1,369 research outputs found

    The Tolman-Eichenbaum Machine: Unifying Space and Relational Memory through Generalization in the Hippocampal Formation

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    The hippocampal-entorhinal system is important for spatial and relational memory tasks. We formally link these domains, provide a mechanistic understanding of the hippocampal role in generalization, and offer unifying principles underlying many entorhinal and hippocampal cell types. We propose medial entorhinal cells form a basis describing structural knowledge, and hippocampal cells link this basis with sensory representations. Adopting these principles, we introduce the Tolman-Eichenbaum machine (TEM). After learning, TEM entorhinal cells display diverse properties resembling apparently bespoke spatial responses, such as grid, band, border, and object-vector cells. TEM hippocampal cells include place and landmark cells that remap between environments. Crucially, TEM also aligns with empirically recorded representations in complex non-spatial tasks. TEM also generates predictions that hippocampal remapping is not random as previously believed; rather, structural knowledge is preserved across environments. We confirm this structural transfer over remapping in simultaneously recorded place and grid cells

    Maximum Brightness and Post-Maximum Decline of Light Curves of SN~Ia: A Comparison of Theory and Observations

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    We compare the observed correlations between the maximum brightness, postmaximum decline rate and color at maximum light of Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) with model predictions. The observations are based on a total of 40 SN Ia with 29 SN of the Calan Tololo Supernova Search and 11 local SN which cover a range of 2 mag in the absolute visual brightness. The observed correlations are not tight, one dimensional relations. Supernovae with the same postmaximum decline or the same color have a spread in visual magnitude of about 0.7 mag. The dispersion in the color-magnitude relation may result from uncertainties in the distance determinations or the interstellar reddening within the host galaxy. The dispersion in the decline rate-magnitude relation suggests that an intrinsic spread in the supernova properties exists that cannot be accounted for by any single relation between visual brightness and postmaximum decline. Theoretical correlations are derived from a grid of models which encompasses delayed detonations, pulsating delayed detonations, the merging scenario and helium detonations. We find that the observed correlations can be understood in terms of explosions of Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs. Our models show an intrinsic spread in the relations of about 0.5 mag in the maximum brightness and about 0.1 mag in the B-V color. Our study provides strong evidence against the mechanism of helium detonation for subluminous, red SN Ia.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, macros ''aaspp.sty'. LaTeX Style. Astrophysical Journal Letters, submitted Jul. 1995, revised Aug. 1995, resubmitted Sep. 199

    ALMA Observations of the Physical and Chemical Conditions in Centaurus A

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    Centaurus A, with its gas-rich elliptical host galaxy, NGC 5128, is the nearest radio galaxy at a distance of 3.8 Mpc. Its proximity allows us to study the interaction between an active galactic nucleus, radio jets, and molecular gas in great detail. We present ALMA observations of low J transitions of three CO isotopologues, HCN, HCO+^{+}, HNC, CN, and CCH toward the inner projected 500 pc of NGC 5128. Our observations resolve physical sizes down to 40 pc. By observing multiple chemical probes, we determine the physical and chemical conditions of the nuclear interstellar medium of NGC 5128. This region contains molecular arms associated with the dust lanes and a circumnuclear disk (CND) interior to the molecular arms. The CND is approximately 400 pc by 200 pc and appears to be chemically distinct from the molecular arms. It is dominated by dense gas tracers while the molecular arms are dominated by 12^{12}CO and its rare isotopologues. The CND has a higher temperature, elevated CN/HCN and HCN/HNC intensity ratios, and much weaker 13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O emission than the molecular arms. This suggests an influence from the AGN on the CND molecular gas. There is also absorption against the AGN with a low velocity complex near the systemic velocity and a high velocity complex shifted by about 60 km s1^{-1}. We find similar chemical properties between the CND in emission and both the low and high velocity absorption complexes implying that both likely originate from the CND. If the HV complex does originate in the CND, then that gas would correspond to gas falling toward the supermassive black hole

    Quantum cryptography with squeezed states

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    A quantum key distribution scheme based on the use of displaced squeezed vacuum states is presented. The states are squeezed in one of two field quadrature components, and the value of the squeezed component is used to encode a character from an alphabet. The uncertainty relation between quadrature components prevents an eavesdropper from determining both with enough precision to determine the character being sent. Losses degrade the performance of this scheme, but it is possible to use phase-sensitive amplifiers to boost the signal and partially compensate for their effect.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Electrical lithosphere beneath the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011): B04105, doi:10.1029/2010JB007883.A regional-scale magnetotelluric (MT) experiment across the southern African Kaapvaal craton and surrounding terranes, called the Southern African Magnetotelluric Experiment (SAMTEX), has revealed complex structure in the lithospheric mantle. Large variations in maximum resistivity at depths to 200–250 km relate directly to age and tectonic provenance of surface structures. Within the central portions of the Kaapvaal craton are regions of resistive lithosphere about 230 km thick, in agreement with estimates from xenolith thermobarometry and seismic surface wave tomography, but thinner than inferred from seismic body wave tomography. The MT data are unable to discriminate between a completely dry or slightly “damp” (a few hundred parts per million of water) structure within the transitional region at the base of the lithosphere. However, the structure of the uppermost ∼150 km of lithosphere is consistent with enhanced, but still low, conductivities reported for hydrous olivine and orthopyroxene at levels of water reported for Kaapvaal xenoliths. The electrical lithosphere around the Kimberley and Premier diamond mines is thinner than the maximum craton thickness found between Kimberley and Johannesburg/Pretoria. The mantle beneath the Bushveld Complex is highly conducting at depths around 60 km. Possible explanations for these high conductivities include graphite or sulphide and/or iron metals associated with the Bushveld magmatic event. We suggest that one of these conductive phases (most likely melt-related sulphides) could electrically connect iron-rich garnets in a garnet-rich eclogitic composition associated with a relict subduction slab.In addition to the funding and logistical support provided by SAMTEX consortium members, this work is also supported by research grants from the National Science Foundation (EAR‐0309584 and EAR‐0455242 through the Continental Dynamics Program), the Department of Science and Technology, South Africa, and Science Foundation of Ireland (grant 05/RFP/ GEO001)

    Simulation studies of pore and domain formation in a phospholipid monolayer

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    Despite extensive study the phase behavior of phospholipid monolayers at an air-water interface is still not fully understood. In particular recent vibrational sum-frequency generation (VSFG) spectra of DPPC monolayers as a function of area density show a sharp transition in the order of the lipid chains at 1.10 nm(2)/molecule. This is in a region where the lateral pressure as a function of area is effectively constant. We have investigated the nature of this transition by studying the phase behavior of DPPC monolayers as a function of area density using molecular-dynamics simulations. The changes in order within the monolayer as a function of area density correlate well with the experimental signal. At 0.58 nm(2)/molecule we observe the onset of lateral separation of highly ordered and disordered lipids, indicating the coexistence of a gel-like liquid condensed and a fluidlike liquid expanded phase. At 0.97 nm(2)/molecule the monolayer ruptures, marking the onset of the liquid-gas (G) coexistence region. This is much earlier than suggested by fluorescence microscopy results and implies that at the point of rupture, the initial pores have an equilibrium size smaller than similar to500 nm in diameter. The rupture of the monolayer leads to a sharp increase in the overall lipid order that explains the sharp transition observed in the VSFG measurements. VSFG measurements thus may represent a sensitive means to determine the onset of the liquid-gas (G) coexistence region for such systems. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics

    A Survey of FUSE and HST Sightlines through High-Velocity Cloud Complex C

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    Using archival Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data, we have assembled a survey of eight sightlines through high-velocity cloud Complex C. Abundances of the observed ion species vary significantly for these sightlines, indicating that Complex C is not well characterized by a single metallicity. Reliable metallicities based on [OI/HI] range from 0.1-0.25 solar. Metallicities based on [SII/HI] range from 0.1-0.6 solar, but the trend of decreasing abundance with HI column density indicates that photoionization corrections may affect the conversion to [S/H]. We present models of the dependence of the ionization correction on HI column density; these ionization corrections are significant when converting ion abundances to elemental abundances for S, Si, and Fe. The measured abundances in this survey indicate that parts of the cloud have a higher metallicity than previously thought and that Complex C may represent a mixture of ``Galactic fountain'' gas with infalling low-metallicity gas. We find that [S/O] and [Si/O] have a solar ratio, suggesting little dust depletion. Further, the measured abundances suggest an over-abundance of O, S, and Si relative to N and Fe. The enhancement of these alpha-elements suggests that the bulk of the metals in Complex C were produced by Type II supernovae and then removed from the star-forming region, possibly via supernovae-driven winds or tidal stripping, before the ISM could be enriched by N and Fe.Comment: 50 pages, 17 figures. Accepted to ApJ. Previous version was the first submitted manuscrip

    Microtubules in Bacteria: Ancient Tubulins Build a Five-Protofilament Homolog of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton

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    Microtubules play crucial roles in cytokinesis, transport, and motility, and are therefore superb targets for anti-cancer drugs. All tubulins evolved from a common ancestor they share with the distantly related bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, but while eukaryotic tubulins evolved into highly conserved microtubule-forming heterodimers, bacterial FtsZ presumably continued to function as single homopolymeric protofilaments as it does today. Microtubules have not previously been found in bacteria, and we lack insight into their evolution from the tubulin/FtsZ ancestor. Using electron cryomicroscopy, here we show that the tubulin homologs BtubA and BtubB form microtubules in bacteria and suggest these be referred to as “bacterial microtubules” (bMTs). bMTs share important features with their eukaryotic counterparts, such as straight protofilaments and similar protofilament interactions. bMTs are composed of only five protofilaments, however, instead of the 13 typical in eukaryotes. These and other results suggest that rather than being derived from modern eukaryotic tubulin, BtubA and BtubB arose from early tubulin intermediates that formed small microtubules. Since we show that bacterial microtubules can be produced in abundance in vitro without chaperones, they should be useful tools for tubulin research and drug screening