44 research outputs found
Profesori i direktori te udžbenici Primaljske Ŕkole u Zadru
Midwifery in Dalmatia was highly undeveloped at the beginning of the XIX century. The health report from 1813 suggested that there were only 48 midwives in the whole province, and none of them with a degree from the midwifery school. After abolishing the Central
Schools (āEcoles Centralesā), which were founded at the time of French reign, and which had the university range, the professors who stayed in Zadar continued their work and teaching in the Midwifery School, which was founded in 1820 according to the decision made by
Emperor Franz I, and started working in 1821.
Since the school was working continuously for the whole century, a lot of professors and principals passed through. Protomedicus of Dalmatia officially performed the duty of principals of the Midwifery School. Their life and work biographies were gathered in this paper.
Although the newcomers were mostly illiterate, very contemporary and valuable textbooks were used at that time. The professors of this school wrote some of these textbooks. This paper analyses those textbooks from the current medical science and praxis point of view, which points out to its significance and contribution of its authors to the reputation that the School enjoyed at that time.Primaljstvo je u Dalmaciji poÄetkom XIX. stoljeÄa bilo veoma nerazvijeno. Prema zdravstvenom izvjeÅ”Äu iz 1813., u cijeloj je pokrajini bilo samo 48 primalja, a nijedna nije imala diplomu Å”kole za primalje. Nakon ukidanja centralnih Å”kola, ustanovljenih u vrijeme francuske
vladavine, koje su imale rang sveuÄiliÅ”ta, profesori koji su boravili u Zadru nastavili su svoj rad i poduÄavanje u Å koli za primalje osnovanoj 1820. u skladu s odlukom cara Franje I., koja je zapoÄela raditi 1821. godine.
BuduÄi da je Å”kola radila bez prekida Äitavo stoljeÄe, u njoj je predavalo viÅ”e profesora, a protomedici Dalmacije po službenoj su dužnosti bili i ravnatelji Primaljske Å”kole. U ovom je radu prikazan njihov život, rad i doprinos medicini Dalmacije.
Iako nove uÄenice uglavnom nisu bile pismene, na raspolaganju su imale kvalitetne udžbenike. Neke od njih su napisali profesori Å kole za primalje. Ovdje su analizirani udžbenici s aspekta danaÅ”nje medicinske znanosti i prakse, Å”to upuÄuje na njihovo znaÄenje i doprinos njihovih autora ugledu koji je Å”kola uživala u to vrijeme
A short survey of midwifery and obstetrics development in the northwest part of Croatia is presented in this paper, from J.B. Lalangueās coming to Varaždin, through the founding and work of Midwifery School and National Maternity in Zagreb to the persons without whom this would not be possible or it would be quite different. Lalangue, being an expert on obstetrics, noticed in a very short period of time, all misfortune caused by incompetent work of thenās midwives, so he published the book āBrevis institutio de re obstetritia illiti kratek navuk od mestrie pupkorezne...ā, and started first midwifery courses for peasant women. Focus of this paper is on Prof. Dr Antun Lobmayer textbook analyses, and he was the first professor of midwifery, and the director of the āRoyal Midwifery Schoolā and the āNational Maternityā in Zagreb. Textbooks for midwives named āMidwifery- Learning Book for Midwivesā, had six editions over 50 years and they represent the basis of Croatian midwifery textbook literature. Prof. Dr Franjo Durst, the assistant and successor of Prof. Lobmayer completed and partially revised the last two editions.Besides the biographies of the āMidwifery Schoolā professors, an analyssis and critical review
on the mentioned textbooks is given from todayā s medicine point of view.U radu je predstavljen kratak pregled primaljstva i razvoj porodiljstva u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Hrvatske od dolaska J. B. Lalangue-a u Varaždin, preko osnivanja i rada Å kole za babice i Zemaljskog rodiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu, do osoba bez kojih taj razvoj ne bi bio moguÄ ili bi bio sasvim drugaÄiji. Lalangue, koji je bio vrstan porodniÄar, primijetio je vrlo brzo sve nesreÄe izazvane nestruÄnim radom tadaÅ”njih babica, pa je napisao i objavio knjigu ā Brevis institutio de re obstetritia illiti Kratek navuk od meÅ”trie pupkorezne...ā i zapoÄeo prve teÄajeve za seoske žene. TežiÅ”te samog rada je na analizi udžbenika Prof. dr. Anatuna Lobmayera, koji je bio prvi profesor porodiljstva i ravnatelj āKraljevske babiÄke Å”koleā i āZemaljskog rodiliÅ”taā u Zagrebu. Udžbenici za babice pod nazivom āPorodiljstvo ā UÄevna knjiga za primaljeā doživjeli su Å”est izdanja, za preko 50 godina i predstavljaju osnovu za primaljsku udžbeniÄku literaturu u Hrvatksoj. Prof. dr Franjo Durst, asistent i nasljednik Prof. dr A. Lobamyera dovrÅ”io je i dijelom revidirao posljednja dva izdanja ovog udžbenika. Pored biografija profesora āPrimaljeske Å”koleā u radu je dana analiza i kritiÄki osvrt na spomenute udžbenike s glediÅ”ta danaÅ”nje medicine
Early Christian martyrs who refused to worship the cult of Asclepius in the times of Diocletian
Pažnju teologa, povjesniÄara, arheologa, petrologa i drugih istraživaÄa veÄ stoljeÄima zaokuplja priÄa o krÅ”Äanskim muÄenicima, poznata pod nazivom āPassio Sanctorum Quattuor Coronatorumā. RijeÄ je o hagiografskom spisu iz IV. stoljeÄa koji opisuje muÄenje i smrt dvije grupe krÅ”Äana koji su odvojeno, jedni u Panoniji, drugi u Rimu, stradali u vrijeme velikih Dioklecijanovih progona, ne pristajuÄi na podnoÅ”enje žrtve antiÄkom bogu medicine Asklepiju, rimskom Eskulapu (Aesculapius). U VI. stoljeÄu bazilika na brežuljku Celiju u Rimu dobila je naziv āSS. Quattuor Coronatorumā i u nju su bile smjeÅ”tene relikvije ovih svetaca. U srednjem vijeku ti su sveci uživali veliku slavu i bile su im posveÄene mnoge crkve i kapele u Italiji, Francuskoj, Engleskoj i Belgiji. Udruženja kamenorezaca i klesara uzela su ih za svoje patrone. Postoje brojni prijepisi Pasija, koji se Äuvaju u Vatikanu, Parizu, Milanu, Veroni, Bernu i MĆ¼nchenu i koji, osim martiroloÅ”ke priÄe o njima, sadrže i brojne nejasnoÄe u pogledu njihovih imena, vremena i prostora u kojem su živjeli i radili, pretrpjeli muÄenja i bili pogubljeni. U ovoj studiji sabrani su i prikazani znaÄajniji rezultati dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja o ovom, joÅ” uvijek zagonetnom, hagiografskom problemu, a odreÄeni dogaÄaji opisani u Pasiju sagledani su i protumaÄeni s aspekta medikohistoriÄara, o Äemu do sada nije pisano niti su istraživanja bila usmjerena u tom pravcu.For centuries, theologists, historians, archaeologists, petrologists, and others had been nown as Passio Sanctorum Quattuor Coronatorum. It is a hagiographic manuscript from the 4th century which describes the martyrdom and death of two separate groups of Christians who suffered Diocletianās persecution. One group lived in Pannonia and the other in Rome. They refused to offer sacrifice to the ancient god of medicine Asclepius Roman Aesculapius. In the 6th century, their relics were kept in a basilica on the Coelian Hill in Rome, named after four saint martyrs Ss. Quattuor Coronatorum. In the Middle Ages, these saints enjoyed great glory, and many churches and chapels were dedicated to them in Italy, France, England, and Belgium. Guilds of stone workers and stone cutters took them for patrons. There are many copies of the Passio, which are kept in Vatican, Paris, Milan, Verona, Bern, and Munich. Beside the martyrdom story, these copies speak about inconsistencies related to the saintsā names and place and time of the events described in the story. Our study brings together the most important findings made so far about this hagiographic mystery. Certain events described in the Passio are interpreted from the medico-historical aspect, which is a new approach to the subject
U radu je dan prikaz prvog originalnog dokumenta o roÄenju spojenih blizanaca na teritoriju danaÅ”nje Vojvodine. Dokument pod brojem 1224 sastoji se od dva rukopisna arka. Na prvoj strani prvog arka nalazi se opis i crtež poroÄenih blizanaca. Nacrtao ih je i opisao dr Ernest FurjakoviÄ, pokrajinski lijeÄnik u Rumi i sekundarni fizikus Sremske županije, koji je prisustvovao i rukovodio poroÄajem. PoroÄaj se dogodio u noÄi izmeÄu 2. i 3. travnja 1852. godine u Malim Radincima, malom selu u Sremskoj županiji, nedaleko od Rume, na krajnjem jugu HabsburÅ”ke monarhije. Blizance je, konzervirane u alkoholu, poslao profesoru anatomije u PeÅ”ti, āza potrebe medicinske znanostiā, kako je u izvjeÅ”taju naveo. Drugi arak istog dokumenta odnosi se na potvrdu da je tadaÅ”nji Komesarijat u Rumi proslijedio doktorov izvjeÅ”taj Visokoj Zemaljskoj Vladi u TemiÅ”varu.
U uvodnom dijelu rada autori su iznijeli do sada poznate podatke o pojavi spojenih blizanaca u svijetu, koji su koriÅ”teni radi usporeÄivanja s prikazanim sluÄajem. Podaci se odnose na uÄestalost pojave spojenih blizanaca u populaciji, postojeÄe teorije o njihovom nastanku u toku embriogeneze, njihovu klasifikaciju, postupak u sluÄajevima dijagnosticirane trudnoÄe sa spojenim blizancima i naÄinu njihovog poroÄaja. TakoÄer se odnose na postupke suvremene dijagnostike, na moguÄnosti njihovog kirurÅ”kog razdvajanja i etiÄka pitanja koja ono sa sobom nosi.
Slijedi segment rada koji je posveÄen analizi prikazanog dokumenta, kao i usporeÄenju nekolicine sluÄajeva najznaÄajnijih spojenih blizanaca u svijetu sa sluÄajem spojenih blizanaca iz Srema, kako su ih autori rada nazvali. Autori su prikazali i kratku biografiju lijeÄnika koji je blizance porodio. Na koncu zakljuÄuju da je ovim radom dat prvi prikaz dokumenta o roÄenju prvih do danas poznatih spojenih blizanaca na teritoriju danaÅ”nje Vojvodine.In this paper is presented the first original document of the delivery of conjoined twins on the territory of the present-day Vojvodina. The document number 1224 consists of two handwritten quires. On the first page of the first quire are a description and a drawing of the delivered twins. The delivery was described and drawn by Dr. Ernest FurjakoviÄ, a shire physician in Ruma and the secondary physicus of the Srem County, who attended and handled the delivery. The conjoined twins were delivered in the night between 2 and 3 April 1852 in Mali Radinci, a small village in the Srem County nearby Ruma, in the far south of the Habsburg Monarchy. The twins, preserved in alcohol, were sent to Budapest to the professor of anatomy āfor the purposes of medical scienceā, as he wrote in the report. The second quire of the same document refers to the proof that the Commissariat in Ruma forwarded the doctorās report to the High Land Government in Timisoara.
In the introduction, the authors displayed the known facts on the occurrence of conjoined twins in the world, which were used to compare with the described case. The data refer to the incidence of conjoined twins in the population, theory of its embryonic origin, their classification, treatment in cases of diagnosed pregnancy and the manner of their delivery. They also refer to the procedures of modern diagnostics, the possibilities of their surgical disjoin and related ethical questions.
After that comes a part of the work dedicated to the analysis of the shown document, and the comparison of the several cases of the most significant conjoined twins in the world with these from Srem, as the authors named them. The authors showed short biography of the physician who delivered them, as well. At the end, they conclude that this work gives the first description of document of the delivery of the first known conjoined twins on the territory of the present-day Vojvodina
Ekonomski efekti navodnjavanja i Äubrenja u proizvodnji Å”eÄerne repe
The research of production and economic effects of irrigation to the sugarbeet and sugar growth per hectare was carried out on the carbonate humus of favourable water-physical and chemical characteristics on the location of Rimski Å anÄevi during the period from 2004 to 2006. The experiment was set according to the method of the Split-plot system being done in four repetitions with the usage of raindrop irrigation. During the experiment there were kept humidity soil treatments from 60 to 65% and the field water capacity (FWC) of 75-80% with a controlling variant being included. The realized profit per hectare during irrigation is 1607 /ha i veÄi je u proseku za 17,6% od proizvodnje u kontroli. EkonomiÄnost pokazuje da se na jedinicu uloženog kapitala ostvauje u navodnjavanju 1, 49 jedinica prihoda ili viÅ”e za 4,2% u odnosu na proizvodnju bez navodnjavanja. Rentabilnost merena iz odnosa profita i prihoda iznosi u navodnjavanju 32,8% i veÄa je za 6,8% od proizvodnje u kontroli. Pokazatelj produktivnosti govori da se za jednu proizvedenu tonu Å”eÄerne repe u navodnjavanju proseÄno toÅ”i 1,28 Äasova ukupnog rada ili proizvodi Å”eÄerne repe 0,783 t/ Äasu rada
Attitudes of Consumers from University of Novi Sad toward Advertising through Sport among the Question how Often they Participate in Sports Activities
This research was aimed at gaining relevant knowledge about the attitudes of University of Novi Sad consumers toward advertising through sport among the question how often they participate in sports activities. The sample included 168 students from Faculti of Sporth and Physical Education in Novi Sad, divided into six subsample groups: consumers who do not participate in sport activities at all, then consumers who participate in sport activities less than ones a month, next 1ā4 a month, 5ā10 a month, 11ā20 a month, as well as consumers participate in sport activities more than 20 times a month. The sample of variables contained the system of three general attitudes which were modelled by seven-point Likert scale. The results of the measuring were analyzed by multivariate analysis (MANOVA) and univariate analysis (ANOVA) and Post Hoc test. Based on the statistical analyses it was found that significant differences occur at multivariate level, as well as between all three variables at a significance level of p=.000. Hence, it is interesting to highlight that it was found there are significant differences showed up between the consumers who participate in various sports activities. The significant differences were found in one of three variables, while the consumers who participate less than 4 times a moths had much more negative attitudes toward advertising though sport
Greater Power but Not Strength Gains Using Flywheel Versus Equivolumed Traditional Strength Training in Junior Basketball Players
The main aim of the present study was to compare the effects of flywheel strength training and traditional strength training on fitness attributes. Thirty-six well trained junior basketball players (n = 36; 17.58 Ā± 0.50 years) were recruited and randomly allocated into: Flywheel group (FST; n = 12), traditional strength training group (TST; n = 12) and control group (CON; n = 12). All groups attended 5 basketball practices and one official match a week during the study period. Experimental groups additionally participated in the eight-week, 1ā2 d/w equivolume intervention conducted using a flywheel device (inertia = 0.075 kgĀ·mā2) for FST or free weights (80%1 RM) for TST. Pre-to post changes in lower limb isometric strength (ISOMET), 5 and 20 m sprint time (SPR5m and SPR20m), countermovement jump height (CMJ) and change of direction ability (t-test) were assessed with analyses of variance (3 Ć 2 ANOVA). Significant group-by-time interaction was found for ISOMET (F = 6.40; p = 0.000), CMJ (F = 7.45; p = 0.001), SPR5m (F = 7.45; p = 0.010) and T test (F = 10.46; p = 0.000). The results showed a significantly higher improvement in CMJ (p = 0.006; 11.7% vs. 6.8%), SPR5m (p = 0.001; 10.3% vs. 5.9%) and t-test (p = 0.045; 2.4% vs. 1.5%) for FST compared to the TST group. Simultaneously, th FST group had higher improvement in ISOMET (p = 0.014; 18.7% vs. 2.9%), CMJ (p = 0.000; 11.7% vs. 0.3%), SPR5m (p = 0.000; 10.3% vs. 3.4%) and t-test (p = 0.000; 2.4% vs. 0.6%) compared to the CON group. Players from the TST group showed better results in CMJ (p = 0.006; 6.8% vs. 0.3%) and t-test (p = 0.018; 1.5% vs. 0.6%) compared to players from the CON group. No significant group-by-time interaction was found for sprint 20 m (F = 2.52; p = 0.088). Eight weeks of flywheel training (1ā2 sessions per week) performed at maximum concentric intensity induces superior improvements in CMJ, 5 m sprint time and change of direction ability than equivolumed traditional weight training in well trained junior basketball players. Accordingly, coaches and trainers could be advised to use flywheel training for developing power related performance attributes in young basketball players
Energy metabolism indicators and body condition in peripartal period of alpine goats
The investigation was performed on two groups of primiparous and multiparous healthy dewormed Alpine dairy goats (25 each) during peripartal period. Blood samples were collected (jugular venipuncture) 10-15 days before and 10-15 and 30 days after the parturition into BD SST-II Advance (3.5 mL) and BD NaF 3.0 mg Na2EDTA 6.0 mg (2 mL) vacutainers, cooled and centrifuged (1500 r/min, 15 minutes and ā¤1300 r/min, 10 minutes, respectively). Glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and Ī²-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentrations in blood sera were determined using A15 automatic spectrophotometric analyzer (Biosystem, Spain). Simultaneously, body condition scoring (BCS) was performed by Villaquiran et al. (2007) method. The obtained data were analyzed by IBM SPSS statistics 21. The glucose concentration inclined to increase in both groups. Differences between glucose levels were significant (P<0.05) 15 days before and 15 days after, as well as 15 and 30 days after the parturition, and very significant (P<0.01) 15 days before and 30 days after the parturition. The BHBA blood levels significantly differed 15 days before and 30 days after and 15 and 30 days after the parturition (P<0.05). BHBA concentration peaked at week 2 postpartum, following the increase of NEFA, providing the substrate for BHBA synthesis. NEFA levels significantly (P<0.05) differed 15 days before and 15 days after the parturition. Goatsā BCS ranged from 2 to 4 and significantly depended on glucose (r=0.392; P<0.05) and BHBA (r=0.317; P<0.05) level 15 days before parturition. BCS 30 days postpartum very significantly depended on the glucose level (r=0.450; P<0.01), significantly higher than the concentration of BHBA (r=0.351; P<0.05) and NEFA concentration (r=-0.304; P<0.05). BCS 15 days before parturition did not depend on the NEFA concentration. Fifteen days after the parturition BCS did not statistically depend on the observed indicators. Obtained data suggest that knowledge of BCS and energy indicators levels may be very useful in research and practice in order to appreciate energy metabolism of pregnant and lactating dairy ruminants, particularly dairy goats. These data are poorly documented for goats, but they can reveal early pathological metabolic changes in transiting female goat organism, enabling successful prophylactic, as well as, therapeutic intervention
Spectral reflectance indices as a phenotyping tool for assessing morpho-physiological traits of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Morpho-physiological traits of wheat such as a grain weight per plant, total leaf chlorophyll
content, carotenoids, relative dry matter and nitrogen content are important traits for the growth
of winter wheat genotypes. However, methods to estimate these traits are laborious and
destructive. Spectral reflectance indices based on combination of visible and near-infrared
wavelengths such as NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), represent one of the most
promising tools for application in field phenotyping with potential to provide complex information
on different morpho-physiological traits of wheat. The aim of this study was to assess the utility of
NDVI measurements of wheat canopy in identification of a specific growth stage in which
remotely sensed data show the largest correlation with final grain yield, grain weight per plant,
total leaf chlorophyll and carotenoid content, relative dry matter and nitrogen content in 29
winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. The NDVI was measured using an active hand-held
sensor GreenSeeker (NTech Industries Inc., Ukiah, California, USA) and hyperspectral camera
(Ximea Corp., Lakewood, CO USA) at four growth stages of wheat: full flowering (BBCH 65),
medium milk (BBCH 75), early dough (BBCH 83) and fully ripe stage (BBCH 89). Overall 66 different
hyperspectral NDVIs were calculated from two-band combinations between red (600-700 nm) or
far red (700-740 nm) and near-infrared (756-946 nm) regions. Pearsonās correlation coefficient
was used to explore the relationship among examined traits and NDVI measured at different
growth stages of wheat. Obtained results indicate that most of observed NDVI indices showed
negative correlation with the relative dry matter content at all observed growth stages. Significant
positive correlations (higher than 0.6 and significant at P < 0.05) were found between the specific
hyperspectral NDVIs measured at medium milk stage and grain weight per plant, total leaf
chlorophyll, carotenoid and nitrogen content, as well as with final grain yield of wheat. The strong
positive relationship between NDVI and examined traits found at medium milk stage suggests that
this stage is the most appropriate for estimation of these traits of winter wheat in semiarid or
similar wheat growing conditions. The overall results indicate that spectral reflectance tools based
on combined visible and near-infrared wavelengths, such as NDVI, could be successfully applied to
assess morpho-physiological traits of a large number of winter wheat genotypes in a rapid and
non-destructive manner. Furthermore, although neither device appeared to have a sizeable
advantage over the other, NDVI acquired by hyperspectral camera does appear to be more
indicative than NDVI acquired by GreenSeeker sensor, suggesting that alternative spectral
combinations can be used in assessing targeted traits of winter wheat genotypes.
Abstract boo
UÄestalost gojaznosti kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju
Introduction. The incidence of obesity is rising both in the general population and in people with developmental disabilities. The aim of the study was to examine the frequency of obesity in people with developmental disorders. So far, this topic has not been processed in any article in Serbia and, as such, is a unique attempt. Method. This cross sectional study conducted in the Center for Accommodation and Living of Children and Youth in Development in Belgrade. The study included 139 adult persons, users of the Center's services. The consent of the parents was obtained for the participation of all subjects. All users were surveyed and all anthropometric measurements were made. For questioning, using a specific questionnaire designed for the research needs filled in by the researcher. Data on demographic and physical activity were obtained using questionnaire. In order to estimate the nutrition state, anthropometric measurements were made for all users to determine: body weight, body height, waist and thickness of skin folds, and calculated Body Mass Index. The recommendation of the World Health Organization was used to assess the nutritional state. Results. The survey comprised 139 respondents, of whom 79 (56.8%) were men and 60 women (43.2%). In the examined group, there were 43.9% of subjects who had normal weight, users with overweight were 30.2% and obese 25.9%. Obesity expressed through BMI was more frequent in female subjects than male (p=0.502), and abdominal obesity (p=0.692). Physically active was 20.9% users, whereby male subjects significantly more likely to engage in physical activity than female (p=0.013). Conclusion. It is necessary to organize continuous education of people with disabilities and increase their physical activity in order to prevent obesity and promote healthy lifestyle habits.UÄestalost gojaznosti je u porastu kako u opÅ”toj populaciji tako i kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uÄestalost gojaznosti kod osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju. Ova tema, do sada, nije obraÄivana ni u jednom Äasopisu u Srbiji i, kao takva, predstavlja unikatan pokuÅ”aj. Metod. U sprovedenom istraživanju u Centru za smeÅ”taj i dnevni boravak dece i omladine ometene u razvoju u Beogradu koriÅ”Äena je studija preseka. U studiju je ukljuÄeno 139 punoletnih osoba, korisnika usluga Centra. Za uÄeÅ”Äe svih ispitanika dobijena je saglasnost roditelja. Svi korisnici su anketirani i kod svih su uraÄena antropometrijska merenja. Za anketiranje je koriÅ”Äem specifÄni upitnik konstruisan za potrebe istraživanja koji je popunjavao istraživaÄ. Pored osnovnih demografskih podataka, anketom su prikupljeni i podaci o fziÄkoj aktivnosti. U cilju procene stanja uhranjenosti, kod svih korisnika raÄena su antropometrijska merenja da bi se odredila: telesna masa, telesna visina, obim struka i debljina kožnih nabora, i izraÄunao Indeks telesne mase. Za procenu stanja uhranjenosti koriÅ”Äena je preporuka Svetske zdravstvene organizacije. Rezultati. Istraživanjem je obuhvaÄeno 139 ispitanika, od kojih je 79 (56,8%) bilo muÅ”karaca a žena 60 (43,2%). U ispitivanoj grupi je bilo 43,9% ispitanika koji su bili normalno uhranjeni, osoba sa prekomernom telesnom masom bilo je 30,2%, a gojaznih 25,9%. Gojaznost izražena preko indeksa telesne mase bila je ÄeÅ”Äa kod osoba ženskog pola (p=0,502), kao i abdominalna gojaznost (p=0,692). FiziÄki aktivno je 20,9% ispitanika, pri Äemu su se osobe muÅ”kog pola znaÄajno ÄeÅ”Äe bavile fziÄkom aktivnoÅ”Äu (p=0,013). ZakljuÄak. Potrebno je organizovati stalnu edukaciju osoba sa smetnjama u razvoju i poveÄati njihovu fziÄku aktivnost u cilju prevencije gojaznosti i promovisanja zdravih životnih navika