168 research outputs found

    An Energy Efficient QAM Modulation with Multidimensional Signal Constellation

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    Packing constellations points in higher dimensions, the concept of multidimensional modulation exploits the idea drawn from geometry for searching dense sphere packings in a given dimension, utilising it to minimise the average energy of the underlying constellations. The following work analyses the impactof spherical shaping of the constellations bound instead of the traditional, hyper-cubical bound. Balanced constellation schemes are obtained with the N -dimensional simplex merging algorithm. The performance of constellations of dimensions 2, 4 and 6 is compared to the performance of QAM modulations of equivalent throughputs in the sense of bits transmitted per complex (two- dimensional) symbols. The considered constellations give an approximately 0.7 dB to 1 dB gain in terms of BER over a standard QAM modulation

    Entanglement witnesses with variable number of local measurements

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    We present a class of entanglement identifiers which has the following experimentally friendly feature: once the expectation value of the identifier exceeds some definite limit, we can conclude the state is entangled, even if not all measurements defining the identifier have been performed. These identifiers are in the form of sums of non-negative functions of correlations in a quantum state, mostly squares of correlations, and we illustrate their use and strengths on various examples.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Detecting genuine multipartite entanglement of pure states with bipartite correlations

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    Monogamy of bipartite correlations leads, for arbitrary pure multi-qubit states, to simple conditions able to indicate various types of multipartite entanglement by being capable to exclude the possibility of k-separability.Comment: journal versio

    Genuinely multi-point temporal quantum correlations and universal measurement-based quantum computing

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    We introduce a constructive procedure that maps all spatial correlations of a broad class of states into temporal correlations between general quantum measurements. This allows us to present temporal phenomena analogous to genuinely multipartite nonlocal phenomena, such as Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger correlations, which do not exist if only projective measurements on qubits are considered. The map is applied to certain lattice systems in order to replace one spatial dimension with a temporal one, without affecting measured correlations. We use this map to show how repeated application of a 1d-cluster-gate leads to universal one-way quantum computing when supplemented with the general measurements.Comment: New presentation of relations between temporal quantum correlations and measurement based quantum computin

    Non-classicality of temporal correlations

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    The results of space-like separated measurements are independent of distant measurement settings, a property one might call two-way no-signalling. In contrast, time-like separated measurements are only one-way no-signalling since the past is independent of the future but not vice-versa. For this reason temporal correlations that are formally identical to non-classical spatial correlations can still be modelled classically. We define non-classical temporal correlations as the ones which cannot be simulated by propagating in time a classical information content of a quantum system. We first show that temporal correlations between results of any projective quantum measurements on a qubit can be simulated classically. Then we present a sequence of POVM measurements on a single mm-level quantum system that cannot be explained by propagating in time mm-level classical system and using classical computers with unlimited memory.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Static Quantum Games Revisited

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    The so called \emph{quantum game theory} has recently been proclaimed as one of the new branches in the development of both quantum information theory and game theory. However, the notion of a quantum game itself has never been strictly defined, which has led to a lot of conceptual confusion among different authors. In this paper we introduce a new conceptual framework of a \emph{scenario} and an \emph{implementation} of a game. It is shown that the procedures of "quantization" of games proposed in the literature lead in fact to several different games which can be defined within the same scenario, but apart from this they may have nothing in common with the original game. Within the framework we put forward, a lot of conceptual misunderstandings that have arisen around "quantum games" can be stated clearly and resolved uniquely. In particular, the proclaimed essential role of entanglement in several static "quantum games", and their connection with Bell inequalities, is disproved

    Konfiguracje łańcucha dostaw

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    This article attempts to highlight the main trends in the formation of supply chains. The essence of supply chain configuration, as well as provides an example of the structure of supply chains has been presented. Such configurations as a simple supply chain, extended supply chain and complex supply chain are discussed. Article also explaines what determines the type of links in the supply chainW niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę zobrazowania podstawowych tendencji w zakresie formowania łańcuchów dostaw. Przedstawiona została istota konfiguracji łańcuchów dostaw, jak również przykładowe struktury łańcuchów dostaw. Omówiono takie konfiguracje, jak prosty łańcuch dostaw, rozszerzony łańcuch dostaw oraz kompleksowy łańcuch dostaw. W artykule wyjaśniono także, od czego zależy rodzaj powiązań w łańcuchu dosta

    Zastosowanie automatycznej identyfikacji w logistyce

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    Continuously developing economy entails a number of changes. More often people‟s work is enhanced or replaced by specialized equipment. This article describes the use of information systems in logistics. Methods such as barcode and RFID system were discussedNieustannie rozwijająca się gospodarka niesie za sobą szereg zmian. Coraz częściej praca ludzi jest usprawniana bądź zastępowana przez specjalistyczne urządzenia. W niniejszym artykule opisano wykorzystanie systemów informatycznych w logistyce. Omówione zostały takie metody, jak: kody kreskowe oraz system RFI

    Hydroponic Cultivation of Tomato

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    Mineral substrates used in plant hydroponic cultures should have low contents of the solid phase and good, stable air and water properties. Rockwool is a substrate with such properties, and it has been produced for plant culture systems since 1969 by I/S H.J. Henriksen and V. Kähler (Denmark). The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of an application of increasing manganese (Mn) and boron (B) concentrations added to a nutrient solution on the yielding, content of macro- and micronutrients in tomato leaves and fruits (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., cv. Alboney F1 and Emotion F1). Plants were grown in rockwool using a nutrient solution with the following content of Mn (mg dm−3): 0.06, 0.3, 0.6, and 1.2 mg dm−3 (Experiment I, 2008–2011) and 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2 mg dm−3 (Experiment II, 2012)—designated the symbols for Mn: Mn-0, Mn-0.3, Mn-0.6, Mn-1.2, Mn-2.4, Mn-4.8, Mn-9.6, and Mn-19.2 and for B: (0.011), 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 in the form of Na2B4O7·10H2O (Experiment I) and boric acid H3BO3 (Experiment II) (combinations of the designated symbols, respectively, B-I, B-II, B-III, and B-IV). The influence of Mn and B nutrition on biometric parameters and chemical composition of leaves and fruits of tomato is discussed