically significant differences occurred between all the groups of players. In this speed class the wings spent the most time (4%), followed by the backcourt players (3%) and pivots (2%), whereas the lowest percentage of time in this speed class was that of the goalkeepers (0.5%). There were statistically significant differences between all the groups of players in terms of average speed of movement - the fastest were the wings (1.60m/s), followed by the backcourt players (1.43m/s), pivots (1.34m/s), and goalkeepers (0.73m/s)Uvod Zahvaljujući napretku informatičke i video tehnologije, analize raznorodnih motoričkih aktivnosti (opterećenje) koje igrači izvode tijekom rukometne utakmice, postale su raznolike i podrobnije. Svrha im je proširiti spoznaje o strukturi opterećenja pojedinih igrača i momčadi u cjelini, a te spoznaje nužne su trenerima za racionalno planiranje i kontrolu trenažnog procesa. Opterećenja u rukometu, tj. njihov intenzitet i ekstenzitet, vrlo su heterogena zato što se ukupna kretna aktivnost rukometaša sastoji i o acikličkih struktura gibanja (dodavanja lopte, udarci na vrata, skokovi, tjelesni kontakt prilikom prodora ili obrambenih akcija, padovi) i od cikličkih struktura gibanja (trčanje, hodanje, trčkaranje, bočno kretanje, kretanje unatrag), a razne kombinacije tih kretanja pojavljuju se u intervalima. Tijekom utakmice, radno se opterećenje, obilježeno visokim ili niskim intenzitetom te velikim ili malim ekstenzitetom, kontinuirano izmjenjuje s razdobljima relativnog mirovanja, tj. s razdobljima stajanja ili vrlo polaganog hodanja. Cikličke kretne aktivnosti temeljne su za rukomet zato što igraču omogućuju da se po igralištu kreće u dvije dimenzije - u širinu i u dužinu. Uključuju hodanje i trčanje bez lopte, ali i vođenje lopte u hodanju ili trčanju. Metode Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 84 igrača iz 12 momčadi koji su bili podijeljeni u 4 poduzorka prema kriteriju igračkog mjesta - vanjski igrači, krila, kružni napadači i vratari. Svaka momčad odigrala je jednu ispitnu utakmicu (2 x 20 minuta). Promatrali smo parametre cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima, dakle, u svakoj se momčadi bilježio ekstenzitet i intenzitet kretanja dva krila, tri vanjska igrača, jednoga kružnog napadača i jednog vratara. Utakmice su se igrale u relativno kontroliranim uvjetima. Uzorak varijabli obuhvaća cikličke kretne strukture po definiciji. Utvrdili smo ekstenzitet svih cikličkih aktivnosti, postotak zastupljenosti pojedine brzinske kategorije (ukupno 4 - kriterij: brzina kretanja) u ukupnom opsegu kretanja te prosječnu brzinu kretanja. Podaci o opterećenju igrača u rukometnoj utakmici prikupljeni su računalno podržanom metodom automatskog praćenja igrača pomoću sustava SAGIT (Perš i dr., 2002). Izlazni podaci o cikličkim kretnim aktivnostima obrađeni su izabranim deskriptivnim sta-tističkim metodama iz programa Excel i SPSS. Razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkih kretnih aktivnosti utvrđene su multifaktorskom analizom varijance. Koristile su se apsolutne vrijednosti za prehodane i/ili pretrčane udaljenosti (metri), kao i prosječna brzina (m/s), dok se za utvrđivanje količine kretanja određenim intenzitetom koristio postotak vremena koje je pojedini igrač proveo u određenoj brzinskoj kategoriji. Provedena je i komparativna (post-hoc) analiza u kojoj su uspoređeni podaci o kretanju igrača na pojedinim pozicijama kako bi se ustanovilo postoje li statistički značajne razlike. Zbog višestrukih usporedaba poslužili smo se Bonferronijevom korekcijom. Statistički značajnim smatrao se svaki rezultat na razini α < .05. Rezultati Statistički značajne razlike dobivene su među skupinama igračkih mjesta s obzirom na prosječnu udaljenost prevaljenu tijekom utakmice. Najveću su udaljenost na utakmici istrčavala krila, zatim vanjski igrači pa kružni napadači, dok su vratari najmanje trčali. Razlike su dobivene i za prosječno vrijeme kretanja određenom brzinom za sve brzinske kategorije. U prvoj, najsporijoj, brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su statistički značajne razlike između sve četiri skupine igrača. Vratari su proveli najviše vremena u toj brzinskoj kategoriji, a slijedili su ih kružni napadači i krila. Statistički značajne razlike za drugu brzinsku kategoriju nisu zabilježene između skupina vanjskih igrača, krila i kružnih napadača, ali su se sve tri skupine značajno razlikovale od skupine vratara. Najveći postotak vremena provedenoga u trećoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježen je za krila i vanjske igrače (nisu se međusobno značajno razlikovali). Kružni napadači i vratari pretrčavaju kraće udaljenosti - zabilježena je statistički značajna razlika između te dvije skupine igrača i dvije ranije spomenute skupine. U četvrtoj brzinskoj kategoriji zabilježene su značajne razlike među sve četiri skupine igrača. U toj su brzinskoj kategoriji krila provela najviše vremena, slijede ih vanjski igrači i kružni napadači, dok su vratari zabilježili najniži postotak vremena kretanja tom brzinom. Statistički značajne razlike pojavile su se između sve četiri skupine igrača i s obzirom na prosječnu brzinu kretanja - najbrža su bila krila, slijede ih vanjski igrači, kružni napadači pa vratari. Rasprava i zaključci S obzirom na različita igračka mjesta u rukometu te poslove i zadatke koje igrači na tim mjestima moraju obaviti tijekom utakmice, očekivale su se razlike u ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu cikličkoga kretanja igrača na različitim pozicijama. Očekivanja su ispunjena u gotovo svim varijablama. Usporedimo li rezultate ovog istraživanja s rezultatima nekih prijašnjih istraživanja, možemo reći da smo dobili sličan doprinos pojedinih brzinskih kategorija ukupno prevaljenim udaljenostima u rukometnoj utakmici (Campbel, 1985; Al-Lail, 1996; Bon, 2001). Dobivene su i slične razlike među skupinama igrača na različitim igračkim mjestima s obzirom na ukupno pretrčane i prehodane udaljenosti (Cuesta, 1988; Bon, 2001). S aspekta cikličkih opterećenja u rukometu, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata, mogli bismo trenerima dati neke preporuke za fizičku pripremu rukometaša. Najmanje 3-4% ukupnog vremena pojedinog treninga (od 90 do 120 minuta) za vanjske igrače, kružne napadače i krila trebalo bi posvetiti vježbama trčanja maksimalnom brzinom, a najmanje 10-14% vježbama trčanja srednjim intenzitetom. S gledišta cikličkih aktivnosti, preostalo vrijeme može se provesti u vježbama trčanja niskim intenzitetom ili u hodanju i stajanju. Naravno, opći plan i program treninga poklanja naročitu pozornost opterećenjima koja proizlaze iz trčanja maksimalnim intenzitetom i povezuje ih s treninzima i vježbama i drugih usmjerenja. Međutim, čini se kako u suvremenom rukometu, koji je bitno određen promjenama pravila igre, ostaje sve manje prostora za rad niskog intenziteta. Trenažni programi moraju uključivati sve više visokointenzivnih aktivnosti i cikličkog i acikličkog tipa. Valja smanjiti opseg manje intenzivnih cikličkih aktivnosti i koristiti ih kao relativan predah. Taj pristup treningu nešto je drugačiji u treningu vratara. U usporedbi s igračima na drugim igračkim mjestima, vratari na utakmici izvode vrlo malo cikličkih aktivnosti.. Stoga bi bilo racionalnije da se u trening vratara uvede više acikličkih specifičnih vježbi, svojstvenih njihovoj natjecateljskoj aktivnosti, a smanji opseg cikličkih aktivnosti.Diese Studie hatte als Ziel, die Unterschiede im Umfang und in der Intensität bei den zyklischen Bewegungen zu bestimmen, die für die an verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Handballspieler charakteristisch sind, bzw. für die Rückraumspieler, die Flügel, die Kreisspieler und die Torhüter. Zu diesem Zweck wurden sechs Testspiele (2x20Min) der slowenischen männlichen Handballmannschaften (Kadetten, Junioren und Senioren) analysiert. 84 Handballspieler aus zwölf Mannschaften nahmen an dieser Forschung teil (das Durchschnittsalter 20,26±4,28 Jahre; die Durchschnittshöhe 182,51±6,59cm; das durchschnittliche Körpergewicht 80,61±10,37kg). Sie wurden in vier weitere Gruppen eingeteilt gemäß der Spielposition. Die Daten über die zyklische Belastungen der Spieler im Handballspiel wurden mit einer computergestützten automatischen Tracking Methode gesammelt bzw. mit SAGIT System, das auf Computer-visuellen Methoden basiert. Die mit SAGIT Programm erhaltenen Ergebnisse der zyklischen Bewegungen wurden mittels der ausgewählten Methoden der deskriptiven Statistik in Excel und SPSS Programmen verarbeitet. Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede sind zwischen auf verschiedenen Spielpositionen spielenden Spielern bemerkbar, in Bezug auf die durchschnittliche Entfernung, über die ein Spieler während des Spiels gegangen oder gelaufen ist (Umfang). Die größte Entfernung legten die Flügel (3855m) zurück, dann die Rückraumspieler (3432m) und die Kreisspieler (3234m), während die Torhüter am wenigsten liefen (1753m). Die Unterschiede waren auch in der Intensität der zyklischen Bewegungen zu erkennen, d.h. im Prozent der verbrauchten Zeit in allen Geschwindigkeitsklassen. In der ersten Geschwindigkeitsklasse statistisch bemerkenswerte Unterschiede kamen in allen Gruppen auf - die Torhüter verbrauchten die meiste Zeit (86%), dann die Kreisspieler (62%) und die Flügel. Es gab keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede in der zweiten Geschwindigkeitsklasse zwischen den Torhütern, den Kreisspielern und den Flügeln; alle drei Gruppen aber unterschieden sich von den Torhütern (11%). In der dritten Geschwindigkeitsgruppe verbrauchten prozentual die Flügel (14%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (14%). Trotzdem gab es keine statistisch bedeutenden Unterschiede zwischen ihnen. Die Kreisspieler (10%) und Torhüter (2%) verbrauchten nicht viel Zeit in der dritten Geschwindigkeitsklasse, so dass statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede für die letzten zwei und die oben genannten Gruppen auch hier gelten. In der vierten Gruppe sind Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen festzustellen. In dieser Geschwindigkeitsklasse verbrauchten die Flügel (4%) das größte Zeitquantum, dann die Rückraumspieler (3%), die Kreisspieler (2%) und die Torhüter (0.5%). Statistisch bedeutende Unterschiede zwischen allen Spielergruppen sind bei mittlerer Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu merken - die Flügel waren am schnellsten (1,60m/s), dann die Rückraumspieler (1,43m/s), die Kreisspieler (1,34m/s) und die Torhüter(0,73m/ s)

    Analysis of load and players’ effort in 4 vs 4 small-sided handball games in relation to court dimensions

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    The aim of the present study was to analyse load to which players were exposed to and effort they invested in 4vs4 small-sided handball games in relation to various court dimensions. Eight male amateur handball players participated in three eight-minute 4vs4 (plus goalkeepers) small-sided handball games. The three court dimensions were 12×24 m, 30×15 m and 32×16 m. Using Global Positioning System devices (SPI pro elite 15hz, GPSports), time-motion video analysis, and Borg’s scale for rating of perceived exertion (RPE), the following performance, physiological and psychological parameters were recorded: cyclic movements for distance covered, acyclic movements for the number of technical actions executed, heart rate, and RPE. Total distance travelled increased with the increase in court size (948.1±64.5, 1087.2±92.0 and 1079.8±90.6 on the 24×12 m, 30×15 m and 32×16 m court, respectively; p<.05). Distance covered by the players in four speed zones revealed the substantial difference between the games played on the 24×12 and 30×15m court in the first and third (p<.05; moderate ES) speed zone. On the 24×12 m court players covered more distance while moving in the first speed zone, but less distance when moving in the third speed zone (p<.05; moderate ES). On the 32×16 m court the players covered less distance while moving in the first speed zone, but they covered more distance by moving in the third speed zone (p<.05; moderate ES). There were no substantial differences found for the second and fourth speed zone cyclic movements and distances covered on all the three experimental court sizes. No statistical differences between the games played on various court dimensions were found in acyclic movements. No statistical differences were found in the analysis of heart rate. Further analysis of players’ self-evaluated effort confirmed the trend of heart rate values, showing no statistical differences in the RPE values among the three different court dimensions. Our findings indicate that changing court dimensions during 4vs4 small-sided handball games could influence load imposed on the players and their exertion

    Predicting the survival probability of functional neuroendocrine tumors treated with peptide receptor radionuclide therapy: Serbian experience

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    IntroductionPeptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is a treatment option for well-differentiated, somatostatin receptor positive, unresectable or/and metastatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Although high disease control rates seen with PRRT a significant number NET patients have a short progression-free interval, and currently, there is a deficiency of effective biomarkers to pre-identify these patients. This study is aimed at determining the prognostic significance of biomarkers on survival of patients with NETs in initial PRRT treatment.MethodologyWe retrospectively analyzed 51 patients with NETs treated with PRRT at the Department for nuclear medicine, University Clinical Center Kragujevac, Serbia, with a five-year follow-up. Eligible patients with confirmed inoperable NETs, were retrospectively evaluated hematological, blood-based inflammatory markers, biochemical markers and clinical characteristics on disease progression. In accordance with the progression og the disease, the patients were divided into two groups: progression group (n=18) and a non-progression group (n=33). Clinical data were compared between the two groups.ResultsA total of 51 patients (Md=60, age 25-75 years) were treated with PRRT, of whom 29 (56.86%) demonstrated stable disease, 4 (7.84%) demonstrated a partial response, and 14 (27.46%) demonstrated progressive disease and death was recorded in 4 (7.84%) patients. The mean PFS was a 36.22 months (95% CI 30.14-42.29) and the mean OS was 44.68 months (95% CI 37.40-51.97). Univariate logistic regression analysis displayed that age (p&lt;0.05), functional tumors (p&lt;0.05), absolute neutrophil count (p&lt;0.05), neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio-NLR (p&lt;0.05), C-reactive protein-CRP (p&lt;0.05), CRP/Albumin (p&lt;0.05), alanine aminotransferase-ALT (p&lt;0.05), were risk factors for disease progression. Multivariate logistic regression analysis exhibited that functional tumors (p&lt;0.001), age (p&lt;0.05), CRP (p&lt;0.05), and ALT (p&lt;0.05), were independent risk factors for the disease progression in patients with NETs. Tumor functionality was the most powerful prognostic factor. The median PFS (11.86 ± 1.41 vs. 43.38 ± 3.16 months; p=0.001) and OS (21.81 ± 2.70 vs 53.86 ± 3.70, p=0.001) were significantly shorter in patients with functional than non-functional NETs respectively.ConclusionThe study’s results suggest that tumor functionality, and certain biomarkers may serve as prognostic survival indicators for patients with NETs undergoing PRRT. The findings can potentially help to identify patients who are at higher risk of disease progression and tailor treatment strategies accordingly

    Antimicrobial Treatment of <i>Serratia marcescens</i> Invasive Infections: Systematic Review

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    Background: Serratia marcescens (SM) is a Gram-negative pathogen discovered by Italian pharmacist, Bizio, in 1819. According to the literature, S. marcescens is resistant to a wide range of antibiotics, including penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, macrolide, nitrofurantoin, and colistin. We conducted a systematic review of published reports, determined what invasive infections could cause SM, and established the most appropriate antibiotic therapy. Methods: We registered this systematic review on the PROSPERO registry of systematic reviews–meta-analyses before we started our research (registration number CRD42022323159). The online searches of published studies were implemented via MEDLINE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EBSCO, Scopus, Google Scholar, SCIndex, and the registry of clinical studies of human participants (ClinicalTrials.gov). Results: Our study included 32 published articles (9 case series and 23 case reports). There were 57 individual cases, respectively. The oldest patient was 97 years and the youngest patient was a newborn. S. marcescens was, in most cases, isolated from blood followed by urine and cerebrospinal fluid. In most cases, sensitivity was tested to cotrimoxazole (from 27 isolates, 10 showed resistance) followed by gentamicin (from 26 isolates, 3 showed resistance) as well as amikacin (from 21 isolates, none showed resistance). Patients died from an infection in 21 cases (31%). Conclusions: Treatment of SM infections should include carbapenems or aminoglycosides in combination with third-generation (and eventually fourth-generation) cephalosporin. Cotrimoxazole should be considered in cases of uncomplicated urinary infections

    Implementation of the Baveno Classification in Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Its Correlation with Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

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    Background and Objectives: The Baveno classification represents a new approach to the assessment of the severity of OSA (Obstructive sleep apnea), which takes significant comorbidities into account: atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension, heart failure, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and OSA symptoms expressed through the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). The authors believe that the Baveno classification facilitates a better stratification of patients with OSA and can be a good guide for deciding on the therapeutic approach and clinical monitoring of patients with OSA, compared to the AHI (apnea-hypopnea index) itself. The aim of this paper is to confirm the advantage of applying the Baveno classification to the evaluation of symptoms of anxiety and depression in the OSA patients compared to the application of the AHI as a single parameter. Materials and Methods: This research represents an observational retrospective study that was performed at the Pulmonology Clinic of the University Clinical Center in Kragujevac, Serbia. The study sample included 104 patients with diagnosed OSA. Patients were divided into four categories retrogradely according to the Baveno classification (A, B, C, and D). Statistical data processing was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.0 program. Results: In our study, we proved that the Baveno classification is better at predicting the depressive disorder in OSA patients compared to the AHI itself, according to abnormal BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory) score (value greater than ten) and HADS-D (Hospital anxiety and depression) scale (value greater than eight). The average AHI in the entire group of examined patients was 44.3 ± 19.8, while in category A the average AHI was 25.2 ± 10, in category B, 53.4 ± 20.6; in category C, 38.2 ± 18.5; and in category D, 48.1 ± 19.2. In the total sample, AHI did not correlate with the depressive episodes, but individually, the highest frequency of the depressive symptoms was precisely in the categories with the highest AHI (group D and B), where more than half of the subjects had an abnormal score. The frequency of the anxiety disorder (HADS-A) between the analyzed groups did not differ significantly, although the largest number of patients with significant anxiety were in category B, according to the Baveno classification. Conclusions: We proved that the Baveno classification is applicable in real life, and it is better at evaluating anxiety and depression using questionnaires and can identify new patients who need CPAP therapy, independently of other OSAS symptoms, primarily daytime sleepiness

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators – Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this year’s conference is the “Integrative Power of Kinesiology“. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name “kinesiology” in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This year’s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators – Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this year’s conference is the “Integrative Power of Kinesiology“. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name “kinesiology” in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This year’s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014