15 research outputs found

    Combination of autologous bone, xenograft with hyaluronate and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in horizontal bone augmentation and sinus lift

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    Sufficient bone volume is important to allow proper implants installation and survival. The aim of this case report was to observe a combination of autologous bone, xenograft with hyaluronate and Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in horizontal bone augmentation and sinus lift. Upon re-entry after 8 months, a stable new bone volume was recorded, and implants were successful installed. Then 4 months later, sufficient implants stability, bone volume and xenograft granules osteointegration into newly formed bone was recorded

    On the interaction of an anticancer trisubstituted naphthalene diimide with G-quadruplexes of different topologies: a structural insight

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    Naphthalene diimides showed significant anticancer activity in animal models, with therapeutic potential related to their ability to strongly interact with G-quadruplexes. Recently, a trifunctionalized naphthalene diimide, named NDI-5, was identified as the best analogue of a mini-library of novel naphthalene diimides for its high G-quadruplex binding affinity along with marked, selective anticancer activity, emerging as promising candidate drug for in vivo studies. Here we used NMR, dynamic light scattering, circular dichroism and fluorescence analyses to investigate the interactions of NDI-5 with G-quadruplexes featuring either parallel or hybrid topology. Interplay of different binding modes of NDI-5 to G-quadruplexes was observed for both parallel and hybrid topologies, with end-stacking always operative as the predominant binding event. While NDI-5 primarily targets the 5′-end quartet of the hybrid G-quadruplex model (m-tel24), the binding to a parallel G-quadruplex model (M2) occurs seemingly simultaneously at the 5′- and 3′-end quartets. With parallel G-quadruplex M2, NDI-5 formed stable complexes with 1:3 DNA:ligand binding stoichiometry. Conversely, when interacting with hybrid G-quadruplex m-tel24, NDI-5 showed multiple binding poses on a single G-quadruplex unit and/or formed different complexes comprising two or more G-quadruplex units. NDI-5 produced stabilizing effects on both G-quadruplexes, forming complexes with dissociation constants in the nM range

    Conceptual design of wastewater and stormwater drainage in the Klisa settlement in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Živimo v obdobju, v katerem človekove dejavnosti močno vplivajo na vsak del narave. Voda je del narave, in kot vemo, je pogoj za preživetje človeka. Rečni tokovi so se v zadnjih 10 letih pomembno spremenili, z izrazitimi obdobji suše in poplav. V različnih delih sveta, kot sta Afrika in Azija, so se pojavili meddržavni konflikti zaradi vodnih virov. Jasno je, da ima voda nacionalni pomen za vsako državo. Glavni cilj te magistrske naloge je zaščita reke Une in izboljšanje kakovosti vode. Magistrska naloga se ukvarja z izdelavo idejno rešitve odvajanja odpadnih voda in padavinskih vod iz naselja Klisa, ki se nahaja v Bosni in Hercegovini. Samo naselje Klisa leži v strogem zaščitenem območju Nacionalnega parka Una. Poleg naselja Klisa teče reka Una, ki ima po zakonu o zaščiti nacionalnega parka status kopalne vode. V sami magistrski nalogi sta razviti dve možni rešitvi odvajanja odpadne vode. Problematika je najprej teoretično obrazložena, nato so navedene vse specifikacije problema in na koncu je, v skladu z obstoječo zakonodajo, izvedena tehnično-ekonomska analiza. Pri tem so uporabljena različna programska orodja, kot so CIVIL 3D, QGIS, EXCEL itd. S tem je bilo dokazano, da bo z izgradnjo kanalizacije ta projekt prispeval k zaščiti vode reke Une na tem območju.We live in an era where human activities strongly influence every aspect of nature. Water is a part of nature and, as we know, a necessity for human survival. River flows have significantly changed in the last 10 years, with pronounced periods of drought and floods. In various parts of the world, such as Africa and Asia, interstate conflicts have arisen due to water resources. Water has a national significance for every country. The main goal of this master\u27s thesis is the protection of the Una River and the improvement of water quality. This master\u27s thesis deals with the development of a conceptual solution for the drainage of wastewater and rainwater from the settlement of Klisa, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Klisa settlement itself is situated within the strictly protected area of the Una National Park. Additionally, the Una River flows next to the Klisa settlement, which, according to the law on the protection of the national park, holds the status of protected water. Within the master\u27s thesis, two possible solutions to the wastewater drainage problem are developed. The issues are first theoretically explained, followed by the specifications of the problem, and finally, a technical-economic analysis is carried out. Various software tools such as CIVIL 3D, QGIS, EXCEL, etc., were used in the process. This demonstrates that with the construction of the sewage system, this project will contribute to the protection of the Una River water in this area

    Chasing Particularities of Guanine- and Cytosine-Rich DNA Strands

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    By substitution of natural nucleotides by their abasic analogs (i.e., 1′,2′-dideoxyribose phosphate residue) at critically chosen positions within 27-bp DNA constructs originating from the first intron of N-myc gene, we hindered hybridization within the guanine- and cytosine-rich central region and followed formation of non-canonical structures. The impeded hybridization between the complementary strands leads to time-dependent structural transformations of guanine-rich strand that are herein characterized with the use of solution-state NMR, CD spectroscopy, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Moreover, the DNA structural changes involve transformation of intra- into inter-molecular G-quadruplex structures that are thermodynamically favored. Intriguingly, the transition occurs in the presence of complementary cytosine-rich strands highlighting the inability of Watson–Crick base-pairing to preclude the transformation between G-quadruplex structures that occurs via intertwining mechanism and corroborates a role of G-quadruplex structures in DNA recombination processes

    Assessing Roles of Cations in G‑Quadruplex-Based Nanowires by NMR

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    G-quadruplexes are uncanonical DNA structures exhibiting promising characteristics for designing DNA-based nanomaterial and nanodevices. The present NMR study addresses the role of cations, the requiring factor for G-quadruplex formation, in long G-quadruplexes. We investigated d­(TG<sub>8</sub>T)<sub>4</sub> and its interactions with <sup>15</sup>NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> ions, which provided insights into cation localization within a model of G-quadruplex-based nanowire exhibiting eight stacked G-quartets. All interquartet cavities along the central channel were completely occupied by cations. Determined cation exchange rates demonstrated that <sup>15</sup>NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> ions move faster from the binding site between two G-quartets, both composed of all guanine residues in an anti-glycosidic conformation with respect to the binding site between all-syn/all-anti G-quartets. These results not only extend previous findings from calculated models of long G-quadruplexes and experimental studies on shorter G-quadruplexes but also establish correlation of kinetics of cation movement with the mode of G-quartet stacking, a potentially valuable relation for understanding G-quadruplex-type specific electronic properties

    Wear of hydraulic pump with real particles and medium test dust

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    In this study, long-term tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of wear particles and test dust on the degradation of external gear pump performance. The results of the hydraulic measurement showed that the hydraulic pump tested with wear particles can operate for 624 h with a cleanliness level of 22/21/19 according to the standard ISO 4406. The pump tested with test dust failed after 5.3 min of operation at a cleanliness level of 21/21/21. Thus, accelerated testing of gear pumps can be performed with a reasonable amount of added test dust, which can significantly reduce the time and cost of long-term testing of hydraulic pumps. Wear measurements of volume loss and estimated wear coefficient confirmed the influence of the worn surfaces of the tested pumps on the measured leakage flow. It has been shown that medium test dust effectively accelerate long-term tests of hydraulic gear pumps

    Comparison of hydraulic, pneumatic and electric linear actuation systems

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    Diferent applications or industries use diferent systems for linear actuation, such as hydraulic, pneumatic or electric. Electric systems are becoming increasingly popular and are already replacing hydraulic systems in various applications. These are known to be potentially harmful to the environment, as large amounts of fuid can be released into the environment in the event of a pipe burst or other accident. This paper presents the results of a comparison between hydraulic, pneumatic and electric systems under variable conditions but with similar loads in all three systems. The common feature of all three systems is the input power, which was limited to 1.1 kW. There was no hydraulic accumulator in the hydraulic system and no pressure vessel in the pneumatic system, so no stored energy could infuence the system behaviour or results. The main diference between the systems studied was the profle of displacement and power consumption. The most consistent response and lowest power consumption were obtained with the electric system, although both hydraulic and pneumatic systems can achieve consistent response with some modifcations

    Unique Structural Features of Interconverting Monomeric and Dimeric G-Quadruplexes Adopted by a Sequence from the Intron of the N-myc Gene

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    A multidimensional heteronuclear NMR study has demonstrated that a guanine-rich DNA oligonucleotide originating from the N-myc gene folds into G-quadruplex structures in the presence of K<sup>+</sup>, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, and Na<sup>+</sup> ions. A monomeric G-quadruplex formed in K<sup>+</sup> ion containing solution exhibits three G-quartets and flexible propeller-type loops. The 3D structure with three single nucleotide loops represents a missing element in structures of parallel G-quadruplexes. The structural features together with the high temperature stability are suggestive of the specific biological role of G-quadruplex formation within the intron of the N-myc gene. An increase in K<sup>+</sup> ion and oligonucleotide concentrations resulted in transformation of the monomeric G-quadruplex into a dimeric form. The dimeric G-quadruplex exhibits six stacked G-quartets, parallel strand orientations, and propeller-type loops. A link between the third and the fourth G-quartets consists of two adenine residues that are flipped out to facilitate consecutive stacking of six G-quartets