1,933 research outputs found

    Saphenous vein graft aneurysm with graft-enteric fistula after renal artery bypass

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    A 65-year-old female presented with upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage thirty years following an aorta-to-right renal artery bypass constructed with saphenous vein. Upper endoscopy demonstrated a duodenal ulcer, and a CAT scan demonstrated aneurysmal degeneration of her renal artery bypass with duodenal impingement. Laparotomy demonstrated erosion of the aneurysm through the posterior wall of the duodenum; extra-anatomic renovascular reconstruction and primary duodenal repair was performed. Although aneurysmal degeneration of intraabdominal saphenous vein grafts is well described and rupture likewise reported, this report represents the first description of an intraabdominal autogenous vein graft aneurysm presenting with gastrointestinal erosion and fistula

    A rapid, inexpensive, and semi-quantitative method for determining pollen tube extension using fluorescence

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    BACKGROUND: Pollen tubes extend rapidly when pollen grains are incubated in defined media. Tube extension requires many critical functions of plant cells including molecular signaling, cytoskeleton remodeling, secretion, and cell wall synthesis. Consequently, pollen tube growth has been established as a way to conduct primary screens of chemical libraries to identify compounds that perturb key cellular processes in plants. RESULTS: Here we report a simple, inexpensive, rapid and semi-quantitative method for measurement of pollen tube growth in microtiter plates. The method relies on Congo Red binding to pollen tubes and correlates dye fluorescence to tube length. CONCLUSIONS: This method can be used in any laboratory without specialized equipment, and has the potential to enable larger screens as chemical libraries grow and to make chemical screening accessible to researchers building specialized libraries designed to probe pathways in plant biology

    DVT Surveillance Program in the ICU: Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness

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    Background Venous Thrombo-embolism (VTE – Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE) – in traumatized patients causes significant morbidity and mortality. The current study evaluates the effectiveness of DVT surveillance in reducing PE, and performs a cost-effectiveness analysis. Methods All traumatized patients admitted to the adult ICU underwent twice weekly DVT surveillance by bilateral lower extremity venous Duplex examination (48-month surveillance period – SP). The rates of DVT and PE were recorded and compared to the rates observed in the 36-month pre-surveillance period (PSP). All patients in both periods received mechanical and pharmacologic prophylaxis unless contraindicated. Total costs – diagnostic, therapeutic and surveillance – for both periods were recorded and the incremental cost for each Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) gained was calculated. Results 4234 patients were eligible (PSP – 1422 and SP – 2812). Rate of DVT in SP (2.8%) was significantly higher than in PSP (1.3%) – p Conclusions Surveillance of traumatized ICU patients increases DVT detection and reduces PE incidence. Costs in terms of QALY gained compares favorably with other interventions accepted by society

    Current directions and future perspectives from the third Nematostella research conference

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Zoology 118 (2015): 135-140, doi:10.1016/j.zool.2014.06.005.The third Nematostella vectensis Research Conference took place in December 2013 in Eilat, Israel, as a satellite to the 8th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology. The starlet sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis, has emerged as a powerful cnidarian model, in large part due to the extensive genomic and transcriptomic resources and molecular approaches that are becoming available for Nematostella, which were the focus of several presentations. In addition, research was presented highlighting the broader utility of this species for studies of development, circadian rhythms, signal transduction, and gene–environment interactions.Research in the authors’ laboratories on Nematostella is supported by National Science Foundation grants MCB-1057354 to A.M.T. and MCB-0924749 to T.D.G. Travel support for the meeting was provided to T.D.G. by Illumina, Inc. (San Diego, CA, USA), to A.M.R. by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and to A.M.T. by the Israel–US Binational Science Foundation (Jerusalem, Israel)

    Neuroimaging of a pilocytic astrocytoma with anaplastic features and diffusion tensor imaging characteristics

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    We report the magnetic resonance imaging findings of an adult patient with a biopsy-proven pilocytic astrocytoma with anaplastic features. Pilocytic astrocytomas rarely occur in adults, and presentation with anaplastic features such as rapid mitotic activity, hypercellularity, and atypia is particularly uncommon. Accurate neuroimaging diagnosis is essential, but differentiation from more malignant neoplastic lesions may be challenging. Diffusion tensor imaging may potentially provide information on cell proliferation, vascularity, and fiber destruction, which can have implications for treatment and prognosis. In this case, tractography and fractional anisotropy maps demonstrated displacement of adjacent parenchyma and relatively intact fractional anisotropy, which is more suggestive of a pilocytic rather than an anaplastic astrocytoma. However, in the presence of focal anaplasia, long-term monitoring will be necessary, since pilocytic astrocytomas with anaplastic features frequently recur

    Density, species, and size distribution of groupers (Serranidae) in three habitats at Elbow Reef, Florida Keys

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    We examined the density, size and species distribution of groupers in three habitats on an inshore-to-offshore transect across Elbow Reef, Florida Keys: high-relief spur-and-groove (4–9 m depth), relict spur-and-groove (10–20 m), and deep fore reef slope (21–30 m). Physical relief was greatest in the high-relief spur-and-groove (up to 3 m), lowest in the relict spur-and-groove habitat (30%). There were significant differences in the density, size, and species distribution of groupers among the three habitats. Graysby, Epinephelus cruentatus, was numerically dominant, constituting 82–91% of individual observed. Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci, and Nassau grouper, E. striatus, were more abundant in high to moderate relief habitats, whereas red hind, E. guttatus, was more abundant in the low-relief habitat. The size distribution was shifted towards smaller sizes in lowest relief habitat and towards larger sizes in areas with greater (\u3e0.5 m) vertical relief. We suggest that fishing pressure in the Florida Keys has resulted in an offshore grouper assemblage dominated by graysby, a small grouper species (length) which is not targeted by fishermen, and that habitat selection and biological interactions have significantly influenced the ecological structure of the grouper assemblage of this coral reef

    Did a Severe Flood in the Midwest Cause an Increase in the Incidence of Gastrointestinal Symptoms?

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    Severe flooding occurred in the midwestern United States in 2001. Since November 2000, coincidentally, data on gastrointestinal symptoms had been collected for a drinking water intervention study in a community along the Mississippi River that was affected by the flood. After the flood had subsided, the authors asked these subjects (n = 1,110) about their contact with floodwater. The objectives of this investigation were to determine whether rates of gastrointestinal illness were elevated during the flood and whether contact with floodwater was associated with increased risk of gastrointestinal illness. An increase in the incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms during the flood was observed (incidence rate ratio = 1.29, 95% confidence interval: 1.06, 1.58), and this effect was pronounced among persons with potential sensitivity to infectious gastrointestinal illness. Tap water consumption was not related to gastrointestinal symptoms before, during, or after the flood. An association between gastrointestinal symptoms and contact with floodwater was also observed, and this effect was pronounced in children. This appears to be the first report of an increase in endemic gastrointestinal symptoms in a longitudinal cohort prospectively observed during a flood. These findings suggest that severe climatic events can result in an increase in the endemic incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms in the United States

    Inferences Drawn from a Risk Assessment Compared Directly with a Randomized Trial of a Home Drinking Water Intervention

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    Risk assessments and intervention trials have been used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to estimate drinking water health risks. Seldom are both methods used concurrently. Between 2001 and 2003, illness data from a trial were collected simultaneously with exposure data, providing a unique opportunity to compare direct risk estimates of waterborne disease from the intervention trial with indirect estimates from a risk assessment. Comparing the group with water treatment (active) with that without water treatment (sham), the estimated annual attributable disease rate (cases per 10,000 persons per year) from the trial provided no evidence of a significantly elevated drinking water risk [attributable risk = −365 cases/year, sham minus active; 95% confidence interval (CI), −2,555 to 1,825]. The predicted mean rate of disease per 10,000 persons per person-year from the risk assessment was 13.9 (2.5, 97.5 percentiles: 1.6, 37.7) assuming 4 log removal due to viral disinfection and 5.5 (2.5, 97.5 percentiles: 1.4, 19.2) assuming 6 log removal. Risk assessments are important under conditions of low risk when estimates are difficult to attain from trials. In particular, this assessment pointed toward the importance of attaining site-specific treatment data and the clear need for a better understanding of viral removal by disinfection. Trials provide direct risk estimates, and the upper confidence limit estimates, even if not statistically significant, are informative about possible upper estimates of likely risk. These differences suggest that conclusions about waterborne disease risk may be strengthened by the joint use of these two approaches