69 research outputs found

    Alveolar ridge augmentation using xenogenic bone graft and resorbable membrane

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    Bone resorption follows tooth loss and occurs in all three dimensions. Especially in the anterior region of the alveolar ridge, it can be a significant problem. Nevertheless, bone has a significant ability for regeneration due to the dynamic balance of osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity. Therefore, many different biomaterials and procedures are being used in bone augmentation with the aim to restore lost tissue and function

    Hazards of swimming in open water

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    Opasnosti kupanja u prirodi su sve važniji javnozdravstveni problem jer se sve viÅ”e ljudi rekreira na taj način zbog mnogobrojnih pozitivnih učinaka kupanja na zdravlje ljudi. Zbog činjenice da je većina patoloÅ”kih zdravstvenih stanja stečenih aktivnostima vezanim uz vode u prirodi preventabilna, zaslužuju svu pažnju javnozdravstvenih djelatnika i ustanova, pogotovo u zemljama u kojima postoji razvijenija turistička infrastruktura uz vode u prirodi, a među takve se može ubrojiti i Hrvatska. Opasnosti su podijeljene po etioloÅ”kim čimbenicima. Od fizičkih ozljeda, svakako treba izdvojiti utapanje i ozljede kralježnice koje često zavrÅ”avaju smrću ili teÅ”kim poremećajima zdravlja. Ozljede uzrokovane hladnoćom, toplinom i ultraljubičastim zračenjem, među kojima su ove posljednje najopasnije jer nisu samo akutnog djelovanja, i samim time ne dobivaju toliko pažnje od ljudi pod rizikom, već dugogodiÅ”njim izlaganjem na koncu dovode do nastajanja karcinoma kože. Opisan je utjecaj fekalnog zagađenja vode na zdravlje ljudi. Utvrđeni su i slobodni mikroorganizmi kao uzročnici bolesti, a odvajamo alge i cijanobakterije od bakterija i virusa u zasebno poglavlje. Trovanja hranom koja potječe iz voda nisu obuhvaćena ovim diplomskim radom. Za kraj se bavimo kemijskim iritansima i zagađivačima voda te opasnim morskim organizmima kod kojih je fokus stavljen na one prisutne u Jadranskom moru i slatkim vodama Hrvatske.Hazards of swimming in open waters are a growing public health problem because of the growing number of people spending their time in water-related activities, which are known mostly for ther positive impact on human health. Most of the diseases acquired during waterrelated activities are preventable, and by that, they deserve full attention of the public medical staff and facilities, especially in countries that have a developed touristic infrastructure near the seas, lakes, rivers etc., and Croatia is for sure one of those countries. The hazards are divided depending on the etiological factors. Physical injuries cause many diseases, upon them the most hazardous being drowning and spina! cord injuries, which can result in death or other severe health outcomes. Health disorders caused by heat, cold and sun radiation exposure, the last of them being the most dangerous, because it does not only cause acute ilnesses, but after a repeated Jong lasting exposure they can lead to carcinoma of the skin. Faecal pollution and it' s impact on human health is also described. Free microorganisms are being analyzed as causes of diseases, and algae and cyanobacteria are divided from other microorganisms. Seafood poisonings are not part of this paper. In the end, the chemical and physical agents and dangerous aquatic organisms are being described as causes of diseases, and in the dangerous aquatic organisms chapter, the focus is set on those living in the Adriatic sea and Croatian freshwater

    Hazards of swimming in open water

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    Opasnosti kupanja u prirodi su sve važniji javnozdravstveni problem jer se sve viÅ”e ljudi rekreira na taj način zbog mnogobrojnih pozitivnih učinaka kupanja na zdravlje ljudi. Zbog činjenice da je većina patoloÅ”kih zdravstvenih stanja stečenih aktivnostima vezanim uz vode u prirodi preventabilna, zaslužuju svu pažnju javnozdravstvenih djelatnika i ustanova, pogotovo u zemljama u kojima postoji razvijenija turistička infrastruktura uz vode u prirodi, a među takve se može ubrojiti i Hrvatska. Opasnosti su podijeljene po etioloÅ”kim čimbenicima. Od fizičkih ozljeda, svakako treba izdvojiti utapanje i ozljede kralježnice koje često zavrÅ”avaju smrću ili teÅ”kim poremećajima zdravlja. Ozljede uzrokovane hladnoćom, toplinom i ultraljubičastim zračenjem, među kojima su ove posljednje najopasnije jer nisu samo akutnog djelovanja, i samim time ne dobivaju toliko pažnje od ljudi pod rizikom, već dugogodiÅ”njim izlaganjem na koncu dovode do nastajanja karcinoma kože. Opisan je utjecaj fekalnog zagađenja vode na zdravlje ljudi. Utvrđeni su i slobodni mikroorganizmi kao uzročnici bolesti, a odvajamo alge i cijanobakterije od bakterija i virusa u zasebno poglavlje. Trovanja hranom koja potječe iz voda nisu obuhvaćena ovim diplomskim radom. Za kraj se bavimo kemijskim iritansima i zagađivačima voda te opasnim morskim organizmima kod kojih je fokus stavljen na one prisutne u Jadranskom moru i slatkim vodama Hrvatske.Hazards of swimming in open waters are a growing public health problem because of the growing number of people spending their time in water-related activities, which are known mostly for ther positive impact on human health. Most of the diseases acquired during waterrelated activities are preventable, and by that, they deserve full attention of the public medical staff and facilities, especially in countries that have a developed touristic infrastructure near the seas, lakes, rivers etc., and Croatia is for sure one of those countries. The hazards are divided depending on the etiological factors. Physical injuries cause many diseases, upon them the most hazardous being drowning and spina! cord injuries, which can result in death or other severe health outcomes. Health disorders caused by heat, cold and sun radiation exposure, the last of them being the most dangerous, because it does not only cause acute ilnesses, but after a repeated Jong lasting exposure they can lead to carcinoma of the skin. Faecal pollution and it' s impact on human health is also described. Free microorganisms are being analyzed as causes of diseases, and algae and cyanobacteria are divided from other microorganisms. Seafood poisonings are not part of this paper. In the end, the chemical and physical agents and dangerous aquatic organisms are being described as causes of diseases, and in the dangerous aquatic organisms chapter, the focus is set on those living in the Adriatic sea and Croatian freshwater

    Kosovo and Metohija or the European Union ā€’ a rhetorical dilemma in the Serbian political discourse

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    As the loss of Kosovo has been de facto re-inflicted in recent years, the question should be raised as to how great an influence the Kosovo myth wields today. It is particularly interesting to consider the issue in the context of European integration and the fact that recognition of Kosovo and Metohijaā€™s self-proclaimed independence is usually stated as an essential condition and a key obstacle to Serbiaā€™s accession to the EU. It is an undisputable fact that Kosovo and Metohija and the Kosovo myth are a part of culture, history, religion, and folklore of Serbian people, and it is without doubt difficult to renounce all that, even if personal and collective prosperity is offered in lieu of it, which is deemed by a certain portion of the Serbian public to come as a result of the accession to the EU. The aim of this paper is to establish which portion of public opinion is willing to make such a sacrifice in relation to the current attempts at resolution of the Kosovo question. It is the authorsā€™ ambition to answer the following question: To what extent does the position on the status of Kosovo and Metohija influence the public opinion on Serbiaā€™s membership in the European Union? With an intention of answering the research question the authors rely on the data acquired through empirical-quantitative study The Notions of the EU and Russia in the Serbian Public 2018, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade, where a structured on-line questionnaire was used as a means of data collection. The study results clearly indicate the popular support for Serbiaā€™s accession to the EU while at the same time the method of resolution of the Kosovo question deeply impacts the public opinion on Serbiaā€™s membership in the EU. A conclusion can be drawn that, if the public is presented with the choice between Kosovo and the EU, the certainty of citizens opting for the EU will rapidly decline

    Monitoring SOA Applications with SOOM Tools: A Competitive Analysis

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    Background: Monitoring systems decouple monitoring functionality from application and infrastructure layers and provide a set of tools that can invoke operations on the application to be monitored. Objectives: Our monitoring system is a powerful yet agile solution that is able to online observe and manipulate SOA (Service-oriented Architecture) applications. The basic monitoring functionality is implemented via lightweight components inserted into SOA frameworks thereby keeping the monitoring impact minimal. Methods/Approach: Our solution is software that hides the complexity of SOA applications being monitored via an architecture where its designated components deal with specific SOA aspects such as distribution and communication. Results: We implement an application-level and end-to-end monitoring with the end user experience in focus. Our tools are connected to a single monitoring system which provides consistent operations, resolves concurrent requests, and abstracts away the underlying mechanisms that cater for the SOA paradigm. Conclusions: Due to its flexible architecture and design our monitoring tools are capable of monitoring SOA application in Cloud environments without significant modifications. In comparisons with related systems we proved that our agile approaches are the areas where our monitoring system excels

    Novo nalaziŔte vrste Degenia velebitica (Degen) Hayek (Brassicaceae) u Hrvatskoj

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    In this short communication the authors present information about a new locality for the endemic species Degenia velebitica (Degen) Hayek. The new locality was found a few kilometres above Sibinj, on the sides of the hill Veliki vrh, between Veliki vrh and TomiÅ”ina draga. This region belongs to the Croatian littoral. This new locality establishes the fact that Degenia velebitica (Degen) Hayek does not grow only on Velebit mountain, as considered till now.U ovom kratkom priopćenju govori se o novom nalaziÅ”tu endemične vrste Degenia velebitica (Degen) Hayek. Novo nalaziÅ”te se nalazi nekoliko kilometara iznad Sibinja, na padinama Velikog vrha, između Velikog vrha i TomiÅ”ine drage. To područje geografski pripada Hrvatskom primorju. Novi nalaz pokazuje da Degenia velebitica (Degen) Hayek ne raste samo na Velebitu kako se smatralo dosad

    Importance of Oral Hygiene and Maintaining Oral Health in Persons With Disabilities

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    This paper aims to approximate and facilitate the routine of daily oral hygiene for persons with disabilities, as well as to emphasize the importance of educating persons with disabilities and their caregivers about oral health as an essential part of overall health. Desk research of electronic databases was conducted with the aim of writing this paper, using the following keywords: ā€˜oral hygieneā€™, ā€˜dental plaqueā€™, ā€˜oral healthā€™ and ā€˜persons with disabilitiesā€™. Literature research has shown that persons with disabilities have poor oral hygiene, as well as that there is a lack of education among them and their caregivers about the importance of oral health and proper oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can affect a personā€™s quality of life due to discomfort during eating, bad breath, poor self-esteem, pain, and disturbed sleep, which is a result of caries or other diseases of the oral cavity. Maintaining oral health is an essential part of overall health
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